Julian Assange: WikiLeaks will show how US intelligence interferes in European elections

Julian Assange, the founder of whistleblowing platform WikiLeaks, has claimed that fresh leaks are on the horizon and indicated that European politics may soon be rocked by fresh spying revelations.

In a recent interview with Dutch television program Nieuwsuur he said: "We know it is the US National Security Agency that is the most aggressive [at spying] on other nations. We have obtained evidence, which we will publish in due course, about US intelligence agencies interfering in European elections."

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Thank you Geralt of Rivia

holy shit this is going to be huge

Oh yeah, another nail in coffin for the western "democracy", fuck you USA

I can't even be mad at the USA, their government is one of the most evil fucking things to ever grace this earth, chine and russia are demonstrably worse in general though.

But I've met a lot of yanks, they're all great people. So it really is totally fucking jarring that their government is full of such complete arseholes. I don't know, what the fuck are we going to do about it? Push change slowly I guess. Hopefully Trump wins and fixes it all brick by brick. It's a cesspool in office

Burger here. Don't fret these fucks will be held to account. But don't forget the monster here doesn't stop at the us government.. We've a much bigger question to solve.

We need a new meme. This shit is CURRENT YEAR tier now.

How about TURN ON CNN

This is the year of change brother. By 2018 we will have legitimately funded rwds hunting these fucks to the ends of the earth. Kek be praised!


hahaha is this guy seriously BTFO himself out by saying people want him to report the truth


Do not get me wrong user, but I believe this only when I witness it. Assange, who has always delivered, has been telling us that he has some shit on Clincunt that will derail her campaing and fuck things up so badly that she will end up in jail… still waiting for that.

However, I will be monitoring the situation with my 24pack untill I pass out.

Remember when Hillary called the "rise of right-wing nationalist parties" in Europe a "challenge"?

She strikes me as the kind of person who would gladly deploy the U.S. military to prevent a European uprising against the mudslime invaders. She's the one who urged Bill to "bomb" Serbia in 1999, after all.

Remember austria's postal fraud. I'm going to guess it was that. Or possibly them keeping Germany under Merkel for so long. Those are my 2 guesses

Bro, even us finns are aware of the fact that when ever there is a war to be waged, Shillcunt wets her pants and deploys the bombs. Her ideals are just about money and power, the target doesn't matter.

Yeah, that crazy demon has no boundaries.

Someone needs to gas this bitch.

SO MUCH THIS !!!!!!!

This is what I've been saying for months now ! Democrats bombed Europe in WW1, WW2 and the Balkans and every time because of muh democracy and muh human rights. You think they won't do it again when European countries decide to remove kebab?


First of all we do not need that old cunt bombing us so we could "remove kebab". Seconf, she doesn't give two fucks about what is happening here, she just want's the money and the powah. Third, she stated that Merkel is her mentor. Fucking Merkel bro… all she is going to do is to fill us and YOU with refugees, take the shekels and laugh while the world burns.

daily reminder that most nationalists from Europe would nuke clapistan and putin-land given a chance to do so.

Burgers and Britbongs are a disgrace to National Socialistic ideas.

This is the reason we European nationalists often hate (((America))). Normal man may be a cool dude but your country has been so jewed for a century it's always a bigger risk than possibility for Europeans.

Fuck you mate, I love Britain, I campaigned my arse off for Brexit and I hate the EU. But I'm not falling for your D&C bullshit

Best part is, during the war between Croatia and Serbia, they didn't do jack shit, they sent blue helmets to die. But as soon as non-whites were getting targeted, they bombed Serbia to shit.

Did anyone read that this week, for the first time, the Ecuadorians let the swedes into the embassy to interrogate him?

What a (((coincidence))) that this would come about 10 days after he named the Jew for the first time.

Jeez I wonder why we'd want to nuke the fuckers that destroyed white civilization.
Indeed you're only the greatest ally.

I fucking love this man.

But it was just an anti-antisemitic gesture!

You will be screwed like the rest of us if your leaders agree with the terms that EU cunts are offering so you could finish your Brexit. Fuck EU and fuck free trade with the EU bounded countries for as long you do not receave +10000000000000000000 rapefugees per year. Run free my neighbour ans show us how things should be done.

I don't understand why anyone on Holla Forums is surprised by this.

We already know the NSA spies on everyone.
We already know that the globalist fuck with elections.

I don't have anything against Britain nor Russia, I would nuke the USA or Israel if I ever get the chance though.

Hey Mr. Cuck. It's ok though, most of the true and brave fighters died during WWII and what's left is white apologist trash which is either a SJW or 'muh white international powah'.

Don't worry though, the day of the rope won't only concern niggers, kikes or active traitors but also enemy sympathisants .

read my post again babe.

They can spy the fuck out of my tranny/femdom/strapon/midget fetish if they want but be aware, they will brake and go insane soon before before I do.

Like clockwork

The disconnect between the US and western civilization only continues to grow

Yeah, but we don't have solid proofs for the normalfags, when you tell them that, they just say it's conspiracy theory or russian propaganda. This leak will be something, they can't ignore.

D&C wont stop the leaks from spreading. Nothing these shill cunts can do will stop it and they are panicking in desperation


Filtered for D&C shilling.

I'm sorry to tell you this but normalfags are normalfags because they don't fucking care.
This leak will not mean anything to them.


With this being another leak on top of Hillary's waning health and all the scandals she's already embroiled in, it could be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

I didn't say that you dunce.

I said that when Europe decides to remove kebab, Hillary (like Roosevelt, Wilson and her husband Slick Willy before her) will invoke the magic words "Human Rights violations" and "violations of Democracy" as a casus belli against Europe and then proceed to bomb Europe to hell and back.

I have my worries that ultimately the US is going to end up on the wrong g side of this thing and the nationalist revolution will be european revolutionaries f I gating against our military to push our influence out of Europe. And when the smoke settles we will be left out of western civilization.

the only way to show other countries that we have changed is to publicly execute the traitors once trump is elected. that is the only way to make a proper statement

It's bizarre how Americans call Julian Assange a traitor and that he's commiting treason. Snowden they can say that but Assange isn't even an American. I don't even think he's ever set foot on US soil even. You can't betray a country that you do not belong to. You can say what he's doing is espionage but it's certainly not treason.

Sorry bro, language barrier + too much beer, I misinturpeted what you were aiming at.

ZOG owns everyone goy

Don't you know every country is USA :DDDDDD

No worries man.

don't confuse the jew media with real patriots

Bet it wouldn't take long for the whole military to go full RWDS.

like cuckwork.

People who are the biggest US Patriots have always been the worst culprits of trying to bomb everyone out for "democracy" and going to die for israeli

This is my nightmare

please check out this OC I made

isn't this an old interview?

Fuck you for making me spit a mouthfull of beer all around my desk.

My sides and shit.

The US and Russia benefit massively from proxy wars in the Middle East. Imagine the profit and influence of gained by those countries if they started a war in Europe…..

That would be a pretty good scenario. There are a lot of posters recently who keep saying that every populist movement in Europe is pointless because if things got out of hand, America would just invade. I'm not so sure. Anti-European sentiment in the US is not what it used to be, and a sizable chunk of conservative whites, who still occupy some of the most important military roles, have a certain feeling of kinship these days with their counterparts in Europe. The migrant crisis has been getting a fuckton of attention from conservatives here, and even the average commenter on Fox News sites have been advocating kebab removal.

Not really. They need Europe, by that it mostly refers to Germany, as power horse to pull the economic and technological carriage and spill gibsmedats to other European countries.

The flooding with niggers and shitkins serves the purpose to keep Germany and other countries in a fragile divided state from which it can't devise nationalistic goals and strategies.

Russia is only good for Europe as long as it keeps the US tentacles in check. Without the US, Russia would serve as the primary enemy. Without both Russia and the US, Asia would be the next target.

It all comes tumbling down

10/10 will save and spread like wild fire

What worries me is that Hillary will simply replace the "pro-European" white Americans in the military and alphabet agencies with shitskins and white cucks, like the guy in this video.


I thought we were waiting for more leaks about Hellary.
Things that were going to be used to take her down.

Am I mistaken?

does this guy have MS or something? where's his fucking neck

Oboma already did that I don't know if you guys have never been in the military or have been out for a while but just about every officer core is now pozzed to hell

What's the name of the song?

Three days old.

This. When I was in the military I trained with Norwegians and Brits and bumped into a bunch of eurofags on the few occasions I got to go to a FOB to grab supplies. It was all very bro-bro. Once Obama got into office we started seeing 'other' militaries sending people to be trained with us. Africans, island niggers… Zero trust was afforded to any of them except by cucked pogs. The Ugandans were decent enough, extremely friendly to a silly degree, but still they had an untrustworthiness in their eyes.

It would take quite the lie to get the military to be OK with subverting Europe. And the way that even normies aren't believing the bullshit anymore I don't think they can pull it off without threatening all the troops to be ucmj'd if they don't follow those unlawful orders, which would cause a mutiny.

My bad.
You triggered though.
It's funny how easy it is to spot burgers.
They complain about tumblr and offence culture while filtering everyone who disagrees and laughing about doublethinking.

wew fucking lad how was this country allowed to fester like this

exceptional OC lad

talk hard game when you actually have first strike capabilities dipshit, until then play along like we are in this together

SA has more money that Serbia. they are basically Israel Lite

You're the type of dumbass that is directly responsible for the jews still existing. Every time they get caught they move to a country that is not/no longer jew wise. All white people need to stand together as soveriegn partners to remove them once and for all, or they'll come back to torture our descendents.

You're a shill, knowlingly or unwittingly, so kindly go walk into a cloud of SARIN gas.

fucking exterminate this cunt

The problem was with the end of the cold war America (Jewland) was losing bases all over Europe. UK, France, Germany, Italy all wanted to close off American air and land bases.

So as a solution America split off a piece of Serbia (Kosovo) and built the largest military base in Europe on it. They can do whatever they want there, torture, kill, imprison dissenting americans, because the Kosovo "authorities" are Albanians who are bought and paid for.

The base name? Bondsteel. Jews aren't even trying to hide it.

May as well nuke Europe why you're at it.
Any gene in Europe worth saving already left 200 years ago.
Your women are so desperate for genetic material for their children that they are replacing you with inbred niggers.

Don't worry, we'll go save your women for ourselves and leave you to have fun being raped and/or killed by niggers.

Wew you really corrected him here.

Do the retards here still fall for the D&C or is it just shills replying to shills?

Gawd, all shit aside – she looks so much healthier in this video. Now, she looks like a zombified corpse animated by globalist witches.

That, and also what was posted over at

Fuck off.

Something tells me that if i look further it will be US intelligence (((agencies))).

Only if European press gives it its due importance. What do you think are the odds of that happening? Even the Panama scandal blew out and within a few days everyone else was thinking of other things.

It won't change shit. I would like it to, but I don't trust the media to go through with it nor the overworked masses to care enough.

Meaning she aided the mudslimes, you mentally challenged window licker.

In due time?

Looks like Assange is waiting for another one of those sweet sweet Clinton bribes.


Shillis replying to each other? yes they do, but they are obvious when they do it. just filter those faggots.

This will likely surprise no Europeans. I'm so jaded I don't expect them to even react. At least the media wont show them react and herd them into space where they cant actually change anything, like storm a Parliament.

I bet they fucking killed Jo Cox.

The killer Thomas Mair had a ridiculous motivation. Nobody was that stupid. And a teenage girl saw a man dressed in black laying on the floor with binoculars watching the murder. He ran away when he was seen.

They then tried to use Jo Cox death to get us to vote Remain

Damn, it's like he's aged 20 years in a couple days since the last video he's made.

So he's a beta cuck because she said so. No women should be telling their men what to do because they will end up repenting their men and cuck them.


Things like this make me so mad because it's been public knowledge for anyone who gives a shit for decades that USA has subverted European politics to supress nationalism in interest of preventing "another hitler"

Source on the song, or at least the original version of the song?
I swear I've heard it before, non-remixed and maybe in a different language

Their "relationship" has worse problems than just that, and it probably started far sooner.

I believe she dissuaded him from committing war crimes against the Serbs earlier than he did because of muh universal "health care" (aka veterinary medicine)

Fuck that old cunt and fuck Serbia too!

Jo Cox dies for NOTHING



Hey there Mustafa

If they don't like each other then how come they didn't divorce?

She also nakedly admits that EU was US plot.

Anyone else feel Assange is going to die soon?

because he's a siptar scum

Oddly no

perfectly acceptable casualty

Eat shit and die, tor shill

He has so much fucking heat on him, if he was a gta type criminal, he would have 10 stars on him right now.

But still, there are many enemies on this planet to the US. His +10 stars for being wanted, are also +10 stars of being a really cool person to some countries.

I wonder why nobody has just done something so cool and brazen to evacuate him from that embassy to a more friendly country. Like with a helicopter evacuation.

Though I fear that if he were forced to go to russia, his validity would also suffer as he seems like he genuinely just wants to fuck everyone shit up.

I dont think that he will die, but shit, he may become public enemy nr1 right now, if he isnt it already.

He pulls so much ire from the jews and from the crypto allies. jesus fuck, if I were him I would feel proud to be him. A person who actually changed the world and accomplished something.

I think Assange wants Trump to win, and that he wants to wait until later to release this information to give the establishment less time to replace her.

by killing him now, US would gain nothing. it's too late for that. all that shit he "owns" is literally everywhere. i bet he was thinking ahead.

even snowden is alive

You all may want to give a look at this:

New wikileaks email names the head jew in a conspiracy to control the world through central banks. Need more eyes on this.

No xD its le american peoples fault, they will obviously agree with it

Its just nice to know, that for some things, there are actually good guys still left out there. I dont think that I actually consider anyone else to be a natural ally to us except him. Who values freedom of speech and uncorruption as he does (molly and dawkins are pretty close to our communal spirit though). Even trump kinda wants to hide things. Assange may even hate the jew.

I don't think Snowden was anything other than a kosher leaker. Nothing he leaked was too damning unlike the stuff Assange puts out. Snowden has admitted many times that he sat on very sensitive stuff.


I want to name my son after him tbh fam.

this is tricky situation because assange and snowden have leaked certain information that can (and will) cause damage. freedom of speech and uncorruption is something else. those two guys are left to decide what to leak and what not to leak. i think that is dangerous business. but i like what they did after all.

Actual bong here.
I heard on the news this morning that Ecuador has agreed to allow Swedish investigators to interview Assange, within the embassy, in relation to that raep allegation claptrap.

What's the betting they're bringing Polonium teabags?

There is a certain vigor to it, a certain purpose to know that you could shape the future of the entire mankind. Even though its dangerous, I think that men like that will have a far bigger impact on humanity than any one man could have if he played it safe and made children.

I think I would like to get into such a position as well. Many men who are just and honorable would like to. That man may be what the old volkish people consider to be a "hero".

I try to justify it as a globalist MAD. The security of a state should not be threatened by a capricious provocateur, but if he's fighting the international clique, then it's ok. Ends and means.

snowden was a limited hangout there's no other explanation.
the man is a traitor, as is much of our corrupt (((establishment))).

you know what else causes damage?
doing the shit that information is getting released about in the first place

suddenly, a dead-drunk assange on roofies comes to my mind, launching nastiest shit he saved for the doomsday at 3am from his laptop while vomiting on keyboard. ww3 starts.

Insurance files aside, if they killed him, they would be confirming all the worst possible assumptions to be drawn from the information.

It's a little thing that world war 2 and the race to universities did. Worship of Authority!

Compared to certain elected officials disregard for safety and security I think Assange and Snowden only look more honest and just.

assange has made dumb commie comments though. I dont like him very much.

all this shitting on internet with exposing secrets, selling drugs and gunz is just not worth it. assange is locked, snowden will always live in fear, DPR is locked for life. btw this is can be good movie script

some guy manage to put together timeline of silk road. after reading it; the most badass guy is not DPR but the faggot who lived in Thailand (also jailed now).

sorry for a little digression

shit I meant snowden.



This opens up avenues of discussion with normalfags. For those of us who can argue well, we've been given a wonderful chance to drop redpills like Johnny Appleseed


Checked, and witnessed

Nigga its been official USA/CIA policy to create the EU since the end of WW2.

We have to pretend to be surprised in order to increase our allowed level of outrage. Remember it's emotions not facts that turn on people's internal memory recorder. We must not become desensitized to evil!

I bet they conspired to oust Berlusconi.

There's a reason some call Trump the American Berlusconi.

How long until Julian (((commits suicide)))?

Nobody's going to kill him, he'll just have a tragic heart attack.

boyd rice said this

I'm honestly shocked he hasn't (((committed suicide))) yet

he'll be fine

Nice try chaim

So this is the beginning of a global embrace of fascism.
I sincerely hope that you all want what you've wished for.

We have been so free, the scum has been allowed to fester and now it thinks its the host.

Soon they will find out that is not the case.

Better "Fascism" than (((Democracy)))

I cannot say I am surprised by this. The US has been caught spying multiple times. With all of the US bases in the region to offer staging points for operations, it is a perfect scenario for manipulation.

It also proves that one rule for radicals true. Always accuse your enemies of what you are doing. Remember how the media went insane when the French FN party was poised to make major gains in their recent elections? What did the media scream about? The Russians were interfering with European elections by funding the far right parties. Well look at what we have here! The US doing the same thing with libshits!

i think that things will get more interesting. tor is not 100% safe and thanx to snowden, communication will "find its way" trough this gov spy bullshit. after all, it's 2016 and nobody wants any spooks in their machine. i'm writing this from win7 and seriously considering to switch to loonix.

God bless Assange, I hope he has some stuff on Estonia. We got E-Voting here for a decade and the populace is too stupid to understand that the results are getting fixed.

based fuckin assange

It's not about the surprise of it happening, it's about having the proof that it's happening. We celebrate because we know this means it's no longer going to be written off as some sort of conspiracy theory.

The United States is NOT Western civilization and hasn't been for over 100 years. It is an Afro-Asiatic nation with a large population of Western Europeans.

The US is barely 60% White and those numbers are propped up with jews, Turks, Arabs [the US census even classifies Sudanese people as "White"], the near death elderly. Among the younger population, the US is basically South Africa.

America is and has been the problem. The amount of delusion one has to be operating under to still believe something can be salvaged from this cesspool is hard to comprehend.


get a load of this pleb

what the fuck is thia dude waiting for

release dirt nao

I doubt the US citizenry chooses these scumbags either, it's all (((globalist))) manipulation. Our elections are rigged, Europe's elections are rigged. They're all selling us out to foreigners so they can get rich.

he has to time it based around the us election in order for maximum impact.


they have a process to validate or discredit info where they do their own digging and investigating

Assange gotta be the most powerful person on the planet atm.

Preferred weapon: The truth.


he really prefers him over hillary 4000 of times

berlusconi was a bufoon . he betrayed gheddafi as an example
and the only things they have in common is
1- both are rich
2- both said politically incorrect stuff
full stop
trump is probably better

Tbh Jo Cox's murder and it's context and the things it brought (webm related) is the funniest shit to happen in brit/pol/ during the summer months.

Thanks to the user that posted this webm a few days back in a brit thread. I gave Rome another spin and their Rhodesia album is fantastic

Ffffuuuuuuck. Assange is the Savior. We don't deserve him.

Hell no. USA is far worse. It is the most evil place to have ever existed in history.

I'll so far as to say no one in history has saved the world more times than Based Assange.

And when the time comes, or by his on volition, he will end it.

This. Timing is everything, especially when you know the media will work to memory hole it. I also expect him to push this stuff near the debates so Trump can push this information into the mainstream when the media inevitably tries to ignore it or wash over it. If Trump hits hard at Hillary at the debate, they'll have to comment or try and damage control it.

The quality of people is better in USA than in China, government are a special group unto themselves and should be discussed and viewed in context, but not wholly interrelated with the people.

That's because chinks are subhuman.

The quality of people in the USA is roughly equivalent to that of Mexico, Nigeria, Taiwan and the Dominican Republic.

it was but it not betrayed gheddafi, it was one of the few that try to stop ((french)) and ((britsh)) air strike back in 2013, after that italy with berlusconi wasn't safe cuntry for ((them)) it was more sure with ((mario monti)) an europeist

100% spot on. USA was founded as a rejection of Western civilization.


If Trump doesn't win, I will be converting to salafism and waging jihad against the USA.

He actually managed to befriend him into creating an alliance, which managed to get us sweet trade deals with… was it gas/electricity?
You have to thank (((people))) of the 2 main (((leftist))) parties: (((PD))) and (((Italia dei Valori))), which openly opposed this.

Did they get to him? What have they done to him? He looks tired, puffy, slunched over compared to just a couple days ago. Is he going to end up poised by radiation like that one guy? Oh noess!

Inaccurate. They rejected British Colonial rule in favor of self-determination. They were a group composed of anglo's and various westerners and preserved their various religious and cultural practices and grew them further in America. Their mindset and actions are "Western" as a whole.

It wouldn't surprise me if (((they))) have been trying to poison him for a while now.

Or you burgers could just come to Europe and bring all your guns with you.


nice user, would suggest putting some dates/locations on the war footage though.

No. They rejected European tradition. Their mindset and actions were Jewish. American colonials even identified with the Hebrews because they had Judaic souls. That is why they used Hebrew slogans for everything, like Yale (where Hebrew study was required).

Anglos at that point were basically artificial Jews as well.

So USA has always been a Jewish nation.

Heh, I figured you were full of shit, but this post gave me more concrete proofs than I would have hoped for.

Thanks and goodnight.

Maybe. If they will even let me in. I am not illiterate or brown or a child molester, so it might be difficult to get through European immigration.

It is not shit. Colonials identified with ancient Hebrews. They made Hebrew a cornerstone of their national identity.

Just say you've come for a holiday and then just disappear. It would be easy to do that on the continent at least, as long as you have friends.

Is it possible king nigger could issue some sort of stay or pardon to prevent this?

Kek confirms it is possible

If dubs, Assange contributes in the fall of the (((US Government)))

It's not our fucking fault you cunt, our government is retarded.

user could try pretending to be a mudslime convert and cry burger persecution.

Oy vey Moshe, this is poor quality bait.

I love all of my civilized bretheren, from Europe to Asia to America. But jews and animals have no place in society.




I find it funny that the subhumans saying the quality of people in US is better when you know the person sitting behind a terminal and typing those posts is a fucking mocha or nigger.

The US is a country of subhumans. Their election is a circus to decide if they will maintain the legacy of a nigger or not.

China > US anyday of the week

Check em


[.50 USD has been added to your paycheck]

D&C impostering a "concerned Holla Forumsack". Go back from whence you came.
I rarely see britbong vs americlap threads on full/pol/. 3 or 4 yrs ago that's all you would see on cuckchan. We are finally uniting and it's scaring the shit out of (((them))). Ignore the infiltrators.

Perhaps a handshake with a small needle device exposing him to cancer-causing pathogens. Who knows. I'd be very careful. Maybe interview them over intercom in a separate room.

Uh-oh, im pretty sure they carry something nasty.

Well said. I'll stand shoulder to shoulder with you in the squadron.

Nobody needs to pay me for the evident realization. I want to see the subhuman burgerland screeching when China goes all around US attempted containment.

user, stop giving me reasons to like Clinton.

Nice bait.

So they'll inject with something that gives him an insatiable urge for nigger dicks?

They're supposed to keep kebab out.

That is their one job and they can't even do that right.

It's better US interfering in European government than the social-Europe interfering in US.


So you are arguing that America should align itself with the Jews?

That's what it sounds like you're saying. I guess you think it's a good thing we spend so much money on Israel, then.

Exactly whose side are you on?

If anything, we haven't interfered with Europe nearly enough.

We let them take away their citizens' arms
We let them create anti-free-speech laws
We let them open their borders

We could have stopped any of these things.

But now the die is cast: Europe will burn, because we weren't smart enough to save it.


China and Russia are the last groups you'd ever want to occupy your country.

That's right. I'd turn their zogpuppet states into ash without as much as a single thought.

Well bombing them while they're already struggling with that probably isn't a good idea.


Yes, I would second this.

Otherwise, 10/10


We bomb them and repopulate the country.
Then we create a military state designed with the specific purpose of keeping mudslimes off our clay.

Because married couples can't legally be forced to testify against eachother and both of them have rivers of blood and semen on their hands.


Jesus Fucking Christ, are you THAT weak?

You are my nightmare.

The sort of person who would go and do those things, who wouldn't revolt, who wouldn't refuse, who wouldn't turn his weapon upon those giving him such order.

The weakling, turned traitor our of convenience and fear.

I don't care how.
Just die.


Good luck Assange-senpai ~
Don't get assasinated by the po-po

you have a tiny pecker, dontcha

I can't wait until the "Democracy" meme dies


Also where did Trump come from any of this? We're not talking about Trump. Is your opinion of your meme candidate so fragile that you have to reassure yourself every few minutes?

there was a thread a few days ago where one shill just kept replying to himself. Before I left, that one shill had around 160 posts, almost all of them were referencing his own posts. They're stupid, but dedicated

There is no proof that assange raped anyone, it was at best drunk sex, which isn't rape

Why is there always some retarded [email protected]/* */ faggot who thinks that the problem is the United States rather than the Globalist Jews that have subverted it?

It will not die on its own.

We are going to have to kill it.

Are you with me Titus Holla Forumslo?

Will you come with me to Washington?

If there isn't any proof then why is he running like a little bitch?

Because proof is not require to imprison a man in this world.

That you would even question such exposes the truth of what you are.

Wrong. USA is far worse.

This. America was the new "Zion".

Because sweden is a bitch of the USA, and as soon as the swedes would get their hands on him, they'd extradite him to the US who want him for releasing their classified information.

Also, the two bitches who claim rape are CIA assets.

He has put out a lot of info on a lot of influential powerful politicians and economists.
He is "running" from them.
He isn't even running from a conviction, but from his own deposition that Sweeds asked him to
AND EVEN IF HE RAPED A WOMAN, he is doing much more to fight the globalist jewry so he is allowed to get one pass

He would probably get killed otherwise.

I am saying that America is a Jewish nation with Jewish values and is horribly philosemitic and always has been. That is why they became the greatest ally. They were already spiritually Jewish so it did not take any effort to turn them into the best goyim of all time.

You told Europe to disarm their citizen because otherwise there was a legit risk of them eventually turning against American Imperialism and fascism rising again.
You told Europe to muzzle their "fascists" and anyone who shows anti-American, anti-globalist opinions.
You told Europe to help those poor poor mudslimes that your foreign policy created when you did Israel's bidding, destabilizing Afghanistan, Iraq and removed Gaddafi who was keeping niggers and mudslime in check so they wouldn't flood Europe.

Get your head out of your blind patriotic ass and realize that what evil the US government does to its own people is only a tenth of what evil it does to other countries, particularly Europe.

This is the only thing I could find and it just says that one of the accusers has "links" to a CIA op. Wow. What concrete evidence.

But he's not. He refuses to even talk to them.

Feminists aren't allowed on Holla Forums.

Because there's absolutely no evidence whatsoever that the population of the United States is going to do anything about the jews?

It's not 1812 anymore. How anyone can look at the track record of the US for the last ~100 years and gleam anything positive out of that is beyond me. How many consecutive generations of bloodthirsty nigger-lovers need to rampage the White race before you admit there's no real point to bother saving America and the appropriate path is to just cut it out of your life?

Are you an American like me? Are you personally attached to your hometown and your family? Is that it? You like main street? Your brother was in Uncle Schmuley's army? You like waving the flag? You like pretending the last century didn't happen?

Sweden would deport his ass to the US as soon as they get him in custody, 100% guaranteed. The US wants to put him on death row for exposing all the shit the US govt did. They'd have a kangaroo court just to be sure he gets the death penalty.

Yep. Pilgrims were basically Jews.


It's a judgement call. Assange called it this way. I get it. Plus: It's sweden, they'd probably convict him of rape if he used the wrong pronouns.

So you being here badmouthing the guy tells me, you're pretty desperate.

Apparently it is in Sweden, where it happened

You need proof to ensure your claims are taken seriously. Assange is not exempt from this.

Not in Sweden you don't.

The only way a woman could make it this far in politics is either sucking every dick in her proximity or being the coldest iron bitch you can imagine. it's weird how those things are somewhat different yet sound the same

Being a female prez candidate should be a warning sign for every voter not a thing to celebrate because of the [Current Year]

So do the CIA assets claiming rape. Their proof? A week after Assange banged both of them, they talked to each other, indubitably bragging at first that they got to bang the Wikileaks guy. Realizing they're both side bitches, they both found he had told them both the same BS about being allergic to condoms, and then they both decided he had raped then.

Yes, that is the actual allegiation.

Firstly, burden of proof is on accuser.
Secondly, why are you diverting from topic of thread?

they're not even prosecuting him yet, arrest warrants aren't always served to the guilty.

Man you sure do know a lot about shit you couldn't possibly know

Who is the accuser here? I have no idea what you're talking about. You'll have to be more specific. I'm not fucking diverting, unless that's code for "not agreeing with the rest of us"

How much are they paying you per post and reply?

is his mouth photoshopped, or do his teeth really form a perfect worn-down line across his mouth? for fuck's sake Julian, get a mouthguard for nighttime if you're gonna grind like that


Sweden government refused for years to interview him in the embassy and demanded he leave to get fucked.

Recently they finally agreed on a date and time for an interview.


I told him the rape accusers were CIA assets and he confirmed half of that.

It's a matter of public record. Did your (((media))) not tell you the nature of the allegiation?

Also, more details: He isn't actually wanted by the swedes, they just want to "question" him. Assange offered to answer their question on skype, sweden refused.

That's alone's proof enough.

Oh wait, am I talking about shit I don't know, or about shit YOU don't know nothing about? I think you may have gotten the two confused, god damn shill cunt.

Whoever is accusing Assange of rape need to show proof.
Then, when its proven that he raped I think most of people that support Assange will want him to go to court.

I however, won't. I don't care if he raped.

your first post was where you mentioned completely unrelated stuff to the topic at hand

He is just shitposting and sliding the discussion, ignore him, I will see what his next reply is and then probably filter him


Read these

This completely ignores the fact that the Puritans were not the first settlers, but rather the Jamestown colony, which was entirely commercial in nature.

Pushing the Puritans as the first settlers is a Judeo-Christian scam to try and force Christianity on the populace by showing that the US is a "Christian nation". In reality, the US is a secular nation that's being subverted by Jews.

I thought the USA was founded as a rejection of monarchy preferring an elected president over a an ancestral monarch or theocracy.

To reject western civilization would have required rejecting western philosophy, language, religion and technology, clearly that did not happen.

why do you always post a pixel image with you?
Is that some kind of meta avatarposting?

It's for duplicate images

No, that's what started the American Revolution in 1765. America was started with the Jamestown Colony, a commercial venture, in 1607, over a hundred years earlier.

Columbus tried to start a colony in 1493 for the Spanish (also a commercial venture), but all the colonists died.

ohhhh, so you can evade it with just adding another image thats different?
tnx fam

If a woman get raped in Sweden its:
6/10) a nigger did it and the woman was also beaten.
3/10) She lied about it.
1/10) Swede did it.

So which category is Assange?

Fly away on the wings of the wind

Don't make me regret telling you

smh tbh fam llpq

How new are you? Browse brit/pol/ threads faggot. The majority of them hate Holla Forums outside brits.

Before the American revolution it was a colony of Britain and as such was not "The United States of America"

PS you forgot Vinland which was another failed European colony of north america.

The only reason they weren't banned off the board is because they managed to get Brexit. We all know about them.

Assange is in the category where the women were paid to lie, have already stopped lying (the accusations no longer exist, no woman currently alleges that Assange ever did anything wrong to her) but a crazy US/CIA/Hillary paid judge is hellbent on using the bullshit case to get Assange to the US so they can torture and jail him for the rest of his life because he exposed them and they are extremely vengeful.

Also your numbers are way off. There's no way 10% are legit rapes by Swedish men, more like 1%. It's 70% dindu, 30% false accusation, real Swede rapes are practically not a thing. Look up their rape rates before they had dindus.

Then it's up to us to fix it, don't you think? Try not to shit on your fellow nationalists, we're all in this boat together and we all need to uncuck ourselves.

sauce? Ave Victoria


Are you trying to say that the colonies weren't the foundation of the United States of America? The colonies were collectively called "English America" or "British America" from the beginning. This collective term included the British colonies in South America and the Bermudas as well though.

Also nobody really knows where Vinland was, but if it is as speculated, Vinland was up near Newfoundland and would properly be part of Canada, not the US.

she actually looked like a human back then. was that before she sold her soul?

The foundation of the western world is this abstract concept that people are special. That they have free will/ a soul/ just something that makes the human spirit sacred. Now this has taken many forms threw out the years but Christianity crushed (intentionally or unintentionally) all competitors and in doing so removed all philosophical and spiritual reasoning for the sacredness of the human body mind and spirit. Leaving the church to stand alone as the pillar that holds the human experience as being sacred. upon this pillar is the concept of human rights of human dignity. the concept man should be ruled by law as opposed to ruled over by his fellow man. that for a king to rule he must protect the rights and well being of his people lest they bearing grievances be justified in revolt. that might alone is not what give a man the right to rule. One must also be just. that leaders must be tempered by the law. that man is ruled by the law first and foremost and that ones leaders are simple administers of that law. and this all leads to the creation and maintenance of a "high trust society" where men are free to invest their labor and wealth into building up their communities economically. a man who does not worry about thieves in the night will work more and guard his wealth less. a man who fears not being cheated will lend his time labor and wealth more freely. a man who does not have to fear the tax collector will not spend his days hiding his wealth. where we observe nations who try to practice "democracy" as the highest ideal will find their farms and factories looted by the mob. man will no longer work the fields as he no longer benefits form it. you see these places where white collar thieves practice their craft of swindling and we see them rot, as infrastructure is made of trash to save the contractors petty cash. we see our nations looking at thieves as victims and refusing to punish them as it was not their will that drove them to theft, and in these nations we see men not bothering acquiring wealth instead we see them tearing each other down to the most base level possible.

their is no new philosophy that has any sort of legitimacy. that can call men back to the truth save the church. their will be no more gods created that will bring humanity back into the light. no philosophy of scholars, or "scientists" that will call men back to the truth of their existence. that where we are animals beasts, for us to truly transcend this world to rise above our base instinct we must hold the human spirit sacred. we must hold people accountable to their crimes and their actions. punishing the murder does not raise the dead but it must be done for the sake of the living. we must hold onto the thought that man deserves the fruit of his labor.

what do you propose to grant humanity this agency? shall we worship kek? a god king? the god of equality? or the ever so popular nihilism?

he fucked to women at the same time without a condom. witch under the law of the land counted as a sexual assault. regardless of consent given.


Not at the same time but nice fanfic.

More like 1/1000. Swedish men do not rape.

Completely false. Historically illiterate Christian-centric bullshit.

worshiping kek is much better than that nihilism BS. heck, we could turn it into a tax free religion. like those spaghetti monster folks.

Which is also thoroughly Jewish, further proving my point. America is a Jewish nation.

The crime of rape evokes primordial responses in men and women alike. It is after all a weapon of war, much like the accusation itself. Let it be noted that Sweden is not in NATO.

The chilling effect of the NSA and similar government institutions has been duly noted by the public, whether American, Chinese or Tongan. Unlike a private corporation, however, such an instituition is ostensibly beholden to those who are in its charge, the people, their ballots and god given rights. A corporation in possession of similar powers & utilities is only beholden to the interests of its shareholders and the wallets of its customers, which it seeks to deprive the contents of, in any case. Those whose wallets have been raided are as well subjected to the travails of said institution.

Unlike this government institution. Cry havoc! and contemplate to what extent the corporation rules the state and vice versa.

one of the women had a broken condom as 'evidence', sorta ruins your claim of 'without a condom'.
shill BTFO

individual rights are a pre christian idea and so is the concept of the soul.
Egyptians believed in the soul before the ten commandments were written, which were in fact a copy of prayers from the Egyptian book of the dead, in many cases verbatim.

There exists in this world no activity less jewish than making a dangerous sea voyage, setting up a timber fort in a land where every previous colony has failed (or was killed), hacking farms out of the wilderness, and trying to make a living by selling raw materials back to the mainland 1000 miles away, all while being surrounded by thousands of, at best, mildly hostile savages. But please do carry on, give us more drops of wisdom from the font of knowledge that is your brain.

Calling it now. It connects Clinton Foundation and then Americans start to ask the right questions

Sorry I overestimated the the Swedish rape levels, the point was the dindu/false accusation figures.


Historically Jews travelled all over the place as merchants.

All commerce is inherently Jewish.

My digits confirm my claims.

It shall be done

as i said Christianity trampled upon the other ideology that supported the sacredness of man. leaving Christianity as the only remaining one fit for the west.

would fall under nihilism a joke at best you cant tell me any of you (save the most autistic) would take it seriously

i said that their where others before it but again it is the only one remaining that hasn't been completely torn apart by the jews, not saying it doesn't need some serous reform

ideally we could get people to fallow a new philosophy/ church based on the thought that we are animals and to rise above this setback we need to temper ourselves with sacred principals first and foremost, man is sacred.

It's called national socialism.

How old are you?

On the contrary, these are digits are a curse visited upon you by a vengeful god. Those Americans you decry of jewry are but of German extraction, who in their greed assumed the label of jewishness to pursue their interests.

You can identify American Jews not by their success in trade, but by their unparal-lol-ed sense of humor.

feel free to live in China or Russia then

Wrong, there were no Jews in the original Jamestown Colony. Jews never start anything new or risk their hides, they only piggyback on the accomplishments of others.

You are making the mistake of believing that the only money-grubbers are Jews, but that is wrong. There are plenty of perfectly good British and American whites who are interested in profit and making money. That is why they have sold England and the US to the Jews.

These were all good Englishmen:

I will most likely move to Russia before wwiii so I can fight on their side against Ameriniggers. Thanks for the advice fam.

People still in denial that most of Europe is little more than US dependencies are worthless anyway. Wikileaks proving it won't change their minds.

111100 is binary for 60

so make it so.
we need a philosophical and spiritual base that stands alone if we wish to convert those weary of these shenanigans


They are artificial Jews. English have been artificial jews for centuries now. Goy by blood but Jewish by behavior. American were the same, except for first generation immigrants from places like Germany (but became Americanized and judaized in time).

i will probably fallow Through and throw myself unto the gears of the machine of the state sewing discontent upon the enlisted and the supporters of the enlisted.


I see. You're incapable of ever admitting when you're wrong about something. It's a serious character flaw.

No, countries will just move to yuan and receive the fruits of exchanging in the currency of a country that is productive… substituting the currency of a subhuman burger country that is in its lasts gasps trying to enforce its order through out of control foreign policy aggression and financial shenanigan parasitism.

I already told you, commerce is inherently Jewish.

What? In my super secret ilemrnty memo they said it was shillelagh parasitism… was I misled?

You must think Trump is Jewish then, since he's big in commerce.

Silly jokes won't be so silly in some years. The demise will happen and be hastened by the destructivity of the burgerland.

The US will be lucky if it is able to salvage something to jerk off about.

You are obviously a serious man. You will do well in life.

that kinda is our fault user.
it's the duty of the citizens to hold their country accountable you cunt.

Wasn't the US ambassador grilled the other day by Philippines?

How about Brexit, the nigger in chief threatened them and they showed the finger to the US.

I won't even get into other regions of the world.

So what?
So what?
Again, so what?

I'll leave this here.

Influencing goy minds is easy peasie.

They are herded with thought.

So what? The power of the burgerland is declining and like a spoiled child it's trying to shit the whole world before the exit, instead of fading out gracefully.

What is the temperature in Moskva these days, just shy of 300,000 °C?

Just kiddin my man. Monroe doctrine. Good luck with the Chinese.

you better show some respect, nigger. who has the link to pic related? i gotta make some phone calls.

It's all here:

what a name

The Jamestown colony was a commercial venture made by British adventurers, whose temptations toward Judaic thinking by the more venal among the were stopped by John Smith.

He did so by enforcing God's time-honored ultimatum against Jewy behavior: "If a man shall not work, neither shall he eat."

Further North, they went for what you should always describe as 'Zionism for White People'.

bless your heart

Holy shit they even got Pelosi's personal documents.


So, correct the record is a Orwellian style "Ministry of Truth" thing, that "Corrects" history, web accessible content, Wikipedia archives, etc?

They're one small part of the Democratic Propaganda Machine dressed up as a no-spin fact-checking organisation.

Well, we must employ hearty ripostes over the Republican Shitpost Dispenser as well.

modern Holla Forums

Feel free to hate the government, but if you're going to shit on some of the most redpilled people around then you should kill your slav worshipping self. Daily reminder where most of the population of Holla Forums is from.

This is the year. This is the fucking year. When did things go so right?



Literally from the Jewish Bible.

Aren't they always?

Trump is essentially Jewish, yes. That is why he was fine with marrying all his kids off to Jews and why all his best friends are Jews.


Hillary, plz. You can't go on like this. It's gonna be one of two ways, a fork in the road. Either you are going to drop the glove or Trump will.

From here on out, there's going to be one speech, one speech only, one shot for the presidency. This is the 21st, so you can't fuck around, the people will know, whoever wins, deep down the people will know.. It's gotta be legit, cuz it will set the tone for this century.

if feel like a human centipede of cuckoldry

We have to remember that we need to holocaust the entire Democratic party if we want to pass our agenda.

We need to keep Republican majority in the house and senate for Trump to boss around.

Didn't you niggers enslave most of Europe at one point? Not our fault that the sun finally set on the British empire, maybe if you didn't become pussy whipped cucks that let mudslimes and niggers overrun your nation then maybe you'd be somewhere. But it's ok, Trump and Jesus the bad ass long haired, muscle bound American Jesus that hates fags, not your scroungy assed, bean eating hippie Jesus forgives you. We'll be sure to keep Europe nice and safe when Trump puts it in his pocket. Not like you faggots could defend your own nation anyways.


Wow, what are you? Some kind of anti-semite?

I think you're in the wrong place.

He really is a IRL version of the White Wolf, the butcher of blaviken!


Thank you for posting this, I'd never heard of this band and I'm a huge DIJ fan, this rules.

One is the best tracker in the northern kingdoms, and one is the one of the most well known hacktivists. Both have have a tendency to unveil (((them))) behind the curtains.

D&C shills are at it hard.

That makes much more sense.

We may be nationalistic but nobody on Holla Forums likes either of the UK or the US government.

If Hillary's health gets bad enough we can implicate the entire Democratic party for trying to force a sick old woman into the most stressful job in the world. We can hammer them with sympathy (if we can stomach it) and shame them out of existence.

Ivan, is worried like dar al Saud.

Too bad Berlu's old. Italy needs a 40-50 year old version which it don't have. Or else him, Trump and Putin could form an axis of masculinity.


The fuck is this? Did they bribe or successfully threaten him?

What the fuck is going on?

My guess is Assange made a deal so he could have a chance at walking free.

Time Travel back to 2010 with that article.

No wait the story is from 2010. Then why did Assange tweet it?

I'm fucking confused.

Probably to make a point that his opponents will say anything to silence him.

UK and USA are both Jewish. Nice try Shlomo.

pls stop the "basically Jews" shit. As much retarded shit as a lot of Puritans and Puritan-descended fucks did, I could easily point to commies in Eastern and Southern Europe. I could point to the whigs, the social democrats, who ran empire and monarchy into the ground continent wide in Europe between about 1910 and 1950.

Yes, you can even point to things like the town in Massachusetts Bay which was called 'Salem after Jerusalem, or the fact that Hebrew-derived forenames are more common in the US than in Britain basically as a result of this Puritan legacy. K-k-kool. What else, fag?

Puritans did build one of the first major colonies in this country, along with the Jamestown, and then later Pennsylvania and New York settlements. Puritans founded the first university here. Their children would run this country more or less until it was too ridden with hook noses. They in effect substantially built this country; everything from major arms companies like Winchester, Remington, Colt, Smith and Wesson, and so on to textile mills and other heavy industry were or still are based in New England.

t. Puritan-descended Anglo

You cocksucker, be gone from my sight. What made you think heretics, heathens, or Hebrews were welcomed in Massachusetts? The South was the first part of the US to have any substantial Jewish settlement in fact, and they largely came from Iberia. Nothing of our trajectory is inevitable anymore than Europe's decline through the 20th century.

When you make hilariously stupid statements, give evidence. The only place that I know the US forcibly disarmed as a plank of occupation was Germany. Britain, France, and everywhere else decided to voluntarily lay restrictions upon their citizenry.

You can't prove that the US was responsible for making Europe cave to the boat fags or the rest of the 'migrant' cocksuckers. Even if they were, who was it? Some part of the (((foreign policy))) establishment or the nearly equally kiked State Department?

kek, they could barely enslave Ireland. Britbongs were smart and stuck to conquering poo in loos or barely populated lands.

Put it back in your shorts. What we are doing here doesn't scare the shit out of anybody except SJWs. Holla Forums is far too small for anybody powerful to care.

If I had a button that kills the entire jewish population and a button that killes the entire American population, I'd choose the latter.

The song is in here


That would end up killing both, since the only thing keeping Jews around is American good goys.

I fucking need it.

That's exactly my thinking.

Plus you'd get rid of a good hundred million shitskins. And white traitors like Hillary and Co.

The only downside is losing a people too retarded not to become the jews' golem and that's not a downside at all really.

just checking in

sage for off topic post

So what's you hypothesis, good sir? You believe that a CIA agent went and caused the Dunblane massacre, and then the US State Department told Britain to shut down civilian arms ownership after?

While we're on the topic of logical leaps, you still haven't connected the US influencing elections in other countries (i.e. putting shitty center-left and center-right controlled opposition parties in power, and influencing the leaders, which I have no doubt is true) to the US determining gun ownership policy. We managed to keep our rights here. You didn't just about everywhere except, what, Canada, Czech, Poland, Switzerland, and maybe a few other small places I'm neglecting?

This is what Ameritards actually believe.

This, exactly this. Hillary, Merkel and the entire entourage must be publicly executed. Widespread documentaries of how this treason integrates with J$w supremacy.

You are poorly informed then. There is already more than enough evidence of this. See, for one example, Greek opposition to golden dawn taking commands from the American Jewish council.

And you are a good example of why most Americans are shit.

They will always step up to defend their Jewish masters. You identify with your Jewish government, you consider them "us," and it is sickening.

If you had ever been to China or Russia you wouldn't say that.

Yes I would. America is the most evil place in history. You disagree because you are probably a Judaized subhuman.

As most Americans are, since America is and always has been a Jewish nation.

No you wouldn't, because you've never actually been to either of those places.

You're either a sheltered idiot or a shill. I really don't care which, filtered.

Yes I would. There is no place worse than the USA. It is the lowest in history.

You don't agree because you are a typical American artificial Jew, with a Jewish soul.

Fucking Americans, not even the Jews are as bad as them

Stop derailing the thread you fucking [email protected]/* */ faggot

It is on topic, tard. The topic is rhe cancerous anti-white entity known as the Jewnited States of America

YOU have been conquered already. As it stands, you're part of the problem.


Proving again that you're a cancer that needs removal.

Fuck off kike, America has done the most damage to Europe then anyone in the past 500 years. Hating America isn't d&c because that implies we want to work with you or like you.

I gotta agree
I want america to fuck off out of my land, politics and culture because the yanks have brought nothing but degeneracy, crime and misery

Fuck off shill


Why don't Americans understand we really do dislike their country? It isn't some JIDF shilling we just really dislike you lot

how can we not dislike a nation of niggers, mexicans, puritans and jews thats been fucking with our sovereignty ever since WW1?

Why do we continue to delude ourselves that we're similar?

Opportunistic predators =/= intelligent beings that specifically are inquisitive for truth.

oh.. now I get it.

Coming back to this thread, I have to say that I am surprised by the amount of angry burgers, just because I said "fuck you USA"(it's almost as if they are unaware of how evil their country is). I live in a slavic country and nobody likes them here, how could we like them, with their warmorgering, controlling, faggot and shitskin pushing ways? We liked them back in 90s, but not anymore. Their military action in Serbia was an eye opener. Of course, if they vote for Trump, we might start to like them again, he likes Slavs, as seen in his spouse choice.

Just more evidence for the cancerous nature of America.

On a number of occasions I have discussed this with my bloodthirsty balkan brethren. That's BBB, much more hardcore than the KKK. Uniformly it is agreed that Hillary is fucking Satan and Trump is an idiot.

I love when macaroni and cheese eating motherfuckers call a guy whose made 10 billion dollars an, 'idiot'.

Newsflash kiddo, you have nothing to say about anything. Your comments are nothing more than regurgitated Jew press speaking points to make good goys.

I am simply reporting the popular sentiment of the folks. This aside, I'll have you know that my diet consists almost entirely of village vodka, cigarettes, meat and the tears of liberals.

here is the actual version used in the webm (non remixed)

it's an old clasic russian opera

Beautiful voice, atonal pitch. Too repetitive and stupid beats. A violin would emphasize the melodie better.


He's accused of removing a condom during sex you shill

Again, not even accused of rape. He's accused of removing a condom during sex. There was never a rape charge against him. You're spouting off nu-male media disinfo without doing any research whatsoever.

So you agree that the USA is responsible for the German Genocide?

Do you claim Germany have a free press?

When Jill Stein has more support than Hillary, there's a problem.

That was me, you're welcome user. I've been enjoying them too. Took me a bit to figure out who it was. I kept googling "one nil" not "one nail".

If anyone else is interested in music like that, I can highly recommend Darkwood. I've been listening to this daily for a while now. Can't embed sadly.


Well of course your (((christianity))) is typical of the Old testament jewish god war-monger (that you so dearly love from the very begining), just like all of your neo-cohens elite push for ww3 now.

I'm sure you'll be a good (((protestant goy))) and go spread and save dat good ol' porn, gay pride & coca cola feminist democracy that we, colonized western Europeans, have to bear since 1945 (easterns had to bear your (((commie))) cousins-reverse twins, but they're recovering). I'm not enjoying muslim colonization that much either (which is just a consequence of (((americanized))) european elite), but hell, it's just more shit coming in destroying the only true white cradle that is/was Europe : americanization AND africanization.

That's indeed your very primal and materialistic jewish way of thinking there, thanks for reminding us.

Even though we defend Trump since he triggers liberals so much, any normal european whose soul has not been completly crushed by your (((cultural marxism))), just can't stop from thinking how very VULGAR and unrefined he is, and how all that election process is as a matter of fact. A rude meme shekel maker showman, and a (obviously far worst) looney hypocrite PC war-mongering witch, that's what Jerusalemerica produces.

Sane anti-US rant and reminding you just how jewish to the core you are is not derailing since that thread is about a leak proving yet again how subversive and destructive you are.

And please just stop thinking you're like Roman Empire 3.0, the mighty Roman Empire had thinkers, philosophers and artists, while you have just bubble-gum, (((commie-wood))), (((feminism and LGBT))) cultural cancer to spread.

And in case you didn't see, like with the recent Turkroach-Russian reconciliation for example, your "imperial might" is slowly decaying now. All you can hope for, and we western Europeans too actually, is Trump's victory for his sane isolationism, stopping you from (((provoking))) shit all over the world at last, and that it will harm all of your (((european elite ambassadors))) who spread their ass to the third world invaders.

Mon négro


Rude tbqh

patriots are only useful in an Aryan nazi country otherwise they become tools of the Jews

As a Burger I can agree that the US absolutely has it's boot on the neck of Europe, I really, really wish we could withdraw from our bases and let you guys have actual sovereignty. It feels bad and if you guys nuked Washington/NYC/LA I'd actually be pretty happy. However, having lived in Germany, it's not as if you guys would have magically remained Völkish if not for the USA, you wouldn't be as fucked as you are now for sure, but you'd still have fat Hausfraus with short, dyed hair going to McDonalds. We are obviously the worst offenders, but the Anglos pumped a lot of degeneracy into the world culture as well. We invented Rock and Roll, but they had the most degenerate examples of it and it was the retarded Greatest Ally-type Burgers who fought against the rampant degeneracy from this Anglo- Rock and Roll.

go away, multiracial cuckold. Asians are as much a thread, if not more, than any other non-white

Any updates?

has assange recovered any of clinton's emails or anything from the CF?

They just shoah'd Guccifer's account..

rip in peace


Sweden has finally decided to send prosecutors to the UK to interview Julian about the rape charges from five years ago. Only after Julian leaks the DNC emails and exposes their assassination of Seth Rich.

Shortly after the Swedish interview, expect Julian to mysteriously die of cancer or radiation poisoning.


They weren't even rape charges, they were just sex offence charges, and Sweden has fucking insane laws there.
If he dies then they're just cutting off the head of a hydra. He probably has a plan in place for the likely event of his death.

What do the "I" and "P" stand for?

Intellectual Property.

I'm betting they delivered intelligence on parties not integrated into the power structure to certain moles embedded inside the mainstream parties. Targets probably have included UKIP, MS5, the AfD, Golden Dawn, maybe Syriza (to ensue "bailout compliance") and others.


Yeah, it's called 500+ GB of data that is released automatically if he doesn't stop it every day. Dead Man's switch.


the Jews, such as the Rothschilds owned British banks since the begging of the colonial empire.
during ww2 and even before, the british
government promised jews the lands of Palestine. coaxing the Americans to join the war.
London was the capitol of Jewish usury LONG before they moved to new york.

anyone who puts the blame directly on america needs to take a look at themselves.

Still looking for real answer.


Are you mentally ill?

I was off with Poland. I was thinking of some of the other Slavshit countries and threw them out. Point being, the Great Satan Amerikkka didn't disarm Poland you retarded cunt.

No, I don't. If you could cure your fetal alcohol syndrome, you would probably realize that if the heebs in charge were lined up in a ditch with a firing squad to their backs, I wouldn't bat an eye.

I just have a problem with European faggots saying shit that is blatantly wrong and trumpeting it like it's fact. You don't get to pull this "stupid American" canard again along with this petty chauvinism while you're spewing very clear bullshit.

Antifa in Europe exists only because of AIPAC. Europe had no hand in its present fate. Amerikkka, the Great Satan, has singularly dismantled all European power through its anti-European and philosemitic ideology.

I'm done replying to the two or three European cocksuckers who keep reiterating this trash without argument.

It's a matter of historical record. The chief culprits are the US, Britain, and the USSR, with the USSR and its satellites being by far the worst offenders. The bombing campaigns dictated by Whitehall and led by Bomber Harris were next worse, and the American occupation was obviously shitty but not quite as awful as three to four years of near unrestricted strategic bombing of logistics and civilian targets.

As to modern Germany having a free press: of course not. They're still operating under Marshall plan policies. Which, unfortunately, while shit and excessive to our eyes - we have to remember that his was the 'moderate' plan at the time, and the alternative was the (((Morgenthau))) plan. Vae victis. Sucks that the Germans lost, but next time they should try to pick a fight where they don't have half the world against them.

When I lived in Germany I saw lots of people who would be the exact same consumer sheep in America that they are in Europe. You could literally pluck them from Ballingen and stick them in Topeka and they wouldn't change much.

Are you stupid?

Like I have always said,


How the fuck is this man even alive ?

They just issue what is know in the intelligence field an SOS. Shoot on Sight on him.

He must be doing something very right huh.

Preach it Moses!

Here is your problem fam. Germany has been an American puppet since the end of the war, and of course subhuman American culture was forced on them (and their own culture destroyed through "denazification").

This is why everyone hates America. You and all other patriotards are the cancer. It's why I am voting for Hillary. I don't want America to be "great again" (>implying). I want it gone.

Hahahahahahahaha, cold war tard, too. Kill yourself fam. USSR>>>>>>USA.

So how does that explain post-Soviet Eastern European consumerfags? The people who scrambled to buy blue jeans and disco music. You're not wrong, but you're not completely right either, Germany is still occupied, but it would probably still be in a bad place if not for the US's meddling.

no shit germany would be in a bad place, murrica bombed the country to shit and then let the soviets rape everyone.
They did not rebuild the country out of kindness, they did it because they wanted to gain a stronger foothold in europe

In case you guys have never heard of this before: the US ambassador to France, (((Charles Rivkin))), has been using a couple of Hollywood actors to try to persuade the arabs and africans in the suburbs of Paris to be less anti-american and anti-semitic.

The Rivkin Project: Globalism Using Multiculturalism to Subvert Sovereign Nations.

They were subject to American propaganda as well, dumbass. The entire cold war they were fed the line that Western Europe is hip and great and that America is "the free world." These post-Soviet places are still a million times better than Western Europe.

No, it would be national socialist.

The U.S is not evil. It's not more "evil" than Russia or China. You see, when you talk about States, you're not talking about people. You're talking about complex organisms with a single thing in mind: power.

When we raise millions and millions of chickens in farms to serve as our egg factories for their whole lives, and then kill them and eat their meat, are we evil for that? Is our need to feed inherently evil?

The same goes for these world powers. They do what they do based on their national interest. Are European leaders considering moving their businesses away from the US? That's a threat to national security, because if we don't sell and buy stuff from Europe, then they become independent. They can do anything against us. And also, if we don't have European goods, people might grow disgruntled with our policy and might want change. Change is the worst enemy of States.

Earlier in history, States were very limited in their reach and the power they could project didn't go beyond continental scale. And even when they reached such power, it usually dissapeared in a matter of decades.

But today we live in a new world, full of new things, full of new ways to project power. And currently, the nation-state that weilds most power is the United States. They are able to establish a military presence in a planetary scale. It doesn't matter where they need to go: They will go. It doesn't matter if it's the hottest deserts, the thickest jungles, the coldest tundras, the United States will be there.

And that's the new thing that sets the United States apart from any other nation-state in history.

Are they evil for wanting to remain as the most powerful nation in Earth's history?

Are they evil for wanting to protect themselves?

Is power inherently evil?

Yes it is.

Yes it is.

No, they certainly do not. They do it based on personal interest of a handful of Jews.

Jingoistic American military fags detected. American soldiers are subhuman, José.

They demonstrably do not do this. American policies are suicidal.

No, power is good. It can be used for evil, which is what the USA does.

from who?
the last time America was invaded and had foreign troops on their soil was when the yanks tried to invade and conquer canada

You are suffering from, what Nietzsche calls, "slave revolt morality." You seem to assume that what is good has always been good and that virtue is a universal; virtue, in the past, was defined by the nobles and aristocrats. The etymology of the word "good" in many languages traces back to the ruling class: Aryans, Goths, the honest Greek upper class, etc. In recent times, thanks to Communists, Jews, and the lower-class, Jewish "morality" has been enforced on society and you don't even realize it. For most of human history, the values of strength, honesty, power, wealth, pure-blood, etc. were virtuous. Now they're "sin," and weakness, mildness, cowardice, poverty, self-denial, and helping lesser peoples are "virtues."

You seem to think that the US is purely acting in favor of the Jews. It isn't yet. The US isn't evil, and any nation that cares for its own people ought to be jingoistic and seek conquest. The soldier class embodies traditionalist virtue, and they don't need to act only in self-defense to justify their existence. There is virtue in destruction. Only a failed state of weakling Jews and slaves sits around and complains about "muh US imperialism" and "muh gibsmedats."

I assert that power cannot be used for evil. Even when Jews use power, they are simply opponents in the grey zone that we ought to defeat. To disagree is to accept that you've been brainwashed into a black/white Jewish slave morality.

He's been on self-imposed house arrest for like six years.

Nietzsche was literally retarded, and USA is a slave nation anyway.

None of which the USA possesses.

What happened to that leak that would get Hillary put in jail?

Assange is full of shit, he will keep hyping up shit but never delivering

From everyone who threatens American way of life, or American interests around the world.

Remember: Everyone seeks what is best for them, and right now what is best for the US is global hegemony

my god how much of your mind have they taken from you
ok first noone threatens the 'merican' way of life
save perhaps the commies a little but your culture and 'way of life' has been successfully broadcast to the entire world where its subverted the native cultures and morals of other half the fucking world
and american interests? save oil, israel and slave labour what exactly are american interests outside the jewnited states

Power is good for the one who wields it. Tell me, isn't it good when you kill a rat in your house? Rats spread diseases, and eat your food and damage your property. Since you weild the power of traps, and your superior intellect, you are able to get rid of the rat. But for the rat, you are evil. You kill them for no reason in their eyes. You kill them for feeding. You kill them for trying to make a nest.

Everything the US, or any other nation like China, does, might be seen as evil by the people it affects with its foreign policy.

And you're right about one thing. Foreign policy is regulated by a small group of elite individuals inside the Goverment. Public opinion might play a role, but the ones who decide what the country will do abroad is ultimately these elite individuals.

This is explained by Hans Morgenthau if you're interested in some reading.

That's nice dear, can you back that assertion up?

The American way of life implies more than just ideological debate. People driving fancy cars and big trucks, buying food at ridiculously cheap prices, feeding a huge industry that sells goods globally at very high prices. The living standards they have.

They have to protect that, and in such a gigantic scale even the smallest of changes might affect the system in unforeseen ways.

The US tries to keep these threats to a minimum, even if it implies that whole countries get destroyed in the process. It is cheaper to rebuild a couple of buildings than losing access to a valuable resource like oil.

Checks and balances.

what decade do you live in?

Rome was a really good show.

i think the having no nationalized healthcare contributes to that one
also this
a reminder to yanks you arent a superpower
you're a republic with vast industrial capability that survived two major wars without having your industries bombed to shit because you were on the other side of the world
around the 70's/80's your oligarchs released they could make a profit doing business in asia where most countries had been ravaged by communism or your own nation and moved the money overseas
30 years down the track you still havent realised that ZOG owns you
your ZOG oligarchs print their money in China, it keeps a leash on the debt bonded european nations using the CIA/NSA to interfere with their political machinations and continues providing meat shields and body bags for israel as long as the saudis keep the oil shekels flowing
its about time america fucking fell you're a footnote in the assholes of history and you've managed to make more people hate you than the mongol empire did in shorter a time
the sooner you have civil war the better, maybe when you're killing each other in full scale conflict your masters will loosen the grip of their slimy claws on the worlds throat long enough for us to breathe

I'm just stating facts; that you take offense in them for being a butthurt britbong is another matter entirely.

Everybody hates those who weild more power than them; this is clearly apparent by your childish tantrums agains US hegemony.

you arent stating facts to the 'american patriot' its like your image of your nation is eternally frozen in the 50's, 40's, 30's
as soon as you reach Vietnam you clam up because thats the very first fustercluck you seem to all acknowledge as 'some shit we shouldn't have tried'
i really wouldnt hate you if everything you did didnt justify your image as selfish, arrogant, ignorant, rapey, murdering, degenerate, hypocritcal jew loving gits

I prefer the happening thread edit with ron paul

US hegemony is losing. I don't think anyone in Asia gives a shit about US having le dominance and muh #1. It will go down like every hegemony before it, it's already happening. Countries are fed up with amerishits meddling. Now people are very much into doing a business that will grant a competitor the strategical capability to assert the vision of a future of their region that is not controlled by US.

Furthermore bombing countries and expecting it burgerland will have a grip on them is not something sustainable.

Completely false.

Or by the people in the nation
And USA is not simply evil through foreign policy. It is evil through and through. The purpose of America is to destroy the superior and uplift the inferior. Destroy beauty and promote ugliness. Destroy quality and replace it with quantity. It is the most disgusting entity in all of human history, and the world will be a much befter place once it has finally been destroyed.

That is why I am voting for Hillary Clinton.

Right. The USA has power for two reasons. Winning the geographic lottery and the fact that anyone else who could rival them happens to destroy each other in ww2. Buy that is coming to an end, and it is our mission as national socialists to ensure that it happens as quickly as possible.



Oh yeah???
I have a better idea, how about we fucking americans up totally and wiping them off? This will surely work, though not fair to americans but it doesnt matter.

The female "victim" of Assange was actually a Swedish intelligence agent. It was a set-up from the beginning.

I'm not surprised about this at all. And its not just elections they're manipulating and interfering in. My country is pretty insignificant in relation to Europe and yet the US was (probably still is) funding institutions that's producing pro-rapefugee propaganda.
And if that happened in my country, there is no doubt that a lot of other European countries (at least those in EU) receive shekels for pro-shitskin propaganda as well.

US is the biggest threat here people, I don't care if you call me a D&C kike or whatever, but that's a fact. Rapefugees are just one of the kike tools to weaken us and slowly mix and/or replace our genepools.
Non-Europeans cannot survive on their own in Europe without free shit they get from our governments and a fuck load of them would probably be killed off by winter alone in case of SHTF.
They have no chance of winning against us on their own in case of economic collapse and/or mass disobedience (which is already taking place in some countries).

You think these pathetic terrorist attacks in Western Europe are a huge threat? They'll probably be used to further the kike agenda and restrict us even more.
The biggest power capable of real terrorist attacks with a good historical record is no other than USA.

Look what they did to Germany and Japan in WW2, or Iraq, Serbia, Libya etc. They have the most powerful military in the world, military bases all around the world and most importantly, in Europe.
Why do we still need US military bases here? There is no more Soviet Union and Europe isn't a just a bunch of rubble like it was when the Allies "liberated" us, our countries are more than capable of having their own militaries.
There is more than 40000 US military personnel in Germany, what are they doing there?Is NATO protecting us or relaying their intel to our governments regarding terrorist activities in Europe? Not that I know of!
Furthermore, US is the only country (that I know off) that has experience in successfull usage of Drones to execute military operations.

We can already observe opinions of US's kike approved politicians talking about the "problem" of rising Nationalism in Europe.
What makes anyone think that US won't fire up their propaganda against European Nationalists in order to invade our countries if/when we reach a point of no return regarding civil wars?

They did it full scale in WW1 and WW2 when US was ~90% European and much less degenerate and brainwashed.
Now they're only ~60% European and you think they're not posing a huge threat to us? If anything, kikes will have it much easier to engineer another invasion.
There can easily be a 'peace keeping operation to defend Democracy' in Europe where kike will finally be able to use lethal force on our people once again and solidify their control over Europe.

Every European Nationalist must realise that the biggest threat to our cause is, and always was, USA. Act accordingly.

They fuck with every piddly worthless country. They have been trying to coup Macedonia for years now, and Soros leaks show interference in Albania.