Ask a Straßerite anything

I'm willing to answer any questions you have on the ideology. It is similar economically to many of you.

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Why nationalism?

Fuck off tbh crypto-fascist

What makes you think your ideology is anything other than a front to rally useful idiots behind a fascist before getting purged?

Two questions:

What made you think we give a shit about your opinions?

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

You must always defend your country or group - when applicable of course. I would support my people but I am willing to cooperate with others but I am no globalist or internationalist

No need for that.

What makes you think your ideology is anything other than a front to rally useful idiots behind a [insert ideology here] before getting purged? Now I understand where you are coming from given the unusual nature of the ideology, but that argument could be used in the example of, perhaps, Pol Pot or Stalin. I hope I am not too vague here, English isn't my strongest point. Also it isn't fascist, though it shares a common origin including the nationlism.

Hello Trotsky friend. You people seem to be interested in foreign views regardless of whether you like them and you are friendlier than Holla Forums (also not capitalist). Also because I have no reason to, suicide is a waste.

Literally why. And no spooks or pathos-ridden fedora-tipping, please.

smh kys tbh fam


Why Useful Idiotism instead of fascism?

Well since you appear to be anarchist I'm not sure if you will understand my values in this case. I view the nation as my family.
You remind me of someone, I don't know why.

Not what cuckoldry means, at all. But I think you are calling me a cuckservative, if so, no.
Why communism over syndicalism?

You'll get used to all of the faggot Marxists here who have an inability to tolerate any socialist ideology other than their own. Anyway, welcome to Holla Forums from a national syndicalist.

What are your views on Adolf Hitler? How do you feel about the fact that he purged the [email protected]/* */?

Those points notwithstanding: restricting socialism to the nation alone is the epitome of imperialism. Such a society could only be created on the backs of the subaltern.

tbh you should both be banned for the lulz but I agree that there are a bunch of annoying dogmatic Marxists here

More beneficiary from egoist perspective if we assume either is an endgame system, since it lowers the chance of being exploited. Obviously I wouldn't mind living in syndicalism if it replaced capitalism
I guess your preference for turd position over class colaborationism has similar roots?

Thank you.

I don't like him for: larping, lying, keeping around useless fucks in the leadership, views on Slavs, using a system which would collapse as soon as he died, "state capitalism", likely raping Geli Raubal, among other things. Also, I obviously feel sad about this but it is to be expected.

How do you like Nietzsche?

Haha, yes similar roots.

It's like I'm really on early 2015 Holla Forums

I suggest you read "The Bourgeois Roots of Anarcho-Syndicalism" by Feral Faun and stop trying to associate Stirner with literally everything like Holla Forums tends to do.

The N-man is dank.

He also BTFO Nationalism repeatedly, so if you're about to start trying to present Nietzsche from a right-wing "socially conservative socialist" perspective, I suggest you stop right now and go read him again. Get The Will To Power, look up Nationalism in the index, proceed to have your views shattered.

What's the weirdest thing you've ever masturbated to?

Why are alt-right fags and stormcucks seemingly obsessed with nigger dicks? I've seen more in their reaction images and memes than I've seen when watch porn.

How will you combat global capitalism and its international structure?

What do you think Germany would have looked like had Useful Idiot or Rohm taken power instead of Hitler? Do you think they would have won the war? Do you think the Jews would have been killed? etc…

I can't wait for this response. It'll be a doozy.

Let's assume an anticapitalist national revolution takes place with you as the leader. You find out that one of your high ranked subordinates likes dicks. Would you get rid of him because of that, despite his achievements and devotion to the cause?

smh only a man can pleasure another man tbh. Women are only useful for breeding and should be kept caged when not in use

Women could say the exact same thing for men, and they'd be right.

This is absolutely correct.

Nah fam.

Yes he is very "dank"? I don't look at him from that perspective and I think he was a very smart man but there are also many outlooks on life and I respect many including his. Also he made fine music.

Weirdest thing I've ever masturbated to? Probably GGG
I don't know, I think "alt right" and stormfags are degenerate idiots and I'd rather not talk about them. Sorry. Also I suggest reading "Germany Tomorrow" on the subject, it's much better wording than I can provide, but in summary, "German Socialism" it would be very similar to Marxism, but with more traditional values in the sense it is conducted. I'm sure you can see the value of using something you know how to use instead of a 100% new system? That is one of the reasons why communism killed so many; because it was an experiment.
Well, there would be no killing Jews, also I do not believe there would have been a war, at least, not in the sense we know it. Useful Idiotism has a more tolerant view of the Soviets and given how Otto Useful Idiot for example proposed a United Europe through voting I don't think he would try to expand aggressively. Also if ther was a war it would probably be very similar to the sterotypical mass combat we often think of when it comes to socialist warfare. Also what society would look like? Very nice.
No, he'd have to do more than that to piss me off enough to kill him. Why are you asking anyway? Are you afraid if you were second in command I'd purge you XD

This makes me sad.

K. Well continue to deflect my criticisms then.

Clearly you've never had sex with a woman who was actually into you. Not surprising tbh :^)

You must have a boring sex life.


pls no bully fam.

It got better as time went on.

Believe me I am open minded but it's a waste of time for both of us to lecture about something like philosophy on the internet.

I'm just saying if you've never had sex with a woman who did more than just lie there, you've definitely never been with a woman who was into you.

This is true.

I was just confirming if Useful Idiotists are as autistic as regular far righters when it comes to duh genrusy. also i prefer sticking it in tbh

Well, she did that at first, although she wasn't really experienced in sex when I met her. (admittedly, neither was I)
With that said, after a while we both got better at it and she eventually got pretty wild.

There appears to be a word filter on ^
Also I'm glad you got confirmation…?

Did you write a book about it?

Not the person you're responding to but honestly, [email protected]/* */ seem like genuine socialists. Albeit, somewhat misunderstood by both the alt-right and the far left.

No fam. Why would I?

It's an inside joke.

Here, take these [email protected]/* */ memes for your folder since it looks like you're running out.


kek. Thanks.


I might crop that out just so people stop bitching about it.


Yep, some overused terms like [email protected]/* */, j*df or tr*gger w*rning have wordfilters, some of them are golden
also the confirmation was that you're not as spergy as Holla Forums edgelords ;3

Still a crypto-fascist, still shit-tier

I don't mind fascists as long as they're not alt-right faggots and they actually have some common sense.

I did leave it for a reason.


Depends on the type of fascist tbh.


smh kys tbh fam

The Nazis and fascists officially had more or less the same position as yours. Yet, they did actually work out being state socialist much like Leninism and Marxist-Leninism :^))), but that's not really the point here. The point is that they too advocated something similar to your position, and I don't see how what you're advocating could be anything other than fascism.

As I said earlier, at best it would be socialism arbitrarily limited to muh nation - and thus it would work out as imperialism. And as another poster said, socialism that isn't internationalist wouldn't be able to combat the international structure of capitalism - especially late capitalism.

Careful fam, you've started using their terminology now.
It's *State Capitalist :^)

You might not want to sell out but the guy ordering you around would after you oh so conveniently help crush the socialists and even the social kekocrats


Night of Long Knives will always happen so long as that cancer known as nationalism is in your movement.

Aren't fascists capitalists? All fascist regimes were corporatist and had the private sector working for profits like today. Nationalism isn't fascism although nationalism is a component of fascism. I don't see how the workers owning the means of production and straight nationalism are theoretically incompatible although I do think nationalism is stupid emotional garbage.
Keep in mind you're right in a sense with regards to the class collaboration bullshit that some fascists push but the point is that not all fascists are the same ideologically.

That's precisely what I was implying

Well, yes, but given the topic of this thread most would assume I was talking about Hitler. Iron Guard fascism is probably the best form, but it's a major turn off for most people

Given how there's no private property in [email protected]/* */ I don't see how they're comparable in that sense, of course speaking of that I've been called a "nazi commie" hehe

Also perhaps international cooperation would be necesary. goodnight.


It's amazing how little self awareness some of the people have here.

Never heard of it. Can you send me a link or something?

What I'm saying is that theoretically nationalism isn't capitalist. Fascism is though.


Explain please.

That was a typo. Meant *state capitalist

Being an anarchist, I don't really give a shit about the finer differences.

I never said I trusted ML rhetoric but you were the one who literally linked a Mosley page and expected everyone to take it a 100% legitimate insight into fascism.

I do and you probably should too. Especially considering the fact that if there was ever a fascist coup in my home country I'd rather it be anti-capitalist in nature instead of a stormcuck style uprising.

If I want to know about fascism I'm going to ask a fascist to define it. In the same way that if I want to know about Marxism, I'm going to ask a Marxist to define it. I'll defend any ideology if someone is strawmanning it or makes false assumptions about the nature of that ideology. Hell, I've defended Marxism from alt-right cucks when they give an improper definition of what it is, however, I'll give the same courtesy to some forms of fascism if someone is just making baseless assumptions that aren't necessarily backed up by facts.

But fascism IS capitalist.


Like I said, it depends on the specific ideology. Most forms of fascism are just authoritarian forms of social democracy without the actual democratic elements. Some forms of fascism are anti-capitalist and other forms of fascism are anti-capitalist in theory but not in practice.
I'm specifically going off the theoretical ideas pushed by certain fascist groups. Mosley seemed opposed to capitalism. So it's hard to say if he would have betrayed his ideals and sold out to industrialists or if he was genuinely interested in removing porky.

Yeah I know that. What does nationalism have to do with the private ownership of the mop? Nationalism is old as hell. It has to do with a collective geographical pride. Yes it can marry with capitalism but how is it inherently capitalist?

You're utilising a source from a party that used to be supported by the DAILY FUCKING MAIL and received funding from actual Nazis and has a history of engaging in antisemitic brawls.

Holy fucking shit.

Holy shit you are retarded.

So? What's your point? It seems strategic that the Nazis would have wanted allies in Britain. As for "anti-semitic" brawls. Give me specific instances backed up by sources. I'm not necessarily denying that it happened but I want to know the context.

This isn't really an argument. With that said, if there was ever a nationalistic anti-capitalist party that took power in the United States, I'd probably join up as an entryist and push for more democratic reforms, assuming it wasn't already democratic.

The only thing he said was that we should prefer the least worse option.

Again, historical fascism advocated for MIXED ECONOMIES which is capitalist. I'm sure that there is a difference between nationalism and fascism.

You're right for the most part but it doesn't apply to all forms of fascism.

All nationalism is capitalist because it divides the working class over arbitrary divisions of land unless the workers have seized control of the MoP in one country and are desperately defending it against imperialist powers.


If you're trying to convince me that Hitlerists are capitalists there's no need. Everyone already knows that. I'm talking about specific ideologies that really have next to nothing to do with Hitler's Germany. It's called nuance fam,

I don't really need to argue against what you're saying, because it's self-evidently retarded. Fascism and socialism are mutually exclusive.

Let's assume for the sake of argument that fascism can be anti-capitalist, even though I agree with you that the meme that fascism is anti-capitalist is nonsense.

It doesn't really matter. In the end, the exclusive nature of nationalism would end up making it capitalist in some manner. And as I see it, there's no way that a nationalist "socialist" party wouldn't also be imperialistic. Because the subaltern is muh nation and therefore not a valid category of people.

I suppose Mussolini was a socialist too, right? :^)))

Again, I don't see how Useful Idiot was a fascist.

I see what you mean and agree. Nationalism is used by the rulers to divide the working class but it's just a tool to them. Nationalism isn't inherently capitalist. I can imagine a socialist region being highly nationalistic, but it is stupid.

That's because you're not willing to present a counter-argument.
Actually he was a full fledged red socialist early on in his life. He integrated some of his ideas into the fascist ideology. The problem is that he betrayed those ideas when he actually came into power.

Keep in mind, I'm using the term "fascist" in the most broad sense. Meaning a form of nationalistic populism. Some might call him a socialist, some might call him a fascist. I'd consider him to be a National.Socialist in the most literal sense. More so than Hitler who was literally a National Capitalist.


When your dumbass brownshirts stop molotoving refugee centers and synagogues and start molotoving banks and military bases, then we'll know you are serious. Until then history has given us all the foresight of just how """""socialist"""" you will all act like in power.

Oh ok. I distinguish between nationalism and fascism. If you are using fascism to mean populist nationalism then sure whatever. I think I'm being more historically accurate though.

Again, have some self awareness.
Refugees are nothing more than capitalist scabs. They deserve to be Molotoved. As for Synagogues, I don't think they deserve to be harassed. With that said, you're referring to the alt-right. I'm talking about an entirely different group of people.
What makes you think I'd be opposed to this?
Once again:

Fair enough.

Refugees deserve to be molotoved? That' stupid. And yeah they're the consequences of capitalistic imperialism.

Molotoved might have been a strong characterization. With that said, they should either assimilate or leave. Not to mention, they're inflating the labor market and driving down wages.

Yeah, when your home is wrecked by war (talking about real refugees here), you try to get a job to put bread on the table for yourself and family and the capitalists take advantage of this, are you to blame?

Well, I'm not saying that it's their fault that their countries have been torn apart by war but I am saying that they shouldn't be our responsibility. As far as I'm concerned, the United States should stop interfering in middle eastern affairs and if we absolutely must interfere we should support Assad and the Russians in their fight against ISIS to at least create some sort of stability in the region.

Actually it kind of is the responsibility of the country who caused their displacement. I mean, I'm sympathetic to the normal working class inhabitants who in their economic struggles look for answers but the statesmen and business men should be forced to live with the refugees in their mansions.

The people shouldn't have to bear the burdens of their country's bourgeois.
Except it doesn't work that way. The rich will be living in their own gated communities while they watch the national proletariat and the refugees fight over jobs and social services.

not a question but pls stop using my flag
RAFB flag is for people who read theory


Well I agree. Of course, I don't really think people will realize their true enemy but it was just a thought.

lurn how to spel comrad.

Refugees are merely a side effect of the capitalist system but yeah. I don't think it's fair that the people should have to bear that burden.

true, true.

Got any good info resources on this? Always was fascinated with national syndicalism, it's just surreal that fascism was so influenced in the beginning by libertarian socialism of all things.

No. It was influenced by national syndicalism. That's not libertarianism. Syndicalism cannot just be reduced into its possible libertarian structure.