He looks like a fag tbh

He looks like a fag tbh



Which one?

well she looks like shit



quasimodo has a nice nose, that is the only thing aside form the hair and milky skin that is good about it

They both look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome. They're perfect for each other, to be honest.

I think both are really genetic winners that get unfortunate pictures way too often

Why is she so fucking perfect bros?


Go to Angloland, they said

Has anyone noticed a serious uptick in board quality recently? I'm worried this will continue and ruin our board. Just looking at the front page I can see over two (2) threads regarding television and movies. Quick, post troglodytes.

Look at those strong thighs:1

See how acclaimed this guy feels himself. Like he is boasting with these pics.

Also Happy Birthday Maisie!

I missed your OC dude.

You need to make one for daisy ridley.



Can someone dump the other ones too?

All I have left is a few of the better Mustache Maisies I made.

What the hell is this

He's a pretty big fag

Is that spodermang

It's her eyebrows made into mustaches. Duh.

Here's another one.

I've noticed as much but the purpose remains elusive

shit, he'd look manlier with a skirt instead of the shorts

He got dumped anyway (possibly while wearing those tights lmao) and this is the new boyfriend, Sir Gifmaker made an honest mistake of identifying him as the spandex boy. Will is a decent actor at least, we have no idea who the new guy is

I love how in denial maisiefags are.

Because she just looks so retarded, and her eyebrows are fucked. Especially as eyebrows. But as mustaches, they work exceedingly well.

Like who's that other chick with the eyebrows from that same shitty show? Amelia or something? She has crazy eyebrows, too, but they look alright. Maisie just looks like she needs to be hit in the face with a chunk of 2x4, and whatever happens will be an improvement.

kstew is fridgin' up?

I'm not your bro, mate

Not a fan of this post, to be frank

Satan has spoken! Munter must go to the pits of Hell.


You're right, apart from quasimodo we need more chinlet youtubers and canandians with colostomy bags


*shows you her new underwear*

To whatever circle of Hell they send ugly munters, ASAP, you fucking mongoloid toad.

How can it be that such an ugly dyke has so many different photos floating around? Doesn't she do anything else but take vapid pictures of herself all day?


for you

But she doesn't take the pictures herself? Rarely any selfies these days

That's even worse. She actually pays for some poor shmuck to follow her around and take pictures of her ugly mug.

Ha, so that's how you face became like that, a shotgun blast, point-black range? It explains so much.

That's it

kek. it probably backfires on her ugly face.

Stick should be enough to beat some manners into you

The only thing capable of even tickling such a gaping vagina

Insecure much?

Suspicions confirmed: only a quartestaff can tickle munter's craterous vagina.

user confirmed for a minuscule guy



I'm only stating the truth.

Like you've had the opportunity to inspect her private parts, haha! (You didn't)

Maisié, el exterminador de demonios.

Nobody really wants to do that. But you can infer from the abundance of pictures this ugly cunt has floating around, since she's stupid enough to not have any sense of privacy.

lol oh shit one is a chick

is she slut/whore?

I can't be the one one who sees Travis every time they gaze upon Maisie's face.


She's a woman.

Is that real?

takes one to know one


I'd never want to be famous, you'd get random fucks hiding a hundred yards away snapping pictures of you.

Don't worry user, that situation doesn't endanger you

How can anyone dress himself like that, look in the mirror and think "Yes"?

She doesn't mind Sophie feeling her up though…

Seems like she likes to party like any (formerly, as of now) teenage actress but there's no conclusive indication of sluttiness. She stayed with her original high school boyfriend for about two years, until this → started to happen