What the fuck is up with vi?

I've been messing with it for a while now and it seems overly complicated for absolutely no reason whatsoever

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It was created at a time when dumb terminals connected to a mainframe, which shared computing time with all the users. This meant you had a delay between your keypress and the response... so they created an editor to do more with fewer keystrokes.

People continue to use it in modern day, because they feel it makes them faster.

I mastered it when I was young, I guess it's useful when I'm editing something server side, but really, I don't think it's worth the effort.

vi is such a pain in the ass I that I almost always resort to nano when I'm editing stuff in the terminal. If it takes any more than a few lines or value changes then it shouldn't be done in the fucking terminal to start with.

This is pretty much what I expected. There's probably a huge amount of overlap between 'once you learn vim you because so much more effective' and autism.
Any actual work is going to require more time spent thinking than typing

vi-like key bindings form a sort of language with its own grammar. Once you learn a new term you can use it with the ones you already know to speak new sentences. If you think of vi-keys as shortcuts or commands you are thinking it wrong. This SO answer explains it best:

OP is never not a fag

Are you talking about vim? Or do you really mean vi?
I see no point in using vi, other than as a temporary replacement until networking works and vim can be installed.

After getting used to vim merely at noob level (just basic delete, paste, insert commands and some basic movements) nano already feels like walking knee-deep through thick mud. Too much physical effort, too much keypresses for what should be just one simple command.

Correct. To be honest, the biggest productivity boost for a coder is going to be intelligence autocompletion, and the ability to jump to a symbol rapidly.


In what way do you mean 'overly complicated'?
You dont have to master every aspect of it if you dont wan't to.
Im with

Maybe its fairly complicated when you learn to do more with it, but you should only do that as you actually need to or would find it beneficial.
The basics of Vi/vim you need to use it are not even remotely complicated.

I'd bet money that OP is a sublime nigger
also, there's already a text editor shitflinging thread up
what's with you faggot and multiple threads

any editor worth more than the dingleberries on my asshole has that as a plugin.

Yim isn't just editor, it's more like emacs. I always just need editor, so use nvi.

Install vim then type 'vimtutor'

Either you need to wash your ass because there is shit in your ass hair

Or you have horrifying hemorrhoids

Either way, you are disgusting.

Which vim plugin manager does Holla Forums recommend?
Which plugin for auto-completions?

It's a joke, faggot. Since you're so worried about my anal hygeine: rest assured, I actually do wash it every day, and don't have any dingleberries.

vim has it's own now I think but I didn't feel like updating my vimrc
for auto-completion, depends on the language

Depends on language. For c(++) I use clangcomplete. Completes the functions with argument templates through which you can cycle with tab and then you just start writing to replace the argument. Also does syntax checking using highlighting and error list/quickfix window.

YouCompleteMe isn't terrible, but it's kinda trying to turn vim into MSVS instead of doing it "the vim way". But it has support for a ton of languages and it's in distro repos, so easy to install...

What I don't like about Vim is that everything is blocking. You should try Neovim + deoplete + deoplete-clang2 for non-blocking completions.

You can still use clang_complete for its other features like jumping to a declaration.

why even pretend you're a programmer tbh fam?

Why? Graphical Emacs is superior in every way, except for needing some kind of windowing system. I can't think of a reason to use terminal Emacs when using graphical Emacs is possible.

A lot of faggot webdevs like using i3+tmux+vim, which is an insane concoction of nested keybindings they have to work around. Using emacs or sublime instead is much saner.

The vi bindings are modal, with escape to switch modes. That doesn't conflict with screen or tmux, which use ^A or some other control key prefix. You can set it to whatever you want, and this is recommended if you're going to run the multiplexer both locally and on other end of an ssh connection.
I dunno about i3, because I'm always running twm or even just using plain text console. Not much key bindings to deal with here, except those handled by terminal emulator for signals, job control, and so on.

Actually, the basics are pretty simple
>you can also use arrows if you're a fucking pleb

What do you need a multiplexer for anyway? If you just want a terminal besides Vim you should use Neovim, it has a built-in terminal emulator. And since it's a regular buffer you can browse and yank text inside it like in any other Vim buffer.


Congratulations, you've explained how to use vi as something inferior to just about all other visual text editors. If that's all someone knows about vi they're much better off using nano or gedit.


I normally just have one big maximized xterm, with screen running (I used tmux for a while, but don't need the extra options or complexity). I don't want to juggle a lot of windows and GUI crap. At most the xterm, and maybe one GUI web browser or PDF reader.
If it was still possible, I'd just do everything at the text console.
Anyway, I don't use vim or derived stuff, nor emacs or other big complicated IDE. Just the nvi that comes with OpenBSD is all I need. It has multiple buffers, and screen can copy/paste between it and other ttys (but that's rarely needed).

Those fags can't even write English correctly.

vi is good when it works, but sadly on some systems it doesn't show status (e.g. ewhen you press A)

There's a general problem with the rise of hipsters in programming. I don't mind dorky names of free software projects, but it seems that a lot of newer projects act like they're some kind of startup that needs to make itself look super cute and pretty for investors and consumers. So you get a lot of over-the-top branding. Ohmyzsh even sells t-shirts for fucks sake.
Seems to be the result of macs becoming a popular dev platform. Only macfags are so retarded to enjoy this level of branding and consumerism.


OP is a retarded niggerfaggot vim is the best text editor ever invented kill yourself

