South Park is not redpilled

Can we please get over this "Southpark is redpilled" bullshit. Cartman is the ultimate retard and represents everything wrong, so he's a racist White supremacist. Also never forget the "THEY TOOK ARE JERBS" meme that retarded know-nothing lefties use got a huge spike from this God awful show.

When they shat on liberals it was never principled/about the issues. It was just "God these people are annoying pricks" but SP never fundamentally disagrees with the lefty POV.


It's made by a kike, of course it isn't redpilled.


It tries to be redpilled by using the ever-popular tactic of jumping the anti-PC bandwagon.

It's still a relatively fun show compared to the rest of BS there is in TV. Compared to the rest, it drops more redpills, like shitting on California, George Clooney, Hollywood and electric cars BS.

Think about it; It's more digestable then any other shit you will see in the same format. But it's still shit.


A lot of people on here have said SP is redpilled before, actually. I don't see how summer is relevant.



SP isn't redpilled or greenpilled or anyfuckingpilled, it's just a shitty cartoon that makes fun of every goddamn thing. Not everything is politics

SouthPark stopped being good like 10 years ago

Making sure whole generations of Americans who never even see any Jews (because they live in areas where Jews are extremely rare) associate antisemitism with being low class, stupid and an asshole.

Yea right. The whole show is leftwing propaganda that tries hard to look fair and balanced.

Very good post

It's not redpilled it's libertarian.

AKA "baby's first redpill".

And really libertarian is slightly better than raw unadulterated far left, but even so it's shit. The anti-conservative stuff is total crap in the show, and that's most of it. Cartman is there constantly to remind people that being rightwing/racially aware is stupid and classless.

Whoever said otherwise? This isn't reddit, nigger. We know south park is Jewish trash.

The Viacom shills who promote the show on Holla Forums every-time new ones are for the last 3 years.

I have seen South Park called redpilled a number of times on both Holla Forumss

Kind of like Dale Gribble from King of the Hill.

actually it isn't. The kike is the co-creator and gets half the profits…which is odd, given that the gentile (PArker) writes, directs, and does everything else "they" do.
Stone is parker's token kike to keep the SPLC away. Some of the early shit was good, now they are just money hungry assholes.

But think about that– the Jew (stone) has made $500 mill without writing or directing a single episode, movie, or the play. He's just parker's jewish shield.

you can see the resentment sometimes in the earlier episodes, where Cartman is confronted by Kylie (voiced by Jew) for doing no work and taking credit for it.

Parker's passive-agression

Those kind of people actually exist though

we know

Probably in response to their last season where they targeted "PC" culture and the progressive hipster safe space shit.

They made the "conspiracy theory guy" into a literal cuckold. Also Mike Judge is a mega cuck who makes anti-Trump ads now.

Jesus, the levels of retardation here are reaching half-chan levels.
As I just explained, the Jew does NOTHING. He voices 2 character and takes in half the money to keep the Jewish mafia away from Parker.

Some of the early stuff about the insanity of "hate crimes" and a few other things were genuinely good. Parker is a weird dude.

He speaks Jap, married a Jap socialite and filled his house with $10 mill of Jap antiques to try to make her father happy. He still hated him and made her dump him.

Now he is with a mulatto stripper with a nigger son.

Parker is also a drunk. You can tell when he is drunk, bc the episodes make no sense and have really weird edits. When he's sober, the show is better than 99% of the shit the Jews turn out.

It's a shame because he made idiocracy, which was pretty redpilled.

Parker can also get away with shit no one else can bc of the protection money paid to the Jews. He's not dumb. He had the episode with "Jews did 9/11" with a guy wearing a t-shirt linking to a real website with info on the Jews and 9/11.

In this SJW world, the most impt skill to have is to get shit past the Jewish censors.

I'm thankful the Mr Robot shills finally learned to fuck off after the first season.



Mike Judge doesn't make anti-trump ads, if you actually bothered to look into that you'd realize it was just the producers for idiocracy going on about it. Mike doesn't even own the rights to that movie anymore, as far as I know Fox holds the rights. The interview he did with infowars where he talks about idiocracy and his career is actually pretty illuminating.

Politically mike judge has always been the no-nonsense populist sort.


I feel like I'm banging my head against a fucking wall. Again, the jew has never written or directed a single episode.
Agree, past few seasons have sucked and I was done with them when they stopped having the episodes free and sold the rights to Hulu (bc they really need the fucking money).

But the Jew literally does nothing but voice 2 characters. That's all. The media never tells you this, and Parker keeps his mouth shut bc Stone is his Jewish front man.

SP is not a Jew show.


I'm not sure I agree, I think south park is the one group in he media that lampoons everyone on all sides. It's just so unusual we don't know how to handle it, after years of daily show clearly liberal pretending to be unbiased shit. South park scored serious points for us against SJWs, whilst still blasting us a bit.

Any insertion of "red pill" into South Park is controlled opposition.

Seems accurate enough

I looked up the guy, Etan Cohen.

The gave a ridiculous interview where he compares trump to idiocracy etc. but you notice something quite interesting, mike judge never once speaks on the matter. In fact Mike Judge never even confirmed that he'd be working on the ads, which never surfaced. Don't let these fucks convince you that Judge is a lefty, he's far from it.

In short, it was only Etan Cohen that said he was going to make anti-trump ads, he dragged Mike Judge into it because no one even knows who the fuck he is.

No shit, I don't think anyone on Holla Forums was saying it was.

Could have had choice women and they both married subhumans. Tells you all you need to know right there.

One's a irl cuck.

Also, no joke, the Boomhauer accent is real, too. There are really people in far-eastern Texas who speak like that. I have worked with a few, and the first time I met one and had a conversation with him was surreal. He was a fan of the Smashing Pumpkins, I think…

jesus christ…

Back to your cuckshed


Why are you faggots pretending KOTH is somehow redpilled when it makes white people look like complete shit? I guess we're going to ignore the whole conspiracy cuckold angle then. Literally none of the characters are portrayed as something positive. It's about dumb rednecks that get into misadventures and make themselves look like retards.

Pictures with ID + postcount

He's right. You never heard that on this board. I haven't seen a thread about southpark in at least a year on this board.


I've browsed this board off and on for at least 2 years.



or fuck off

Hardly 20 episodes, mostly from earlier seasons, are actually funny. It became a poz center later on. Southpark is shit.

you are fucked in the head. I have laid out in several posts the fact that a Jew neither writes or directs ANY episodes or movies, and you still stick to trying to be as edgy as you can.

It's a good fucking show by today's standards. Where else do you hear the Jew named? Obviously, they do it as "satire," but why do you think PArker agrees to split the money with the kike?
He can name the jew and then blame parker. Half of all you make just to name the Jew? That is dedication..

God people like you suck. You're contributing nothing to an interesting discussion. Back and forth we're talking about how SP may or may not be redpilled, analyzing the show and the lives of its makers.

All you an do is REEEEEEE at me about whatever is pissing you off.

Take a hike.

I stopped watching around season 7, which was like 50 years ago now.

The old episodes will always be the best

might I remind you that in literally every episode besides like 3 hank is correct? They never portray hank as negative in any way other than failing to connect with his son which ain't even his fault.

the whole joke is that dale is into all the ridiculous conspiracies except the one under his own roof. It mocks the idiots who go on about ufos and lizard people, I believe people describe it as "muddying the waters".

what because it happens to have characters that white and act stupid? I see no anti-white agenda in the show. If anything the shows been far more outspoken against the leftists pukes than any media out there, the episode where everyone thinks hank is a racist comes to mind. Did you notice of the small number of non-whites on the show very few of them are portrayed positively? John Redcorns a piece of shit and the show acknowledges this, Enrique lives in a crap neighborhood and acts like a retard, the black comedian guy whatever the hell his name was shown to be a complete loser in the episode he was in.

It doesn't single out white people, fucking everyone on the show acts like idiots.


no they didnt I have never heard that shit you 4 chan refugee nigger

I think we had a thread or 2 about the PC Principle episode.

It's definitely not redpilled if you've been paying attention for a while, which I'll assume you haven't since you're young. You can tell the show isn't redpilled because all of the views that we would consider reasonable are always taken by Cartman, the guy who is the notoriously stupid racist who always takes things 'too far'. They will never have Stan take these positions because he's the voice of reason (known as the author's voice) and would thus validate positions they disapprove of in the minds of the audience.

This is a feature of the show you should recognize for yourself if you aren't 12 or have a subhuman brain.

Eat a gun, Chaim. Slide thread hidden and reported.

You either replied to the wrong faggot or you're illiterate.

Well yeah that's comedic irony. The conspiracy theorist thinks he's seen through everything except for the actual conspiracy that's happening in real life.


The hulu deal was for comedy central to use the shitty hulu player on their website in exchange for also showing episodes on hulu.



It's called comedy. It takes the piss out of everybody. If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?

Stop being such a butthurt retard because a comedy show doesn't paint us in a good light. It is purposefully making everyone look like a retard, also it does fuck with jews on several occasions.

I recognized it right away, but a lot of people are fucking dumb. There's one idiot on this thread alone claiming SP is redpilled.

Jews aren't made to look bad, just comical in a purely innocent way.

It's been shit for a long time, except the lefty views used to be tolerable when it would make me laugh. Now that it's 100% unfunny current event memery it can be judged on its merits of the propaganda its pushing.

Gonna need some sauce for this

Mike Judge did an interview with Alex Jones and said he liked infowars. That's the only connection I know of.

I guess that makes Trump a CIA shill too.


Btw does anybody have the vid/gif that shows the writers of South Park, Family Guy, the Simpsons and Futurama are all Jews and Freemasons? Somebody posted it on here not too long ago.

Every word of this post is correct, and it is obvious that

is a faggot and a kike.

King of the Hill is easily the most traditionally conservative show of the last twenty years. Hell, no other show even comes close, and kike involvement is practically non-existent.

Hank is made clear to absolutely loathe all leftists. Hell, he almost took a swing at a guy for asking if he wanted honey mustard rather than traditional yellow. He doesn't even give a shit that Khan is not chinese and hates being called chinese.


They are akin to libertarian Holla Forumsacks. They are approaching the truth and many areas strike near it. But they have not full come into the fold.

yup, they're just goofy and lovable in South Park.

How you guys can't see that is amazing.

It's in our interest for Mr Robot to do well. As corny as the show might be, it is bringing the issue of Debt-Based Economics to the masses.

And although Holla Forums (in my opinion, out of their naivete about it), doesn't back the idea of cryptocurrency, it is a far better solution to the banking problem than anything else we've got. Mr Robot is pretty much the only show on television that is even hinting at this.




Do you really think the kikes over at comedy central would let them go any further?

Yeah it is pretty shit now-a-days. Not really worth watching.

Can't argue with uncle Adolf.

They were shitting on pc culture 10 years ago they didnt jump on any bandwagon and until fairly recently they would make both sides look equally autistic, look at the 9/11 episode or when randy said nigger on tv. Its not redpilled in the sense that its on our side, but it also isnt bluepilled in that same vein. Its just entertainment if you don't like it don't watch it isn't nearly as bad as a lot of stuff out there and itleast it isnt bluepilled or pushing any agendas.

They'll show their true or should I say jew colours once the election season comes out.

What prompted this? I never heard anyone say it was red pilled.

I don't think that they are necessarily red pilled. What I do like about the show is they fuck with everyone. It is funny. I don't necessarily think they pick a side. I think they just see things a lot of normies don't. Believe it or not OP you can like something even though you don't necessarily agree with everything about it. If you go through life hating everything, because it did not live up to a special strict standard in your head. You are going to end up becoming a no sex autist.

Maybe red pilled light?

I don't know about that either, but I do like the show. I do think it is entertaining. I don't have cable so I just fucking stream it. I don't give money to the jews anyway so it's no big deal.

I agree. It is just a good show compared to all of the other regurgitated shat on TV

How are you claiming to know this? "Inside information", or just your Sherlock Holmesian deduction skills?

Hell if you want to understand mikes feelings on trump just watch the episode where they get stuck in mexico and have to cross over illegally.

Hank doesn't gain a newfound respect for Mexicans and learn a gay lesson, he just laments that his governments borders are so lame that you can hop a fence and be in.

lurk moar

The 9/11 episode was one of the most disgusting pieces of Zionist propaganda I ever saw, fuck off faget.

I live in TX and I would also like to add that this cartoon is the best representation of my state.
The only difference is we don't drink by the ally. We build our porches up with fans, misters for the 100+ weather, and keep an ice cooler next to our rocking chairs. When someone in the neighborhood dies the whole neighborhood knows about it in minutes.

I agree that South Park is not red pilled, however I don't know that KOTH necessarily is. I think it is a show that has characters people can relate to. I would say that it is more red pilled then South Park…I just don't think that is the point of the show.

I would like to say that Mike Judge IS indeed red pilled and a capitalist. Do me a solid user, watch a movie called IDIOCRACY and tell me that he is not red pilled after.

South Park has done a decent job perpetuating anti semitism, and back in the early days, probably had a direct impact on many Holla Forumsocks early views simply by desensitizing kids to anti semitism which is programmed via public schools.

Give credit where it is due.

If you think Idiocracy was red pilled then you must be 12.

Prove me wrong.

Don't say that I am 12 and not tell me why I must be 12. That is a reddit tier rebuttal, and you are a faggot for acting like a redditer.

South Park isn't really redpilled. It's just very anti-establishment and likes taking the piss out of figures with big egos. And there's loads with big egos on the liberal leftist side so they're frequent targets.

South Park is basically apolitical and that's a good thing. I don't want politics in my comedy.

You must live in Austin with all the hipster faggots. That's not real Texas. Neither is koth.

I live in Fort Worth

West Texas faggot.

I live in Arlen


Lives in FT Worth, dude that is like the nigger capitol at the moment. Hope you have loads of guns.

Honestly dude even the they took our jerbs episode was pretty fucking even
Honestly man the show was pretty even up until a couple seasons ago.

Lotta spics but light on niggers. The nogs are all in Dallas.

[hide]Racial composition 2010[43] 1990[44] 1970[44] 1940[44]

White 61.6% 63.8% 79.4% 85.7%
—Non-Hispanic 41.7% 56.5% 72.0%[45] n/a

Black or African American 18.9% 22.0% 19.9% 14.2%

Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 34.1% 19.5% 7.9%[45] n/a

Asian 3.7% 2.0% 0.1% -

Ah, spics are unavoidable here. Nah, I live in the country. I don't know that there are any black familys in my town. There are a lot of tweakers though.



Why not just enjoy it based on its own merits?

Nah, koth is gay. Hank named his beloved dog after LBJ's wife. It has a dozen anti-racism episodes, tons of anti-white shit, etc. Even the example you give is gay as hell, implying legal immigration of rice niggers is somehow any better.

San Antonio is the Spic capital. But at least it's light on porch monkeys

[hide]Racial composition 2010[38] 1990[21] 1970[21] 1950[21]
White 72.6% 72.2% 91.4% 92.8%
—Non-Hispanic whites 26.6% 36.2% 47.7% n/a

Black or African American 6.9% 7.0% 7.6% 7.0%

Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 63.2% 55.6% 44.9% n/a

Asian 2.4% 1.1% 0.3% 0.2%

Work on your reading comprehension.

I used to live in Phlugerville out by Austin, before it became developed. There was a cattle farm and a tank I used to fish on as a kid. Austin was not always this bad. I wanted to move back before the red pill and when I visited an old friend recently, I realized that I hated everyone there. I don't even want to go back when my friends beg me to go visit them. The food is good though.

Food is definitely good. Traffic, people, prices, are all shit. Development has ruined it.

It's turned into San Francisco light. I hate the place now.

King of the Hill is as Texas as it gets, you filthy Christ-killer. Try getting away from the DFW hellhole once in a while.

Arlen is a medium sized town away from the major metroplexes. Townies have a seperate
culture from city folk, and the depiction of culture and daily life on King of the Hill is spot fucking on. The only discrepancy is the high number of people with midwestern/fargo-lite accents (Reverend Stroup, for example). That is simply because of the voice actors.

For what it is worth, Arlen is made clear to be in Northeast Texas. It is not far from Nacogdoches, Lufkin, and Palestine.

Honestly dude even the they took our jerbs episode was pretty fucking even
Honestly man the show was pretty even up until a couple seasons ago.

The Reverend came from Wisconsin or something. It is in her intro episode.

It is all going corporate now though, so I bet all of the hipsters migrate. All of 6th and Red River have been bought out by the hotel industry and are raising the rent on every shitty hipster bar to purge them out so they can build hotels. It may be a few years, but I thought you might enjoy that just desserts.

Use to love the guy, idocracy is basically where we are headed. Office space is pretty amazing too, I think I've seen that at least 100 times.

But he came out against trump and I believe is working on doing ad's against trump for the clinton campaign. He's dead to me now……..

Nothing would make me happier

just hope they don't come here

I can agree with the rest of your post besides this. Despite their "only ads can live in a truly pc world" message of the last season their conclusion is literally "well we acknowledge its difficult and that pc has become corrupted but were just gonna have to try…" stan even finished it saying only that "its gonna be really really hard."

It is not anti pc, it's anti sjw in a sense but it cannot be considered anti pc if their solution to the problems of political correctness is "well just try harder".

A lot of liberals like to bitch about the media and political correctness because it's fashionable, even when they don't oppose the media or PC at all

Disgusting hypocrites

Yes, "inside information." It's called reading the credits on the show, nigger.
Fact- Every writing and directing credit for every show is Parker, the gentile. Writing/directing credits for kike? Zero. Check IMDB, see if I'm lying.
If the Jew doesn't write and doesn't direct (again, just read the fucking credits) why should he get half the money?

Was always aware of it, but the special they did a few years ago when they opened the play really put it out there(which Parker also wrote and directed himself…he threw the jew a producer credit I think along with some mexican fag who wrote some the music).

Check IMDB or watch the "behind the scenes: Southpark" on Jewtube. The Jew (Stone) literally does 2 voices and gets half the shekels.
Not "inside info," just a matter of looking.

Kek confirms