Was intermittent fasting invented by communists?

Was intermittent fasting invented by communists?

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Just intermittent fapping

Actually researching that "quote" reveals it's made up of 2 different Texts by Marx and Engels, completely out of context, and further faked editing in the term "revolutionary holocaust" not used by either, ever.

It's the typical poor research quality you'd expect from a Holla Forumsack.

The holodomor was caused by poor weather conditions and kulaks burning crops, not Stalin's doing.




stay mad

Nothing impressive, post war baby boomers happened everywhere.

Leftism has to be the ultimate form of political cuckoldry.

You'll ignore millions of deaths due to incompetence and avarice, all to protect your precious ideology of "I need free shit." You will willingly defend the people who murder your own people by the millions, because of your conflict-avoidant nature.

Has it occurred to you that the figure for millions of people didn't all occur in a single year? Or that some people are born while others are dying? No?

I suppose it's best that you don't think about it too deeply. That might lead to dangerous levels of cognitive dissonance.





He is right, soviets were serfs most of their history and their land isn't good enough for massive crops and yields. Proof: the countless famines previous Stalin regime.

Ukrainian lands are most fertile in entire continent.




No it was invented by the biological reality of your cells requiring nourishment and your body lacking consumption to fulfill that nourishment.
The centuries of famine and warfare made you strong and capable of feeling energetic despite lacking meals that day.
You are at the resulting plateau of the strong surviving the weak and killing their rivals.

Further proof soviets were the genocidal maniacs that caused a decline in Ukrainian population despite years of exceeding plenty in the already fertile lands of Ukraine.

Lol the Germans went to the gates of Moscow in a record time, you know why? because Stalin purged and killed his best Marshals(and officers, like tactical, maintenance, medical staff), if he had not done that, Germans would have faced a organized, well maintained and disciplined Red Army, (instead of the same guys that were annihilated by the Finnish people), and for sure, a lot of civilian would have been saved, the excessive 20 million Russian deaths in WWII was in fact caused by Stalin paranoia.


Your tears are delicious. Stalin did nothing wrong.

"B-b-but it was the KULAKS! The great leader said so! And I trust everything the great leader says, because I am an unthinking drone!"

Get back to work, sheep.

No Holla Forums, that's not how arguing works. YOU are the one making the claim that the Holodomor was a secret plot by the Kulaks, so YOU have to provide the evidence.

Where are your PROOFS, Holla Forums? I will be needing PROOF that the Holodomor was a plot by the eeeeevil Kulaks.

Of course, you won't ever provide proof. Instead, you'll keep with the time honored Communist tradition of "nothing is ever Communism's fault, the reason why Communism has always failed is because evil external forces sabotaged it every single time."

Thats what happens when prices are gov controlled and people can afford everything. They buy everything, and you have empty shelves. Unlike you cap faggots that cant afford anything and it stays on shelfs wasting itself.

I get a definite feeling that this is meant to be sarcastic, but given how stupid Holla Forums has shown itself to be, I can't be entirely sure.

Hurr durr im a fat american, what do you mean starvations were a regular thing in history.

You answered it yourself, premechanization era, doesnt matter that these lands are fertile.

Classcuck defending rich people.

no thats absolutely wrong. when something is too expensive and nobody buy it the price drops thats supply and demand wtf are you going on about

substantiate your claims

What the fuck is happening during black friday you moron? Low prices = lines, limits per person, empty shelves. Every day was a black friday in communism, with gov controlled low prices.

It waits for a rich enough buyer, meanwhile its useless.

Thats not true at all

What did I expect.

…the whole region produced more food than it consumed. It was one of the largest breadbaskets in the world. That is, it was until collectivized agriculture happened, at which point the Holodomor happened.

Just like collectivized agriculture caused famines in China, North Korea, etc, etc. But somehow, every time these famines happened, it was someone else's fault, right? Because Communism is perfect and can do no wrong. Because the Great Leader says so. Of course.

Not in first-world countries in the 20th century.

Ah, I see. So the bread lines weren't because none of the stores carried bread, it was because there was SO MUCH BREAD that the Russians all ate ten pounds of the stuff every day and were so overjoyed to eat their glorious Communist bread that they waited four hours in line to get it.

Makes sense, if you're an unthinking sheep that believes whatever the Great Leader and the Central Party tells you to believe.

Dumb theoreticians.

It's quite obviously a joke, retard.

Do check out this work, though:

Not when droughts happened, you can produce shit. Never noticed that famines were at most 2-3 years in the long commie history?. Oh wait, you cant, youre stupid and biased.

Yeah, economy of a scale with big producers, instead of many small farms leads to failure, thats why its not practiced in capitalism. Are you fucking stupid or what?.

And with the dumb sarcasm instead of arguments. This is a store, you dont recieve shipments every hour, if people buy out everything - you have pictures like this.

Daily reminder that Marx was a NEET faggot.

Yes, because capitalism is responsible for forces of nature.

Lazy stupid guy - that is famous everywhere.

But commies seem to be. And all the famine numbers are just cold war propaganda, holomodor is straight made up anyway because muh ebil commies.

You can be famous without being smart, just look at [CELEBRITY]

Yeah it's all propaganda and the Soviets were never known to fake data at all.

Yeah, he was singing songs, not writing books.

"stupid class cucks sucking rich dick, when they'll finish, they'll get an ass kick. Wanted to be rich, wanted always more, ended being used like a common whore."

US knows how to lie about them better. Its called atrocity propaganda. Look it up.


No is one of those attempts to spread a fake ass quote 4 fun.

A few glaring issues in your info-graph there

Do you get your history off the back of a cereal box, or the MSM?

Check the last image's links. I'm sorry for your lack of reading comprehension as a result of your country's failed education system.

This is what happens when you get your history from memes, you into a retard. Thank you for warning others of what they could turn into by being a living example.

Back to >>>Holla Forums

holy fuck the man was a living cancer.

Jej, he still has to live off of his richboy friend.

>Back to >>>Holla Forums

How about you actually refute my points pvt. joker.

Now you're just grasping at straws. There was no drought in Ukraine in 1931, you pathetic apologist. You're just making shit up in the hope that people will believe your lies at face value, you worthless snake.

More like an economy where the government forces you to grow far more export crops than cereal grains, because the


says that increasing sugar beet production will be doubleplusgood, then forcibly depopulating a farming region because the


says that you need to increase steel production (never mind that demand for steel is flatlining, the


says you need more), leaving too few farmers left to produce enough food, then demanding that the region provide five times more grain in exports than it is capable of providing because the


says that that's what you need. Then, when things inevitably go tits up, you send the NKVD in to blockade entire villages, causing entire towns to be depopulated by starvation because clearly the only reason why the


could ever fail is because of evil Western subversives, and not because of a failure of Communism. Because Communism is perfect. Because the Great Leader says so.

Then, when the people inevitably rebel because they're starving to death, you send more NKVD in to kill them for daring to oppose the rule of the glorious central committee and their perfect, well-thought-out


which caused millions of people to starve to death by autistically attempting to micromanage what kind and how many crops to grow instead of doing things the capitalistic way where farmers are allowed to grow what they determine is best, because maybe, just maybe, the farmers that have lived in an area and farmed it themselves for hundreds and hundreds of years know more about farming than a bunch of politicians in a central committee that lives hundreds of miles away and has never even been to the area or farmed in their lives.

Nuh uh man! Me and my college educated city-boy posse can totally run every farm in the country better than the farmers can run their own farms.


Best pictures itt, too bad commies are delusional.


