Private Prison Issue

Has anyone else noticed how hard the Left is pushing the whole "private prisons are immoral" narrative lately? I got into a debate about it on Facebook last night and feel pretty confident that I won, but it got me thinking.
In the past year I've had multiple people object to the notion of privately owned prisons on grounds that don't quite make sense to me.
This is a claim I hear often, and while it isn't directly connected to private ownership of prisons, it's not unrelated. Apparently, there are too many people in prisons, regardless of the content of their character, their criminal records, the threat they may pose to society–there are too many prisoners, and something must be done about this. One solution? Legalize all drugs. Libertarians and Democratic Socialists agree, this would be a good thing, Libertarians because it would free up markets, Democratic Socialists because they love drugs and think that they're a public health problem at worst, not worthy of punishment for possession (maybe for distrubution, who knows). Another solution? Eliminate private prisons, so that there will no longer be private citizens who profit off of higher prison populations. Here is the meat of the problem: private property is immoral because people can profit off of the misfortune of others or the injustices suffered by others so long as they own property on which people suffer. Naturally, the State is not motivated by profit, so nationalization of all prisons in the USA would eliminate the incentive for private citizens to act in ways that put and keep people in prison.
I'm being sarcastic, obviously–the State is just a group of people enforcing and making laws, there is no reason to think that this group of people would not have comparable incentives and expenses to those that private owners of prisons deal with. Opponents of private prisons, i.e. useful idiots who need to signal their virtue by advocating a general reform of all societies, seem to think this is false, but whatever. Sucks to them.
This is the next point:
While I would never advocate blind, thoughtless greed, I am almost equally hesitant to advocate the nationalization of industries that the state 1) would have to raise taxes tremendously in order to maintain, 2) does not have experience with, and 3) produces the parameters that decide who is and who isn't used as meat to fill prison cells. Point 3 is the main one: I don't like the idea of oppressive taxes, I don't like the idea of incompetent people monitoring incarcerated criminals and threats to society, but I really don't like the idea of the government taking complete control over the system in which its enemies are imprisoned. That is the main point of the anti-privatists, isn't it? That there are too many people who have been unjustly imprisoned? I can't let myself believe that they oppose the imprisonment of criminals, that's too insane. Obviously, a government which enforces and creates laws would just have one less layer of red tape to slow down the process whereby political opponents of those in power can be locked up for life.
This is kind of a rambling post, but I'm interested to hear what Holla Forums thinks of the private prison issue, both as an issue (or, as it may very well be, non-issue) and as a process whereby a social system is turned into a social problem by politically motivated media actors.

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They want to eventually make jailing niggers for breaking the law an issue. Someone needs to blow the whistle on these brain dead leftists and show them Sweden. That's where the kikes got this whole "prison abolition" shit started.

The problem is those who would profit from owning private prisons can lobby for dumb policies that promote mass incarceration. Such as mandatory sentencing and the war on drugs.

Either you have laws against lobbying (which probably don't work) or you have a system which doesn't involve private prisons

What exactly are you referring to? I know Sweden is pozzed to Hell and back but did they really abolish prisons?

tbh I'd really prefer anti-lobbying laws, overpowering interest groups/Iron Triangles seem like the biggest problem in American politics.

They're pushing for it. The law is already pozzed so that the darker your skin is the more likely you get an extremely reduced (or nothing) sentence for breaking a law.

The problem is that congress made use of prison labor for producing things illegal because it was "unfair competition."

Private prisons are a genuinely bad idea as the profit motive leads to prisons lobbying government for longer sentences and more things being crimes as this is their only way to create growth as a company. And it's a conflict of interest for them to try to rehabilitate anyone, they want repeat customers.


legalize weed, use it as a domestic crop to boost the economy, and GET RID OF THE HARD STUFF.

a "we're good with weed but kill heroin dealers" sounds like a pretty good treaty to end the war on drugs!

Mass incarceration of niggers is a problem tbh it makes it harder for them to get on the right track and take care of their women's children.
And it's fugging expensive

Dems always like more criminals in the streets so they can blame guns for murders. As you pointed out they hate private property. There are other benefits to prisons. Imprisoned Dindus can't breed or agitate.

When i was a kid the argument was Death penalty was immoral because what if they are innocent? We should imprison for life. Having got what they want they are on to step 2. Empty the prisons. Soon we will be at the final step. Rewarding criminals and punishing their victims.

I don't understand what the alternative is supposed to be, though. That's the main question I have about this as an issue in construction: What are the interested parties suggesting we do instead? Nationalization seems like the only serious alternative, as there's already collaboration between the public & private sectors in the relationship between law enforcement and privately owned prisons.

Except it's not. The problem is that the federal and state prisons don't receive adequate funding on top of prisoner "human rights issues" which force them to waste money on frivolous shit like an enormous library for use by medium security to maximum security professional prisoners that have almost no interest in leaving in the first place.

Kill yourself faggot

Imprisoned ones can't make more children. As if they take care of their kids anyway. Interesting how (((TV))) always portrays them with happy families like on Blackish.

If you have nothing more to contribute but a HUURR DURR JEWBOOK LEL meme get the fuck out

And it's not like the majority of black men would be good fathers anyway, if they were out of prison. Parenting is a difficult and demanding thing, these kids honestly are probably better off with Mummy providing for them with welfare than they would be with Daddy out selling crack to buy them fried chicken.

To go back to how it used to be. Private prisons are a relatively new thing. Build more regular prisons designed to isolate prisoners so they don't come out more of a nigger than when they went in. We have plenty of spare land out in the desert.
The better alternative is to napalm black neighborhoods as that would drop crime by 50%, welfare probably by more than that, and improve land value.

You will have a growing social unrest if you do break families apart (any race) A father figure is always needed, since it is the one that disciplines.

If blacks have somebody to beat the shit out of them for selling dope on the street, guess to what that'l lead to.
More safe streets.

black kids*

You're probably right, my main problem with going 'back to how it used to be' would be costs, but I'm not lolbertarian enough to hate taxes to the point of not accepting any form of state-owned prison.

But the modern black family has been broken for decades. I agree that a paternal figure is important in anyone's life, but some fathers are just better than others, and some are worse. A father who provides for his children by selling crack might be disappointed in his son if he catches him selling crack, but what can he do to discourage it at that point? The kid's just following in the footsteps of the only father he has, following the only example of masculinity he's seen. The problem is contemporary black ghetto culture, maybe Afro-American genes, all of the shit we always complain about in relation to niggers. The black family unit needs to be reconstructed, and the prison system is only one aspect of the complex that has contributed to its dissolution and transformation.

you think they'd be taking care their keeds if they we4ent in prison?


Some of them I guess
Check out the following carefully researched propaganda piece


Prison labor still sews army uniforms and the prisons get big checks from uncle sam for it and pay the prisoners 25 cents an hour.

Abolish all prisons and punish crime with corporal punishment ranging from lashing to public execution and everything in between depending of the crime

They're on the field, not the bleachers.

That's an interesting position.

Shouldn't prison be a punishment anyway, or do they use to separate criminals from society? Maybe both.

If you want our society to look like everything east of Moscow in Russia then congrats we'd be fucked

That's not how it would look for all sorts of reasons

I guarantee that would work better on violent criminals, they only understand violence. To them prison is just a free apartment where other people feed you.

That's basically the idea behind it. This would instantly solve the nigger problem too, since they think "prison life" is a badge of honor which is a large factor in them being such criminal cunts all the time. But there's no honor in getting chained to a post and whipped like a slave at the town square!

but private prisons are a pretty shitty idea
They provide huge incentives to start criminalizing the most inane things in order to increase the profits of these prisons

Add in collusion with government and you'll probably end up with bigger waste of money as the government raises taxes to pay the private prisons, not to mention you have more corruption seeping into the judicial system as judges get paid off to increase sentences

The government already controls that system, the prisons are merely holding areas

wasted dubz

Chaim, please.

Prisons are immoral period. Punishment for large crimes should be execution and punishment for smaller crimes against individuals should be slavery (enslaved to the victim).

No need for prisons. They are a waste of taxpayer money.

OP see:

Prisons are one of the few things the government SHOULD have control over.
Private prisons get paid a lump sum for each prisoner they house. This creates bad incentives for the people in charge of these prisons. As a result they run it like a business instead of like the public service which it is.

Of course this really is a symptom of the larger cancer that is government lobbying.
Even if lobbying was illegal though the private prisons would do just enough to squeeze past the government regulations and have zero incentive to rehabilitate prisoners. (if such a thing is even possible)

The incentive to rehabilitate prisoners should be structured into the government 'demand function' somehow. So that if they do a bad job they lose money.
I think there would be some pressure. If your prisoners kill people a few days after they're released and another person's prisoners become model citizens, the government OUGHT to be able to stop doing business with you

War on drugs was the greatest policy of 20th century American history. It kept niggers off the street and in cages where they belong.

Rehabilitation is a myth. Criminality is genetic. Best to just kill them for eugenics (and sterilize any children they might have had).

Lobbying will always be a thing. When it's made illegal it just changes name to corruption and under the table / backroom deals.

The only issue with prison overpopulation isn't lobbying, or private prisons. It's niggers.

This happens in every country that hosts a decent population of dindus. They are inherently more criminal, so thus, the larger the population, the more of them need to be put in prison.
They are the most criminal race of people in every single western country, beaten only by muslims in certain european countries because of population size difference.

So nothing should be done about it?

I agree with this sentiment.

Only people I notice making a fuss over prisons are bernouts and BLM people.

Doesn't change the fact that private prisons are still a shitty idea. It practically has kike written all over it.


So we might as well get rid of law then? Since crime will always be a thing anyway. :^)

The private prison meme is easy to attack:

The vast majority of prisoners are not in private prisons.

You should know better by now.

I'm not saying private prisons or government lobbying / interest groups are a good thing. On the contrary, they are both immoral.

However as it pertains to prison overpopulation, which was the matter I was answering, neither of those are its main contributors. Low average IQ, violence prone demographics are.
As can be seen by sorting prison populations by race in pretty much any western country.

Death penalty solves all problems

Especially if done in public

It doesn't solve the problem of the capital punishment victim's family :D

Top kek


The serco run prisons where I live are just a money funneling scheme to rake in as much subsidies and contract bonuses as possible.

Well Honestly I think we should Banish a lot of Criminals especially the African Americans and Mexicans, send them to Africa/Mexico