You know, there is plenty of stuff that deserve a webm! Rev up those OC machines!
WEBM or Bust!
That messed up Velma…
Oh lawd.
Here, have some Brazilian stuff.
Trying to make some new ones.
this makes me sad and for some reason I imagine this is a vision of eddy's life as he's dying.
Same. I'm almost crying.
A classic
mah nigga.
That's not Yugioh Abridged…
where can I downvote?
I love the animatrix.
Really nice, man.
Freshly made, poorly optimized.
Didn't know the Fraternity of Raptors had a cartoon.
Off topic, but man I loved Silverbolt. So damn corny and yet so awesome. Why the hell did he and Blackarachnia work so well together. Seriously my first OTP
1:36 especially
Nice gif user. It looks hot despite the fact I can't see their asses.
Venture bros is amazing man, good shit
good stuff
Holy shit didn't expect the ending. Made me laugh hard.
Its steel hawks
pretty funny user.
This makes it look like the trailer for some indie movie except not as pretentious.
the "American" is unnecessary
Why do we hate this show again?
When did The Joker stop being a crazy guy who went from acceptably evil villain to stupid villain on a regular basis and started being a genius murderous mastermind 100% of the time?
Because in the later seasons for every good episode there is at least both a terrible relationship episode and a Rigby episode.
This show had such an 80's boner I think even Seth McFarlane would blush because of it.
In many ways, the 80s and 90s were objectively the high points of modern western civilization. Future generations to come will look back fondly at the outlandish and fun music, the bold clothing, and a point in time when straight white males weren't dragged from their homes out into the dilapidated streets and ritually murdered to increase seasonal crop yields
fuck if that wasn't the most autistic thing I've ever read
Reminder that people were obsessed with the 70s in the 90s, and people will be obsessed with the 00s in the 20s
Please no
In the 70's they liked the 50's, there was Grease and Happy Days.
Wasn't there going to be another one of these this year? Did they not get enough fan costumes, or were they just "destroyed" by Trump winning like everyone else?
It's already upon us, Holla Forumsmrade.
Well at least its the good stuff from the 2000's.
no you stupid burger, politicians everywhere else run clean honest fact based campaigns :^)
get out newfag
I get the feeling they would have pushed that in the 2000s too
Star Wars will never be this cool ever again, thanks disney. Rebels is not terrible but it really is a filler fest at this point.
never saw the gundam reference until now.
Between Commando and Clone Wars, Disney can't even compete.
What did they mean by this?
Neither did Lucas
What the fuck…
It's like you've never been on Holla Forums
Why would you want to?
2000-2006 was good though
When people think of the 00s, they tend to only think of 2007-2009, when Bieber, Obama, social media, and the iPhone ruined everything.
It's like you don't like BBC, what is wrong with you?
Is Kubo worth watching, or is it lefty trash like 90% of what passes for animated motion pictures these days?
FYI, I'm hoping for the former. Your webms are starting to convince me.
I always told everybody the left was eugenicist and their "justice" only applies if you have superior African genetics, they hate the weaklings.
BTW the Justice in SJW is ironic, also the "warriors" part.
Religion of peace, ladies and gentlemen
reminds me of this
There is more of this? The girl is hot.
user, you know she became "augmented" in that episode, right? She is basically a Cyborg. And the villain is a frustrated cat lady?
In fact, a good amount of the villains in that cartoon were women.
It's amazing how the french managed to keep feminism mostly under control in their comics and cartoons.
There's something so endearingly late 80s/early 90s about this intro
I remember this one. It was so fun.
Holla Forums and /tg/ hanging out in a comic shop.
silver hawks actually.
Its pretty good, shame it didn't do as well.
I wonder if its possible to do full 11 min episodes yet?
nice man
pretty good
need to watch gumball
fams I don't mind but this is Holla Forums not Holla Forums
The machines didn't do anything wrong. When I tried Matrix online they were the only ones with reasonable reasons.
Have an attempt.There's also an user posting ATHF episodes at Holla Forums webm threads which are in good quality.
Long been possible. You just need to compress it to hell and back.
better than I expected
the voice acting on Brazilians cartoon was way better, Murphy had an amazing voice.
I enjoyed this version.
Is that a common thing in Japan?
I think the guy just left closed captions on.
I wish I was a bigger fan of the show, because these sound cool
which one is Holla Forums and which is /tg/?
You can actually see his brain fighting the San Francisco conditioning in real time; didn't realize he still cared so deeply about comics. Maybe he'll wake up one day and stop being a faggot half the time.
He's a sad product of the illusion mainstream comics have been pushing since the 80's.
He's starting to realize that these characters aren't characters, but franchises. Nothing more. Any thought that you're reading an actual story is a lie. They've tricked two generations into thinking the Golden Girls was Game of Thrones.
Also, No-Man's Land ended like shit
Thank you. This is what I've been thinking for a very long time. Big Two are just all about franchise and products. There's no heart and soul anymore. Just corporate greed and lack of understanding. It's sickening. DC is getting kinda better in the comic department but it's still sorta messy. That's what happens when you try to build up from a shitty collapsed foundation like New 52. Marvel is just losing it. They're practically killing their franchises just to earn SJW points.
Max Landis has a lot of good moments and ideas, I wish he'd stop being such a cuck and I also wish he'd stop setting his sights so low.
Comics are dead and your indie movie is gay bruh. Just move on to bigger things.
I wish this guy could actually break away from the SanFran brainwashing. This dude is so soaked in kool-aid that he dyes his hair rainbow colored.
He did a series of videos following Star Wars The Force Awakens about how Rey was a shitty character.. and they went viral and he started to reply to criticism.. and just slowly.. crumpled. Like, each one he was being more apologetic and more aggressive towards the people who agreed with him and more condoning of the hyper feminist bullshit machine that was riding his ass.
Also, fuck Geek and Sundry and fuck Felicia Day. They are a goddamned blight on "nerd" hobbies.
I hope.
He has moments of clarity, but then is sucked back into the CURRENT YEAR miasma. There's a rational person inside him, somewhere.
We need webms people. Talk, but bring webms! Or mp4s.
But, to be honest, Landis is a goner. For better or worse he understands the machine. And, if you don't embrace it's teachings, it will just eat you alive. He wants to be part of Hollywood and will do the necessary sacrifices.
Max Landis has always been a retard who made shit work. The guy got asshurt about how Rolfe said the new ghostbusters would be shit and then said he knew it was going to be shit and got mad when people called him out on flip flopping.
Uh uhhh I have this…
Not bad.
But it's coming.
It has began to contaminate the radio.
Then it will the population via 24h/24H of shilling via radio and tv.
Plus some campus on paris/amiens just began to hear the SJW/lgbt messages.
Apparently I privileged now and whatnot.
The cancer is spreading.
Well user, I know it's not easy, but look at those britbongs and how they let their country get rotten to the core without a care in the world. If you can, act, and spread the word of how dangerous this bullshit can be. Maybe a good way is to show how they want all the woman to look fat and ugly and sad. That probably will piss in the movement.
Anyone tried to compress a 30 minute episode?
I forgot how bad this shit was animated.
I made this.
Well user, keep trying, you can make it better!
Feels time?
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Wtf are you talking about? Thats is not yaoi. That is one if the most tragic couples ever. Apologize.
Moon mission: complete
shit i wanted to reply to that , not create new thread
Great chink shit, but the new Fulla 2 is better
You think the movie would've been better with this scene kept in or not?
This is a surprisingly accurate representation of the last US Election, even the Trump Vs Clinton debates.
hell yeah. When in doubt, keep the scene that traumatises little kids
actually, yeah, it is
remember that karaoke is fucking huge over there
Damn shame this lost the award for best animated short to a shitty Canadian flash cartoon.
This guy was fucking autistic but I kinda want an Amiga
I did those La Pavita Pechugona whatever videos for the animation music thread whatever because the rip benig passed around was horrible, but all this shit was in my youtube right side feed so I just downloaded, set up, went to sleep and woke up with all this crap done
Enjoy I guess
Can somebody explain to me why he has like a creepy sexual harassment stalker theme in a bunch of these?
There done. Later.
Damn I forgot how much I love Rampage. Dude gave zero fucks for most of Beast Wars.
We'll have to leave that question for the philosophers, user. The world may never know.
What the fuck is this shit? This will probably just result in more drawn out "regret sex = rape" legal stuff. Especially if participant uses more "head nodding = yes" instead of a spoken "verbal yes"
Gumball episode is really good though nothing to do with GG. The segment where they were clearly playing Wii Sports Tennis and the amount of player "effort/no effort" with the motion controls it is pretty accurate.
Great ending as well. (What year was that episode made?)
Im still pissed this never was a thing.
It will always be a fetish and nothing else.
As much as I like these animations, it says a lot about them that they pace better at 1.5x or 2x playback speed. Just way too much space between each motion.
What the hell am I watching….
Anyone have pic related
Heart of Ice ripped off the first appearance of Mr. Freeze in the 1966 Batman series.
Thank you
Dreams are weird.
Everything about this is terrible.
That's pretty terrifying.
Wait they made a cartoon series off the Puss n Boots movie? Jeez Dreamworks is milking their franchises.
Shit I didn't know that speech originated in the 60's Batman show. I thought it was unique to BTAS. The guy who plays Freeze is damn good in this.
I swear to god the spider woman looks like one of my professors in college.
I'm surprised they didn't do a Schrodingers cat joke.
Yeah, when Netflix gives you a bunch of money to do whatever, what you do is take some of your franchises out for a walk, see how they do.
I'm surprised they did it with Puss of all things.
I believe the story is that there are still people at Dreamworks that really wanted to do Puss in Boots 2, so they either get to do this instead, or get to hope this will do well enough to convince the executives to put Puss in Boots 2 back on the table.
Was the guy who played Mr Freeze the same guy who played Sheer Khan?
Yes. George Sanders played both characters.
It's more logical than Home and Turbo
Turbo is because they were big fans of Motorcity.
Not sure who's fault it is that they stop doing action race episodes after the first season.
I wonder how many times Stuart K Reilly has fapped to that video
This is so charming. I don't see this earnestness in youtube cartoons these days.
Wow, they actually make Turbo cartoon series and it's AWESOME?
Well, like I said, they stop doing action race episodes and just end up with generic silliness.
My guess? Either it's too expensive to animate the race sequence or the typical "We don't want to entice children to do illegal racing" bullshit. But at least I can watch season 1.
They also got obsessed with always having some gimmick reason Turbo's ability to outrace indy cars doesn't trivialize a smaller scale race.
Probably ran out of ideas.
that was sort of funny. Not great, but not bad.
it was long canceled before they got the DreamWorks gig
Thrillhouse is the worst one
S U N D A Y S C H O O L is the best
That gave me nostalgia for the pre-retool version of the show
Holy shit, this is amazing.
I personally like Thrillhouse the best, but I have that one too.
This thread just got 100% BETTER
Check out Donald's large rounded tongue
Oh man I saw this short movie several days ago. It's actually pretty brilliant. It teach children about bird migration, the value of chirstimas holidays outside cold weather countries and pretty much a decent Disney animation for a long time. Oh and Donald's deterioration and descent to madness is actually pretty hilarious.
I just watched this on netflix and this scene is still in there
How come you never see actors with this much enthusiasm on TV anymore?
So its a macarena parody? I see we got the usual voice actors but those women look hot.
Because they aren't having fun with their roles.
Not even memeing but Lazy Town
The art style and animation are pretty gorgeous. Got a magnet link or something, by any chance?
The shorts are on YouTube if you're that hungry
I'm disgusted, but I guess I'll live. Thanks; I'm surprised the House of Mouse's content lawyers haven't cracked down on the uploader yet.
YouTube is the medium in which Disney officially publishes Mickey Shorts.
They haven't cracked down on the uploader because they are the uploader.
I'm talking about the full 21-minute Duck the Halls animation, which I'm watching in three-minute chunks on pic related. I can see the Mickey Shorts on the official channel for Disney UK, but that channel only has the first two and a half minutes of Duck the Halls.
Holy shit do you remember that creepy thing with the rabbit and that black kid irwin or whatever?
New thread when?
It's a ploy worthy of Bill Finger
Was this post-Disney Star Wars?
You had one fucking job.
As much as I like this show and arc is it just me or do the fights seem a bit stiff. Like they swing and then pose and swing again.
Aw man seeing Darth Maul begging like that make me sad.
Is that Shrek and Brave crossover or what?
I love Chel. Wish the film got a sequel.
Your boner loves Chell. To be fair mines too. Also the emperor loves this new "grooves"
Why didn't I think of this.
Not sure if I like or hate how New 52 kinda explains, kinda doesn't how Joker keeps surviving and that he's some kind of supernatural being. Yet again, they don't really explain who or what he is, that made him even creepier.
Amazing video, TERRIBLE song.
Not sure if EWS is a cool guy or an old, pathetic idiot for using that garbage technology.
But what I know is that he's way too old for his childish work.
I'm on the same boat. Don't even care about the movie, wish there was a sequel just for more of her.
So, where is this from?
It's a pencil test done by James Baxter, one of the animators of The Road to El Dorado
I will fight you.
At least it's not like one of the Joker in Convergence that got his head snapped just seconds after his cameo. Man Convergence was a mess.
I wish I'm a millionare so I can pay him and a team of animators for a secret project of Chell centric porn cartoon.
Also Ja-a-a-a-a-a-a-mes Ba-a-a-a-axter, the horse?
Nice work
Julie Newmar age already showing in that dub. It's like hearing her trying to sounds sexy between her fake teeth.
Adam West also sounds old. Or maybe he just doesn't care.
His Catman/Ratman dub is way better.
They shouldn't have brought the old actors back, they are all geriatric at this point.
He would've been perfect.
Actually, for the first time in decades, he's playing Batman completely straight. A key thing for James Tucker was to get West, Ward, and Newmar back into their original roles.
To think this wouldn't have happened if Warner didn't work out that deal with Fox
This is fantastic.
Well fuck Batman is totally off his rocker.
That was nice is the cartoon usually this good?
It's a what if classic corny Batman TV series is depicted as actual grimdark Batman series.
It's all over the place. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it got into your nerve.
Hopefully the next one is good.
I suppose it would depend on your tolerance for zaniness.
Came out nice.
Heh, not bad
Eggman here is more like a lonely old man so he created faulty robots so he has excuse to fight Sonic and friends over and over again.
Damn that was intense. Pretty much PG Rating Mexican Stand off.
Looks like the thread is reaching its limit. It's autosagging now. New Webm thread when?
Reminds me of the beginning of WWI.
They had a penguin movie come out some time ago, didn't they. Was that one any good? I never bothered with Madagascar 3 after watching the second one. It didn't jive with me.
Fairly actiony, not a lot of plot.
I don't really like the song too much, but I love the "SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT MOON MEN!"