What can we assume the 1% will do when the 99% becomes awake and a treat to the 1% (revolution)?

What can we assume the 1% will do when the 99% becomes awake and a treat to the 1% (revolution)?

They will kill Holla Forums and the world will achieve peace

fast reply whow.. bot perhaps?
they used Hitler, and told everyone else a lie so many times that they began to believe it.
The 1% was not nazi's they USED nazi's and would probably kill them afterwards.. leftpol? kek

All they care about is money.
What will happen when people begins to boycott them?

Leftyfool will be exterminated as well

Nigger you sound like you're from reddit

Theyll probably just fund two niche cultures untill both sides shut off all reason, only work to refine uneducated rhetoric, and then walk through streets screeching at eachother. Then start marshall law. Trump wouldnt hesitate and people would still support him. End result is that people stop thinking so much and just keep arguing with eachother. No major change in actual policy.

you forgot the rest of the world…

don't be stupid
the thing that people seem to forget is that the "elites" (whomever you see them to be) only have power because they have people who obey them. If every single one of the 99% revolted they wouldn't even have the power to obliterate the planet, because the people who actually push the buttons on the nuclear weapons are part of the 99% too.




You're not using greentext correctly, and you're obviously a reddit faggot that found this place through Holla Forums. Piss off.

I'm not from reddit.
I was using greentext correctly.

so, never


if you don't want to discuss this topic and just write "You gotta go back" with sage in the email field, you are of cause welcome to do so.

You really annoy me faggot. I mean these faggots are annoying, but you think you're better, and you need to be reminded that you are a faggot.


alright, brb!


in case your too dumb to understand my joke:
i took a walk and went back to here.. because thats where i am from. no where else

The vast majority of humanity will never unify against the elite, so it's a moot question.

"The workers control the means of production"




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