Stallman on David Pakman's show

lefties porn. much better than having him speak in the Alex Jones show

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What is he talking about? Isn't x60 the last one?

X200 is newer.

What a backhanded insult, i hope Stallman raked him over the coals. (i elected to stop watching right there)

I wish so badly that Stallman would talk like a human bean sometimes. He makes persuasive arguments but it's so hard for normies to take him seriously.

People are idiots then. The message should be more important than the messenger.

I wonder if that Jill Stein remark rustled Pakman's jimmies. He spread some real bullshit misinformation about her several months back.

Well I guess I'm done with Coca-Cola products. Luckily I don't drink soda much anymore anyway.

Yeah, but when the message is coming out of the mouth of a severely autistic man it sort of hurts the messages credibility

Why is he so fucking autistic?

His voice is so soothing

holy shit, rms sounds more and more like a raging sjw everyday

As if we needed any more evidence that SJWs are in the right

choose one

I'm sorry, is someone getting triggered?


rms sounds a different from what I remember...

I'm sorry I'll stop

This. RMS gets too autistic and then no one listens. All one needs to hear him ramble on about is Raping Flowers, The Church of Emacs, or how he doesn't care about babies being born. Most people upon hearing that will ignore such a person.

People like will say the message is more important, but that's because 710618 is thinking it terms of logic. In the world of persuasion, logic means nothing. I'm not trying to be insulting to RMS here, because this is how people think.

I'd hate to burst your bubble, but RMS always was. If you ever read any of the things he posted on his website, you could see that he leaned very hard to the left and often times couldn't separate personal beliefs and professional ones.

Message credibility should be judged based on logic, not the idiosyncrasies of the messenger. This is a fallacy called association fallacy.

It always is, but whether or not it persuades someone is a different matter.

In the land of persuasion, the idiosyncrasies do matter.

Pakman is such a retard.

Stallman talks about 8 year old lenovo, Pakman asks about dedicated video cards

Pakman is such a retard

Stallman talks about 8 year old lenovo, Pakman asks about dedicated video cards

RMS is getting quite old and it affects him.

One other thing that is affecting him is the SJWs that are trying to brainwash him
see Christopher Webber he's the one who pushes for more COCs and other bullshit.

Yes they are but like said
user you must know that only few people are able to overcome the bullshit of "the show" and reason normally.

But that doesn't mean that a non-logical being cannot overcome it.

That's because you didn't see what happened before you twat.
If someone has link to the link to the vid just watch it and you'll see that the retard his not letting RMS respond.
Any one would be angry about it.
But RMS clearly should not have not showed it.

Pakman is such a retard

Stallman talks about 8 year old lenovo, Pakman asks about dedicated video cards

Don't be too hard on Holla Forums, they never had an actual conversation with a real person that lasted more than 5 mintues

The main difference between RMS and the SJWs is that even though he's about as lefty moonbat as it gets, he supports the freedom of speech those he disagrees with. He's does this most often when he talks about pro-lifers.

I heard this on GNU Social... Is there any proof?

wow quality discussion topic here

Pick one and only one, Holla Forums.

Got link ?

Not much.
I discussed with another user on Holla Forums in the gimp/krita thread when it was alive
And he explained to me that Webber was one of the ones pushing COCs.
Webber uses the gimp so it his possible that the said user had encountered/discussed with him.
Other than that there is no proof.
And it's hard to believe because there isn't much proof in Webber's online profile to say that he has a SJW profile.
But some of his acquaintance are.

I've had a look at Webber's Twitter account and it seems to betrays his SJW tendencies...

As for the GNU Social link, I'm pretty sure it was Dolus talking about it on his old SLC account, and he deleted that after he moved to Smugloli.

Take your meds and go back to your containment board

Not realizing every board on Holla Forums is controlled opposition for Holla Forums :^)

I hope you realize that "Any pronouns are okay" is a polite way to say "I don't give a shit about pronouns, so stop asking".

It's too bad he says the exact same thing in every interview. I know he prefers the term 'free' over 'open source' and 'GNU/Linux' over Linux', and his opinions on drm, intellectual property and so forth. If you've heard him once you've heard it all.
I'd like to know what he thinks about how the HURD is doing, what kind of advice he'd have for aspiring code wizards, why he doesn't just try to get some old microkernel gpl'd, and other things.
I was hopeful at first but once RMS starts rambling he doesn't stop.

Sorry to be pedantic, but that would be an ad hominem fallacy.

The David Pakman show is not a show about software, so it's reasonable to assume that the viewership is not all familiar with even the concept of Free Software. This interview was intended for people who are still using proprietary software to introduce them to software freedom. Telling them about the status of the Hurd would not do them any good when hey don't even know why they should care about the Hurd in the first place.

kek. full video source?

I get that, but it seems like there's no show at all that asks him anything interesting for people who are aware of all the free software stuff, even though RMS did a lot of interesting stuff aside from advocacy

Very few people can. It's sad to see, but that's just how it is. However, it does mean that once you learn how to persuade people, you can usually get them on your side with relative ease, especially if they're younger and haven't had a long time to cement their opinions.

Well if you only go for persuasion then yes.
The tricky part is to make them develop their ability to criticize to think.
Otherwise if some other guy with better charisma overcomes your ""show"" you'll have worked for nothing.

want some new rms content

genetic fallacy more likely. ad hominem works too

I choose the side with the least authoritarians: the left.
the right-wing is the original SJW movement:

he's a legit programmer. He's given us Mediagoblin and some other useful shit.

I'd be more wary of good-for-nothing women and cultural studies grads attending the FSF conference and dictating the policies.

By the way, Libreplanet is one month ahead. Last year I suggested pro-free speech anons to attend and give at talk, in order to counter the SJW agenda. Who of you applied?

None? I guess that's why SJWs win. At least they can get their fucking asses off the couch

he mentions this from time to time. He just doesn't care whether the HURD progresses or not, because he knows the benefits are only minimal and obscure. He's way more concerned with practical aspects of free software, making inroads in really vulnerable areas, etc.

He would say something to the extent of >C good, C++ bad.

I watched one such interview recently. It was very rare in fact, because it was a video chat:

lots of technical stuff about archaic systems being discussed.