I cut open my leg to learn how to do self-suturing
Hey niggers
Okay, you got me interested you crazy bastard. Tell me more
That's a little baby cut. Put some tape on it, pussy.
Here's proof that i am who I say I am
Holy fuck upload is slow through tor
tor with a proxy on the end? (obviously since you can't upload pictures directly through tor)
Quick text update. This is slow as shit. I might have to walk to a friend's house and use his wifi
Wash it out, numb the pain , sew it shut. How hard can it be?
Also please listen to this while doing it
Now that's what I call edgy 2017!
Interdasting, tell us about your technique
6/10. Some are pulled to tight, resulting in damage and improper healing. Not bad for first attempt, though.
I won't believe you really did it unless I see a paper with today's date written on it in the pic
i guess tripcodes don't exist, but i am mannequin tan and followers of my old thread know, i make videos like this. i wanted to do a macro video of an open wound. i'll link the video if y'all want to see it. the suture learning part was just a happy side effect.
i thought you guys might want to see pics at least because you're sick fucks
fine. do a deeper one then bitch.
its still very recent. i could probably remove them and redo them if its that big of a deal. i don't mind scar tissue, i just don't want a weird skin tag hanging off my leg.
OK nevermind…..
it looks like a very fuckable pussy
You're mannequin guy? post some more stuff of her my man,we were missing you.
what did you use for a needle and thread? i can't tell if it's really small or somewhat rigid.
i got bored of the project. i really could not think of anything new enough that it was worth doing
i bought the equipment at a farm supply store in the veterinary section. i'm pretty sure the suture thread was designed for use on horses and cows. i wanted to use something smaller but i couldn't think of a store where you can just walk in and buy human sutures off a shelf. i considered using small fishing line but i was worried about hygiene. i could still use fishing line if i soak it in everclear i suppose, but that doesn't change the fact that the holes are rather large. i'll probably get a nasty keloid from this. i didn't put in enough preparation beforehand to get the right stuff.
Definitely too thick. I've used floss before and it did a swell job. Could you show us the tools? I've got the proper forceps and curved needle or whatever they're called. Perhaps, in future, you can practice on sponge instead.
Well that's a shame,but i suggest you post a new thread requesting ideas and then if anything good pops up,take it.
What a fag look at mine
What did you do to your arm?
Sliced it open like a boss after that i've had problems with dogs who followed me they wanted to fuck what looked like a pussy
it looks like your big brother gave you an indian burn
Nah real story is i fell asleep with a 23 g needle in my arm dont do drugs kids
OP here, i am currently cutting together the video
in the mean time, this is the only noteworthy video i've made since the mannequin thread. i know its boring.
Why does your scar looking like a dogs vagina sound familiar to me???
Oh yeah, IASIP
That looks about right.
oh…it's you…mannequinon. why did you do it?
go away Jew
because i can
Here's how it looks right now, after a night under a bandage, and being cleaned in the morning
0/10 impersonation, user.
why did you do it mannequin-kun?
edgy. thanks for proving me wrong?
Looks nice, OP. Will you do another one?
probably not… maybe though but i can't think of a reason. the first one was just to see if i could do it, and learn sutures. what's the point of doing a second one?
I didn't see a point in making a new cut, but I used a thin sewing needle and some dental floss and poked it through. I gotta say, this is much better. It didn't even hurt going it, it poked through much easier than the curved needle that came with the kit, it would heal easier if I used it seriously.
10/10 If I have to do this again, I am going to use floss and a thinner needle
after trying a stitch with floss, i am tempted to make a new cut and see if i can do neater stitches on it. then i can compare how they heal.
I'm going to do another one later with floss stiches. I hope this is good enough for sterilization.
just go to a hospital you dumbass
that costs money.
correction: cutting yourself like a retard "because you can" costs money
oh. i thought you said you did it because you could, like some edgy teenager. well, then, i misunderstood. good luck user
i was just being snarky when i said that.
10/10 bait you got me
Much, much, much deeper!
Here's a very important word of advice if anyone needs to cut themselves open.
Alcohol is a local anesthetic. If you dip your blade in alcohol and fill the wound with it, and cut very slowly and gently, there is basically no pain. You don't feel anything.
Nice troll.
how am i trolling? swish a shot of everclear in your mouth for a minute if you don't believe me. your mouth will go numb
I dont think thats healthy
I don't think you're healthy
You are retarded. Please kill yourself because fucking mannequins and cutting yourself is one step closer to Buffalo Bill ball tucking faggotry. I'm glad you're too much of a failure to breed. Hopefully you hit an artery and relieve your parents of the burden that is your existence.
I am currently masturbating my erect penis while reading this comment
Further proof the original DSM was right again. Mental illness only has one cure, a lead bullet.
its cute when you get this buttmad
I won. You're not going to cut yourself anymore because I just showed you how retarded you are. In fact, you're going to abandon this thread in shame and failure. You might make a tiny baby cut just to prove to yourself that I'm wrong and how edgy you are. But with your shitty skill, you couldn't suture anything past 8 inches. Don't bother replying and don't bother making threads again on Holla Forums. I showed everyone how much of an attention whore bitch you are.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Come on Mods!!!! why? Why do you cockblock? Is egging self destructive behavior on not welcome?
Damn, I didn't know Holla Forums was in charge of Holla Forums. Banning people because they're humiliating their resident rejects. If you moderating faggots really cared, you would delete this thread instead of giving him a platform to display his insanity. Banning me because I showed you all how much an insane bitch he is is not helping him nor you guys.
The ironic thing was I wasn't egging on anything. I was being serious. If he did make a large cut, he wouldn't be able to repair it. His skill is shit. He would end up in the hospital in shame with his parents out a couple thousand dollars or dead. Therefore he should cease his self-harm and never come by again. That would help his mental illness.
For getting banned? Why would I be mad? I got more proxies but I don't want to waste them.
And I was right. You stopped cutting because of me. You hate me because I ruined your thread and now you're taunting me to preserve your ego but later in life, if you survive suicide, you'll thank me for it.
I win.
Feel free to ban me again mods. I saved this faggot's life while you used him as entertainment.
thank you kind user
??? im not gonna read bread so tell me how you stopped him from cutting
You'll stop when you scare yourself. I cut like this for over a year and never stitched anything. I did disinfect, bandage, and keep the big ones dry though. For me I decided to stop once I hit fat. I never did multiple passes, just one cut for each. It's better that way, you make little plateaus under the skin if you act like you're sketching a line. Either make a clean cut or don't do it at all. Besides, the more clean you make them, the more cocky you'll get and the faster you'll go deep enough to really hit yourself with cold sweating fear for once. Or maybe you won't catch on by then. I still want to die at least once a week, but I haven't hurt myself in over a year. I'm not religious, but I pray for you. I don't know you, but I'm sad for you. Even if that other guy is an asshole, I think he's got something good at heart, under all those antisocial layers. No one wants you to die. Make the hard choice, please. Help yourself for christs sake.
if you ever end up with a projectile or foreign body under your skin, or a hematoma near an artery in need of draining, with no medical professional to solve your little bitch problems for you, you will probably just curl up and die. if you had alcohol, you would drink it all like a moron to speed up the process. if you did do it, you would do a shit job because it would be your first time, and i bet you would pop your stitches the same day you put them in. the cut would look like it was done with a butter knife.
if it ever happens to me, i've already practiced and experienced the process of getting through skin and proper suture techniques. i've even learned a little trick for using liquor as a local anesthetic in the absence of proper anesthetics.
if you can suture a 3/4" laceration, and you can do a 2" laceration, you can suture a cut of any length if time allows for it. if i had the free time and the willingness to have that large of a scar (which i don't. that's overkill), then i could do one the entire length of my leg.
and you call me a faggot
my first attempt was 2" long, .5cm deep
thread designed for horses, and what amounts to basically a leatherworking needle. on side of calf
if you're so much less of a faggot than i am
4" long, 1.5cm deep, sterilized utility razor (no purpose made scalpel ground to surgical sharpness)
same diameter thread, same diameter needle, interrupted subcuticular with continuous vertical mattress on top, no keloid post-heal. no alcohol or anesthetics of any kind. Side of calf
you talk a lot of shit. nut up, or shut the cunt you have on your face that you call a "mouth"
why would i make a cut large enough that i couldn't repair it?
what the fuck exactly do you think i'm going to do?
from what? you honestly think you just saved someones life? you honest-to-god think you just talked someone down from suicide. holy shit, the hubris. or do you think i'm such a poorfag that i can't afford antibiotics on the off chance i somehow get an infection?
first of all, that's not me you're responding to. its understandable though, since whatever retard running this site removed tripcodes.
look up the definition of hubris. memorize it, faggot. no word has ever described you as aptly and succinctly as it does.
i have stopped cutting, but only because there is nothing more to do. i've exhausted all practicality from this activity. 1st attempt was sloppy, 2nd attempt was a massive improvement, showing results probably better than i'll ever need if god forbid i ever have to use what i've learned from it, in a real-world scenario.
why is everyone here so convinced that i am depressed and am doing this as an ongoing hobby? it was a practical learning experience. the learning is over. there is nothing more to learn, therefore there is no more ground to cover. it is sort of fun in a morbid way, but nowhere near enjoyable enough that i would keep doing it without the ulterior education and practical experience gained from it
Normal people do not cut themselves to gain suturing experience man. I'm glad it's not a hobby, don't make it one. You can be as white collar as you want about self harm, with the grain alcohol and the stitching, but it is still self harm. If you wanted to learn how flesh reacts to being torqued from a needle there are training aids for that. Hell, you could have bought some pigflesh if you wanted. Also… a leather sewing needle? You know that's for upholstery right? They use little tiny ones to make it go through easy, curved to get it just deep enough to hold without needing to pinch and pry. Using a curved needle here really didn't do anything except help you to believe this was all business. Don't be a fool. Hurting yourself for any reason, no matter how good the ones in your head are, is bad. It doesn't make you some dubiously educated medic to pull horse stitches (?) or floss (?) through your skin man. Stop this. Reconsider. It's not about me winning here. It's not about putting you down. I just want you to think about your actions.
Damn, it look you quite a while to make those excuses. Reminds me of Holla Forums and how x isn't real Communism because [insert excuses].
You stopped cutting because I called you out mannequin fucking faggot
I saved your bitch life
You're now making excuses because you're an egotistical faggot who doesn't want to admit he posted a naked pic of himself tucking in his balls
You're weak at justifying your self-harm.
You see these dubs? Kek says you're a faggot and I win because I saved your mentally ill life.
Feel free to ban me faggot mods. You guys love pedos and deserve nothing but rope.
normal people are unprepared little bitches who are afraid to suffer temporary discomfort to learn valuable skills which may save their own life or someone elses. the kind of person who is unwilling to learn how to start a fire from scratch because they can get a bic lighter at the store, or are afraid to carry a handgun to protect themselves, loved ones, or even just innocent strangers because "guns are spooky" and because they think that police officers are either everywhere at all times, or can instantly teleport to the site of a crime. or someone who eats meat, but has never personally killed and cleaned an animal. someone who never bothered to learn how cook bread because you can just buy it at the store, or learned how to collect water or make it potable because it comes out of the tap in their house. i'm saddening? you sadden me. everyone in this thread who has accused me of being "insane" when i am merely practical, saddens me.
that statement means nothing. exercise technically counts as "self harm". you tear your muscle fiber, but it has the ulterior benefit of regrowing stronger. when a police officer allows themselves to get tazed and pepper sprayed during training, this is basically no different than self harm. many martial artists allow themselves to incur injuries so they can build up their tolerance to pain. funny how there are so many things where you can injure yourself, not because you're a masochist, but to gain valuable experience and nobody bats an eye, but the moment you take a scalpel to your leg, everyone loses their shit.
learn CPR = great
learn how to treat hypothermia = great
learn which plants are toxic = great
learn how to dress a wound = great
learn how to administer a laceration (which is sometimes necessary, such as in the case of relieving a hematoma) and suture a wound on yourself (which is distinctly different from practicing on a pig foot, because learning how to deal with the pain and psychological aspects of cutting/stabbing your own flesh is a critical and distinct skill in-and-of itself) = oh my god, he's going to kill himself. i need to rescue him from himself.
i bought a suture kit in the veterinary section of a farm supply store. that is the needle that came with it. it was not marketed as an upholstery needle, but i have purchased leather needles before, and it is identical to one in practically every way. if i had known that the results would be as ugly as they are, i never would have used it in the first place.
Do you know why the guy in embed related looks so proficient? Do you think, maybe it's because he's done it before? Do you think that maybe the reason he doesn't look like some idiot who is just fumbling around having no idea what he's doing is because he has real experience?
you are a sad joke
So working out is a bad thing? I get micro tears in my muscles and sometimes my tendons hurt. I guess I should seek out mental help, right?
Numale fuck off.
Its amazing how much better his leg looks almost immediately.