TL;DR Wear Trump gear in public in places where there are lots of white people and inspire them to stop being afraid to show support for Trump


I'm gonna wear my Ben Garrison "Unstumpable Trump" tee as much as possible here in MAGAchusetts because fuck these liberal faggots, what are they gonna do? I'm concealed carrying anyhow.

Other urls found in this thread:

shop.spreadshirt.com/rwds/men t-shirts



rly tho i get flipped off and yelled at constantly here in bay area ca, for my trump bumper sticker. but those happy anons that smile and give me thumbs up makes it so fucking worth it.

end liberal demoralization.

Trump redshirt paramilitary group when?

how heroic. commies have been wearing che guevara shirts for decades.

When I go to the grocery store niggers give me a wide fucking berth. When they see a white man who isn't afraid of them, doesn't shyly look down and away like a fucking cuck… They don't know what to do.

They generally don't get threatened with violence over them, tho.

Would but I live in Sunny Southern Commiefornia with too many lesser races around to risk it. I do occasionally wear my hat out proudly, but I'm just quietly preparing for the coming race/civil war.

I live in Santa Cruz, wear a MAGA hat, and occasionally people will ask me questions but nobody has ever been aggressive.

When people start getting annoyed/agitated or whatever, the key is be chill.

"Trump will start World War 3!" "I don't think so."

"Trump's a racist!" "I don't believe that."

Be calm, be good natured, be a good ambassador, and the media programming short circuits and people start being people again.

I recently got a "Blue Lives Matter" bumper magnet and slapped it on my car. Within a couple days, I had three men and two women approach me in various parking lots to say how much they appreciated me expressing my support and telling me how much they hate BLM and think they are terrorists. One of them was active duty law enforcement, one of them was retired and the rest were just white citizens. It came out in conversation that they all supported Trump. Signaling like this is important. It lets white normalfags feel like they aren't alone and emboldens them to speak out about their support of Trump.

is it weird that this is the same feeling you get if you go out in public in drag?

Sir I can neither confirm nor deny such degeneracy, please step this way.

Bonus points for wearing a blacksun or nazi symbolism shirt.

record your adventures too, for maximum keks

DOUBLE BONUS POINT JEOPARDY: Wear it in a renown liberal city or on a college campus

get on my level

I already got my RWDS shirt on the way.
shop.spreadshirt.com/rwds/men t-shirts
I just wish I didn't miss the Summer of 88 shirts. They're so dank.

Indeed, I wear my Trump hat around California and nobody has reacted negatively. It was pretty cool. Nobody has even given me a dirty look.

I've been thinking about getting a Black Sun shirt, not too overtly Nazi, but it's Nazi enough for people to receive my signal.

It's 25 bucks though, fuck me.

A Nazi who can't collect $25 is a formidable creature.

Where'd you get that shirt?

I'm seriously considering it, but that's bretty expensive for a t-shirt.

Which color scheme you like? I prefer the white black sun, with a yellow or light blue background.

The black sun is black for a reason.The black sun is the astral echo of the "sun," which is ersatz.

I got white background, black sun, but that's only because I can't in2 fashion and black&white is a safe bet.

top kek, thinking pol consists of bluepills.

Had it custom made

fuck I can't into fashion either.

Time to get back into silk screening or buying transfer paper again.

It is also a symbol that is supposed to represent the eye or a reflection of the universe

you can still get the summer of 88 shirts here famalam ineedmerch.com/stores/the-right-stuff/

Nobody gives a shit about Che shirts. Trump ones would draw a lot of attention.

I bought that shirt a month or two ago.

I've worn it outside like 4 times, 3 times with friends. Always gets reactions (commifornia)

Wore it to an open mic a while ago, couple people laughed at it, but no one got butthurt.
Humor and redpills work best

I was going to buy one, but the Trump Shop only sells domestic. Is there any ways to buy a MAGA hat from Norway?

mussolini a shit though

Daily reminder that it was germans that defended north africa for year while the shitty italian officers sabotaged the germans at every step, out of resentment. Italian soldiers were only half way confident after Rommel and his officers retrained them properly.

for years*

There are probably proxy shipping services you can look into.

the italians were still very resilient after the invasion of sicily fam, I agree not as resilient as the germans but before the siege of rome they were a good example of stoicism.

The Italian Military wasn't great for a long time.I wouldn't blame Mussolini for the poor state of the Military, it was the faggot kings fault. The officers were not chosen because of skill but becuase of names and connections (also there were tons of kike officers) When the Italian troops in Africa were being led by German officers they preformed very well. Mussolini's big mistake was not executing the treacherous king.

Also, Giovanni Gentile wrote the doctrine of fascism and pretty much all Italian fascist theory

Mussolini was really cool. It's just that the average Italian was a faggot. Hitler thought well enough of the duce to have him rescued by Skorzeny.

I survived a night out in NYC with a Trump hat. I even met some friendly gorillas. Highlight of the night was when churro lady started yelling at me about being a filthy gringo in Spanish. She looked like she was about to have a heart attack when I answered back and told her I'm Latino.

Yeah, Mussolini should have gone all in. Killed the king, killed the pope, and declared himself god-emperor.

I think he didn't because the king was really popular for some reason (even though he was incompetent as all fuck) and you know how cucktholics are about their hat man

You did good, user.

You still have to go back though.

Me ne frego!

100% steel nuts on you, my friend.

I laughed it off because that was the point that I finally could see that all the hype about Trump is 100% deserved, if nothing but the sheer libjew asshurt he causes

Mussolini seemed to agree with Hitler but the italian high command was extremely kikey.

A german intelligence report in 1943 had italian soldiers saying that they would much prefer if a soldier like Rommel or Goering would take over italy.

In fact they liked Rommel so much more than italian officers and mussolini that they would willing run into death for him alone. Though there were several times where the italians were told to attack a certain place and they held back which almost caused the loss of all of africa as they sabotaged Rommel

Also source on italian soldiers wanting rommel as dictator is in Trail of the Fox by David Irving, a classic

When Hitler and his generals when to go meet mussolini for the first time he told them to not laugh at the italian king, apparently he was 5'0 tall lel

Also, southshore MA here, where you at fam?

And I'm totes taking MAGAchussettes

It also serves as a warning to others. I used to have illegals and the like ask for money on the street side, now I do not get approached.

I always make it a rule to never wear it in areas that are too ghetto or if its late at night. Other then that, commiefornians have not given me trouble.

Can't go back. We've been here so long that there is no place to go back to. I've had family serve in every major conflict going back to WW2.

The times l have worn this shirt l haven't gotten very many disgruntled looks, and l live in CA. I think modt people assume it's a Pink Floyd shirt.



Fuck, those quads make me obligated to inquire what your genetic makeup is and hope to kek that it's mostly Spaniard.

Wasted dubs.

No Refunds!

I'm not far from Gillette my fellow Masshole.

I live in Chicongo, I don't feel like having a death wish right now. Yeah, you live in a city full of shitlibs that at worst will flip you off, but here literal monkeys with guns are a thing.

It was an enjoyable day.

How did you make a meme into a t-shirt? I tried this once and it came back all fucked up an blurry

Sorry guys!

For those interested this all my Fascist stuff. I have a bunch of communist military items as well (only because they're so cheap)

I've been wearing my MAGA hat around Toronto since last year. Everyone here is too cucked to say anything so they just try to stare me down and make a post on Tumblr later about it. A few people have wanted pictures with me, which gives me a little hope at least.

Mostly Spaniard with a small bit of injun blood from Puerto Rico. Yeah, I hate that fucking place but I did see an old family painting of an old Spaniard the last time I visited one of my great aunts who still lives on the island. Apparently he was the guy who came to the island way back when and started my family there.

That's more like it. :^)

It looks beat just like his campaign.

Now looking at what the opposition wear, its not even close to good.
High retard capacity? Low effort and lame.

I wear my fascist shit around alberta, the most ive gotten were two antifa fags whispering to eachother daring eachother to attack me

They sucked at war but got plenty of shit done in the infrastructure side, so much they even inspired Hitler.

I'm jelly as fuck, dude. You're a man of taste.


Fucking massholes

Can't drive for shit, stop using my state's highways and flooding my state with your shitty politics that has ruined your state

t. NHfag

Yes and I'm proud of it.

I'd wear the HRC one and when people ask me about it, act like it stands for Hillary's Rotten Cunt

Trump Hat + concealed carry

Remember to protect yourself from progressive peaceniks and the religion of peace.

You probably could have taken both of them.

Toranon, this is a board of peace. What are you suggesting?

If it makes you feel better I hate 95 percent of the people in my state, would love to move up there, and when I make big ticket purchases *COUGH COUGH LONG GUNS COUGH*, I chose to take my buisness to a state like yours that doesn't use my salestax to fund antigun agendas.

But I do drive like a douche and I won't apologize for it.

They all say out of stock. Can you still get them?

Aint no nigga gon buy that goofy shit.

It's like you want user to get sent to an enrichment facility by Trudeau.

Hi amerifriends,I'm a britfag living in burgerland. I'd love to show my support for the trumpenfuhrer, and wouldn't hesitate if I were burger, would it be disrespectful for an actual foreigner (though white) to wear a Trump tank?

You misunderstand the law, it's ok if they are white.

it seems like 50% of mass and vermont work in NH

our unemployment rate is like 2-3% IIRC

Even entry level jobs at McDonalds get $10-12 an hour

Shitskin wearing a shitskin tshirt. You're browner than the average Arab. Also clean your fucking nails.

Many thanks. Here's my communist shit. Holla Forums should recognize this collection :^).

Probably, but when it comes to cucks and their pets I make sure they attack first and there's evidence of it. We the Soviet union now.

Okay, but only if I can wear a UKIP shirt, or an ARE NIGE shirt.


Well I'm in southern faggotchussettes so I don't know anything about that. Traffic in Boston is absolutely clownshoes around the clock, so unless I'm working, its a very rare occasion for me to be willing to make the trip through it. like for a roast beef sandwich from Kelly's roast beef in Revere

Go ahead, just be sure to wear it around England when you go back. I want to hear what those towel headed shitskins think about your garb if you can get back to your computer in one piece, that is.

I'm more a fan of cover nazi symbolism so I always wear one of these Algiz runes around my neck

college town liberals dont understand symbolism

I'm fine with commieshit, can be pretty a e s t h e t i c.

you're sorely lacking in Nazi memorabilia user

I feel for you man, Chiraq is no joke. I've spent a good amount of time in that shithole doing work over the years. I don't live in a city though. Mass cities are either infested with insufferable shitlibs, niggers, spics or some combination of the three.

I can't take credit, friendo. I was being literal when I said Ben Garrison "Unstumpable Trump" tee. He was selling them on teespring a couple weeks back in limited release and I snapped one up. Had to support Trump and Ben "Gas the Kikes" Garrison in one fell swoop.

I take it back you don't have to go anywhere. I love you war horse riding Cortez motherfuckers.

I drove a tow truck in Boston for many years. I hate the typical Massachusetts driver by multiple orders of magnitude than you ever could, NHfag.

Shut up bruv you're never supposed to admit it to outsiders.

Aww no, don't show me that man, you're turnin' me off.

It's a fucking shoah

One way roads everywhere, fuckers just paved over paths meant for horse and buggies

Also wrong turn you gotta pay $40 in tolls goy :^)


No one?

That shit is way to expensive.

Relax, I plan on selling it eventually. I picked it up because I saw how much the older stuff goes for. No I'm not a gommie

Well I drive for a living, so that is a solid guarantee that I drive like a bag of shit. Nothin' to do with this state.

One way to show more support is for when you are driving. A funny sticker is one that is "Hillary for prison 2016" where for prison are smaller letters, so at first you think its a hillary supporter but then you do a double take. Trump stickers are nice too, plenty to buy online, and you won't get any rough drivers, sometimes people are happy and thumbs up/honk in a good way.

Remember last election? Lots of Obama stickers on cars, get some backbone and put a Trump sticker on your back car window.


Worcester ma. Saw trump live earier in year here.

Let me guess, extremely fucked up love life?

Die in a fire.

A reminder of the people you are paying if you're gullible enough to buy this crap.

Soviet shit was dirt cheap in the 90's. it's still somewhat cheap, but not as cheap when I bought it. Pretty much everything I posted probably costs less than an original German canteen.

Not as much as I'd like

Lucky. I'm calling in sick next time hes in town just so I can take my little brother to see him.

Third party, don't vote at all, or revolution? None of these work, vote Trump.

Well, to be fair, a revolution would totally work. The problem is starting one in a nation where most people believe they are comfortable.



You know this board is a WN board right? Back to Cuckchan with you darkie.

I've noticed over the time I've spent on Holla Forums that there is a surprising percentage of Northeastfag representation. I'm thinking of starting a New England NatSoc podcast. What say you fellows? Would you fags listen to such a thing?

0/10 chaim

I have seen shills say," Trump won't work, don't vote for him, we need a revolution." Yes revolutions work, we always have America and Nazi Germany to see that, but yes people don't want a revolution now. They want safety, and the majority still believe that something can be done to fix the system that doesn't require a war. That may change, but Trump is what we need and we can get more people to vote for him then to create some "revolution".

Sinead is counter currents? I can't be arsed with keeping up all the drama and faggotry of the aut right.

You're clearly lost, this place is not for you.

No, countercurrents is fagboi Greg Johnson and they don't sell merch. That user is just a butthurt CTR fag.


There's no 'cool' trump shirts on Trump's website.

The only merch that's good is the hats and that's because the brand is so strong.

I'd tentatively say yes, but it's real easy to fuck up and turn very cringy with it. I was going to make a burner email tomorrow and suggest reviving the meadhall new england thread.

Nice try nigger. The article explicitly states you should buy from Donald J. Trump himself.

But you're a kike and didn't read the article, so you wouldn't know that.


Do you think he'll really come back to MA? It's almost always blue, even in that CNN fucking white male vote chart, it was blue.

There's lots of Italians in Essex county, MA. There's even the Greasy Pole challenge.

Now that is hilarious. I think that almost outdoes any Dave Chapell skit

Greg Johnson the fat boy who embarassed himself somehow a while back? I seem to remember the name vaguely.

Not sure. I don't keep up with him, I just know he's a homo that has a decent podcast and sometimes shows up on TDS.

I think he'll swing on by at least one more time before the general election. At least I hope he does.

And theres also alot of Italians in Newton too.


Agreed, but I have prior podcasting experience and have seen minor success with it and I'm fairly confident I could do it right if there was an audience for it.

That map is by no means an exact representation. Just a rough exhibition of the European presence in the NE.

Antiwhite and bluepilled.

I actually like CC quite a bit, Johnson adds an intellectual side to things that I appreciate. And his podcast is pretty decent, he gets good interviews out of even weird pagan LARPy characters.

The special shows (autiste/merchant minute) are fun, but the rest of the show makes me want to claw my eyes out.

I've stopped listening to TDS lately because a bunch of anons have said it's gone to shit. I just tune in to Morracows jewtube channels for the merchant minute and parody songs

Yeah, he did a pretty comfy interview with weev.

Fash The Nation and The Weekly Narrative are both superior.

I'm not saying the anonymous people are wrong, but I am saying you're a faggot for taking their word for it.

I'm a big fan of FtN and I'm a fairly critical dude. I haven't found a single other show that tickles my fancy. I did hear good things about Nationalist Review but I haven't given it a listen yet.



I live in Portland, are you trying to get me lynched?


Oregon or Maine?



We will declare this Trump Out day or Trump Pride Week. As this is 6 weeks out it will rattle the dems who will be forced to ramp things up a couple weeks early. The silent majority will come out of the Closet for Trump. We need to work on this to make it go viral, make funny vids and memes about Trump supporters coming out to their friends, families and co workers.People of all walks of life, millennials, seniors, black white straight gay Mexican, even Communists who hate Hillary more than Trump We need to make this go viral.

Other ideas include equating Trump opposition with blind acceptance of media narrative, un-critical thinking etc. "You don't support Trump, and think he's racist I bet you were believe in Brian William's and Hillary's helicopter under sniper fire then, too."."If he can be trusted with billions of dollars, than he can be trusted with the button." Maybe even make pins shaped like nuclear buttons with Trump's logo on em.Turn it around on the cock suckers. "I'm voting Trump because…" "Trump protestors are violent." "The wall is not such a bad idea when you really think about it." etc.

The silent majority should be urged to come out, even if they don't we should make enough noise to garner support and normalize Trump acceptance.

Ramp it up. FULL FORCE.

In 10 years your kids will be asking you:


New Englanders can be uncomfortably fascist lad

This should culminate a series of spontaneous grassroots rallies across the nation in support of Trump - without his presence being necessary.Like BLM protests, but for Trump and AGAINST the media.

Oregon obviously.

In regards to OP I actually had a lovely chat with this black girl Bernie supporter outside of the supermarket today while I had my hat. it was in my back pocket (it was shady and cool) when she started talking to me but as soon as politics came up I put it on and we went back and fourth about how evil hillary is how much better America will be with Trump and so on. It did seem like she switched gears as soon as she saw my hat and she was initially trying to sell me on some new peoples party bullshit.
It was a surprising breath of fresh air though, she was knowledgeable and not at all belligerent.

With as many cases of leftists stealing, damaging property, and assaulting people as there have been, it shouldn't be too hard to compile some sort of
type of stuff.

Cool post, user. I wear my Make America Great Again hat everywhere I go, and a lot of people greet me, give a knowing nod or smirk, or even come out and start praising Trump. And nobody has ever dared say anything against it - it really is like Trump haters are uncomfortable or frightened.

Wear Trump gear everywhere, faggots. We don't have armbands yet, but things like this are how you show consensus in a society.

same here, stop being a faggot and wear your hat
all they will do is yell at worst
they are not used to resistance usually you just look them in the eye and they back down.
just be a giant angry warvet with a shaved head, that is all there is to it.

the most arrogant irrelevant small town in the world

people in paris TX do not going around saying they live in Paris and expect the whole fucking world they mean the small one.

goddamn yankees, only one step higher than the eternal anglo.

Checked. You and yours have earned it.

I know user, was just being a dick online. I am OP btw.

I appreciate the story although you should probably webm related from now on.

Nigger calm down I was trying to trigger you Portcucks but didn't think it would be this effective.

Good lad. You are an example of what the article was referring to. We need to be unafraid so that others will stop being afraid.

I'm getting one of those soon. My CFSC is already scheduled, and they're cheap as dirt here in Canadastan. Fuck, I could get like 5 and 10k rounds by the time they actually get off their asses and put my license in the fucking mail…

I normally would but it was frankly astonishing that she actually knew what she was talking about and instead of chimping out when seeing the hat she continued talking civilly. Not that I have gotten anyone chimping out on me but that one skinny white college kid but I would have bet money on her at least raising her voice.

Mr. Trump and his family are sent death threats, are slandered, etc 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Yet they still fight the good fight.

The next time any of you feel hesitant about wearing your Trump gear (and I hope there never is a "next time"), just remember that Trump doesn't back down as he tells the globalists to go fuck off

perfect storm

Trump has billions of dollars to hire people to protect him and his family (and he does). The police would more likely laugh and watch as you get beaten by nogs these days.

The black t-shirt seems appropriate.

I'm not so sure, cops always seem to be far more friendly while I have my hat.

He better get "volunteers" to protect him if he ever comes to Washington State. Hired guns are constitutionally forbidden here.

Brown or grey were FAR more common than black in NS. The only units that wore black were Allgemeine SS which were political officers.

Black is for fascism

While I personally value the darker hues for day to day adornment, I feel that the blazing red is appropriate for Trump in the year of the Fire Monkey. The opposition should be shamed with red hot flames. It's a e s t h e t i c.


I'm afraid of some nigger antifa bricking me in the back of my head, not a fair fight.

I just had a great idea.

I don't know if anyone's already done this or had this idea. If so chalk it up to hivemind.

Someone should do a video like that '10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman', except '10 Hours of Walking in X in Trumpwear'. Just get recorded walking around (better if it's in a liberal city) and make note of the reactions or interactions of people around you. It could be gold if there's lots of reactions like described in the OP, people looking shocked/afraid/angry but then looking down in submission, etc.

this is so good fuck someone please do this. who is in new york and has huge balls


New Yorker user here. Sure! Not really part of New England but close enough.

That actually is a really good idea

If you are going to do it, good luck and happy filming

Really now………..:^)

While I agree with you, I feel black would be appropriate considering what our role has been throughout this presidential election season.

Fucking this, folks!

How have I never thought of that?

Gotta step up your memetic potential user! You can do it!

Meme it

Checking your check of quads, Ian.

Great idea user. Why not expand this though? Have anons in cities across the country partake and record their shenanigans. This could be extremely powerful.

Jerry Falwell came up with that one.

It's vague enough for doubt, they could think it's written on the wall in the blood of oppressed Mexicans

People don't like him here but I wonder if Gavin McInnes would do this if presented with the idea. He wrote the article referenced in the OP:
..where he talks about people in NYC acting meek when they see his Trump clothes.

The plus side is Gavin has shekels from Vice, etc., so he could make it look professional, hire someone to follow him around, hire an editor to find all the best reactions and show them, he could promote it on his Cumia show which would help it go viral, etc.

Then other people could make their own versions in their own cities.

But I know people think he's a cuck so maybe we should handle it ourselves. I'm just thinking of how to make it the most professional to get the most viral inpact.

someone tweet at him

I swear that naxaltbro guy sounds just like one of those FTN guys. I am told they are different, but they have the same tone and mannerisms.

It doesn't hurt to signal…just a little bit with your Trumpwear.

Sorry. I live in libtardia, have no ccp, have tinny asian girl body, tons of niggers and spics in my "Diverse" city. 0 mega hats around me.

100% this

Although I won't put a sticker on my truck for fear of windows being smashed. I'll wear the hat and such

I could see that going viral pretty quickly.

This should be akin to a weekly reminder thread


I wear the OFFICIAL MAGA hat everywhere, so far here are the reactions:

12 compliments.
0 complaints.
Iowa citizen

I wore the MAGA hat to a liberal hipster bar last night while they were having a gays for hillary event.
The bartender offered me a sample of some beer called 'chinga to pelo' which translates to 'fuck your hate' or some gay shit like that.
We got into a heated discussion about bees and other stinging insects-
(I realize they're important to the ecosystem, but I don't like them and don't want to be around them unless I have a beekeeper suit on)
Nobody directly confronted me.

She said something about how I needed to work on being more charming.
Also, I forgot to close out my tab. Whoops. Hopefully that doesn't come back to bite me.



I wear my MAGA hat all the time, I live in seattle.

So far i've

-had things thrown at me
-had someone spit on me
-someone threatened to "kick my ass"
-3 compliments

i'm planning to move to north Carolina after I get my degree.

See what I mean? Great signaling, pal.
Is that stahlhelm made of blastic?

Looks nothing like one.

Lose weight

t. Other fatty

I've been wearing my MAGA hat constantly for months. I've had dozens of people tell me it's cool. Leftists won't even look at me in the eyes, let alone say something negative to me. Hispanics have mostly been neutral about it, except for one that kept making Drumpf comments. One nog went off on me about obama and black man's plight, and another wanted to take my picture.

Are you me?

Only reason why I won't put anything Trump related on my car is that I just know there will be some faggot who won't hesitate to vandalize / key / scrape it.

you are supposed to flat out tell them that there is literally nothing wrong with being racist. which is true

looks like a plastic trash can, but it's the intention that counts.

Don't bump if you're going off-topic, user..

Looks more like one of those cheap commie helms anyone can buy.

Its made of steel, and as has observed its not a stahlhelm, its a Danish M/23 stålhjelm.

Also, I don't usually wear it, but only a fool shows his whole face on an imageboard and the helmet covers the top of my face nicely if I tilt it forward, hence why I wore it in the picture.

Working on it.

I carry a gun often especially wearing MAGA, but I don't ever go buy Mexican food in it. That is a good way to get people to fuck with your food. I am not afraid of whiny liberals. If one of them spits on me, I will shoot them in the fucking head.

I learned this approach to de escalate the trump haters from a black woman. No lie.

This isn't far off from my experiences in using this angle.

I usually carry a gun but this state is total shit to gun owners. If I shot someone dead because they spat on me i'd get put in jail easily.

I actually went to a Mexican restaurant with it on and the owner and I got into a discussion about trump, he said he likes the guy since illegals are, by his own description, human garbage. This was over in Tacoma, which is decidedly nicer to trump supporters than seattle, I even saw a couple yard signs.

Considering spitting on someone can get them sick it is a form of assault. I would suggest getting a membership with the NRA if you have not. They give you a membership card with lawyers in case you ever need to use your firearm. They also have insurance and it is all really cheap.

Not trying to shill. It is just advice I give to most gun owners so they don't go to jail if they have to defend themselves.

Or carry a can of mace. If someone spits on you, fucking mace the liberal. That would be more entertaining anyway.

Trump has billions of dollars to hire people to protect him and his family (and he does). The police would more likely laugh and watch as you get beaten by nogs these days.
Trump has billions of dollars to hire people to protect him and his family (and he does). The police would more likely laugh and watch as you get beaten by nogs these days.


Nice try moshe, but our cops know which side their bread is buttered on.

KEK have given you a blessing,
You may stay.

Nah this hat is alright. "Dad hats" are in right now. It's what the teens are wearing these days. See pic related with girl. Problem is, teenagers don't fucking vote you dumb kike (this is to bernie)

The fact that she even still offers fitted hats is a big red flag at how out of touch she is. The only niggers who still wear those are the Fat Joe types who's hayday was 2002. Friendly reminder that those niggers don't vote. And no self-respecting white man would ever wear a fitted hat as "streetwear"

Trump did it the best. It's not a trend. It's a statement. It's branding. It's fucking genius is what it is.

The Secret Service will be with him.

Been wearing my trump shirt for over a year faggots


I live in Socal, if I wear trump gear i would lose my job, or even worse, get attacked on the street.


Now is not the time for fear.

Youngfaggot in Jersey, I ran into a fucking pep rally with a large poster with "can't stump the TRUMP 2016 MAGA MAGA" crayoned onto it with my trump hat on, and I got

-screamed at
-cucks shouting "ARE YOU KIDDING ME"
-seniors taking numerous photos of me from different angles like i've became a celebrity
-more people liking me now, and free coverage
-an A+ from my libertarian history teacher

I'm still gonna move out of NJ because of the gun laws and fireworks.

I wore SS divisional symbols on shirts at my college for 6 months. Only one person ever recognized them, and he's most of the way to RaHoWa already.

I wear my red MAGA hat every day around a very liberal suburb of Chicago. I haven't met much open hostility, interestingly.
Though it is obvious that I am triggering and frying some liberal circuits.

I washed the salty crust off a couple days ago.
Didn't think until hours later how awesome it would have been to take a picture of the inveterate MAGA in all its salty glory.

You know, most are ZOGbots, but right now the enemy of my enemy is my ally.

Besides, most cops are White and right-wing… and very politically incorrect.

Black is an inherently intimidating color.

Wear black tactical pants (or shorts but only if you're fit enough to still look intimidating in shorts), police style black boots and a black hat and mirrored shades.

the fun one was in oregon

some other conversations happened, but i could tell things weren't going anywhere so I said "we're clearly not going to agree, so have a nice day" and walked off

she audibly scoffed and mumbled something passive aggressive to one of her customers

at some point in time I also threw in "the whole country was not made of cotton" after she mentioned slavery, she did not like that at all

breddy fun/10 overall, always gets compliments and starts conversations
I occasionally get a look that may not be positive

sleep tight pupper

I bought mine (and for 2 friends) from an user here on 8ch. There was a thread a few months back with people offering to ship them and so on without making profit. I'd say that's your best bet, either that or using the proxy shipping services. The latter are pretty expensive though if I recall.

In Swedenistan I get pretty much surprised/bad reactions every time I wear it. Had people trying to stare me down and getting up into my face as well as people just looking disgusted. Only found support in Estonia actually, guy on the ferry had an Infowars-cap.

Sage for OT.

Fuck that. I proudly wear my MAGA gear to Lincoln park zoo, Navy Pier, Great America, and anywhere else I go. Only once has someone talked shit…it was some fat spic who said "fuck Trump" as i walked by. I walked back over and asked him what he said and he repeated it so i told him he was just gonna love the big, beautiful wall we were gonna build. That was it. I also drive through the city with a trumper sticker.

People almost always respond to me positively. I tell them the silent majority needs to speak up. It is important for us to not be afraid of wanting to make America great again.

my workplace is like 80 percent black, so no thanks

The fire rises, Anons. They expect our bodies in the wreckage, but will we give them that satisfaction? I think not.

I just got kicked out of my bar , but totally worth it.

The barkeep fucked it hard.

"You need to leave, those things you said, no just no not in my bar."


"So your a leftist eh?"

Him: "Yes!"

This town is conservative as fuck and everyone just looked at him.

Im going to his other job (a cellphone store) and if he throws me out for something that happened at another location (the bar) im gonna have his job for attacking my political beliefs.

You a drug dealer?

though i did have a trump bumper sticker that was vandalized twice. someone tried to rip it off once and only got like a third of it, then someone removed the rest later.

I really hate it when people from failed countries try to act like they have any kind of right to tell you anything about your politics.

I often work abroad and outdoors, I make sure to wear my Trump hat and my French identitarian shirt. Since my job mostly has me deal with American normie women, I found it very amusing that they literally never engaged me on it, even though they wouldn't shut the fuck up about Donald Trump (in a critical way).

I think it's because I'm like 2m tall and just generally big

I don't have very good eyesight and I can't drive a car. I live in Texas but I'll get fired if I conceal carry my gun to work and somebody finds out. I have to take the train + bus to work every day and honestly, wearing a shirt like this on the train terrifies me. I've seen schizophrenic nigger women that scratch their hair with forks on this train. I wish I was joking.

Whoops, didn't word that very well. I should have said the idea of wearing the shirt on the train terrifies me.

Are there any shirts for guys older then 24? Those look tryhard and faggy.

Do you know of the CCA is any good on that note? The NRA does well but I was looking into other 2A groups and the CCA seems like a good 2nd option

THIS. Spread the word around lads, And Don't be afraid to TrumpOut before then. When people see us not being afraid to be openly Trump, they will fall in line behind you.


Got these as a gift the other day/ballin'.


My boss has one on his truck, he never speaks about politics and is very soft spoken but it makes me glad to know he's a secret supporter. his last name is British but I suspect he is at least half poo Indian

Seriously user, more than likely you're doing more harm than good with that kind of symbolism. It plays directly into the leftist narrative and grants it legitimacy.

C'mon now user, have some agency.

Kidding, obviously. What trade are you in?

Mech Eng internship at a semiconductor package manufacturer. I don't actually know his ethnicity for certain but he looks a bit too swarthy to be ethnically British. Pretty chill guy though, hopefully I get hired after I graduate.

What a bad Goy you are. Definitely don't procreate. White children are a terrible plague on the world.

I wore my trump hat all over Iceland. 2 Belgium guys and 1 Icelandic girl were interested in talking to me about it.

When I got off the plane when I returned to NYC, one of the flight attendants — a gay man — asked where I was from.

People who are afraid of a hat need to relegate themselves to history.

It's pretty cool that you did that

That plain RWDS one is good. I don't think I'd wear a 14/88 shirt in los angeles though.

perfect, it's just a band shirt :^)

He's the Republican nominee. It is patently absurd that anyone should feel shamed or afraid of showing their support for him.

I totally get why people would be afraid, especially in a place like Commitfornia, but it's us who should feel afraid, not leftists.

We're the ones suffering violence by those fanatics. Not them.

But, by wearing my gear in public, I hope that I can embolden others as well.

I'm always super friendly with everyone I encounter too and dressed in business casual clothing.

If there are people afraid of us, I hope that I'm helping to soften that image.

because it'll be easier to physically remove them if they are more comfortable and complacent

sleep tight pupper

I told this story before, some fag was walking around campus on exam day wearing a red shirt that had a huge communist symbol on it and nobody batted an eye.

If someone had worn a nat soc shirt he would have gotten kicked out of school instantly.



This is my favorite tbh.

Someone should report that company to the SS tbh.

Being brutally killed on a thrash metal band's t-shirt is a big compliment, bruh

Since when has heavy metal culture been so effeminate?

Since the jews bought it, and the primary demographic became scene girls.

Am British, would happily wear trump gear if I could buy it. But I am not allowed to due to election law in the states and contributions. Is there a middleman industry somewhere that I can buy from? I only want an authentic one

That is pretty low energy of you, user.

they can't take metal too. this is the last straw

Get a Yank to buy one for you and ship it personally. I'd do it myself but I don't trust you.