Storytime: Civil War II #6

Yes, my fellow Holla Forumsuntrymen, it is that time again. The oft-delayed Civil War II has put out another issue this week, and while the delays have insured that the actual paying public has little interest left for this event, but surely we can at least have some fun mocking this if none of us are paying a dime for it, right?

For those of you who would be satisfied with a short summary, not much happens this week: Black Panther ditches Carol's side to join up with Iron Man, while pretty much all of the younger heroes on Iron Man's side give the middle finger to both sides and walk out to go help black spiderman. But then they apparently don't find him or something, because the last page has him firmly placed in Washington DC, which is exactly where the future vision said he would be.

That's normally the sort of thing you could have happen in 10 pages or less, right? Rather than needing to balloon it out into some 20-odd pages?






And that's it for this week's issue of Civil War II, anons. As a special after-credits sideshow/palate cleanser, though, I think it might also lead to some fun discussion to storytime one other related tie-in that came out this week.

Captain America - Steve Rogers #6: Somebody finally brings up Minority Report





And that's all, folks! Now let's hear some honest opinions as to the quality of the writing and/or art that you've seen here today.

artwork is good I suppose.

Bendis can eat a dick.


I saw what Cap saw, the destroyed White House. I refuse to believe that no other heroes saw that. Somebody else has to be coming to the same conclusion: Miles has neither the resources nor the strength to cause that kind of destruction. If not, then from beginning to end, the event was unmitigated retardation propelled forward only by necessity.

Nick Spencer is not a skilled writer. This has nothing to do with being a fervent ideologue either. First, he used "begs the question". Second, look at all that exposition in flashbacks. It's wasted space and wasted time. We already know Steve survives. You aren't building up expectations of failure to be subverted later. Either have less words, or try to use them to tell us/hint at something we don't already know. And then there's the repeated stuff from CW 6 could probably have been cut down as well.

Wow it sucks and is boring

So Cap isn't twirling his mustache, but he's pretty clearly a villain. He's just putting up a really good front. There's nothing noble about purging people who don't agree with you or fit your designs.

And there's nothing insightful or cutting in his commentary. The degeneracy of the Avengers has nothing to do with American heroes and everything to do with shit writing. Good job, Nick Spencer, you just managed to stick it to your boss and his predecessors, but it doesn't give me pause, because I already knew you guys were shit. There's nothing revelatory here.

I can't get over how badly written this is.
Decompression taken to its logical extreme, an entire comic book in which almost nothing happens. Dialogue that sounds nothing like the way real people or these characters actually speak. Clunky exposition. Blatantly flawed logic. Characterization totally at odds with decades of precedent.

Captain America is miles better than the main book, but that's not saying much.

We already knew a month ago that the Teen Diversity Squad was going to go their own way and show they were heroes by tweeting over the corpse of some teenage girl they failed to save…
and them leaving is one of the only things that happens in this piece of shit.

Ah, that reminds me of something you might find funny. Previews for the next issue of Champions show that the very next thing they do after that awkward little ending scene is to go out camping together. As in, they explicitly state that it's the very next day, and they're all out in the woods toasting marshmallows around a bonfire because Ms. Marvel said they should do so.

Fucking hell.. You can't do a Civil War sequel and kill Steven Rogers again.. and you can't fucking expect fans to swallow this indoctrination bullshit.

Tony or Carol's side?

Hmmm. Would you rather be shot in the stomach or set on fire?

Months in an ICU burn unit or a sucking abdominal wound that'll net you a colostomy??

Tony's side is right. The predictions are fucking wonky and so far have either been pointless, wrong, or highly deceptive in a way that they are unavoidable.

Carol just wants to be a big damned hero to make up for all of her huge fuck ups, but because this is supposed to be morally ambiguous they have to make Tony extra dickish and give Carol a "greater good" angle.

Maybe Ulysses should use his powers to tell Carol that she needs to go back to her old look and old personality or she'll destroy the world

From where I sit, this IS Carl's old personality…

Psychotic, fascist bloodthirsty warmonger.

This is the MCU's future standard bearer? Wow. I really Marvel learns from the Chelsea Cain fiasco.

But note how they're only unavoidable when the plot demands it. For instance, the Hulk one probably was accurate, because Cap was sending Banner data designed to reinstate him as the Hulk (and possibly make him more unstable).

Personally I think it would have been a great twist if Magneto murdered Ulysses after the latter shared his vision of dead mutants. Magneto would then reveal that he had come not intending to murder the Inhuman, just question him. Since Ulysses showed Erik the future determined by his visions, he decides to take a different path.

What was the Chelsea Cain fiasco?

The saddest part is that normally I would love them putting casual slice-of-life stuff like that with superheroes.

Tony is pretty much objectively right.

This reminds me of Young Justice for some reason.

See the Mockingbird thread. Threads, now.

And don't forget to ask her about her feminist agenda!

On paper, the Champions stuff sounds like a great read that would be a lot of fun. I don't understand how they fucked it up this much from the get-go.

What the hell are you talking about? How is this even less nuanced replication of Tony from the first CW remotely close to the original Carol Danvers? Where do you sit to have such an objectively incorrect view?

Because somewhere along the line, Mark Waid convinced himself that he's a great voice for social change instead of a tights salesman.

That's how you know comic folk are going off the deep end. Frank Miller and Steve Ditko thought the same way when they started to go crazy too.

Fuck… I only came to the board to see shit about that made up Mockingbird controversy, and this shit even is continuing… I guess I'll read it. Might as well be miserable for the rest of the day.

Fuck you, Bendis. You know exactly what you're doing. Fuck you.


The only way bendis will get over his nigger fetish is if one shanks him to death in his own home
Suprised he hasn't adopted niglets just to "touch their hair"

Why is there that thoughtful shot of Kitty there? Is Peter going to start fucking Carol and she's jealous? Because, if that's the case WHO CARES. Kitty isn't even a real character in the main book, and any Peter/Carol shit they do later wouldn't effect it either, just the Guardians book. It might as well be an empty panel, hell, and empty page (since all this was in the Guardians tie in anyway).

And Riri… whose suit exploded when she hit a truck, and has probably never been in a fight in her life. Anyone and EVERYONE in that fight could have killed her. What was Tony going to do if Rocket shot her thinking "she's in armor, she can take it" and blew a hole through her 15 year old ass? OOPS!

Nigga, didn't she try to MURDER Cap at the start of Civil War 1? I was under the assumption that Hill's entire character is that she's a crazed psychopath.

The only thing I can determine from this whole event is DAZZLER WAS RIGHT

They went straight to filler is what happened. Making issue number two "the gang goes camping" in what is supposed to be a cape comic suggests that they a) don't know how to write capes (or just don't know how to write); or b) don't want to write capes, in which case they're in the wrong market.

If they were smart, they'd make issue 2 a RECAP issue. They'd talk about all the events of issue 1 and then be like "Yeah… yesterday, I remember."

Rocket's been in an MCU Blockbuster. That's his Karma Immunity Card.

My question is where's the She Hulk? Due Process is being shit on. Beloved Cousin is dead. Cho is tangling with BP. Doesn't she have a demented dyke to slaughter?

What if he'd brought his Thanos Buster missiles?

She's dead. Or as dead as you get in this genre.

Her career may be dead, but I remember the 'And? And? And?' monologue.

I'm pretty sure poor Shulkie flatlined, but I don't remember a funeral.

She got better.

Scars and all…

Oh, right…Now she's Gray Shulkie. I completely forgot about that.

Ulysses seems to be slowly turning in to Amon.

Holy shit your right. I wouldn't be surprised if they traced the thing.

this is complete shit, why do you spend all this time reading it and understanding it and getting mad?

That last page is supposed to be a punchline, right?

Genius. You're ready for the big leagues, son.

Hell, if they were smart, all that '#Champions' twitter shit at the end would have been at the beginning of the second issue. Maybe happening in the background as they're doing that recap to show that Ms. Marvel's words were really resonating with people. A day later would mean enough time passing that it wouldn't be as awkwardly ridiculous, because the dead girl's body would have been moved to the morgue.

Considering the whole idea of the team was Kamala thinking heroes need to do more after the fight, that dead girl should actually be a huge part of issue 2. Think about it, what's something the adult heroes probably wouldn't waste time with in that situation, but would be a nice gesture from the kids? Being at that girl's funeral, meeting her family, and helping the other girls get back home. A focus on the aftermath work would do a lot toward establishing that their priorities are different than just showing up to a fight and moving on with their lives. Hell, they should spend time at the clown guy's trial, and see that justice is done by testifying.

Honestly, if they focused on the shit that should be the most boring, I'd probably find the book a lot more interesting.

For the same reason everyone slows down & stares at car accidents.

It's also fascinating to see Marvel innovate failure.

user why are you so smart? Why hasn't Marvel hired good writers like you?

The crazy thing is that Hydra Cap is the best part of the event so far, because a villain taking advantage of a situation like this is EXACTLY the kinda thing missing from Civil War 1. All the heroes being idiots should give all the villains a chance to do some stuff. And Hydra Cap is still Steve enough to be an interesting character. I'd say PARTS of at least his book are somewhat interesting, as he is working out the best course of action and adapting to an ever changing situation against all odds for the sake of his beliefs, i.e. it's still very Captain America.

But all the flashback shit is boring. How many fucking issues have they been setting this up? They don't need to establish all that, we just need to know he believes in Hydra the way he believed in America before the change, that's ALL the set up we need. Selvig is a non-character pulled from the movies to give Cap someone to talk at, which isn't even needed if we went back to old school thought bubbles.

Spencer is a total shithead with his head up his ass, but he COULD be a decent writer if he wasn't as preachy and long winded. I doubt he'll ever make that leap from shitty to good though. Because even giving what I've read of Hydra Cap every benefit of the doubt possible, it's underwhelming. It should be a constant game of cat and mouse with Steve just barely pulling ahead of the heroes at every turn due to his inventiveness. It should be like some Deathnote level of bullshit plans within plans as he plays the heroes against eachother, the Red Skull, the US government and everyone else for the glory of Hydra. But as is, he did a few semi-clever things to take advantage of a situation that was already going into the shitter.

I just imagined what all the good writers Marvel USED to have would do, if they hadn't jumped ship to other companies.

do comics still do this? Its been a while since I've noticed it in new comics.

I think a lot of modern stuff considers it "childish" even though internal monologue is one of the biggest strengths of the entire artform. Some time you'll get thoughts in boxes though, but still probably not in enough books.

Thats a damn shame. Though its funny they consider it childish since a lot of the older Marvel comics I read were a lot more mature than this crap.

In most Marvel comics I've read, they generally use narration in place of thought bubbles. Basically thoughts in the boxes, as said, except that it's also mixed in with regular narration.

In most Marvel comics I've read, they generally use narration in place of thought bubbles. Basically thoughts in the boxes, as said, except that it's also mixed in with regular narration.

The Original Carol Danvers was a bland, boring character that was flat out team filler. Later on she was written to be a burned out drunk & later on, a Psychotic Genocidal maniac who'd slaughter an entire planet.

Col Carol Danvers is currently reaching the logical conclusion of her ever increasing powertrip. Kinda like Hillary Clinton… If there was any logic or reason in the Marvel Universe, then she'd be Arrested, Tried & Institutionalized.

The original Carol Danvers, as written by Chris Clairmont, was a tough, uncompromising warrior, combining American air force mil int and Kree military skills, who, even amnesiac and disorientated every time she transformed, would kick the snot out of Scorpion, Doomsday Man, Gor-Tok, even the Vision, using strategy and improvisation. Her human half wasn't aware of her existence, and still managed to juggle editing a women's magazine for a hostile J. Jonah Jameson with struggling with blackouts and lost time from her superhero career. I thought she did alright all things considering.

20 hours in ms paint


Yeah, she was pretty cool back when Marvel had real writers.

Let's check in on the Guardians. This all takes place between these two parts of the core event issue, as far as I can tell:

Apparently SOMEONE actually cares that Thanos is in the basement and has been since issue 0 of this shitfest.


Yeah, it's a good thing you didn't let Starlord handle this situation, Carol. You totally didn't make things way worse.

I gotta say, whenever Carol has the open collar (and an artist that doesn't draw her like a man), some of that old sexiness shines though. I mean, if she's going to be fucking idiot like all the modern Marvel heroes anyway, she might as well have some of her sex appeal back. She's not as hot in this as she was in that A-Force issue, but she doesn't look manish.

Also, Marvel civilians affirm once again that they're awful idiots who encourage bad ideas at every chance they get. Sentinels made these people feel safe as well. Hulk actually saved the world on multiple occasions, yet they celebrate his death. And they think Carol is great for doing things take shit all over due process.

Wait… there are actual VILLAINS in the Marvel Universe? They don't just all go away when a Civil War is on? That's unexpected. Also giant Spiderman or something, I don't know.

Overall, I was amazed that things HAPPENED in this issue. I had to double check to make sure Bendis wrote it. Carol's character as a fuck up that is barely hanging in there is maintained (and for some reason everyone from Storm to random people on the street will encourage her to stay the course even though it's clearly destroying her not amazing to begin with life). It's surprising to see that Bendis even gets this side of the character, as NOTHING in the main book portrays it. Hell, the main book paints her as just a fucking cunt, you have to read like 8 different titles to get any real insight into who Carol is and why she is half as fucktarded as she is in the main book.

Oh well, I guess the Guardians are broke up… maybe even until the second movie comes out and they bring everyone back in.

I just hope Carol realizes she's fucking up this hard. Hell I had an idea for a story where Carol realizes she's become a fucking cunt since the redesign and tries to mend things and symbolizes this by wearing her old Warbird outfit.

Y'know what I realized. You can still make the new design look sexy I mean look at Adam Hughes drawing of Carol.

Can Bendis for once in his life ever write anything that isn't complete and utter fucking garbage?

Also, are we just going to fucking ignore the elephant in the room, that there have been characters before that could predict the future indefinite, that didn't have this bullshit "maybe not, maybe yes"?

Trips checked.
To answer your question I think most would acknowledge it but seeing how bad this comic is it seems like a waste of time in general.

And people are just eating the shit up?

wait do you mean the people in the comic or the comic book fans. In the comic yes they are eating it up. For comic book fans, I've only been here so I can't say if this is something all fans agree on. Personally, I just see it as so stupid I'm numbed by it at this point with Marvel.

It's a short, no thought put into it cash grab then. When you don't explain plot holes in fiction you lose all immersion.

The sexyness comes from understanding the human body and having a sense of aesthetics, both things SJWs don't have

Why did Carol think it was a good idea to bring the Guardians to Earth in the first place?

So does that mean that Sassy Black Woman and the rest of the beach bums would be OK with permanent country wide martial law or maybe even removal of free will from everyone— ya know as long as everyone is kept safe?

Carol, sweetie, what's wrong?

Carol called them in because she thought she needed some extra muscle. Nearly killed the entire team when they arrived at Earth because Rocket was being lippy and she didn't recognise the ship she had lived in for a while and didn't consider that Gamora+Thanos=Bad Idea.

Now 3/4 of the Guardians hate her guts and they are stuck on Earth. Oops.

This is fucking atrocious.

I agree.
Such traitorous power fantasy portrayal of violence against women is absolutely gross.
Like ugh, you now?

and before you toxic misogynerds start oppressing me, this is my first time using GIMP.
#Get over it.

I can't imagine why sales are down.

I apologize for not point it out earlier.

I will make amends by worshiping the nearest Vagina

Cause the misogynerds hate strong independent women, you goof.

The civil war issue feels like nothing happen at all.
And the guardians of the galaxy feels rushed as fuck.Hey, we got here, team is over!
But the worst part is Captain Marvel, she seems so incompetent and lame.
How is this a moral dilemma? i mean, all the precog warning was flawed, and the guy is obviously having a hard time with his mind.
And just because some random guys say something like "hey, you are doing great" doesn't mean she is doing great, show the readers how the world is improving and not just say it.

It feels like they've written this dilemma, but didn't actually write any backstory or resolution.
Just the middle without a beginning or an end. And with comic books being sensational, you never know where the climax is. Bruce Banner and THE Hulk are dead. So is War Machine, replaced by a black girl genius Mary Sue with no personality. She-hulk hit the jackpot, tiger got hit by a missile so hard she got stretch marks all over her body. Doom does something. Carol seems to be fucking up so often you'd think it was deliberate, like she will be proven right at the end and be heralded as the greatest leader 5ever ever. But I doubt it. Like I said, they don't write pre or post, just mid because the covers sell well (kek).
Now I'm just waiting for that inhuman puertorican kid to evolve his powers to be able to choose which reality happens and he becomes the new Purple Man/Mutant X/Legion.

She looks so cute in that panel where her head is on fire.


Lets check back on one of the better tie ins… mostly because it doesn't have much of the retarded heroes in it.

Oh boy, here comes Frank to tacticool this thread to kingdom /k/ome.

Still hate the art.





I'll get to issue 4 in a bit.

kek, frank never disappoints

Seems like a rough day for Big Willy

"You're Bullseye without talent" is the realest shit ever said to Jigsaw.

The tables start to turn

Holy fuck, Shield is pretty incompetent. Or at least far too overconfident.

Time for a loving reunion.

And they all lived happily ever after.

the harry potter looking guy from Katawa Shoujo is replacing Fisk?

Nobody replaces the Kingpin.

Unless they're a ladder.

On the one hand, that was a well executed plot. On the other hand, it hinged on a retarded, power-hungry SHIELD agent. Also, ever since the season 4 finale for Person of Interest this kind of story puts me in a bad place.

Oh, and if there actually turns out to be zero payoff for Janus' vision, I'm going to be a little angry.

I'm referring to MurderCarol the rightwing death machine. You know, The pyschobitch who assaulted Arachne in front of her own daughter in Canada. The post Civil War 1 Carol has been quite crazy & this all fits a disturbing pattern.

Other than that, a good read.
What were Janus's powers, by the way?

Janus had the ability not to turn up in Ulysses visions. Apparently this meant that Kingpin could use him as a way to hide his own activities.

He appears to be immune to Ulysses visions. We don't know why. It's all very mysterious (probably so they can adapt as people posit better ideas than what they originally planned). He's named after a two-faced god who watches the past and future, but given Marvel's loose grasp on storytelling, it's probably little more than a vague connection.

How does someone develop such powers and in what circumstances would he be able to discover that he is immune to the visions of a guy who seemingly picks events out at random to predict.

So I see Kingpin has finally unlocked his spiral powers.

Janus discovered nothing. Kingpin noticed that in the wake of the hero crackdown, Janus was still able to carry on committing crimes. Also, Fisk might have heard from Black Cat about Janus reacting to some Terrazine.

That's a pretty apt comparison, considering he takes them all out.

Inhumans end up with oddly specific powers that only seem to have a single use a lot of times. I'm not sure how accurate to the comics Agents of Shield is with their culture, but in that at least they have an overall belief that every single one of them has a purpose. Even when that purpose is sometimes specifically to stop one of their own (who still also has a greater purpose, despite being a threat to other inhumans). It's a lot of faith for a race that KNOWS they are the result of Kree experimentation.

As for how they discovered his power, it was pretty much the fact that Kingpin caught him doing some stuff that, if he wasn't immune to Ulysses, would have gotten heroes up his ass in seconds. It honestly paints the effectiveness of Ulysses's visions around that time as 100% ability to shutdown all crime at all levels, other crime bosses had no hope of operating at all unless they acted under the influence of Kinpin/Janus. It leaves a lot of questions about how far reaching Janus's ability was, as he wasn't present for every crime committed, merely giving orders. It must have been wide reaching then, simply meaning Janus's involvement AT ALL filtered crimes into Ulysse's blindspot.


If that's the case, AoS is incredibly faithful to the comics in that regard.

That's good, I thought it was one of the better aspects of the last season, and helped elevate that season's finale to being probably the single best moment in the entire show.

This shit is exactly why the central premise for Civil War 2 is so fucking stupid.

We see that Ulysses hangs around for days at a time doing nothing. Sometimes just sitting in a cell covered in his own piss, because Karnak is training him or some shit.. and we're supposed to believe that he's sending SHIELD predictions and visions so frequently, and with such accuracy, that he can effectively shut down crime all over the goddamned world, to the point that some smalltime crony not getting his shit kicked in immediately must be some kind of superhuman anomaly?

Even by comic standards, that shit makes no sense.

This has an "I've just officially become a supervillain" vibe all over it.

You pour enough piss on a guy and then trap him in an egg for hours at a time feeding him news feeds, he'll snap eventually.

Who is that?

Thats Ulysses the Inhuman who can predict the future.

Dubs confirmed. Also it sounds like she's irredeemable at this point. Would it be better if Marvels started over with her character and just based it off the AEMH cartoon version of her?

That's Ulysses, the Inhuman who can sometimes predict the future.

True user. Thanks for correcting me.

What if that super retard Ulysses turn out to be a villain?

Beside that Carol will turn out to be bigger idiot than usual

We all know that is what is going to happen. That or some bullshit plan.

If Trump wins might it fix marvel?

Marvel exec Ike Perlmutter is both a Trump supporter and the biggest spoiled child to ever exist. Oh, and he's been in charge for the last decade of pure shitshow that is modern Marvel. So no, I don't know why you'd think anything related to Trump would help Marvel at all

People pay sixty bucks for this shit-tier art?

Of course not, are you fucking crazy?
They pay six bucks.

My bad, I got my wires crossed and thought in vidja terms for some reason.

Oy vey how could you be so cheap, user?
These artists have been working hard to bring you the highest quality products! Why don't you pay 6 million bucks instead go- guys?

Wait, how many predictions has Ulysses made that weren't averted?

600 gorrillion!!!

Isn't he supposed to be Hispanic?

That picture doesn't look at all hispanic beyond the facial hair (which really looks like badly done "detail", note how his clothes have the same stuff). Looks more asian, especially the hair.

He's supposed to be Hispanic. Though from looking at him when he first appeared I thought he was some white hipster.

He's probably mixed. Hispanic with some hipster blood in him.

How is Whor able to both be in the teleport shot in page 12 while also flying Miles back home in page 13?

Oh wow. You're right.

Damn that's some shitty editing.

I don't blame them.
Just like rape, Thor has lost all meaning and impact since you could attribute to anything.

Shit… even they don't remember Thor is a character and not just a random background element to add to scenes.

They took out all the character the moment they made it a title that can be passed on like underwear.

The sisterhood of the travelling Thor title underwear.

Also wasn't Black Captain America teleported to Hollywood?


kek. Thanks user thats a better title.

I'd drop Manvers like a hot rock & make Kamala Khan or fucking Squirrel Girl into some sort of attempt at a reasonably budgeted Superheroine flick. Right now, Capt Marvel is a blonde, fascist version of Superman without any of the charm or morality.

Its weird I expected to hate her but some of her stories are decent. Then again she did reject Carol and her little Hitler Youth thing so thats a good thing in my book.

The movie writers will clean her up. I think the comic guys are doing so much with her now because they want to have SOME say in a character that they'll be forced to push heavily around the time of her movie. But in the end the current comic writers don't matter at all. I have to assume the movie guys consider direct references to modern books along the lines of filtering gold out of a pile of shit.

Yeah, standing up to Carol's bullshit shows a genuine heroic side that, for whatever reason, they just aren't giving many of the characters. Everyone is such an asshole or a screw up you'd almost think the Ultimate Universe never died.

Speaking of Kamala, have we done this issue of Ms. Marvel? Eitherway, I guess I'll post it.

Damn, just telling it like it is.

Pretty good suit up sequence here.

Well, the retarded ninja guy kinda undercut her point but she still pretty much highlights a HUGE fucking weakness in the whole vision based justice system.

And this is it, the big confrontation between Carol and Kamala. And yeah, it's hard not to like the boldness that Kamala shows in trying to reason with her mentor, and it's hard not to dislike Carol for BEING SUCH A FUCKING RETARDED CUNT, HOLY SHIT. Just like in the issue earlier where Carol just sort of blew her off, even here she is just dismissive of it and unable to really deal with Kamala's point like an adult. As much as Carol makes it about herself, it really seems clear that she sees Kamala as an underling, not someone who's opinion she should actually consider. Kamala willing to oppose a mentor she practically worships is contrasted by complete lack of appreciation Carol has shown for all that devotion. What a cunt.

Kamala does not have Patsy Walker luck. Kamala does not get a happy ending every issue.

She did her best and she still get pretty fucked over… which is exactly what I want sometimes in a book. I've only really read her CW2 tie in issues, which did have some rough parts, but this is a decent conclusion.

Isn't that the name of a batman villain?

meh, could have been harsher. It's only fun when characters bring reality crashing down around these idiots who were having fun revealing their identities to large organizations and fucking everything up like the villains they really are.

Isn't Wakanda fucked up with it's own civil unrest right now? I haven't kept up with it but I'm pretty sure. But is he's going all the way to fucking Wakanda then he could easily get the medical treatment to fix all his problems and come back. Yeah no school in America will take him but c'mon. Don't go to fucking Africa of all places. You could do like almost anything else with your life with the genius level intelligence you have. I don't like this but I do like the 'Carol is dumb cunt' angle.

also, this CIVIL WAR sure is tame.

wow I didn't realize Kamala's stories could be this good.

I'm also surprised Wakanda would even want an outsider around. I thought they considered everyone else shit. But, yeah, unless T'Challa really cleaned the whole place up since last time someone posted an issue, this kid is probably going to end up some warlord's bitch.

Couldn't he do his own startup or something? Maybe take some online business classes to help him out? Going to Wakanda seems a bit overkill.

Well, he is hurt because he blew himself up trying to break into the future police prison. Maybe he's just prone to extreme answers instead of more sensible, moderate ones.

That ending was pretty harsh actually

That Peter Parker-esk ending is pretty refreshing.

Lock-Up, I remember him too.
Was a nice episode because he was basically an anti-hero who still believed in incarceration, but was an asshole unless you think a bunch of psychotic murderers/mass murderers at Arkham deserve to be abused.

1 step forward and 2 steps back in terms of writing. Least it's not the worst thing Marvel is pumping out right now.


Canadians ruin everything once again.

She's not a cunt, she's just written that way. Honestly, Carol feels so unbelievable. It's the same crap as the first CW. It's not even that they've captured the zeitgeist of "Americans love liberty" and therefore predictive justice is bad. Carol is the bad guy because predictive justice is profiling and muh social justice. Tony is the designated good guy (again) and Carol is designated obstinate roadblock.

Also, which movie with a short actor was Hijinx referring to?

That was another Minority Report reference. Someone should just sit Carol down and show it to her.

Nevermind, I just remembered that Tom Cruise is purportedly quite short and they do all sorts of tricks on set to hide that.

And now I suddenly want to see a Marvel/DC crossover involving Kamala Khan going to Thunderworld and teaming up with DC's Captain Marvel.

Maybe it would all be a plot by Dr. Sivana. He could be aiming to steal Ms. Marvel's powers, in order to use them to embiggen his already prodigious brain and take his incredible intellect to the next level, or something crazy like that. And then when he succeeds, Billy Batson could temporarily share his powers with her like he and Mary do with their friend Freddie, and Kamala would gain the ability to transform into Ms. Marvel by speaking aloud the words 'Captain Marvel'.

She'd give up the Shazam powerset once she got her regular powers back, of course, but I imagine the whole story could be pretty fun and triumphant for all of the heroes involved.

One could say the same thing for the writers.

That sounds pretty fun user. Wish comics were more like that.

Ah, fun… I vaguely recall fun.

And Stallone.

Didn't know that Stallone was a manlet.

Thundercunt is word we need.

Um. What about Due Process? Forget "predictive justice' or "Social Justice". If you're living in the Marvel Universe, you're living under a military dictatorship with Carl in charge. Everyone with an IQ about room temperature should be opposing Uberdyke.

*above* room temperature

Holy shit, this was actually pretty good. Maybe the new Ms.Marvel has a future in comics. Also, this is the only Civil War comic I've read that felt like a "Civil War" comic.

We not gonna talk about this? I think its funny as fuck as a reaction.

cant she just ask tony or anybody else to help him with cleaning his record and getting him in good school? would be great retirement gift

That would be an easy solution and comics problems have to be needlessly complicated
Nah let him go to wakanda and get enriched by niggers

I want to offer my shit paint-made comics for a talented user.

And this is a lesson on why telling a story about teenagers living with their parents is shit.

Am I the only one who believes this is reall ALL her fault and she deserves every bit of shit thrown at her?

It is ALL her fault, it's why people like this ending. It's refreshing seeing the character face actual consequences. Instead of, like in the mainbook, getting hugboxed out of nowhere.

damn you, user.
You made me laugh.

Ah good, then I'm not in the wrong.

So… it this the end of Ms. Kebab? or it is just the end of her arc?

I'm not saying you're retarded user, but I would definitely suggest getting it checked out.

Was Arrowette the only one who ever stayed retired?

Except it's not? She bailed at basically the first sign of real trouble. And Kamala didn't make a sub-par bomb that detonated Bruno's arm, that was his fault. It seems to me that his lack of a future is not because of the big T, but because nobody wants a "genius" who can't even get an explosive right.

Also, what fantasy land do they live in where radical terrorism against law enforcement is frowned upon by universities? And he's ethnic as well? That's a speaking tour and book deal right there.

Well some of it is his fault too but he conveniently leaves that out in his bitchfit but whatever she needs a reality check and it's always nice to see a beta orbiter character grow a pair. He might become his own thing, like a cameo in black panther, or the writers might forget him forever who knows

Hey now, there was that extra depressing MTV Spider-man.

I'm surprised people still remember her.