Bodypainting aka Exhibitionism & Faggotry

Annual Bodypainting Day 2016, New York Camera 2

The average goyim are waking up. Truly the jews have fucked up and are running out of time.

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Pretty much every single comment is denouncing them, calling it sodom and gomorrah, and so on.

I hope it's all lead based paint

Where is ISIS when you need them?

what a goldmine

that bitch dont event look like sailor moon

oh lawd

That's what she's supposed to be? I couldn't tell.

We sure are going to need a lot of gas chambers.

Screw this world, I hate it all. Abandoning Christianity was a mistake.

ree etc.

It's like Fantasy Fest but instead of bikers it's lousy with hipsters.

But user, Christianity is more progressive than ever.

It can be fun too see BUT not outside. Take that shit back into the art houses.


and it makes me furious and sick. We need to take back the church and kick out all cucks, starting with the Anti-Pope Francis.

Light kek.

Hey Chaim, whatcha slidin?


Check out the honker on this fucking degenerate.

inb4: Holla Forums decides they should be wearing burquas and blows up a bus.


Reported for not even trying.



There are children running around amidst the naked old men and trannies.

This is Sodom and Gomorrah. This world can't end soon enough.



This image sums up the left.

She looks like a fight cunt trying to emulate 2D goddesses.

*fat not fight

Man i have some kind of unnamed dyslexia

>>>Holla Forums

This is why public shaming is a core tenant of civilization and why the Jews have been attacking it so much. All I can see coming forth from them is purposelessness, and because of that degeneracy.

Five credits on her being a Steven universe cosplayer

Naked people painted to look like anime characters in public where children might see them, total degeneracy! If only they'd had naked women parading around as something something more classy like a Greek goddess, the way the Nazis did it:

It's about who's nude you pathetic cucks, most of these are disgusting because it's people that haven't taken care of their body and some who even damage it so they have nothing to be proud of, but there is nothing wrong with the the nakedness in it's natural state.
This is why american bred christcuck puritans are a cancer.
children of Europa are proud of their superior aryan bodies, while quivering blobs of mongrel american meat cover their disgusting bodies up because they are ashamed.

It isn't specifically about nudity in general you retarded faggots. The problem is that there are mutant trannies and old men with boners naked in front of children.

But no, it's the christians that are the problem. Gas yourselves.

good job not posting a webm nigger