innit it's peak OP. Guess we better get used to Earth and the solar system.
Michael Cook
The concept of a hyperdrive doesn't phase me as much as how sci-fi guys explain how a shuttle craft can reach escape velocity without any kind of boosters. Is it some kind of catapult, a space elevator, some kind of space-mortar?
Landon Rogers
inb4 christcucks and flatfags
Jonathan Gonzalez
This post gave me a feel.
What will be left of humanity in a billion years time?
Brayden Turner
space is relative anyway
Christian Wright
I read it Share space farts
Thomas Anderson
it's covfefe
Nicholas Barnes
you are mostly space
Jacob Rogers
most likely nothing. sorry :^(
Bentley Martin
you are all simulations.
Ryder Morales
Adrian Evans
nope. i got administrative privileges.
Colton James
I literally typed that response into your simulated mind and compelled you to post it.
Charles Bell
nice try botfag.
Elijah Green
Don't worry, it's retarded how fuckhuge space is. Even the extent of our own solar system is massive if you think about it. If we're lucky we get to explore our own Milky Way some day.
Honestly with space being this gigantic and old it's inevitable that life more advanced than us exists. They could even be soaring the stars themselves. However because of the size of space it's highly likely none will ever find us.
Jordan Wilson
The galaxy MACS0647-JD is only a fraction of the size of our own Milky Way. The galaxy is about 13.3 billion light-years from Earth, the farthest galaxy yet known, and formed 420 million years after the Big Bang.
William Reed
Space is, like, really big.
Andrew Gutierrez
I feel you. I always had my head in the skies, wanting for some out-of-this-world action, space ships and what not, something new to explore.
It´s a shame that I won't see this kind of space exploration myself. Too young for space exploration, too late for earth exploration.
This is my spleen.
Eli Rogers
Juicy spleen with a nice white sauce
Christian Scott
Said the npc.
Asher Mitchell
Not an argument.
Tyler Murphy
David Howard
Not a neurotypical.
Jayden Lee
OP if you think that's crazy look up the VY Canis Majoris.
second picture is the VY Canis Majoris compared to OUR Sun. third picture is OUR sun (NOT the VY Canis Majoris) to our Earth.
fucking crazy right? now to blow your mind a second time. Imagine the VY Canis Majoris eventual explosion into a blackhole.
that'll be a fuck huge amount of energy and destruction, like fucking godly amount of power spewing out. I can't even comprehend the power it'll unleash to any unlucky sods that are near it. and by near I mean just a few hundred or even thousands light years in it's vicinity.
Caleb Jenkins
You are an insignificant bag of goo in a wet rock millions of times more massive than yourself. This rock is tiny in comparison to many gas clouds we have which share the same fusion reactor as the center of our orbit. This nuclear reactor is, in itself, millions of times as large as the largest of these gas clouds. However, this reactor is relatively dim compared to the billions of other reactors floating around in the remote part of our own galaxy we find ourselves in. This galaxy is probably just about average sized in comparison with the infinitely numerous other galaxies in the universe. Beyond about 13.8 billion light years away from us, these galaxies are expanding further away from us at a rate faster than the light from them reaches us, meaning we will never see the light from them hit our galaxy.
And beyond all of this, God is watching us in particular. He's standing there, telling us not to masturbate. I remember seeing a gif that basically made this in visual form. Does anybody have that on them?
Daniel Myers
If the guy who made everything you described told you not to masturbate, reason dictates you not masturbate.
Jose Rivera
yep, crazy.
Sebastian Williams
Hahaha, hey nigger did you get that pic from the latest retarded TIME article thread about going to the Sun? Still the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read, I'm telling yah.
Apart from just making 10 hour loops of sounds like these to create some kind of Space Ambience Mix that a few thousand users would listen to a hundred times. This is the stuff that should be made into music. Subliminal audio, emotional brainwaves and shit.
Christian Clark
It's really mindblowing innit? You should watch the Cosmos series with Carl Sagan; he really breaks down the size of the universe to where you can wrap your brain around it.
Sebastian Mitchell
There are about 100 billion stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way.
There are about 100 billion galaxies in the universe.
Jayden Hernandez
The universe is theoretically infinite. As in, there are theoretically infinite galaxies.
Tried to wrap my brain around his book by the same name. Got more than half way through in a day or two and gave up. After reading Hawking's A Brief History, your brain can only take so much within a certain time frame at my age.
Fucking WHEN? I like to imagine that space simulation technology could better prepare the able population to move planets if, and when, that time comes. But to create fictional universes and maybe adapt this latest Artificial Touch Sensing tech to some kind of body suit? We could use statically charged fabrics or some kind of water detection tank to put someone in a small containment that allows them to travel scaled versions of fictitious universe, or our own.
Justin Martinez
100 billion is not infinite, it is most definitely finite, at least according to our current understanding of it.
There are, however, an infinite number of universes.
Brayden Evans
Maybe some kind of Hodor relationship with easily built robots that can be controlled on another planet using the same bio-mechanical human body motion. It would have to be charged though or something, including maintenance, so just add another robot. I bet we're already doing something like that tbh. Satellite control and shit. I don't see why it's not possible if we've sent satellites to Mars and beyond, and men to the Moon.
No, the universe IS infinite as far as we know. We don't know if other universes exist at all. Multiverse is not generally accepted. Physicists tend to prefer the Copenhagen interpretation as it requires fewer assumptions.
Are you talking about the observable universe, maybe? That is finite. 13.8 billion light years radius with us at the center.
Landon Thompson
Space expanding baffles me. Is there an empty area with nothing in, no matter etc which space expands into and floods with matter
Or does space expansion mean it's creating more space out of nothing. something out of nothing
Carter Carter
I'm pretty sure the consensus is "we don't fucking know." That's all up to speculation.
Isaiah Smith
5 h 42m 21.0s 22° 36′ 45.7″ Nibiru (Planet X)
I haven't checked to see if these coordinates are right or not. But I remember first learning about this planet and checking it out on Google Earth, only to find it cropped out.
I bet some past astronauts and rocket scientists have written some pretty awesome books. I hope pic related is somewhat relevant for user's tastes. And apparently Mars has glaciers.
*shrugs* all I know is that matter takes up space, and there are 12 known particles of matter. Then there's dark matter, antimatter, matter, dark energy, and so on.
Dylan Williams
Future medicine might expand all our lifespans for god knows how long. Also, humanity might get really fucking lucky and make a fucking massive scientific/technological breakthrough and we'll be going to the closest solar systems to create colonies.
Who knows?
Jaxon Clark
13* we have discovered 13 particles of matter, these include all antimatter we know of.
Angel Cook
wait, im stupid. 17*
Henry Fisher
oh shit nigga forreals?
Oliver Brown
No, that image is photoshop. Ya got trolled.
Elijah King
The universe is not infinite, but a sphere with something outside. It isn't expanding and the planets are not moving away from each other, but all matter within the universe is shrinking relative to its size.
Proof me wrong faggots. protip you can't
Ryder Hill
Curved spacetime was actually a hypothesis for a while. If that's the case it would be finite and if you traveled far enough in one direction you would eventually reach the same point. We took some measurements of the cosmic microwave background and found that it's flat (and therefore infinite) within the margin of error for the devices we used. If there is curvature, it's negative (as opposed to positive which would imply spacetime is a sphere). A negative curvature implies it's hyperbolic which is still somehow finite iirc.
So the elementary particles themselves are shrinking?
Samuel Carter
How small is it going to get?
Levi Jones
It really blows my mind that were seeing the past light of stars since light takes time to travel even in such great distances we see stars at night
Robert Parker
Every time you masturbate, you're cumming on God's eyes. That's just disrespectful.
Benjamin Green
Wyatt Rodriguez
I fucking love that gif
Nathaniel Kelly
You can get most of the way up just with fucking balloons.
vacuum is space that doesn't have matter, so it has particular properties (like negative pressure on any matter). Since it doesn't have matter, electromagnetic waves pass through it. If you really want to try to understand everything, all of matter and everything else is basically wave functions that have neat effects that stack and because of the r-squared laws we get the universe as we know it.
Electromagnetism and gravity are basically everything.
It's easiest to imagine as vacuum being the infinitely stretchable sheet of paper, and matter is the writing, more or less. "nothing" is the fabric of the universe