What the fuck? Why are animals rights protestors attacking Hillary all of the sudden?
Hillary vs. Animal Rights
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Because they are NAZIS.
That's odd, the last time where she got startled was animal protester too.
Must be something going on.
The chickens thing with moloch would make for good ammo against her.
Trump false flags trying to give her a seizure.
Animal protection isn't a left/right thing. In fact, it's one of the few movements where you will find the two put aside their differences on other policies to join together.
I don't know what the fucks going on but it seems like now is the time to recruit animal rights people. My friend even said the other day that his only gripe with Trump was his positions on wildlife and the environment.
Because Animal Right's Activists are Nazis, you have to be a Nazi if you think about it long enough when you're an ARA.
it is because her pantsuits have real fur and shit
The protestor was probably a jewish bernout, fighting for the rights of goys.
Seriously, this was staged. She doesn't even flinch. They are trying to copy Trump's tactics of filling the covertime by making fake happenings.
No, it's fucking stupid. Animals do not have "rights". Should we have plant rights activists too? Prokaryotic rights?
check your human privilege, primate scum!
animals don't have rights but as humans we should have some sense of duty to protect nature, faggot
I can dig this… God gives man rights and man gives animals rights
This. The last time the only reason why Hillary got spooked was because she is that far gone. They probably upped her meds this time around.
man has no rights given to him
the only rights man has are those he takes for himself
Sky News were running this clip of the Hillary protestor right after the free climbertard yesterday, and then saying, "well Trump is the rainmaker" insinuating that the protestor at the Hillary rally was pro-Trump, and he's making people crazy with his thinly veiled assassination threats.
This has only just started, as their hold on power gets weak so does their ability to hide their tactics. We are going to see a real shitshow soon.
How soon before they start blaming Trump for bad weather and people's dogs behaving badly? My word. When the media and the liberals were having people disrupt Trump, it was his fault. Now people are disrupting Hillary, it is somehow his fault and none of hers somehow. The hypocrisy is sickening.
god gives animals right
have you read the biblical laws on animal welfare?
First they were attempting to break into CTR's shill operation, beat up a few cucks with metal poles and now they're trying to injure Hillary? Wtf commies? topkek
She sacrifices children and puppies to moloch
she shits herself whenever a animal lover shouts at her.