So im looking for 2 webms. One is of a night club fire, with lights strobing in the background as people rush out. The other is the tranny shock video where he is getting a dick removal.
In the meantime, webm thread
So im looking for 2 webms. One is of a night club fire, with lights strobing in the background as people rush out. The other is the tranny shock video where he is getting a dick removal.
In the meantime, webm thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Stole all his " research " from Holla Forums
Is Holla Forums feeling assblasted today?
Fat shaming is not nice.
im 90% sure you are just baiting now
these videos only make sense when together actually
Got any more snakbars?
yes but they wouldn't be good if I told you when I posted them.
It's not rocket science.
Maybe she hadn't played games before and while learning and playing she became a fan?
Not rocket science.
She's part of an advertisement. Do you believe the people in televisions adverts are telling the truth too?
Fuck outta here.
I think you missed the point of those two videos, but ok. In fact, I think you need to lurk moar or at least get >>>/premium/ , based on that reddit spacing
No, I know all about gamergate.
thanks fam, those are exactly what I was looking for.
Then please tell me what those videos actually imply.
no problem
ill keep posting webms until my folder is out
They imply she's a conwoman. But still, it's low effort shit.
some butt hurt Holla Forumstard may understand, but people like me, who don't give a fuck about video games see it for the reasons I listed above.
Yes but she constantly claimed that she grew up around them and is a "gamer gurl" when the truth is she just got involved with them to make money off of people in a dishonest business. If you aren't old enough to remember the teleseminar type scams then I don't think you would understand why its important.
whats with this bestiality.
That guy actually makes good shit, but he gets banned off youtube often.
Yeah, but she's not the salesman, she's just acting as some happy customer. You see it in just about every advert you see. I didn't know she had claimed to be playing games all her life. If there is a video of her saying that, my opinion might change a little.
screaming was added in
He is essentially teaching people how to scam other people.
If she is a satisfied client, then that means she has been successful at scamming people.
Agree to disagree. What about claiming to game all her life? Any video of that?
Now now, don't go shifting goal posts on me.
Surprise, surprise, surprise.
I think she was looking for some work and I think the sales guy was looking for a pretty face for his video. They agree a price, and he pays her to read some words of a Teleprompter or some other shit. That's it.
You said there was some evidence of her claiming to be a gamer all her life?
That's literally all through her videos online, and get cited as her motivation for making her first series.
Yea I hate to tell you but teleseminar scams actually happen to be something I have been involved with in the past. Here is how people usually get involved.
Guy A approaches fresh-out-of college media major. Lets call her B. Mr. A proposes a sketchy business to her, with a fixed contract and a non disclosure agreement. Mrs. B signs onboard. Mrs. B is no the only person employed by Mr. A. Mr. A usually has a crew of 10-12 people doing the same scam. The people who market the most get put on the air, get a better contract, and become a partner of Mr. A.
Make a bit more sense now?
delete this fucking disgusting ape garbage
Well she couldn't of been very good at it, if like you say, it was something on a larger scale. Which you have no evidence to prove it was btw. Looks like she made hardly any money and appeared in one video. So there isn't a video of her claiming to be a gamer all her life?
Anyone have a song name by any chance?
im not op, but you need to use google faggot
This trigger me.
Nice dubs. I'm surprised this hasn't been uploaded to Youtube yet.
what a cunt, not like she wasnt young once