This is what feminism(cultural marxism) has created

This is what feminism(cultural marxism) has created.
This thread is to post cultural marxist propaganda

Other urls found in this thread:


This bitch

fuck me





the content ITT is disgusting

Fuck this Whore Jewess.

and there are only 9 replies. buckle up.

Look at the youtube comments….

The pendulum, she swings…..

What the hell is this PSA?

No joke or punchline. Just literally telling people to be degenerate.

The kikes have come a long way in their plan.

Look at the comments for refreshment and rejuvenation, friend.

Ironically recent jew propoganda just makes them look like puke inducing whiners

So far it's mostly Holla Forumslacks, but rest assured: normies are getting pretty damn tired of this brainwashing. It's as if the worst parts of MTV just spread out like cancer and replaced every form of culture and media. People get sick and tired of even looking at the news these days, it's up to redpilled people to provide an alternative outlet and to show them the light.

Possibly, some of those comments are pretty old too though. Older than this thread I mean.


She is 41. It is probably already too late for her, and now she is telling other women to do the same mistakes she has.

my sides are intergalactic

These are the people who had lots of "friends" in highschool and played every economic decision by the books in their lives. Their social interactions consisted of chatting about the car they just bought and how much of a bitch that one co-worker is. No wonder they end up lonely with surface-level relationships that meltdown as soon as they start to go deeper.

Love it. They get exactly what they deserve.

Not too late to have a bunch of down syndrome tards :^)

At least this is one jew rat who will never reproduce

dating old hags, you can just say no.
(and instead bang a slut young enough to be the daughter she never had, and while you are banging that sweet fresh pussy you can think how much better it is than an old sandpaper cunt.)

She seems pretty salty about kids.

and how would they be different from other jew kids?

good! I am so excited that all these traitor women (I know she is a jewess but shes an archtype), are finally going to roost. Being in my 20's seeing all these dumb cunts get into debt, trying to bang chads, they are all going to be miserable, slovenly netflix bingers. I can't wait to see their upcoming salt when they start really crying about how lonely and shit they are.

you can't love something that cant conceptualize

less subversive, and at least they can help restock shelves.

How did this make me the angriest out of all these articles?

Incredibly related

It's because she's barren and bitter as fuck about it.


does this psa come with an instructional video on the best breed of cat to act as a surrogate child?

Before they delete it out of shame.

Nigger please, women need to get their shit together.

I like that worldplay in the filenames

Men are the natural biological leaders of the species, women physically can't get their shit together. Men are supposed to lead households and societies, when betaboys like you abandoned this responsibility, it was filled by the Jews and feminazis.



It's not about being a leader it's about not being completely brain dead. Most females are absolute idiots who cannot process simple logic and will blame anybody they can in order not to have to face consequences.
What we need is natural selection, if she cannot :

1/Process simple logic
4/Handle a budget
5/Raise children in a healthy manner

Forget about her she's a waste of time. Change need to come from the inside, if you wait for somebody to magically fix everything you're no better than the niggers who need our help every few years and then fuck up everything once we're gone.



lol reported

I fucking warned you faggots. I fucking warned you i did.

From vox dot com.


Fair enough.
Men have been bombarded with toxic substances and even drugged without consent for decades.
A constant shaming war upon any masculine activity in all of media which surround people.
So it's lonely if you don't indulge in hedonism and degeneracy. And the substances you constantly have taken is affecting your judgement.

So it's not to "just man up bro ;)" when 99% of your surrounding is opposing your success.

I can fucking hear the genetic failure of that would-be girl. Everything feminine is completely gone from that voice.

That and i think i hear overweight.

Right. Chelsea Handler and Amy Schumer should just take a Thelma & Louise drive off the top of the Grand Canyon and make the world a better place.


Song related is what women used to preach to women who thought being a whore was better than having a family.

the kid stuff isn't that infuriating as its typical cat lady behavior. what really rustles my jimmies is this notion you're required to attend something if invited. these are the same faggots that show up to something someone else is footing the bill for and behave as though its a goddamn burden. i have ended friendships over this.

FYI: The female is a jew.

It comes from being low IQ individuals. I wouldn't ask my two boys (8&12) to take on leadership responsibilities in my family, same as for my wife.

Don't forget "be white".

"white men are so psychologically and intellectually weak that women and niggers will always inherently outsmart them"
- (((You)))

See I can do the same thing.


Well I don't know where you are getting the nigger thing from but if a women's attractive enough they can walk all over 3/4 of men with out a problem easy.

Ultimate cuckery.

Notice how nothing is about the game and everything is about gun control and politics.

This is exactly why SJWs need to be eliminated from everything.

Why would a woman say no to marriage? It benefits them more than men

fear of not getting the best man she can attract

when sluts slut around, they fuck men who are out of their league in regards to marriage. A 5/10 woman can get an 8/10 man who is just looking to fuck because he values the convenience and makes no commitment. Therefore sluts go through life fucking guys who are more attractive than the ones they could ever marry. So when they think about settling down, they notice a drop in quality level and feel like they deserve better.


Sure you can, just not sexually.

what a complete pussy


You mean:

In other words you're just the male version of the female spinster, the lonely hermit. The Jews win either way, which is why they have manipulated men and women to mistrust and stay away from each other. I'll never understand why men on here think rejecting women makes them superior, as they are falling directly into Jewish machinations when they do so.

Then what defines someone's ethnicity, you demented fucking cow. Are they denying hereditary genes now?

fr-y-y-y. Its the guttural reptilian croaking coming through their attempt at human vocalization

speaking as someone whose path to true redpill began with mgtow:

it's not about "thinking rejecting women makes them superior".

it's that they see the truth about what is happening to women and make a logical decision to stay the fuck away. just about all women these days are sluts with no value or self-respect. the women who do want to settle down: its because they've spent 10+ years fucking randos in clubs and rejecting any legitimate contact so now no man has any respect for them.

these men don't WANT to abandon women. they feel like they have NO CHOICE.

they misplace the blame onto the women themselves because they just haven't woke yet to the greater horrors of what is happening.

Chelsea Handler is a Jew so I'm glad her womb went barren before having kids. Less kikes running around on the planet.

Croaking, that's the word.

Sounds exactly like it.

Now to have them really croak.


is that star wars females name seriously Rey(ce) Mixer?

What? This kind of doublespeak really gets me.

If race isn't real, then there's no such thing as a race problem.

It's not a logical decision, it's an emotional decision driven by fear and defeatism. Of course they feel like they have no choice, that's the idea. Like all Jewish deceit and manipulation, it falls apart if you stop believing in it.

Look at what you're saying. Utter defeatism. You're assuming that you can't keep your marriage together. That you will fail, that every relationship is a pit of despair, and every woman is a horrendous, scary feminist that is out to destroy you. You have vilified women the same way feminists have vilified men. Naturally, this has the same end result that sends Jews into hand rubbing frenzies, the destruction of the male female dichotomy, and thus, the destruction of the family and civilization.

yeah man i agree with you.

i'm explaining their mindset.

i've grown out of it.

they can too.

This is a video. She is an actress playing a role. It is not real.
This video did not capture the authentic opinion of this woman.
This is a video of an actress reading a script, it is not real.

to expand on the idea, imo we should think of the mgtow movement as potential allies for us.

they are halfway to the truth. they even call themselves redpilled. they all WANT good wives, but they just can't find them and they can't see them– all they can see is the shit culture that assaults them.

once they realize that there is someone to blame to what has happened to our women, once they understand that there is hope, they will join us.

or at the very least, if they cant wake up entirely, they are men who have nothing to live for, so they can be good frontline soldiers/cannon fodder for us.

What have you done to strenghten marriage apart from posting cultural marxist propaganda?

I'm surprised the male wasn't a nigger.

Both are pretty depressing.

Bullshit. There is no fucking reason to get married in America in 2016 if you're a man. The institution as it currently stands today is set up to saddle the man with all the risk and to bestow all the benefit onto the woman.

That song gave me a feel.


its not defeatism to give up on legal marriage. that's logical.

but to give up the hope of a real family– that loss of hope is the danger to our civilization

Bad divorce laws and outrageous marriage laws have nothing to do with the Institution of marriage.
The State has screwed up marriage with outrageous laws , but marriage, namely starting a family with a man you trust and love is still the best way of starting a family and getting children and grandchildren and that will never change.

Holy fuck that jewess voice

I'd say if you lived in the blue states like commiefornia and NY you would have an excuse.

No actually hes right, the federal government has made divorce way too easy and way too imbalanced for the side of the gold digger for it to be worth it. Its a gamble with bad odds.

I forgot what it is called, but this way of speaking is quite popular among the hipster lumpenproletariat.

It's called vocal fry.

First off, risk is always part of anything worth pursuing and having. Many men still marry, still have children, and they succeed in keeping their marriage together for many years, often decades. The risk for failure is there, and the costs steep, but the potential for success is also present, and the rewards great.

Now, onto the next thing, even assuming you're a male who can't handle the risks, the problem with what you're saying is that there should be a massive push to change the legal system to be more equitable towards males, by those who consider the risks too great. Or, even better, a push to give real incentives for couples to stay married and have children.

The males dissatisfied with the current legal system do neither of these things, and instead fall for Jewish propaganda to retreat from women and engage in hedonistic pursuits and narcissistic self worship about how great they are for giving up on securing a wife and having a family. They exalt themselves for giving up without a fight.

Like, to protect yourself from divorce you have to

Yes, thank you.
They always lower and crack their voice at the end of every sentence. It sounds like a "whatever" or "i don't care" should come next.

Women are so desperate these days for strong men to have a family with that they won't even demand you marry them. Go find one and start a common law family.

As always, when it is suddenly inconvenient for them, the lefties just say it's a spook

Disgust is a powerful thing, m8. Most people don't know the extent of the autism being shilled and it makes sense to have shit to post to show it.

I need a version of this video with Sam Hyde shouting and calling her a frumpy pumpkin headed pig.

Do you remember when you were a teenager and that one kid would run away from home in a childish immature act to get his parents attention because "They are gonna miss me when I am gone!" That's what MGTOW is if you really went your own way most of you would stop fucking talking about it and stop trying to get other men to follow you. No one will miss you if you leave.

Vocal Fry: "Hollywood and Reality TV could be to blame for it"

You still eventually end up paying insane amounts of money to a woman you now hate and likely losing your home as well. The woman takes the child, and you are right back where you began, but now broke and broken.

If you give her a child, an let her live in your home, then you might as well be married. In fact, do that for a few years and the two of you will be considered legally married anyway. It is called Common Law Marriage, and there is no way to opt-out. It is automatic.

There really is no way right now to not be fucked.

Nice Dubs

Fucking hell a kike behind it every time.


This is the worst fucking argument against biological race ever. Fungi and protists have been placed into both the animal and the plant kingdoms; does that mean there's no difference between a mushroom and a mongoose? I mean, the definition of a taxonomic kingdom has changed guys, kingdoms don't exist one domain the eukaryote domain!

The biological reality of race can be confirmed with functional eyesight and common sense. Timmy and John look different from Tyrone and Jamaal. Physical differences are caused by genetic differences. The differences between Timmy and Tyrone are therefore genetic. Simple.

You know, that's funny. Physical appearance and ancestry are the same criteria we use to classify species, sub-species, and breeds. And here we are proposing a classification that isn't even as great as any of those. You can tell me a chihuahua isn't a great dane based on physical appearance and ancestry but you can't apply the same logic to hairless hominids? Fuck off you retard.

If the boundaries of race are unclear in some cases, it's because we haven't been allowed to have an honest discussion about race, where such boundaries could be more clearly defined, in over fifty years.

race wasn't invented in the 1700s, holy shit

Very eye-opening to be sure. This girl can barely even speak properly, all her words sort of mash together in an some awful mumble stew. She kind of sounds like Chelsea Clinton from the DNC actually, completely checked out and probably barely conscious.

Non-threatening voice, playful music, nonsensical points…. so typical it hurts.


What is that a map of.

God I hate this cuck. He's just as bad as the people he attacks

Can't wait for the happening, women will be put back in the kitchen and the feminists will be purged.

That's why he attacks them. He's the "sensible" one and they're the "rascals" who are spoiling the fun for the "classical liberals".

Reproducing the race is more important than your personal comfort.


What the fuck is this even from?

Feminism is responsible for this.

I'd have a nice white wife and about 4 or 5 white kids who I take to church every week and teach good old fashioned values to.

The only problem is every single married guy I know is miserable and/or is now divorced and getting alimony/child support fucked.

"But they just weren't alpha enough!"

3 of em were marines. 1 of em is a cop. Females still fucked them over. The state is the biggest alpha and women run to it in order to fuck your life up.

I want to see society burn down so we can start over and force women back into their rightful roles as wives and mothers, without an army of white knights coming for my blood.

Depends, if you can afford the right lawyers you can actually uphold prenups, prenups are thrown out all the time for bullshit reasons but legal outcomes are completely for sale in this country, if you have enough of a shark lawyer and you get a decent prenup your shit will not be fucked up. It is the idiots like Robin Williams who blindly trust women and don't create a contingency plan who get JUST'd. If you can't afford a really good lawyer another strategy is to join gamblers anonymous and hide your money overseas, tell the judge you gambled it all away.

She is pandering to a group that find "her" opinions true/funny.
She is just exploiting them for views and money, but they do exist.

couple more from Chelsea


There's too many white knights out there trying to enforce the gynocracy.

Any time you think a female is going to be forced into obeying the law, there's a white knight in some layer of government that'll let her out of it and fuck your life up hardcore.

She also has the ace up her sleeve of falsely accusing a man of abuse or rape, which the cops and courts will automatically side with her on even with a total lack of evidence.



My friend's father was in the Sicilian Mafia back in NYC.

Remember hearing his parents fight, friend told me his mom wanted to get a divorce. Was in high school.

Told my dad about it later that day:

"She's gonna divorce (mobster name here )? She'll end up in the foundation of the new World Trade Center before she gets a divorce from (mobster)."

Dad laughs.

The mob couple never divorced, still together.

3rd pic top kek


(notice that all laughter in background is high pitched)

I agree feminism is a plague but the cure isn't the male version of feminism. Men should be organizing politically and legally to change the system if they feel the risks are too great, not talking about how enlightened they are for giving up entirely.

Also, your personal anecdotes mean little. I know men who are happily married, and have been for years, that doesn't mean this is the case for every man. Additionally, being a zogbot for the armed forces or local governance isn't a testament to being "alpha", which is a nebulous term thrown around far too much in MGTOW/PUA circles anyway. From what I've seen, the men who retain their wives are simply mature and responsible, which doesn't seem to be a quality emphasized in those circles.

OY VEY GOY, it's not companies responsibility to pay their workers, it's yours

OY VEY, let me make unrelated video topic just to shit a lot on kids and make others hate kids too

while i am childfree and asexual this stuff is pretty degenerate
that guy was disgusting ewww
and wtf is wrong with the newspapers that give voice to those degenerates to rape animals?

Yeah but at that point you're not really a husband, you're just a glorified tard wrangler.

Good news, everybody! Those vapid cunts are actually hurting their voiceboxes with that shit.
You just read all that in Professor Farnsworth's voice.

I have an unrelated question to westerners, why do you people use netflix? why dont you just pirate movies and shows instead?

What is she wearing?

You should cut your dick off and make no attempts to get medical attention.

>while i am childfree and asexual

That means a lot coming from a frigid tripfag femanon who didn't show tits. Thanks for participating.

Dog-cum bib.

Check the email. It's claiming to be female.

I don't know how you stumbled upon this site, but go back to reddit/facebook/tumblr or wherever you came from.

I've been thinking about this for about a year, and I still don't think it can be done without completely destroying society for a generation or two.

Star trek game for your dumbphone

The Holy Roman Empire, you brown-eyed shit. The first Reich!

Sorry m8, but you don't have enough time for two generations and even if you did, society would still need to be unfucked after being fucked even harder for an extra two generations.

funny thing is, for all the doom and gloom that is regularly propagated, millenials (well, WHITE ones anyway) statistically are actually on track to be both less hedonistic, and have more stable marriages than their parents did.

Make no mistake, say what you will about faggot millennials, but boomers were absolutely the worst generation.

Marriage isnt a social or religious convention as much as it is an instinct that has propagated through certain genetic clusters. Ergo why even the fuckyoudad/fuckyougod generation finds themselves getting married despite how cliche and passe they said it was.

long term bonding (and a rather ritualized union, not at all unlike the ritual of marriage) with one partner has been present in germanic peoples even when they were pagans according to some historical sources.

This ad is just narcissistic upkeep for broken whores like handler and thats who it is aimed at. not young women, but women who are in her position and desperately need to quell the raging anxiety they feel with every passing moment.

No need for affirmative action or university quotas. Goddamn changing the definitions based on the argument is fucked.

It was present in pretty much all Indo-European peoples back when they were pagan, that was the norm in Europe for a very long time already when Christianity showed up, there are of course exceptions, for example warlords who took concubines, but didn't marry them and the elite is a small part of society and that shit happened in Christian Europe anyway because nobles had to fuck their servants once in a while.

does she talk about fucking her dog in this one? i'm too scared to watch

Personally it's convenient to just stream everything to tv and other people pay for it so whatever. It's much better that people use that instead of 100 bucks a month on cable to watch old tv shows.

as much sense as this might make to some (not faggots) homosexual man and most men this isnt how females think
the strongest male in her life is the one shes with
everyone is tempted with all kinds of shit daily, you probably been tempted with a celebrity or two if you havent become fully redpilled yet
however, your strength to not degenerate your life overcomes such temptations

the female sees this and her immediate interactions are with you, not the state, and the state does many things wrong like tax, laws, shitty cops

you cant redpill a female but you sure as hell can tell her about your worldview and keep her from chugging jewish poison while shes with you

TLDR mras need to shut the fuck up you are free to go be solo or asexual or whatever makes you happy
TLDRps Cops and Marines aren't all magically alphas, this is statistically impossible as they obey orders and successful business owners are more likely yet not unanimously alpha

feminist detected, shut the fuck up

What's feminist about what I've said nigger ?

On one hand they tell goyim to stop marrying, stop dissenting etc… on the other they push racemixing propaganda like the movie about the nigger fucking german women they are pushing lately.

To be honest I didn't really believe "the joos" angle despite being around chans for 10 years, but it's becoming so fucking obvious lately.
It's not only undeniable but they are doing it in full daylight now, they feel invincible.

Looks like a great show…just can't wait to watch it!
The scene with Hunk made me hard too, I imagined her being fucked by that big dog…


I couldn't finish it, the influx of retardation was too much, my body naturally rejected it

Has anyone noticed liberals talk with this retarded slur that makes them sound like theyre unsure of what theyre saying? Do you think its their brain struggling to fight back against the retardation, as if its some kind of subtle cry for help to release it from its agony?

Here's another example of the voice slur:

They try to sound like teachers because that is their ideal of objective truth. That is why leftists are obsessed with education, not just because their ideas came from their retarded professors, but also due to the belief that knowledge is the solution to all problems known to man, even crime.


I understand that for Orwellian mindset to thrive you need to deconstruct the simple notions of words and categories, but that is simply human nature and scientists see through the
NICE AND FRIENDLY tuned shit propaganda that teaches nothing about the world

It's a cucks way of making a point.
High pitched ending rhetorical question.
It is because they don't want to offend anyones feelings, and don't want to make a fuss.

They don't care about truth of subject or any real answer to question they're proposing in rhetorical matter but its about emotions and opinions and how others perceive them.

she insinuates it. She basically says it's better to have a dog as your "husband" than a human.

Oh god, it reminds me of this video.

It's already happening. Talk to any stronk independent womyn in her late 20's or early 30's who isn't married. They know they are fucked.

Who started this? Can't be jews since it's not only the white race.

Ch-Chicken nugget scoon?


This, user.

Why do you think all the Jew media bullshit is aimed at demonising young people and trying to shove an amenable narrative down their throats? If Millennials were as terrible and degenerate as they'd have you believe, why would they even need propaganda in the first place?





I despise that woman.

God damn she's attractive, but god damn, is she a degenerate whore too.





Where do you think you are, niggerkikefaggot?


Thank you for crushing my hope for a future.

Everyone here has read the Kissinger report, amirite?

heh, it's not quite prager "be a man" level hate, but we can fix that.

I do not understand. Is the mellow music accompanied with the visage of two hominids pressing lips supposed to evoke some sort of an emotional response in me and prompt me to vote one way or another?

Faggot, the legal system is crawling with kikes. There's no way to unjew the marriage without a good Sonderaktion targeting the legal professions. As the things are now, the only reasonable way for men to mitigate personal risk is to avoid this jewed institution altogether.

And there are don Quixotes out there trying to change the legal system. They're called MRAs and they're not getting anywhere, as expected. They are getting shat on by the usual suspects: (((media))), (((academia))), (((non-profits))) for just trying - despite being total cucks and good goys taking the equality bullshit literally. Idiots not knowing (((equality))) is a one way street.

Oh, and none of the MGTOWs I know exhibit any narcissism or hedonism. To the contrary, they live pretty spartan lives and focus on self-improvement.

Comparing choosing a meals, and fucking strangers to the relationship which is the foundation of civilization.

Yeah bitch I'm sure all those parents brimming with pride and joy over their kids, and all the old married couples loving each other until the day they die are really jealous of your cat lady lifestyle.

You can feel the desperation and denial in her voice. It's like she's straining to hold back tears while trying to crack jokes.


this. i dont. what? I can't.. How? what is this?

Wew laddie those Youtube comments are deliciously spicy.

Who is she and why she's such a whore ?

Pirating requires some tiny amount of thinking and effort. Netflix is as retard-proof as cable TV - and costs less.

nice ass on that drifter tho tbh

This has to be some bad comedy.

they are projecting. they want their misery spread to everyone.

Exactly, now they fill their meaningless lives with endless pleasure seeking and a superiority complex to self validate their failed life.

The best part? They're not happy.
All of these people are miserable inside.


at 0:52 is that a black hand

Millenials have more stable marriages? I don't think that paints the whole picture.

It is more likely that, as marriage rates are dropping like a fucking brick in this demographic, the only people getting married are the ones that would work. People may be stupid, but men can see a shit deal when they see it and only marry the ones worth it (generally speaking).

So, marriage may look more stable in this generation, but it is still fucked as you still have legions of single whores and unmarried men checking out of society while a small vanguard of couples stay together to have 1-2 kids. Situation is still fucked.

Could talking out of my ass, but that has been my armchair assessment for the last few years.

The smarter ones are aware enough to know the end is coming and have a husband lined up.

Suspect we will see a huge resurgence in retroculture. "Everyone is equal" is fine but women are hypergamous.

The thing with military guys and divorces is that they often get married during their service, to receive benefits. The marriages are less about building a family and more about the sex and money.

It sure as fuck isn't the same guy's hand. Fucking kikes.

I fucking HATE that too.
It's also contagious.
To clarify: the "question mark" at the end of everything, the insecurity.
"Like I visited my mother yesterday? But she didn't cook any food? So I, like, went home???"

That's called upspeak. At the end of Goerge Bush's presidency, there was a notable increase in the incidence of upspeak.

I have seen a jewyork times article that actually said Pence should denounce Trump and take over. The desperation is funny to watch.

(((Jamie Weinstein)))

Her mouth has formed a permanent slight frown

I wonder how he chops the kale for his cuck salad

Its just so cliche.
I find it funny that this jew thinks anyone reads his shit. Like Hillary is going to take a cuckservstive deal, just like Bernie right? Its not even the case that this article is ground breaking, since there are at least 10 other articles right now that want Trump to give up, and another 5 on the way. Sometimes I want them to try and not half ass some of the shit they do.

incoming salt

Femanon here. I personally love the shitstorm that starts every time some poor faggot makes one of these anti women or feminist threads. Gives me a chance to see just how upset I’ve made everyone and chuckle a bit. You think jokes about kitchens or showing tits bother me? It just goes to show how much power any random female holds over you, they can pull your complete attention away from a topic just by having a vagoo.

Sure, you’ll act tough and cynical here, but we all know it’s just a desperate overcompensation for how much of a doormat you are IRL. If you decide to lash out and act a bit sexist now and then, I can’t really complain.

After all, we do pretty much run the show.

Men rely on us, work for us, spend money on us, and buy us houses and cars and clothes, sign prenups that we can turn around and cash in when we feel like ditching them for a younger, cuter piece of ass.

Got a kid with a girl? Don’t fool yourself, it’s HER kid, not yours. Piss her off and she’ll take it and leave your ass, and you can pay her a nice chunk of child support for the rest of your life.

Yep, this is the power we hold over you. So you go ahead and make your rape jokes, really. I still know that when you see me on the streets you’ll be watching, getting hard, and probably crying a tear or two because you know you’ll always be a forever alone faggot

That's all fine and dandy, but you still need to post your tits.

Tits or Auschwitz, "girlie."


I demand to see your tits.


honestly it feels like comedy.

if it's actually some ad against marriage, they really missed the mark.

seriously, i'd say it's comedy. i'd even say it's pro marriage.

lol no.

the rest of the statement might be true, but not that bit.

so you have the ability to reproduce without sexual interactions with another person? WOW! That's impressive

Pretty accurate post dude… no need to pretend to be a woman. Well, apart on the "men rely on us" bit. You actually have that backwards.

We know men in western nations have become cucked, feminized and infected with cultural marxism.
This will change, or civilization will be gone. :)


Are they truly arguing that legal definitions define biological fact?

They claim that a lack of "race chromosome" dictates there is no such thing as race, doesn't that mean that people aren't born gay as well?

Further doesn't the fact that genetic ancestry is admitted to be a large factor in disease contradict the rest of this tripe?

There's more but I'm preaching to the choir.

What. A. Bitch.

Seriously because i don't like thai food you never want to fuck me again? Bitch please

You can tell this cunt spit out that food at the end and also that was the laziest try for a laugh with the guys ass squatting

Nailed it, however as a 30 yo NEET it's getting harder to justify my 'otherness' and more just pathetic. Your post is right though, I see this happen more each year and the fissures in their relationships are clear from miles away.

Christ the HRE was shit.

they'll wake up user

I've seen this shit in a few threads just in the last couple of days, at least get some new material.

This was written by a dude.

This is a response to pasta. Go fuck yourself.

kike pls.

Why are you trying to make sluts out of women? You're part of the problem, go fuck Chelsea Handler you bum.

She's funnier than the sheboon on Cisbusters.

You're right, we should stop shit like welfare and send those niggers back to africa/goatfuckingstan

bait/10, but i'll bite, i fucking need to.

user, we're being serious here, and since, until disproven, you are not a female, post your manboobs.

Not really, and you must be new since (almost) everyone here knows "there are no girls on the internet", so unless you post tits and timestamp you won't be treated as a girl, but as a random user/retard

Good job rigging a system that actually worked fine as-is. This shit WILL change soon, either becoming better for men or for women.

There are MY genes in that kid, and this means it's not HER kid, it's OUR kid, and let me remind you that a woman cannot procreate AT ALL without a man. (And since you're a "woman", i'll remember you semen banks would be nonexistant without mans).

This happened recently? Fucking hell, why do i always miss the fun?

Funnily enough this phrase (with minor modifications unless you're a tranny) can be used also on women.

Hey, you there, we're still waiting for that boobs pic, you know?

Daily reminder that there are no girls on the internet. Telling a crossfagging user to show tits is just a way of telling him to GTFO.

link or this is just (even more) masturbatory fanfiction by a fat ugly female Trekkie who can't get a guy to fuck her.


Chelsea is a Kike






That's not what "no girls on the internet" means.
It means if you say "I'm a girl btw" you've already admitted that the only reason why someone should listen to you is because of your sexual organs and the potential to lay them.
If they show their tits, they are exactly the piece of meat we know them to be and are worthless; if they don't but still insist they're supposed to be listened to, they're attention-whores and worthlesss; if they gtfo then at least they know they're worthless and have saved a little bit of trouble.

Male or female has no weight on user imageboards, it is just about the discussion and ideas each user posts. Adding your gender or anything else does not improve nor add to any post you can make outside of ones specifically regarding your gender-specific organs.

If it is some guy pretending to be a girl, the attention is all he wants and by god did you give it to him. Look at the size of your post. Jesus fucking christ you might as well have got on all fours and slapped a collar on for him if you're gonna give him everything he wants like that.




Notice how leftist women all talk like MTV's Daria? It's that vocal fry combined with a tonality of "ugh, dad I'm tired of talking to you, read a book, I'm smart."

Christ almighty.

Itinerary for the day after the day of the rope: cut down the lawyer and politician bodies and string up the advertising execs.


I don't know. I just saw an episode where Worf complains about wearing a dress uniform because he thought it looked like a dress and Riker chewed him out for it being sexist.

He was being a pretty facetious and needed it to segue into the joke about Worf looking good in a dress.


I didn't know that was secret esoteric gunfu knowledge.

I think you'd be surprised by just how little "normal" people know about guns.

The fact they know nothing about them only increases their fear of them.



She looks pretty 'meh' if you ask me.

Why are nigresses so salty? But yeah in reality Blacks are culturally appropriating whites. And White Americans don't want nigger culture they have it foisted on them by the Jewish media.

If you look like pic attached, wouldn't you be a bit pissed off at God too?


That's the thing faggots are messing up. They think if they care/love something that must mean they want to have sex with it. Children? You love them right, your own family. That means you must want to have sex with it. Animals? You love your dog. That means you must have sex with it. It's this fucked up wiring that leads them to not realize there are different kinds of love.

Even though this is thinly veiled b8 by a pathetic MGTOW fag you don't belong here.

Shit like this doesn't encourage women to forego marriage and children, it's strictly for sad, lonely spinsters produced by a sad, lonely spinster.

The real threat is the overpopulation myth. I've heard countless men and women saying that having children is selfish because the planet is overpopulated, so (white) people should just adopt. Whenever I point out that whites aren't the ones overpopulating, Africans and Asians are, they immediately screech "rayciss".

Hey if we didn't have women who would have invented the windshield wiper? We clearly need them


You think she's blowing hot air? Check this out.

TV show "You Me Her" promotes polyamory and bisexual relationships.

England YES




Sorry, folks. I've spent years on Holla Forums, I've taken as many redpills as the next guy. No matter how many stats you throw at me, my heart just still refuses to catch up with my brain. I have zero desire to have a wife or kids. I just fail to see the dignity in such a repetitive life. I fail to feel the proper magical emotions. How can I have a wife and ever claim to be "alpha"?

Hello, Schlomo!

fucking kikes

It's not that, either.

Feminism has run us into the ground so hard that having children is seen as a terrifying, horrible thing. People who want to get married are creepy; casual, basically anonymous sex is the usual. Biologically, this could be explainable as "have Chad's kids, get Cuck to take care of them" but really these women aren't having any children at all. It's horrifying.

How to spot a leftist in under ten seconds