This is why i don't watch TV

Another example of why i don't even bother with TV unless it's randomly turned on.

Other urls found in this thread:


kill yourself tripfag.
is summer over yet you fucking big league faggot?

HOLY SHIT! This is like the daily show over there i take it?


Im gonna go puke now.

I think if the daily show had a retarded woman cousin that on the sideline talked about women shit that nobody cares about, yeah.

I mean like those 12 o clock shows.
Point is that americans are being fed this trash nowadays…

Don't watch television. It's cancer.

Fuck off

They're Scared!


Don't miss the sexy babes and their bad ass Pimp at >3:19

I made it three seconds into that video.

Dude, I'm totally on board with honoring your father and mother, but it might be time to consider getting your own space to prepare your hot pockets away from their TV.

Fucking leftists.


Are you a butthurt moonman?

What? Why?

You know why user

I was thinking the same thing.

Look at their hair! It's distressing to see how many people nowadays have hairstyles like that, dyed hair and all. It's disgusting.

This shouldn't be socially acceptable.

The jews.

Only unemployed women I would imagine watch this drivel.

Let OP's video be a reminder that sheltered women are terrified of any hint of physical violence.

They are probably thinking "What about MY right to be a loud, disruptive cunt? Does this mean people can revoke it like that, by physically taking me elsewhere? NO WAY THAT CAN HAPPEN!"

These niggers are not even up to date on the Trump memes.

Thats a lazy meme. Why do the back of the cards have yugioh backgrounds, but the Trump card is an ace?

Shoddy work tbh

I was wondering who is the target audience for this, so i looked it up.

It is basically propaganda low-IQ, largely non-white females, this is why they are so blatant, subtlety doesn't work on retards.

Nice dubs, Adolf.

To get you used to the idea that the country is 30% white

To give the illusion that nogs are more than 13% of the country.

tripfag just came out a coma I guess

People take these overly made-up clownish whores seriously?

>muh we're all created equal except you, evil white man

These are today's role models for young women. Just fucking kill me dude.

And another thing, they always cry racism, but they never show people like Diamond and Silk, or any other non-white Trump supporters.

Stupid and arrogant - it's in style

When I heard the "maybe the 2nd amendment" comment I thought that was a fuck up on Trump's part. Then I heard the whole sound bite and it shows he was talking on the subject of the 2nd amendment, he didn't just randomly bring it up to imply violence.

The outlets that are playing the partial sound clip know this, they purposely show half the picture in order to "spin" the story.

We literally have a lügenpresse…

muh melting pot [of people from the same 1000KM circle with tightly related genetics and history]

No shit?

I'm especially looking forward to the day where the crews from the Daily Show, the Nightly Show, and SNL are herded on stage and tied to chairs next to a time bomb to be filmed for a 24 hour extravaganza as the world watches their fake liberal hoity toity facade break down to reveal the spineless unimportant faggots they always were. Either the bomb kills them or they drown in their own pathetic tears. I'd stay up all night to watch that.

hi random despairing user

Funny way to spell the cock carousel

When I can, I will.