Well Holla Forums, this is what Trump gets for actually endorsing Paul Ryan, yet another stab in the back by this globalist puppet. Trump decided to endorse him, clearly in order to get brownie points with the Establishment, and Ryan still acts like a total scumbag.
Fuck you Wisconsin for constantly electing Ryan. Its no wonder you're the most cucked state in the union currently
I think Trump only endorsed him because he knew the other guy had no chance. if he endorsed neither of them then it it clog up all his conferences with questions about it not to mention the fact they'd shit on him either way.
better to come out of it looking like the bigger man to voters if you ask me.
Dominic Morgan
Paul Ryan is a joke gone bad.
He can't believe he's still alive, after all the people his policies have killed.
Nathan Flores
Can't Trump make someone else speaker?
Jaxon Anderson
Exactly. This just makes Ryan look bad.
Noah Martinez
"I can't believe you idiots keep voting for me!"
"I've openly stated I hate you and want to kill you!"
"You dumb Amerifucks will vote for anyone! It might as well be me! Line my pockets, Jews!"
Connor Nguyen
Its not easy when you got this cuck being one the biggest players in the state
A lot of people in the counties Ryan represents are almost 57% white collar. Meaning things like illegals don't matter to them
Nolan Morales
there literally isn't a single person on earth with that face and those ears that isn't a backstabbing piece of shit.
Nathaniel Watson
Nah, congress does that.
But they put Paul Ryan to appease the Tea Party, of which has been mostly co-opted by the Trump movement, anyways.
They'll likely choose someone somewhat sympathetic to our cause.
Paul Ryan is putting all his chips on Trump losing the general election.
Noah Bennett
"You like my Widow's Peak? I have it for a reason."
"And you're next, Ameriscum!"
Leo Morales
Don't worry, this Vegeta Jew will be put on some nigger civic comitee in the janitor's closet when he comes back to congress.
Jackson Stewart
Wisconsin has a notoriously history of electing cuckservatives
Benjamin Bennett
After eating all that Munster Cheese in Wisconsin, famous for their cheese, Eddie Munster changed his name to Paul Ryan.
Nicholas Lopez
Dahnald. This is silly. The jokes, please.
You know I'm cheesy as fuck, coming from Wisconsin.
People don't like realistic humor. It would be a shame if the voters took you the wrong way.
Elijah Sanchez
Looks like a fucking Japanese Dracula.
Connor Rivera
Jason Powell
I'm Paul Ryan, the Japanese Dracula.
I've come to suck your country!
Jeremiah Rodriguez
Ryan worshippers are no different than those who support Kim Jong-Un
Leo Reed
You like America?
Poo bad for you!
Jack Gutierrez
North Wisconsin.
Robert Lee
God damn this piece of shit weasel
Alexander Ramirez
Henry Stewart
Benjamin Rivera
Trump is a idiot for "endorsing" this moron, he gained nothing from it besides some fake "party unity" that nobody cares about and a dagger in the back. I hope Trump really has some grand plan because those last 3 weeks is like he is throwing himself into land-mines.
Nathaniel Sullivan
I bet you do not support Israel, as well. Get lost shill.
Dylan Brown
PaulRyan is gay.
Michael Cook
everything is concern shilling here, you have to praise the greatest of whatever Trump does without ever questioning him or whatever he does. If not being a lapdog makes me a shill so be it.
HA! i get why Trump praises Israel and shit, it would be suicidal to do otherwise, but why endorse this asshole? what did he gain from it? the Establishment will still hate him and do whatever they can to stop him, the media will still shit on him in every turn, hell they even push this joke just to harm him in some states.
Jackson Jones
He's not going to change anything
Brayden Turner
filtered AND reported
Benjamin Hill
great argument, just go back to your safe space faggot.
Christian Nelson
how about Trump just stops saying retarded shit and sticks to his message?
Jordan Williams
Ryan Wood
North Wisconsin Best Wisconsin
Nathan Allen
"Look at my White Man."
"Every President has one!"
Matthew Ward
Fuck this NeverTrump cuckservative faggot. Were it not for his radio show WI would probably gone for Trump in the primary. At least we now know who his (((friends))) really are.
Josiah Ramirez
Ethan Walker
Paul Ryan is a joke gone bad
Sebastian Reyes
This seems spreadable.
Thomas Cook
Elijah Ramirez
"Just because I'm from Wisconsin…"
"…doesn't mean I'm cheesy!"
Nathan Rogers
how about Trump just stops saying retarded shit and sticks to his message?
Thomas Cox
What did he say that was retarded?
Joseph Stewart
How about the media stops recontextualizing everything to brainwash us.
Gavin Bailey
actually waiting for an answer here.
Asher Gonzalez
He didn't say anything that was retarded. He simply suggested the Second Amendment People could somehow do the right thing and stop Liberal judges from doing a gun grab.
The Second Amendment People being scholars, lawyers, judges, donors, advocacy groups, etc.
Ian Watson
This cuck wants Trump to lose so he can run in 2020. Same reason why Kasich and Jeb and Rato refuse to endorse Donald.
Noah Davis
I want it from the shill. I already know that. I know Trump did nothing wrong.
Blake Bennett
Dubs confirm.
Logan Cox
Ryan gets a free ride.
Christian Parker
how would endorsing him stop them from doing that?
Christian Brooks
I'd make him pay for his own execution anyway.
Robert Mitchell
That's cold as fuck, Hitler.
Matthew Harris
It's warm as fuck, Stalin.
Got the ladder to the chopper and I'm gonna let you all in!
Evan Edwards
Sykes is the biggest obstacle facing us in Wisconsin. Which is why we need to start calling up and dropping red pills on him nonstop. Get his listeners to realize that he's just a puppet for the establishment
Kayden Perez
Paul Nehlen should run as an independent for a scorched earth scenario.
Either a) He splits the vote and kills off Ryan's career or b) He manages to convince people to vote him in with extra campaign time.
No way for us to lose in that arrangement.
Brody Thompson
isn't it too late for him to do that?
Evan Nelson
What a total cuckold.
I thought this guy was alright 8 months ago but now I see his true colors.
Connor Wright
Wisconsin needs to be genocided, tbh. I was there a few weeks ago and it was nothing but christcucks and their adopted niglet children. Seriously, I saw more interracial adoptions and outright cuckoldry than anywhere else I have been (mostly all over the south and southwest).
Xavier Williams
He was always a fag, moron.
Noah Gonzalez
the state is pretty much the worst part of the south and north mixed together with all silver lining pulled out.
Logan Long
Ayden Gray
Holla Forums .. oh Holla Forums … what have you become.
Hudson Sullivan
Aiden Davis
Can't argue with that.
That short-lived bump in the (((polls))) for endorsing Ryan and his cuck crew wasn't worth it. GOPe reversed those "gains" after Ryan kept his seat. (nobody believes the polls anyways)
He should take on both the GOPe and Hillary…
At worst he'll ruin the GOPe so they aren't around to sabotage future elections; At best he defeats the cucks AND Hillary which ushers in a Golden Era.
If Hillary were a strong candidate, the Republicans wouldn't be running interference for her. The real battle is between Trump and the Establishment, in my opinion
Cooper Hill
I thought Ryan was an Israel politician?
Jaxson Sullivan
That's why the (((Establishment))) is so scared of Trump because they believe he could MAGA, the reality of everything I really don't know. Americans and Europeans aren't really woke, especially as much as we would want or need. Too many of them are still entranced but one of the good things is really nobody knows how many Americans daily see the MSM as liars, its becoming very blatantly that any normie I know even bring it up often.
everything is truly in flux, don't look behind too see where you are versus others, we just need too move forward and fight as best we can
Landon Hernandez
Why does this fucking faggot perpetually have that look on his face?
Cameron Cook
How about you kill yourself?
Austin Nguyen
cannot unsee
Hunter Adams
how about Trump just stops saying retarded shit and sticks to his message?
Brandon Collins
Austin Ross
IDGAF anymore, burn it down. RWDS, please cleanse the land of my fathers, will give offering of beer and cheese to kek.
Charles Perez
hahahhahah fuck off shill. reminding people about the purpose of the second amendment isn't "retarded shit"
Nathan Rivera
Isn't the point of the 2nd amendment for when a criminal is getting elected?
John Smith
Paul Ryan: "I didn't personally see the comments, but they must have been a bad joke."
Well damn Ryan. Why didn't you see the comments? Trump wasn't joking. He was talking about the Gun Lobby.
Dominic Reed
Tyler Morales
I'd tell you to stop being a faggot, but we both know that's impossible.
Blake Martinez
David Lewis
Invalid statement.
How about the media just stops reporting retarded shit and sticks to their purpose.
Colton Watson
Wiscuckson pride y'all. Good job, faggots.
Isaiah Ross
Have you even seen Minnesota? We're about to elect some dune coon rapefugee as state representative. I think we're more cucked than Sweden. (which makes sense considering the heritage of most Minnesotans) Wisconsin may be shitty but until Canada annexes us no state will come close to us.
Jason King
Many of the germano-nordic clean white races of utah and places like wisconsin and minnesota in the upper mid-west are very reserved in their habits and mannerisms and are made uncomfortable by Trumps new york city chutzpah and by Trumps Scots warrior type mentality.
The jewy new york culture mixed with the scottish stubborness of his scottish heritage and then combined with the german efficiency of his german heritage has created a strange animal we know as donald trump.
Trump is like a Trumpet shattering the glass of polite society through sheer sonic power.
Ryder Miller
pretty much
All it makes it look like is that Paul Ryan is a cuckservative fuck that will rightfully get the axe. All he's doing is killing his political career at this point.
Kinda reminds me of another politician who happened to continue to shit on Trump and only resulted in ruining his political career. Ryan looks a bit like the guy too.
Kayden Miller
Ryan did the same thing here as he did with the KKK scandal.
He doesn't watch Trump's statement. He takes the media's word for it, then he fucking does damage control.
He's literally the media's puppet.
Josiah James
Paul Ryan could have easily defended Trump on both accounts by simply watching Trump's original comment, calling the media a liar, then providing a common sense explanation.
Henry Clark
Paul Ryan is controlled opposition. He's a democratic shill flying the banner of the republican party whilst thinking of ways to sabotage it.
Mason Cox
That's how he acts, I wish you were exaggerating.
Xavier Smith
Levi Long
Lucas Harris
When is someone going to tell this faggot to shut his mouth? He's such a blatant traitor that I have to question if he actually knows what he's doing or not.
Luke King
Hunter Powell
What are we gonna do about the paul ryan problem?
Someone's gonna have to shut him up for good
Camden Morales
There's got to be something on him that can be used to dissuade his voting base from voting for him
Easton Allen
(heil'd) Digits confirm Ryan will get the gas
Carson Long
"Donald Trump's comments are "a joke gone bad"
So is your half-nigger mongrel mother getting lost on the way to the abortion clinic.
Nolan Scott
lol. the GOP is already compromised. he's only unreasonable because Wisconsin is a state of unreasonable people.
Hudson Foster
Isn't Flippin' Phil from Wisconsin?
William Hernandez
Lucas Fisher
Shame we don't have Sir Boner, butt of jokes and leader of a better party anymore.
Oh right, he got chased off for being minorly effective.
Josiah Morgan
REMOVE PAUL RYAN remove paul you are worst shill. you are the shill idiot you are the cheesehead smell. return to lake. to our midwestern cousins you may come our state. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,GOP we will never forgeve you. jeb bush rascal FUck but fuck asshole wisconsinite stink milwaukee cheese cheese.. pre-1848 united states best years of exist. take a bath of rotten cheese..ahahahahahTOM BARRET WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget cruz voting .Wisconsin we kill the cruz , el rato return to hell….hahahahaha idiot cheesehead and lakeside smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE PAUL RYAN FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. Illinois+Michigan+Trump+white americans=kill Wisconsin…you will perish/ Trump alive in america, trump making stump of paul ryan . fast stump trump america. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of trump… you are ppoor stink cheesehead… you live in a hotel hahahaha, you live in a wisconsin dells waterpark. trump alive numbr one #1 in america ….fuck the cruzcucks ,..FUCKk ashol cheesehead no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry an waterparks. Trump aliv and real strong wizard kill all the democratic cruzcucks farm aminal with meme magic now we the western rule .ape of the zoo presidant obama fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and paul ryan wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. western culture greattst culture.
Austin Scott
All part of the plan. This is Trumps most elaborate trap yet. Now he is the unifier and (((they))) are the dividers.
Anons should make cheese cuck sockpuppet accounts and create goybook groups to demand a recall election.
Liam Morgan
Thank you so much for posting this picture. For as much as all the motherfucking cuckservatives bitch about how the liberal majority is only Dane and Milwaukee county, these geriatric fucks who shit on the airwaves are just as responsible for being clueless and left behind. These fuckers still think Ted Cruz could make a comeback or some shit and when they're not sucking cock from the "muh real conservative" narrative, they practice the same liberal denigration of Trump.
Sykes is also massively butt-fucking-hurt he had to concede that Trump choosing his ex-wife for U.S. Supreme Court was a good move. Sykes hung up on a caller when the caller said "as proof of her great judgement she left his dumbass."
Joseph King
Such a great photo. I wonder what the history books will call Jr. What ever his nickname is I hope it has something to do with him having a predilection to equipping his death squad with Thompsons.
Charles Smith
Exactly, you're average human being who actually looks into these things will see that Trump is wading through a nest of vipers.
Charles Martinez
Why can't these fucking cuckolds just shut the fuck up? Do they think this shit really helps them?
Julian Russell
The bantz this year are proof that we broke reality
Asher Davis
It's amazing to me as well, we're getting closer to lynching our politicians in public everyday, yet instead of being smart and laying low, these fuckwits are doubling down under the assumption that people have a particular like for them.
At most, the population has indifference towards them.
Benjamin Cruz
exactly. fucking love it.
Connor Perez
It gets real fascinating when you look back on human history. There are these common themes that repeat over and over again.
The Spanish inquisition comes to mind. What was the Spanish inquisition? It was the result of the Spaniards realizing that it was the kikes who ensured the moors conquered them and then actively worked with the moors to the detriment of the Spaniards. The kikes were afforded every opportunity to knock it off but eventually it was decided they'd be brutally killed or ran off it also began on a fire monkey year, for added fascination
It will happen again. It was always leading to this.
Nathan Jones
Christopher Sullivan
Are you inferring that I'm virtue signaling? Because unless you're from Wisconsin, you don't know how fucking terrible it is right now politically.