TTG is the most creative cartoon on western television...

TTG is the most creative cartoon on western television. The overwhelming hate it got on social media was a blessing because it forced the show to turn on itself, on super heroes, on cartoons, on fiction, and it gave it a focus

It is also the successor to Ren & Stimpy


Shows that take themselves seriously always fail.
It's the law.

It parodies all sorts of tropes effectively

yet cartoon dorks hate it

I thought it was just because its original announcement had everyone (including me) expecting season 6 of the 03 show and what they put out instead was radically not that. But the show has had time to settle in, develop a direction, and become a lot more consistent than the 1st season and they still hate it. The show is gold

It's probably because cartoon dorks basically believed that the higher ups of CN would listen to their bitching of wanting more TT.

If cartoon retards actually listened to marketing and PR for once, CN needs a show that can actually relate and not offend their audience. So they need something stupid and something that can bring the grade schoolers in.

First impressions are everything, man.
If you can't show people that your show has at least a glimmer of good shit, they'll drop it like a hot potato.

Wasn't one of the creators constantly bitching about the 03 fans? andd then putting jokes about it on the show?

what the hell is 03?

the 2003 version, aka the original TT show