Stop video games
Stop movie/show/anime
Stop music
Stop materialism
Stop everything jews sold
Thanks for reading me
Stop video games
Stop movie/show/anime
Stop music
Stop materialism
Stop everything jews sold
Thanks for reading me
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fuck off commie
I wish I could, user.
The last, and final Jew to overcome has been the videogame/entertainment Jew.
Please teach me how to overcome.
Pirate all the games like I do.
Watch only quality movies.
Playing video games with my friends is one of the last truly enjoyable things I can still do user, I'm not going to give it up.
I'll watch anime that I think look good, and read LN because I like to.
I don't listen to anything near mainstream music.
I'm not going to become some monk who gives up all his possessions. I hardly have anything anyway; my guns, my books, a few movies and my clothes.
Every book I've ever read and enjoyed has had a profound effect on me and my life, and yet why bother reading…..?
stop paying for them.
This is going to sound literally retarded but try cigarettes. its the only way I can read for more than 15 minutes, or jew leaf but I dont do that stuff anymore
fuck off jew/loser.
I'm the same way, I find it hard to read a book but really enjoy it when I do. Last book I read all the way through was 'Aquarium' by 'Viktor Suvorov'.
It was an easy read, entertaining as all fuck, and had some serious redpills between the lines (western nations leak tech on purpose to keep arms race going, this is not stated but is obvious). Also it was kind of revealing how the Spetsnaz is basically so intertwined with Russian penal system (post-gulag system) in so many ways
If you want something that worked for me, to get me reading again, and has some political info, I can recommend
it's available online as a pdf and I think its on pdfs or pdf board here as well
Just torrent them faglord.
Downsides of book:
When it gets to his defection the info is really sparse, story moves fast at the end (and is admittedly changed in all the details). I think this makes it more realistic, he's not going to provide info exactly how the defection took place, considering it was published when it was.
You can assume the any detail about a nation where something took place, has been changed, things like that
Really cool to read about the GRU though because they never get attention, as opposed to the KGB
The human mind has these many interests, these many paths that its creative desires go towards.
If no outside sources take up these creative flows. It will try to create them itself.
Thus the jews try to fill it with every denomination possible. For every taste and every creative flow.
Thus the minds of lesser humans can wander far and long in these artificial, man made landscapes. Some adrift for their entire lives now.
the social sense gets filled with tv series, movies with faces on screens doing funny things
the warlike sense gets filled with football, beer drinking, holliganism in all sorts of sports
even things like proper diets get filled with bad, sugar rich food that is enhanced with additives to take up as much boredom away from the human mind
Because boredom is the first precursor to creativity. Take that away and you have a pre-occupied, uncreative people who do not think for themselves.
I'm intrigued - tell me more. Why can you read for longer by smoking the nicotine Jew?
Can you post a plot synopsis about this book, user?
Wow. Weed really is the herbal Jew.
Holla Forums was right.
Russian dude gives his bio starting from tank corps to spetznaz to GRU (Russian military intelligence). Gets forced into situation where he thinks he must defect. It's a shallow look into GRU on one hand (GRU has little info in the west), a plain bio of a defector on the other hand. His defection story is honestly more believable than Yuri's IMO but also is thin on details. Suvorov is not his real name and in the west he went on to write WW2 revisionist/alt-history novels
builds ships and goes to explore the rest of the world
sets up a giant international trade network to bring those spices home
goes to the moon and with technology, even beyond
doesnt even go outside without the help of pokemon go, doesnt work, doesnt do shit really.
What would happen if you were to take away the constant blaring jew music? The video games? The movies and the addictive food?
Also just read it, it's an easy and super fun read
Hate and misunderstanding.
You've convinced me. Downloading it now.
He has another book that is available in full on a .ru domain here
'Spetsnaz. The Story Behind the Soviet SAS'
Interesting that a .ru domain publishes a work of this defector. I don't know what to think about that. But there it is. The one thing I gather from his writing about Spetsnaz is that it is hardcore as fuck, and extremely associated with the penal system
I couldn't put it down and read it in two evenings. Never finished Spetsnaz though, although I'm going to continue right now (work etc, not doing any reading in months)
It's a nightmare I'm not on Holla Forums
The creative flows of the youth, of society have been diverted like rivers, into dams, where they could do the least amount of damage (to jew interest)
The reason why society is kinda so shitty right now. The reason why so many people feel like there is a thin veil, preventing them from becoming their true volatile self is exactly because of this.
Most people are unaware of it consciously, but most people have their energies being siphoned off through these many venues.
Most people thought that the horse driving their brain cart wasnt important, that the driver was, but they are wrong. The horse has become so untamed and hungry that it has been given control of the carriage.
The reality of the matter is that there is no human soul, that consciousness depends on many external factors. Factors, variables which are being jew controlled.
movies, tv series, "social networks"
competitions in sports, hooliganism
music, which also affects the above things
The brain is simply being overloaded by these too many good things. It is not meant to receive all of them at the same time. The reason why we are so passive is because our brain health, while it may be okay, it is not in accordance to our more ancient nature.
Even I am not free of this blight and I try to escape it badly.
But its a battle that is even harder than the battle against overweightness that I had. Not eating food is easy compared to not watching tv stuff if you are bored and have no friends who are cool.
There are lots of animu, videogames and music that is not controled by jews. Even there are non jewish films and shows (also they are few to be honest). Also the same with materialism, does my /k/ things is considered materialism too? altough the jews are oposed to private gun ownership and preps?
Who sold your /k/ ?
Kill yourself.
Japan is non-white.
fuck off.
fuck off amimefag
pirating is half the fun
This song just came out. Catchy but clearly antitrump.