Baby Boomer Hate Thread

Lets take a trip back in time…

Post pics/ info graphs/ articles about how cucked the boomers were.

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Honestly it was a different time, and though the civil rights movement was ultimately subverted by (((communists))) the anti vietnam movement was direct opposition to a major bankers war.

You could go die for the bankers. Avoid the draft by going to liberal brainwashing universities. Or drop out and join the these losers. And besides the mind expansion movement was super based in the earlier years.






I wonder what happened to Hillary for her to go from helping nigs to hating them and hanging out with the KKK guy.


That jew face on merkel lmao.

Have a bump.

They ruined our economy, sucked all our resources, their stubborn refusal to adapt to anything because the 50+ year old baby is too confuses by shiney things is why our computer security is shit…..

Yet I'm supposed to be happy because I can own a $600 smart phone for $200 down and $60 a month 2 year contract. No expectation of retirement, unions destroyed from the rational workers protection they once were to greedy shit shows. College means nothing now. Lazy tenured commies ruined education.

My blood is boiling, I need to stop…



They were right about no wars though

The worst generation.

If you look at that same spot now, it's almost no white people. Thanks a lot boomers.

My parents are shitlib boomers. I know it's degenerate to hate your parents, but they sure make it hard not to.

This is the text of the following video.

Marxists of the 21st Century:

This great evil. Where does it come from? How’d it steal into the world? What seed, what root did it grow from? Who’s doin’ this? Who’s killin’ us?”

Europe 1920’s:

• The standard of living of workers in capitalism is improving.

• The Red Revolution succeeded only in Russia.

• People in the Soviet Union live under violence and poverty.

• The forecasts and ideas of old Marxists appeared to be wrong and utopian.

Paris, 1968:

Students are supporting Marxism, left radicalism is on the rise. May, 1968, Red Anarchists, Maoists and other leftists provoked a revolt; building barricades, burning cars, etc.

France refused these left radicals.
On the 30th May, 1968, over 400,000 citizens protested AGAINST the red radicals, the conservatives won in the elections.

The leftists realised that the nation wouldn’t support them, so they and their leaders escaped. They promised to return, with new strategies, new ideas and new slogans.

The young Marxists distanced themselves from the old communists and The New Left was born.

The old Marxists wanted to change society and seize power in revolution.

“The New Left” stopped supporting violent revolution and came up with a new strategy. Instead they started supporting immigrants, minorities, radical ekologism, egalitarianism.
They fought against “racism,” fascism, for human rights, for multiculturalism. With this new ideology “The New Left” is grabbing power in a democratic way.

For the New Leftists in the the West there was a great barrier, That old Christian, conservative and patriotic society had no sympathy with them.

So, the New Leftists decided to disrupt and break this society first:

• To destroy traditional values
• Nations
• Patriotism
• Traditional family
• Morality

Then they will overrule with their ideology and get the power.
These monstrous plans didn’t form only in the heads of street leftists:

At Frankfurt University worked a group of Jewish Marxist sociologists, who designed this new ideology for The New Left.

Marxists from the Frankfurt school created a devastating ideology, the goal of their ideology is to:

Create a psychological and cultural terror against Western white society using psychoanalysis, manipulation.Until they exterminate all patriotism, pride, European Christian cultural and traditional model of a family.

In practice, their ideology expresses itself like this:

He who shows a national pride tramples an oppressed minority. And thus he is a ‘Nazi’ extremist.

He who supports the traditional model of a family oppresses a homosexual minority. And thus he is a homophobic fascist.

Immigrants have the “RIGHT” to come to European countries. He who refuses multiculturalism oppresses an immigrants human rights. And thus he is a xenophobic racist.

He who has different ideas from New Leftism must be disqualified from public life.

Another Marxist philosopher called upon The New Left to:

“Long march through the institutions.” Antonio Gramsci

Meaning, to grab power slowly, democratically, to left leftists slowly occupy the education system, film industry, media, politics, to spread their ideology and overrule Europe using their propaganda, their law, quotas and restrictions.

It was the beginning of:

• Political correctness.
• Positive discrimination (Affirmative action) of minorities.
• Modern anti-fascism.
• Anti-racism.
• Multiculturalism.
• Human rights movements.
• Radical feminism.
• Homosexual rights movements.
• For drug legalisation.

Devastating ideas of the New Left are packed into modern “ideals” and attractive mottos.

Their ideology is enforced on the political sphere by leftists who reached powerful positions, they make new laws, and enable immigration:

José Manuel Barroso

35 years ago: radical leftist-Maoist

Today: President of the EU commission.

Daniel Cohn-Bendit (“Red Danny”)

In 1968: radical anarchist student leader.

Today: Chief of the Green Parties in the European parliament.

Hundreds of unknown EU officials in Brussels have influence in the creation of EU law, which invariably controls the majority of laws of the countries within the EU. They appoint each other, meet in secret and we cannot sack them, many of them are New Leftists.

Almost all big commercial media in the EU are the property of only a few international corporations, which are supporting multicultural propaganda.

The red Marxist revolution did not die with the fall of Communism, it has just changed its face, it lives and it is destroying us in a more effective and more malicious way.

Is the opening narration Matthew Mcconaughey pretending to be retarded?


boomers are absolutely fucking disgusting, I got into an argument the other day with one about how civil rights was a mistake and hasn't improved niggers and all he would do is call me a "racist redneck"


Jews are no excuse for treason.

Offspring of the Weakest.

Never before in history had women avoided real work, stayed in the home in such a great percentage and what was the result? The baby boomers! You can tell me that the jews corrupted them but then why were they so successful thoroughly corrupting that generation?

Rethorical question of course, an uneducated, uncultured fuckwit that never worked a day in their life and yet boast about buying expensive present for their spawn will only raise a spoiled brat.

What is needed are Hitlerjugend-type organizations (and military service ) to make sure the next generations doesn´t turn into weak pussies.

Great Grandpa:
Fought commies in the winter war, based conservative man raising 11 children on his farm and worked all his life

Born in the late 40s (not sure if this qualify as boomer), became part of the 68 leftwing cuck wave, "worked" as a politician for the socialdemocrats, avoided military service and still to this day remain a "refugees welcome" cuck

How could it go so wrong?

One exception doesn't define a generation, quite the opposite really, user.

Take a look at the video I posted to figure out the generational trends.

First post, every time

This is some heavy fucking Divide and Conquer-shilling going on.

You Baby Boomers really dislike the critique, don't you? Well, pull your bacon out of the fire in the real world, don't shed any tears when the truth of the matter is brought up at Holla Forums.

Reminder that Baby Boomers still really love President John Kennedy, whose brother said

and who himself set in motion policies of forced integration.


I agree, one wonders if that's what got JFK shot, by not agreeing to sign the federal reserve act.

you're the shill here, friend.

You're anti-white if you think that President Kennedy was somebody that did good things as president.

By ignoring the whole rest of the thread to focus on your anti-white hero, user., you're proving the point of the thread. Baby Boomers were a rotten bunch and still are until they undo the mess.

Them dubs don't lie

He did, he didn't sign the goddamned federal reserve bill that LBJ did, he didn't want American involvenment in Vietnam to be anything more than advisor's and SOFs/Intelligence Gathering operations, and furthermore, he didn't force integration like LBJ did and he didn't go along with the suicidal plantationcrat gibsmedat like ladybird did. You're confusing LBJ and Ted Kennedy with JFK. They're completely different people.

White children are still forced to go to school with coloureds. Anti-white Wikipedia is crowing about President Kennedy (not Jay Eff Kay) 's action on making that legislation happen.

From the article:

Kennedy's proposed legislation makes it illegal to refuse to serve coloureds at one's personally and privately owned restaurants and similar

You 'Boomers love your Jay Eff Kay, President Kennedy

We know that and now it's time to pay the piper!!!

How different do you think the US would be if Nixon won the 1960 election?

Also another reason a lot of people say they love Kennedy was how he handled the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Fucking Boomers ruin everything. There isn't a single good one. Kill them all in their sleep.

Right? I mean, like pic related … fuck Boomers … right?


What's wrong with Boomers goy err son? I remember when I was your age user before I DUDE WEEDed at Woodstock with your mother. I used to think Jesus and Krishna were different people.

After MLK was shot, "civil" rights folks rioted for a week straight and burned down thousands of buildings. That should have redpilled millions but they bought the media's lies.

Too bad they didn't stick to it.

babby's first shill post gets dubs and trips. you should be honored, but you probably don't even know what a get is, you poor bastard.

now leave and never come back

fuck off shill


I'm normally the first to call out against D&C shit, but don't pretend for a fucking second that the boomers didn't spend more time pursuing their own selfish lust and greed than they did raising their children properly.

And they passed those values directly on to us.

And then they wonder why those of us who didn't grow up to be complete good goy smartphone addict zombies turned out so goddamn disaffected and fed up with everything.

Fuck babby b00mers
