Brit/pol/ #1131 - What The Olympics Is Now About Edition
Brit/pol/ #1131 - What The Olympics Is Now About Edition
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Why are all the neets asleep…
If my brother's single mummy girlfriend gets pregnant, will it even be his kid given that her former mate's DNA is still inside of her?
It's early, lad. some of my NEETbros don't wake up until it's dinner time tbh.
Morning chums, may a day of improvement and merriment befall you all
~0 your brothers ~~O mine
~0 sperm
Not unless she's fucking other men at the same time
She's a cheater so it doesn't surprise me tbh. I just hope the kid isn't brown.
She's already fucked someone and had a kid, lad. How much of the kid is going to be made from the other father?
oooh lad there is something to this
so, she has already cheated on him and is now pregnant?
Yeah but it was a while ago tbh
None lad, telegony (in mammals) is a silly meme tbh.
Doesn't mean that fucking a single mummy isn't disastrous though
But look at this, lad
So women become part male because of this? That is kind of weird. What is the purpose?
It was invented to "explain away" why respectable men's wives had brown babies.
its bullshit.
y-you don't look up to your brother, do you?
I do, lad, for some things. But on the other hand he does really stupid things.
No, lad. What microchimerism means is there are bits of foreign DNA floating around in their system.
I believe it's leftover cells from foetuses that aborted very early (before they were even noticed).
It's very improbable (and there's no evidence that) this in some way alters the genetic composition of future children.
Your brother is still a gimp for having a child with a single mummy.
Well he's trying, but she's not pregnant yet. Smh guess I have to prepare to be an uncle.
Why don't their bodies get rid of that DNA?
Why doesn't he just find a girl who doesn't have a child already?
Smh, I would never let myself get cucked like that tbh.
Thanks for the rare Issy, lad
You know, after all that cost and effort, the kids is still going to run to its "real dad"
Your brother either has low self esteem or, more likely, is a bit lazy
I'll let you save it.
Just don't post it. >:/
Couldn't happen to a nicer cunt, tbh
The ONLY way I'd get involved with a woman with kids is if I already had my own
Who /thinking/ here?
it seems pretty fun to sit around making strawmen to attack all day.
We should do it tbh
I guess if you're older, in your late 30s or 40s, then it might be unavoidable as the pool of women is so much smaller.
I very much doubt user's brother is that old though, so there's not really any excuse tbh, considering the average age for a woman's first child is 30.
I really don't see the point in the Q. I didn't see the point in the T either. But at least I could joke about it being Lettuce, Bacon, Gherkin, Tomato. What begins with Q that can go on a sandwich, lads?
Quince jam lad
Goodfellow > Daly in terms of BP
or if you wanna get ethnic
I just don't know how to tell my Corbynite friends that we need to gas all ethnic minorities.
I thought we were your friends
I never thought of being friends solely with a group of GCHQ operatives before, lad. I know Mummy May cares about me, but I still need to see people irl.
They must have stank to high heaven after all that lad.
Why, lad? Fighting in wars must have made them way sweatier tbh.
it's ok lad.
enjoy your beautiful friends
just make all guns legal tbh. I want to be free.
send help lads, it's getting louder
pour urine and mayonaise on him from the top window and shout you're HIV positive that'll scare him off
Just let him keep knocking, lad. Go grab a knife though, and barricade yourself in your room.
Call the police and grab a knife
I hope your body is ready
smh. Why didn't he just buy me a sawed off shotgun?
Did you tell him he's not expected?
Probably pikey cowboys, they often go around insisting your house needs repair work then demand money from you
this happens a lot
record it lad
You're in for quite a bit of rape tbphwy lad.
i've never watched wews tbh
hes shit
that's pretty gay lad
I like his channel but avoid the streams, they're total messes.
Yeah it's wews
makes you /think/
Didn't that gay danish nazi make him cry or something?
If yer calling the police hide the knife (or put it back in the kitchen), otherwise they'll arrest you for possession of a weapon.
What if he breaks in and calls the cop on you for having a knife? Who will be arrested?
It's so easy after trying to fuck my brain with east asian languages for so long
I just hate the idea of becoming an uncle, lads. I am not funny or likable. Kids hate me.
Lad why. Everyone speaks English already, at least anyone that's worthwhilr talking to. You have 100% Anglo superiority to thank for that
wew, just doing that myself lad, but with German instead of Russian. Very comfy way to spend the morning.
And what if I do bully huh? The heck you gonna do about it anyway, squirt? Cry? Go ahead n cry for me, little guy.
Lad, being interested in other languages is fun and informative.
i find it pretty sad tbh
all the other anglos have the same terrible banter when it concerns us
the same tired stereotypes while we keep coming up with tropes to outbanter the colonial uphill gardners
The only foreign phrase an Englishman needs to know is HANDE HOCH FRITZ
It is no shock that Louis Cuck is the other person talking
Hell is forever!
D-don't you like the olympics l-lad?
its like he travels the anglosphere searching for autism to incorporate into his persona
him an louie probably spend some nights together in the cuck shed, the pic is jims wife and a nig nog
I want to eventually write a book about the subversion of the west, which had a lot to do with the soviet union in the beginning. Plus dem russian qts.
You're second point is good though, but the only useful languages for that are Latin, Greek, maybe German and French.
Why are brits so obsessed with Diana?
"She" looks like a dude
This would be a welcome change, actually.
apparently its a woman because it birthed jeffries son, Hank
You just described the worst thing in the world. Comedians are generally a pretty cancerous breed regardless, but it's the faux edgy or 'politically incorrect' ones who are the fucking worst. Apparently to qualifiy as a 'counter-culture' comedian all you have to do is make one off-kilter joke about Muslims, not that they groom white children in alarming numbers, just that they must be le grumpy because they can't eat pork xD !!1
I should have specified but I really meant European girls. Also, you can impress English ones by speaking with such authority in a different language that they wouldnt believe you spend most of your day on an autistic imageboard.
Rude words are funny.
she used to date a basketballer lol
She was right about one thing
She was a single mother who never worked a day in her life and she enjoyed a bit of muslim cock, basically she was quintessentially British.
Why do I like the opinoins of nonces, lads
Bit gay tbqh fam
What did Cuckchins mean when he said the most dangerous idea is that the kike on a stick was the son of God? He never explained it. I assume he just loves masochism and he means muh Roman persecution so it was dangerous to admit being a Christcuck.
Serious question
Why have relations between Turkey and Russia suddenly improved?
Putin airdropped into Ankara and cucked Erdogan without him knowing and his wife is telling him to be nicer to the slavs
That there is a source of authority, manifested in the son of God, that is above and beyond the ability of humans to manipulate.
Turkey thinks cosying up to Russia will scare the EU into hastening the process to allow Turkeyto join.
It's working btw
ok.. but what's in it for Russia?
or does Russia want EU undermined by more kababs?
probably oil or something once isis is finished idk
and THIS of course
Good but probably quite meaningless
'Ginger ISIS sympathiser' killed in major counter-terrorism operation
Polish Preppers
100,000 Poles preparing for Russian invasion go Ray Mears
the fact she is an eceleb vanity whore turns me flaccid
Go based Russia
I heard she had a really hard childhood tbh. I think she is probably very attention seeking.
You should be hanged by the neck until death tbh ngl m8.
I still have no idea what this thing is
Today in Swedecuck News…
Swedish woman seeks single British bloke to make her dreams come true - with one requirement
She's so fucking ugly even Mohammed - the new Swede - doesn't want her
Why does she look so happy, lads?
Lad you've got to go back
Becuase he probably tried to rape her.
I'm an Everton fan and this woman is my natural enemy
Lad I'm 63/64ths Anglo and 1/64th Polish Jew and was born here. Get fucked. Poles are based.
Law should stop job applicants giving their names to reverse toll of unemployed British Muslims, MPs say
You better be joking, lad.
after you've unclogged the bog climb inside and flush please
Lad, we don't like your sort round here, you lot aren't as bad as pakis but too many of you are here as low skilled workers.
get out
the poles not even the problem tbh
but jews belong diced and coagulating in the storm drains tbh
Highest % NEETs aged 20-24 in Italy & Greece, lowest in Netherlands & Luxembourg
NEETs are the best people lad
Does Germany count the migrants?
migrants? what migrants? all i see here is New Germans
Look at the graphic
NEET's are nigger tier
Madness tbh. Cuckron really doesn't care about reality.
Turkroaches are blackmailing the EU
Wew lad
I never knew that we had so many NEETs tbh lads.
Odd to think that more than a tenth of our young people are unemployed
What do they do all day in places like Italy and Spain where they're around 40%?
how is this blackmail?
the turkroaches fucking off and becoming hostile again gives us a reason to set up a proper DMZ border fence across turkey blocking the shitskin land border access
the thing that really fucks me off about Calais is that all it would take to sort it out is one nutter with some explosives and a motolov, but the GCHQ cucks will actually bother to stop that kind of terror attack from taking place
sleep, drink port wine or retsina, lazily listen to radio/tv and masturbate
at night eat a heavily tomatoey diet and play salsa music
Just like Are Nige envisioned
I wonder who's behind this post.
Tbh I can't agree with you. We aren't radicalised here. Brit/pol/ is a general of peace.
Their indolent Southern temperament is probably the only reason they haven't had a revolution yet
gr8 vid but the audio qualities atrocious
I don't want any of you to do it, but as long as retards like that bloke who killed Jo Cox exist they might as well scare the pakis away.
If anything I'm hoping for a Gaul to do it.
simmering peace lad, gently steamed to perfection
the heats not exactly the reason why dagos are all lazy wops
You clearly haven't been keeping up with the latest anti-terrorism legislation lad
Do any of you smoke?
only secondhand when my dad's smoking outside my window tbh.
What a waste.
And no.
only drugs and occasionally a walnut pipe
t. guy who drinks poison
Any user here watching the 2016 reboot of Robot Wars?
Thoughts so far? I'm really not a fan of the new rapid-fall pit.
I didn't say that, lad. Just weird how one is a waste and the other isn't tbh.
waccy backy dulls the pain by killing my brain
Absolute renegade
Yeah it was, wasn't expecting four fours. Wew.
I used to chain smoke, completely quit and now I just buy a pack every once in a while.
One of us?
Feels good, lads.
things that I never said
I'll have a cigar if I have the money, but smoking is just ridiculously expensive.
That, and my grandfather is down one lung from cancer due to smoking.
That's a facebook page with a normie meme you double nigger.
Good on you lad i'd have waved tbh
Did you mean the quads were a waste or what? Fucking hell.
The quads were a waste
She delibrately had her back to me, but she would have seen me
There's nothing wrong with smoking every now and then, matey. I like a cheeky fag on a friday night. It's the idiots who somehow get addicted to them that I don't understand. They must possess absolutely no willpower of any sort.
Never said that m80, I just don't find ciggies appealing, and the price is just extortionate.
Missed an opportunity tbh lad.
isn't showing the hip like that kind of immoral, lad?
thigh I meant
So is not wearing chainmail, the silly bint is going to get cut to pieces like that.
same lad
I get called an alcoholic sometimes and it pisses me off
occasionally quit drinking altogether for a while just to prove a point, it made things hell boring and all the aches and pains around my body resurfaced
this lads obviously never worn a tabard
You'd have something under the tabard, lad.
the same gaps on this lad too you just dont see his thigh because chainmail leggings
tbh lad chainmail doesnt feel great rubbing against the erect exposed glans of your cock so the lady would not be wearing any upon the engagement of coitus
Lad what's wrong with your bod.
I legitimately dont i swear on me mum
nah not as bad as this other lad i know, he pours brandy into his cornflakes instead of milk and carries two flasks of vodka around with him everywhere
its only a problem when the bottles the first thing you reach for when you wake up in the morning
nice one lad, you'd sure be good in a crusade
t. egalitarian
In a modern crusade we wouldn't be wearing chain mail anyway
what is wrong with the Scotch?
assorted genetic defects, the joints in my bones are slowly fusing together into solid bone paralysing me
the medication to slow it down causes hallucinations and another symptom of the disease is inflammation of the corneas so i occasionally go blind
tbh lad i doubt modern day soldiers wear chainmail
it doesnt really stop bullets
Every fucking time
Will they ever learn?
yeah becaus the net flow of migration is always into scotland
that delusion
obviously, but again that doesnt mean you should not learn about how crusaders were dressed, tbh it makes it more inspiring reading about the crusades when you realise how much padding and armour they wore while in the heat of the desert, i.e. there was an event in the 1st crusade where the turks attacked a camp and the crusaders gathered together in a semi roman turtle formation and protected the civilians whilst under a constant rain of arrows for 7 hours in the heat of the desert
I'm vaguely aware of the padding under the mail and helmets but it doesn't MATTER as such. I think we should be looking more into modern warfare than larping as much as we do
Do gingers view themselves as a minority/non-white or something?
So someone pointed something out to me last night. According to British law, it's illegal to serve alcohol to intoxicated people. With a possible fine of up to a grand.
i dont focus specifically on one aspect of history lad i try to have a broad and true understanding of the last 12,000 years of human civilization
for instance I can relay off by heart what the testudo was and how the Romans used it in their formations in battle and why Roman lines defeated the outdated phalanx fighting of the hellenic world
but i cant sound off the names, births and deaths of every Roman emperor since Augustus lad
Well, it does since you wouldn't be able to take a hit if you didnt have the padding lad, but yeah you're right all we need is fals and cargo shorts
soon it will be illegal to serve it at all under Sharia May
It mattered to them, but it doesn't matter to us. I don't know why you're being so salty about this, I love watching BIG ARN knock shit out of saracens as much as the next lad, but we won't be using swords and chainmail we'll be mostly trying to figure out where the shithouse muzzies left the bomb and avoiding that area tbh
What? im not being salty lad, i just agreed with you, i just think you should look into it more fam
It is like that in Australia, but the ramifications have been fully played out:
fuck those gay fucking rules
t. australian
stop stealing our oggy oggy oggy chant you fucking goon
Why is being game dev so complicated lads
I hear the phrased "redpilled" thrown around a lot but now that I've read this comment, I finally know what it truly means.
meh, it meant I used to get $18 an hour on a saturday.
but a lot of pubs/clubs only survive because of gambling, which is just a monsterous cancer
Kek. Is that from the Wews video on Laurie Penny and Cologne?
HA yes
He's so above it all, he should make a YouTube channel and tell everyone that they're wrong and never take a firm position for or against anything.
Reminds me of when Sargon-tier cucks say that nationalist are the same as feminists or BLM because they both support 'identity politics'.
Are they incapable of understanding why there's a difference between supporting your own ethnic interests and supporting those of a hostile group?
don't bully me shitlord
its just another measure of controlling everything through the guise of OH&S kikery
What's brit/pol/'s favorite movie?
He so clearly wants to fuck her
I really liked Master and Commander
Calvary was lifechanging for me
Herbie Fully Loaded
throughout highschool i watched withnail & I daily, and i cant still quote most of the movie
other than that, the third man, or dawn of the dead origey dige
looks a bit like gordo tbh
can* for fucks sake
Cassidy Banks - Cute Cassidy - Teenslovehugecocks
Get Carter, but and aren't bad answers
He's far more attractive tbh
This guy is salvagable, unlike gords
His acting however is top notch, that will get him all the sluts.
lad i was joking
tbh i like children of men alot too
Bluepilled trash tbh
I don't think I've got one. Or I can't remember or decide. My mind always goes blank when someone asks this and I lost my collection of movies when the last HDD died. Browsing through what I've got saved here, Leaving Las Vegas is the best. Wew.
The brown man will inherit the earth, lad.
saying you wouldnt love to suck on gordos tits?
the taste of rancid old chip grease and autist semen still fresh on those hairy carrier bags of wet flour
Don't forget the poorly wiped bum and smegma. He's a dreamboat.
I'd kinda prefer to go extinct tbh
i only hope the scientists did the right thing and dissected the baby while force impregnated the fugee over and over again to create more specimens to save the real humanity
more like a garbage barge
…anyone surprised?
Celebrity surgeon from Channel 4's Embarrassing Bodies is being sued by 57 male patients - including some claiming they were left INFERTILE
Kingdom of Heaven is a great film for anyone interested in the crusades
Who'd a thunk it? A minority that performs significantly worse than the white locals in a profession that has a high barrier of entry and standards for all but minorities?
I remember clearly an article about British doctors from the commonwealth having significant malpractice rates, but can't find it, sadly. Is there any statistical data for something like this?
Based, there's less white people in the world :^)
creating trannies is a pajeet past time
I tried to make SA's little gay cartoon girl CIVIC but I'm so rusty with photoshop I couldn't do a good enough job. Smh
This is what the Olympics are about
German women can't get enough of the BIG BROWN DICK
Wednesday's morning, a German woman, who only whore trousers and bra, was found wandering aimlessly between barack tents in an asylum center in Denmark, Næstved (pic related)
Who /breakingtheirnofapthinkingabouttheexterminationofKrautsthroughmiscegenation/ here?
Reminds me of Dr Death in Australia
They're cucks but so are you and Peter
tbh lad i prefer the gymnasts
either she got raped and didnt say or went there for the tiny ethnic mohammedan dick
goddamn it krauts, cant they just crash and burn the normal way
I love a tall lass tbh
B-but Harold Shipman! Jimmy Saville!
common sense about the goylimpics
How do cucks like that end up with ok looking women?
smh tbh, I'd be her anglo bull
It's a such a shame UKIP are a clusterfuck or we'd be raking up the old Labour votes. Fuck you Nigel.
Which one of you was this? Kek
the talent from UKIP can leave and form a ne party
Labour cant do that because they are too attached to the party as an institution.
Ukippers vote on policy, not identity
next time youre on halfchan, stay there
He truly is the gift that keeps mugging my opponents. I love it.
She accused him of rape and they believed her tbh
Yeah that'll happen
probably he's personable, relatively confident and a good laugh, he doesn't even mind a paki putting his feet on his sofa.
compare with your average britpoler who gets full of impotent rage when he sees a paki spitting on the pavement
You like womanlets?
5'7, maybe 5'8, is the tallest I can go for.
you might be gay
How tall is Virginia, lads?
i'd go 6'2" / 6'3" no problems
about she's a disgusting pig i mean 5'4"
C'mon lad just look at the way he sits
I just don't like small women tbqh
Fuck off Iqbal
Diana deserved to die lads.
Would she be taller than you?
i'm 6'2"
This tbh.
Is she really 5'4''
Obviously against someone being imprisoned for being a racist even if they are a cucked one at that but contempt of court is contempt of court…
Disgraceful that a judge would engage in such puerile behaviour too though.
I don't think you belong here, m88
I know he looks like a limp wrister that you could just slap about and he wouldn't do anything about it.
But it doesn't mean people like that are bad at socialising and chit chat.
at least im not lusting after men with vaginas
feel like the point of the story is lost
You just don't understand the right side of history :^)
13 is a little young but if she's bled yet it's all good tbh. You've just fallen for kike feminist lies about lolis not craving big white dick to fill them full of babies before they reach the arbitrary ages of 16 or 18. Don't have to be a Mohammedan child abuser who rapes 9 year olds to recognise this.
I'm not Cameron, lad, and Ginnie isn't a big. I don't mind that she's a bit fat tbh.
Out you go, mate.
Ginnie is a fat fucking bitch tbh.
fuck off gchq there are no pedos here for you to catch
Maybe but he also looks very effeminate, and I thought women disliked that
Stop saying that, lad.
Shoo shoo GCHQ
after puberty lad its not pedo
not supporting child rape lads just skeptical of modern day state enforced age of consent laws that land horny teens in juvenile detention centers for statutory rape and child porn distribution for sending a snapshot of their anus to someone as a joke or touching each other up at a sleepover
I'm 5'5 manlet loser and i went out with a girl of 5'11 for a bit
It's a bit weird at first but you get over it, and when people are rude to you about it it's just funny
What did she mean by this?
Lads, could you post your best Ginnies for me? I need them for some experiments.
Is there any source for these statements?
She meant to say
"Britain is dead."
Classic one and fresh one tbh.
Her twitter facebook photos, go see for yourself.
Seriously, lads, are drugs so powerful they make you suck off civic lads for a few pounds?
oh it went to kyoto
only if you dont have banter to fill the void
Oh well… I suppose I've got plenty of books to read…
So you wouldn't mind getting hitched with a girl who was taller than you? Don't you think that would lead to strange relationship dynamics?
I couldn't take him seriously after he said he hated The Deer Hunter.
Depends, really. Weed is ""harmless"" in this regard for irregular and small scale use, but long term use makes you dumb, lazy, self-centered navel gazer and may lead to worse judgement and resulting in other drug experiments. Psychotropics don't do nothing of that sort, but may overdoing it will cause personality shifts or "psychic attacks" that could make you question if you possibly weren't born to suck dick or be a girl(which is 100% always wrong). Opiates and amphetamines supposedly are the worst of the bunch and can eventually cause dicksucking-for-money syndrome.
Of course everything changes when you add mad bantz to the equation, as the user pointed out.
Virginia and I are both similar ages, shame we don't travel in the same circles she seems quite based, and she's a cutie too. That being said I wouldn't go internet stalking her like the lads on here, you need to meet women in real life, get yourself a girlfriend then you wouldn't need to lust after an image of a girl you'll never meet.
Are they worth reading lads.
Was enjoying the show up until a point but don't know if I want to sit through it any more tbh.
lad what is the problem
what went wrong with European women?
Don't bother. Read a good book instead.
Ite lad, ite.
I suppose the manlet problem would be solved rather quickly if there wasn't a stigma on being shorter than your lass.
What books you got on your to read list mate?
Not if you are over 15 years old.
Don't think your video really fits tbh lad, considring in Bande a part she was playing a degenerate and in Vivre sa vie a prossie
I guess Godard was based about the Jews though
ite as in aight lad
Just applied to be an immigration removal officer at Gatwick
Here's hoping, lads.
Ah well that's a shame.
what went wrong with European men?
Come to a house party with me on Friday mate. There will be ale and good music
Absolutely degenerate.
fuck off you lonely fuck
אלוהים נצור את
Oh so you're the creepy fuck who got butthurt that she blocked you on Twitter after you kept sending her abuse.
I laugh at how shallow your life is
keep that wanky yank gun away from me
that fat fuck is milking it with his shitty books tbh
I bleeding hate epilating, lads.
I bet it's a never ending shame of yours that your sister can bleed for once a month and you can't.
Post pics of your sister.
Be glad you'll never feel a period, my good man. Or the pains of childbirth for that matter. Or love.
Lad what kind of psychological trick is this
Are you a woman, lad?
Does ttpw's sister look more masculine than him, I wonder.
Make a guess tubber.
And no. Having friends by not being autistic means I go to house parties.
And then a bunch of shorts/collected writings by Franz Kafka, E.F. Benson, M.R. James, Edgar Allen Poe and Aleister Crowley.
The charity shops where I live have been really well stocked recently so I just keep picking up new stuff to read on top of my already quite large pile.
It's no trick, it's called reality.
His sister is quite the cutie if I remember correctly, sometimes he's been caught wearing his sisters clothes by his father who in turn just walks away disgusted.
Shalom, ben paddywhack of triptrap.
Lad, don't tell lies, your nose will grow.
Post pics, lass.
My nose and your cock will grow, something that will forever shame you.
הרחפת שלי מלאה בצלופחים
i just made a milk based brandy and chocolate soup
I know those feels. Never been a great lover of Biographies tbh, I prefer to read what a person has written rather then read what someone else has compiled of their life in minutia.
It's twenty to three, lad.
Let him have his indulgences, after all some of us indulge in your fantasy of being a girl on here.
Why do Krauts exist lads
Yeah I know what you mean. They're good for occasional reading though and there's usually some rare pictures that you might not find online. The Enoch Powell one is absolutely enormous so I'll probably take a good long while to read it.
if you like historical fiction novels then I, the Sun is a good one
i know but my wisdom teeth are coming in and they are hurting like the SNP and i thought id mix it up a little from my spirits and clove oil diet
Been looking for Like the Roman for ages but have never been able to find it
But thanks none the less, prob pick that up soon.
I wonder if his dad felt like that guy whose son came out as mentally ill/a tranny on Dr Phil. Too bad that that my webm of that is corrupted. Does some user know what I mean and could post it here?
But, love, it's me Virginia! How could you forget how I look!
Course sandpaper round the handle of a toothbrush, insert between wisdom teeth, bite down, now wriggle it. They'll be through in no time.
I got it from World of Books and it was on sale at a massively reduced price when I bought it. That was a while ago but you might get lucky if you look them up.
Speaking of books lad has anyone ever written one?
I'm in the process of writing a sort of low fantasy type story, just for fun, have written three full chapters so far, aiming for twelve or so. Work gets in the way of course. It's hard but I'm enjoying it.
I've got ~100 books written down that I plan on reading one after the other and a thousand or so random pdf's that I might be interested in that I want to read eventually. Both of which keep growing.
twerent a problem tbh lad
it can get a bit stale in the middle because its semi-biographical its a sort of recount of his life with some spicy fiction to fill in the blanks
id prefer not to be drowning in blood and feel like ive suffered irrumatio at the hands of a bull elephant tbh lad
i got blitzed off gin a few months back and split the gums open to relieve the pressure with a kebab stick but its come back again
tbh i know someone who's severely autistic and even they've gone to house parties
Then you definitely have to post pics. I love you
Just got laid lads. Is there some form of extra strength dopamine reward for shagging someone? I feel elated even though ultimately I can rationalise it as nothing special.
I like it here tbh
its your brain rewarding you for reproducing lad
It looks like I arrived just in time.
I'm not and why are you showing off your backlog? Surely you should feel shame that you aren't hard at work hammering through them, rather then posting here
Oh goody, I might put it off then unless I find it in a second hand shop
To test our fighting spirit, lest it grows weak.
yanks are never based lad
Might be meeting a girl later tonight ,too. Though I don't know if i can be arsed.
Killing Krauts is always based.
I had an impacted one the roots were splayed out like a starfish, they had to put me under some seriously whacked out drugs, and a massive pajeet ripped it out with his knee on my chest. I vaguely remember him coming in and me saying he was the biggest Paki I had ever seen. Think he might have laughed. Shit gets very bizarre on whatever they give you anyway.
Telling me how to spell using Latin grammar, what are you? A Norman?
Did you get married, lad?
but yhanks are never based lad
you made a mistake posting that on this board
why not just mow them all down tbh
NO2 nitrous oxide usually
I'm doing all I can to read as fast as possible, lad. I'm showing off out of pure dickswinging and because I'm wondering how anyone can have a backlog of less than 20 books with all the booksharing threads, book related images floating around and >>>/pdfs/ around the corner.
Can we all agree that things would be better today if William the Bastard hadn't scummed his way to the throne and we were still a saxon kingdom?
>I'm wondering how anyone can have a backlog of less than 20 books with all the booksharing threads, book related images floating around and >>>/pdfs/ around the corner
A lot of those are meme books tbh
sad and definitely
celts and anglo-saxons suffered together under those norse/frog bastards
I'm getting sick of all the lads in this thread who are degenerates.
I bet you cunts don't even into Jesus Christ, our one true saviour.
Or even wear the holy cross around your necks.
Sick of you cunts tbh.
Getting sick of all these autistic NEET's tbh.
Mate you joking? I don't know of anyone who has said the invasion was a good thing. No need to ask for agreement.
Fair fair.
I dislike e-books and haven't a great deal of space to store physical books at the moment. I left quite a few books off my list too.
I'm sick of all of the blogposting tbh; whether it's from the disgusting NEETS or the normies
im sick of brit/pol tbh
And we still do.
We need to start giving our sons Saxon names again. Spit on William the Bastards memory and shit his influence out of England.
fuck up you anglican tosspot
It's not my fault that my parents didn't raise me with religion, lad. I can't say I am very interested in Christianity either tbh. I only believe in my own religion tbh but I won't share it since bullies will attack me.
Don't pretend lad
I hate that feeling, you want the physical media but you don't have the space for it.
Lad you can be a NEET, just stop with the autistic posting tbh.
True, but I've got books on politics, economics, history, memoirs, math, CS and programming, spirituality out of the lot of them. For every 4 meme books there's at least 1 good one. Even with all the time spent shitposting, boy am I glad I found Holla Forums if not for anything else, but for the books.
I used to dislike reading from my laptop a lot more, but since I can't afford all the books I want I learned to live with it.
Do you pray every day for 30+ minutes, lad? Do you follow the moral path?
Oswald is a Saxon name funnily enough.
sorry lad
more kikes, pakis, krauts and yanks these days tbh
Lad you're a huge part of this thread you arse tosser.
I'm trying to become Orthodox you heathen degenerate.
You can't blame your parents for every failure in your life.
London was bombed.
Not for 30 minutes but I do follow the moral path, keeping /fit/ and reading the holy bible is actually really calming.
u w0t m8
You can't stop me, lad.
It's the norman aristocracy bringing them in lah
Orthodox is sound, as long as you have apostolic succession everythings gravy
That's good at least. But how do you expect to understand and live with God if you don't communicate with him, unobstructed by the noises of the world and on a personal level?
Oh shit i had a gamecube as a teenager.
that second pic always fucks with me everytime I see it, the edgy fuck in me always chuckles and at the same time sometimes I get teary and weep for that man and what happened to his little child, but then I think of smug pepe and I chuckle again and I realize that my edgy laughter is just a cognative shielding technique to the sheer fucking horror of this world. poor bastard, if I recall correctly the israelis did that to his kid
Lad i think you're a woman.
I don't know why, but gore just has no effect on me now.
It's like I see the picture but I don't imagine the thing that it's actually depicting
wew lad sounds like a lot of anti-white anti-celtic nonsense to me
I'm a huge part of all Brit/pol threads tbh lad
GCHQ's probably got a personal dossier on Anonymous British shitposter number #207 now tbh
again not likely considering the labour government took all the rest of the powers of every landed aristocratic family in Britain away from them in 1999
hes talking about that black cube all the mudshits spread the cheeks for in the land of the sandy nutsack
It's not too late for you, lad.
Pro-Celtic is codeword for anti-Saxon lad.
smeg off cuck im no purple hatted boat nigger coming here to sell fancy sea shells and glass bowls
Every lad in this probably majority Briton ethnically tbh, we are basically a nation of celts
But lad the country is more Celt than Anglo-saxon
Oh yeah? You think that will hold up in a fight with me lads?
Leeds city centre, Corn Exchange me and you both RIGHT NOW.
Pick literally one you baka bunch of cuckoos
arthur will 1day rek u m8 tbh german invader
Will you use your Ancient Germanic Battle Tactics on us lad?
a nation of anglicized celts
we're all celts that started speaking pidgin germanic and a minority of us are germanics that started speaking pidgin brythonic in order to talk to each other tbh
the only non-saxonized true british celts are the cornish
I'm a scouser moving to Yorkshire on the 30th, lets ave it lad celts vs vikings its on
Most of the Anglo-Saxons that came to Britain were from what's now Denmark, fleeing from the Northmen who would become the Danes.
you are probably some roundhead scum so your whining means fuck all except throwing cunts into rivers as witches and banning alcohol
Lad come one, don't mind a bit of based Harris but don't be too rude.
It was Saxony then, and Saxony eas always German.
Most of the Germanic tribes originally came out of Jutland anyways :^)
wow what a tough bloke you are! looking at violent pictures on the internet!
If the Norsemen came south from Norway to Denmark, where did they come from originally?
I live in a really small tight knit community village lads.
Most of us know each other, say hello ask how each others day is when we go into the shop or local chemist, there is one that serves the village and a local Dr's
I was walking past the chemist two days ago, when this huge goy had the paki chemist by the scruff of his shirt, over the wall in front of the chemist, saying he was going to kill him, and all the swear words in the world.
I kept walking thinking
The guy kept punching the paki in the face and body, I just kept on walking.
Am I a naughty?
ye but we're not descended from Germans, us and Germans share a common ancestor
A mix of both tbh
Lad we're all desensitied to violence at this point, but even if you weren't why would you feel even alittle for the semite?
its because it is in the context of shitposting and its non-sequitur to the rest of the discussion so it is too confusing to your brain to trigger that atmospheric feeling that accompanies death and killing and so forth, imagine being in that fucking hospital room with all those people hysterical with grief, you'd get upset just by the atmosphere. humans are herd animals
u need to stop hating on celts lad they were your ancestors whether you like it or not
Yeah, but where did they come from before coming to Norway?
You're naughty for not joining in with paki bashing.
yeah im p sure in reality we're genetically mostly celtic and mostly culturally saxon, with some massive overlap, but that's a boring poll
God made them lad, or Woden, idk if God made people as shitty as the scandinavians
We basically are. Anglo-Saxons were still German. So congrats Britain, you're German :^)
Those monks are so epic awesome I'm not even sure what word to use to describe them.
That's the magic leaking out tbh
Yes. This is on the same level as seeing your brother beat the shit out of your dog and not stopping it. Since it's a Paki it's questionable territory due to the invasion, but it don't seem right to let some cunt act like that.
found something interesting lads
mostly because he is just some wog trying to live his wog life in his own country with his own family, if they stay there I've got no problem with them.
you have to own those feelings and compartmentalize them and then move on, if you pretend like it doesn't fuck with you, you will be one of those vets who blows his brains out when he runs out of liquor because he can't keep lying to himself about how tough he is that seeing exploded children doesn't bother him when his little niece runs up with red cheeks and rubs daisys in his face
I've had the same feeling ever since I saw the video some 2 years ago. Fact is, you can be to a degree like them if you want to. It's your birthright.
Are your parent's proud of you, brother?
The British are probably more German than the Germans at this point.
fuck me man do we have to go through this AGAIN on brit/pol/
and this smug bellsniff from pure Alsasche Lorraine or whatever farthole will want the sources
we need to make a catchall infograph for this lads I swear
to sum up
*White Britons overwhelmingly are still Basque, but we call this celtic because it's the only culture we know them to have had
*about 20% of White Britons have some saxon blood
*Romans, Norsemen and Normans had practically no effect on the genepool
*most of the saxon blood is concentrated in the southeast of England
I'm not pretending to be a hardman lad, I'm saying seeing gore does nothing, not even a single feeling as most of us are desensitised to that shite.
I quite like the Celts actually, I just enjoy winding up Haggis' and Leeks by implying they're lesser.
how about because some of us on this board arent mollycoddled little new fags we just dont care?
sorry lad but if watching a paki's kids head get blown apart by a dirty jews bullet affects you you need to drink more from our well tbh
celts are superior tbh, we have an international conspiracy with the plastic yanks whereas the saxons are just jaded losers
I think someone called the police, I saw them ten minutes later going up to the chemist, no harm done I suppose.
you sound like a yank larper tbh
newfag detected
lad we're a mix of the two
i got pangs of rage and dread when i read about rotherham
i dont feel anything when i see the idf shoot a palestinian kid in the chest
How do we deal with this, Freunde
lad i know every brit/pol meme past barthposting tbh
Why are you fighting about what we are when we're all the same?
It's time to embrace our German heritage tbh lad :^)
so you do fuck all about your situation and masterbate when the jews blow away pakis and cause violence in their countries and they flee here and then rape our children, and you wonder why everyone hates brit/pol/ you are the typical impotent larper who can't even keep his story straight enough to sound tough. wouldn't even be shocked if you were a yank tbh
Just suck his dick already, you autistic fuck.
You're lying lad, no one would do that.
If by some miracle you're not lying, call the police you idiot. Or knife him.
this tbh
Lads, what have celts ever done for Britain?
Voted leave.
lads what are we going to do about the taig conspiracy?
i dont want to be german tbh lad they're foods terrible and they have no banter
are you palestinian?
or perhaps a based
calm down lad yeah yeah its terrible but its got nothing to do with me
i dont really care what goes on in the world past the white cliffs of dover
post famine jokes?
Fuck's sake, why out of all national threads, is /brit/pol the autistic one?
When are we going to annex Saxony lads?
based English/Welsh friendship, tbh
Were the ancient Romans British, lads?
I 'unno, lad, but me mummy's real smart. I'll ask her if she's got any ideas.
fuck up ye fat yank shite
he got pardoned and treated as a royal hostage after he gave this speech to the Roman Senate
thats the Godelics
as pointed out all us Brythonics were together in that one
i swer on me mum ill fuck ur shite
don't bully yanks lad, we will need there help in exterminating the krauts again, yanks are perfect cannon fodder tbh make them bomb in the day so the krauts think they are the ones firebombing and hate the yanks, D&C tbh, make the yanks and krauts exterminate each other than repopulate the world with civic brits
Is Kaiser Wilhelm II an argument against miscegenation?
What are you implying lad.
I think it's more that all English have saxon blood, but it's diluted to about 20%.
Damn, I guess white people got BTFO.
Aren't all these social experiment videos staged?
Noooo, why would someone lie to promote their political position?
He's a professional victim with an obvious agenda, and he's a Muslim. You be the judge tbh.
he was a product of inbreeding tbh, the anglo-german midwestern yanks don't look so bad tbh
almost all of the yank presidents have been taigs or half taigs
Utter, utter bullshit
yank detected
None of them were taigs until Kennedy
America isn't Britain, lad. Imagine a British/xeno half breed, he will think similarly to Wilhelm.
Why the fuck would you care what undocumented immigrants think? They aren't American citizens; their opinions don't mean shit in the election, despite the Dems trying to allow them to vote.
No wonder so many Yank presidents have been assassinated or been shot.
All the blondes look the same in the first picture.
wilhelm also had a fucked up arm and was basically a freak of nature
the only good one was nicholas but he was too nice and ignorant and got rekt by lenin and the yank jews
D: Oh god
thats the best part about midwestern yanks lad, they are basically like swedes in some places. big blokes as well, stay out of their cities though they are filled with xenos
Check out these angry Jerrycucks
Why is it that I hardly ever see English girls with hair that long?
Lad stop it
They are lad tbf tbh tbf
Call the police you dozy prannock
dropped tbh
Not only English girls, but a lot of women don't have long hair anymore. It's part of not wanting to be shoehorned into seen as feminine.
It's this feminist culture we have now that women must be men. I fucking hate it.
fuck scandinavians lad
they're embarassing tbh
she looks like she got some nice anglo genes to me
Spoiler that you fucking nigger.
Why the fuck did we not take him up on it, lads?
idk but yank lasses make me hard for some reason
It's a shame tbh, I find it more attractive and I'm sure most men do.
Shame that even Yankland (or at least the Midwest) has a more traditional culture than we do.
fresh Cammegh
Because mixed race couples are great, lad.
Debts, drinking habits and kikes, you know the answer.
Same lad, I find it a big turn on when women have longer hair, it's much more feminine.
That said, I don't mind a little bit of hair down there too, I'm sick of this culture where everyone has to be baby shaven like a porn star, there's a lot to be said for the natural look.
Not long finished a work out that left me shaking and on the verge of vomiting. Forgot that there is a pile of dishes that mummy will never do because she's a fat lazy cunt that spends too much time on Facekike.
Atleast you're training tbh lad good on you yank.
You still haven't given us booty pics or feet pics smh tbh fam
Filtered tbh
tbh lad only xenos use british.
I don't do pics any more, lad
Not even for dubs
bullying bastards
This, half the time you won't even get people saying English, they'll literally tell you which county they're from
Come on lad don't be stingy tbh
Just the truth tbh lad.
Too right lad.
Why were Saxons so racist, lads?
TBh none of us use British anymore, its tainted and its what non-brits say. We all say our country or county at this point. country > county > Britain
How does it make you feel when you see someone repost your pictures? Tell the truth now lad.
It makes me feel special.
Kind of cute in the first pic tbh, but what was he thinking with the second pic?
At this point I just roll my eyes tbh lad
I remember having my foot bound after an injury at a festival, the nurse chimes in after a brief discussion with "So, yer a Leeds lad eh?"
So cute, such astounding accuracy to pin-point my specific region. Fuck off GCHQ.
Wow he actually had a hair cut.
Still want to see tbh lad
You roll your eyes, some anons>>7096007
Get raging hard ons.
Yeah, I think it's a good look tbh
When did the Krauts delete our deshitpostification efforts on >>>/lippe/?
That board is pure Jerry cancer now.
What do we do about this?
Fuck off
Try being scouse. I've literally never been asked where I'm from. Just "red or blue"
obviously blue you cunt
always the outsider, is a scouser outside of Liverpool. Yet southern cunts will rimjob a paki all day long. I'm seen as different though. Fucking normiecucks.
Not happening tbh
You should do it to please your fans tbh.
I don't make fun of you tbh lad, just want a quick fap is all
filtered tbh lad
You need to re-evaluate your life lad.
Agreed lad tbh.
could gordo get any more low energy?
filtered tbh lad
you wouldnt happen to be greek would you?
No, just really horny sorry lads.
Why do you even come here?
The only ones that like you want you to post pics so they can fap to them. And you don't even post pics.
Just fuck off already ya mentally ill faggot.
Go splash some cold water on your face and punch yourself in the bollocks. Watch some gore on, or watch some twerking videos of white girls on youtube to see how porn culture has destroyed modern civilisation. If you're still horny after that, there's no hope for you.
Not an adjective that can really be used to describe someone with "crispy" armpits
Actually, lad…
Will do lad.
Stop hurting yourself like that.
Good lad.
lost my sides for a second there lad
What the fuck is that tattoo'd walking abortion?
His words not mine.
Much better lad, couldn't think straight.
Fucking rancid lad, looks like he's got a fungal infection tbh.
Who was the lad that called he'd wind up with one?
holy fucking shit
does he ever fucking wash?
I'm going to fucking kill someone, my computer is freezing every 5 minutes and there is fucking NOTHING WRONG WITH IT
He claims to wash obsessively
When was the last time you cleaned the insides lad? That used to happen to me a while ago after I forgot to clean the dust out for like 8 months
What do you guys use to convert youtube videos, or parts of them into webms?
lies, you cant become crispy if you are clean
This is grating for the tone and way they speak alone. How did this become a thing?
Feminism lad, that's how.
Clipconverter and then use premier to turn the mp4 into a webm
Fucking hell how fucking pathetic. They clearly haven't ever played the games/read the manuals either…
Thanks, lad.
Fucking hell, they should really be sent to Africa or some shit
You need a plugin to make webms with premier too. There's loads of them though so it's not hard to find one.
50 years ago they'd have been booed off then beaten by their parents for making the family look like fools.
What lad?
got a link, lad?
In 50 years time there will be no gender, it will be all Xia
By moving cars?
The one on the right just needs a good dicking to set her straight. The one on the right is lost forever.
E Michael Jones is life
Bane of my life lad
one on the left* is lost forever
thanks, based lad. Didn't want to accidentally download some viruses tbh.
imagine going on a lunch date with liz
She's been dicked by Greg Davies lad. If I went on a lunch date with Liz I'd just be thinking about her sucking off that lanky bastard.
Well don't worry lad, we don't hate you I lie we do really You don't count as a woman.
Women are great, boys in skirts are mentally ill, though.
just focus on her coquettish smile and put it out of mind
I bet if she met a lad who had right wing ideals who dicked her good she would change her politics overnight. I guaran-fucking-tee it.
Nice to know you still have a mans face
Woes is such a faggot like all other e-celebs
Reminder, Woes thinks Laurie Penny is a cutie and would fuck her boipussy.
What lad?
Weren't you meant to leave a comment there lad?
My daughter touched my phone screen soz
How old, I hope she can't read this? post pictures lad
16 months and she's watching peppa pig not the phone
And fuxk off no pics pedo
I hope not lad, Peppa Pig is racist as fuck.
Continuing that BBC documentary where I left off.
This shit was in the conclusion stage. Amazed that our public broadcaster is now releasing propaganda that defends the porn industry.
Quite a good show tbh.
You could literally replace Laurie Penny with Peter Hitchens in this picture.
Millennial Woes is being a faggot tbh.
Nice dubs.
Now for some true Irony
Is that bbc3?
Lads, is lesbianism okay?
Woes wants to make twitter bantz, but Laurie Penny won't let him.
It's not real tbh
I was reading that and laughing until I read
Then I felt very sad
Literally never.
Its not quite what you'd imagine from porn.
Lesbian couples are either composed of bulldykes or dyed hair SJWs.
They never truly love each other.
They do it either out of pure deviant lust or to look like cool progressives who fight the patriarchy.
The mentally deranged look and act the part.
Perfect, why is she so?
Russian FSB foils terrorist attacks plotted by Ukrainian intel agents in Crimea
My wife went to a women's spa for a hen's do, where all the ladies get pampered and spa treatments, etc.
There was a lesbian couple in the pool, one femme and one bulldyke, making out and looking around to see if they were shocking anyone
Stereotypes are earnt I suppose
well he is a faggot
You sound a bit like you've sucked off the government cock too much there lad, are you ok?
What a time to be alive.
First we re-nationalise the utilities, then we re-nationalise Burma.
Small government is natural for our people tbh
I'm not a Libertarian lad, nice strawman faggot.
Then vote labour
If you want a nigger for a neighbour
Vote liberal or labour
Evening lads. How's life in hell?
>>>Holla Forums
No it isnt and even if it was doesn't mean we should sell our country to the chinks.
Just kidding lads
Should it be legal to murder left wing protesters?
You're right lad, we should go back to the 1970s tbqh, a glorious time in our country's history
Bit rude of the Standard not to mention based Graham Phillips who recorded the footage
I don't know what leftwing means anymore
Just out of curiosity - anyone know the ~percentage of lads that use vpns to post on 8pol? Besides generals I notice I am basically a thread killer, it's just too consistent to be chance - it pisses me off and I'm thinking it's because rather than using proxies I just post responsibly (and rarely). Very occasionally I'll post to a more specific thread and kill it.
I do understand why it would raise the alarm - I'm just fucking lazy and I really don't shitpost enough, nor do I dig hard enough to bring anything new to the table - so I haven't invested the effort to go full user.
So I'm just curous - what quartile of lazy asshole am I in? Do I just make the elites flee when I turn up in my normie-ride, or am I just always late to the party? (As I say though - too consistent to just be chance).
Not an argument tbh
And of course the police side against the victims because there's less of them
No one uses a vpn or proxy here lad, no one at all.
It is actually.
We've tried greater nationalisation before and it was shit and our country's economy declined (1945-79) and was overtaken by other countries (like West Germany) but then started improving after we became more free-market.
I had to unsubscribe from him today
What a fucking complaining pussy
I remember the video where he was getting so upset over the fact that right-wing people were nice to him despite their disagreements that it almost drove him to tears
You're choking up the thread with all your neet fat Gordo.
He's talking about it again. He is aware of us trying to convert him, and he is scared because he's starting to like regulars commenting on his videos. wew.
Nice counter-meme. Are there more of these (for lefty anarchists)?
Lad what you chatting on?
fuck, this could fix everything
Lad do you know absolutely nothing about post WWII British history?
ugh. the barrier for entry is a pain in the ass. can't you just scan my soul!
Have any of you lads stocked up on gold and silver as protection from the coming economic cataclysm?
Nothing more than a race to the bottom with everyone bidding for the (((international finance))) of a global elite of Yids.
Protectionism and Nationalism are the only way forward.
My bad I read that as nationalism, but wanting to make sure your country isn't owned by the chinks doesn't mean nationalisation.
I want to start doing this but it looks like we have to pay VAT on it. Is it worth it?
The markets ain't free lad.
They gotta be littered with the blood of Jews and special interests groups;
what time lad?
only VAT on physical silver. If you keep it in it's VAT free… but who knows if they will shut it down then the time comes.
A true free market can never exist, because greedy sociopaths and Jews will always exist.
Your free market meme is on a par with that image of "my special brand of communism hasn't been tried before!"
And? How will state control of everything help with that?
Learn about economics beyond memes
a lot of rambling in the video, lad tbh, no specific time. He's just aware we're trying to manipulate him, and he's scared because he gets attached to people in the comments despite of their political opinions.
When will this meme die?
6 minutes in and I'm sort of feeling sorry for him
Did I say that?
How will having more state control deal with "greedy sociopaths and Jews"?
Well yeah. His genetics and life is pretty fucked up tbh. But we must convert him. He must become the red devil Pepe.
Because the levers in place with protectionism disallows consolidation of said sociopaths and Jews' resources on a global scale.
Divide and rule.
It's not really that hard to comprehend.
do any of you have gordon's dox. I'm off for a few weeks so i have plenty of time to go and troll him in person.
What are you babbling about?
Firstly you're conflating having a free market (i.e. not having the economy be controlled by the state) with the issue of free trade
Secondly, I can't see why Protectionism would stop people becoming rich.
The Rothschilds became very rich in an era of protectionism.
And so the wheel turns. The underlying point being that if consolidation is disallowed, it makes tyrannical entities easier to fell.
Why do you think the mega kikery started when Thatcher and Reagan relaxed capital controls on the two biggest finance economies in the world? Pure coincidence?
Top fucking kek
There is evidence that immigration has actually happened?
You keep on using words but they don't really add up to anything coherent.
You realise what you're arguing for is the consolidation of power in the hands of the state?
Natural monopolies should never be in private hands. Protectionism isn't supposed to stop people being rich, it is supposed to limit the amount of control financial entities can exert on other Nation-States.
With the Rothschilds, they became truly rich through a Government bond market open to rich financiers, hardly a protectionist stronghold.
Way to misinterpret the point. Protectionism does not equate to consolidation of power in the hands of the state. The less of you back-or-white plebs keep chiming in the better tbh.
Cool as it would be to have a gold backed debit card, surely that site charges for use. I'd rather buy physically.
>He shoots back more politics videos, gotcha
What's the point in trying to help this guy?
What does protectionism have to do with government debt? Or natural monopolies for that matter?
Do you know anything about economics beyond catchphrases?
You have added nothing to the discussion beyond petty insults to inflate your ego on an online image board.
Who else /wasabullyatschool/
he is a cow to be milked. nothing more
Not my fault you're a pseud who just spouts nonsense meme economics
She's a cute arl thing isn't she
Baths are comfy though lad.
They are but the bathroom's too small and I have to get up too early
Ameriguger just passing by,
I used the toss gym shorts down the toilet in my highschool. The pressure on those flushometer type toilets were so intense, you could have easily discarded an unwanted baby.
Im also high on painkillers and meant to say ameriburger
im a real girl tbh