First let me get one thing straight. Im all down for a white christian europe and we should fight to preserve our values on our continent in the face of a non-military invasion instead of giving in to this lefty bullshit and welcoming rapefugees to come and reproduce here.
Ive seen so many white supremacists here claiming that other races are inferior though based on the eurocentric history (which im all totally for)
Whats funny to me though is that the massive attribution of western civilization and history of white dominance began with the Ancient Greeks and then the Romans. These people were south Europeans, not west Europeans who were completely backwards and useless at that point in time. To the Greeks and later Romans, western europeans were nothing but barbarians. During this time there was already a civilization in China… not to mention that further down the line they developed gunpowder which was unavailable to us europeans for a couple hundred years before we had it too. So how can western europeans claim to be 'superior' to asians in so many posts, when all they did was inherit the inventions and progress on art, science, language etc etc from Greeks and Romans? While the asians had ALREADY built a huge civilizations in China. The western europeans at this time for many many centuries were still barbaric useless white monkeys. Why do they feel so proud and superior? The Eastern Asians are obviously historically way more prone to intelligent civilization building progress than they are. And as far as Europe goes, it was all the south east Europeans that started shit. I dont see where this arrogance and superiority complex comes from since they were completely useless? They have recently taken hold of the globe as western civilization but it hasnt been long and only based on the progresss made by their predecessors (who are not even western european)
I read many threads so far on this site with people ranking races from top to bottom claming that from best to worst are -
East Asians
Middle east
However how they REALLY should have put it if they were actually true to history (and since they have even made a differentiation of East Asians with the rest but failed to do so with Europe it already makes it look silly)
South Eastern Europeans
Western & Northern Europeans
Middle East
This is how it should really be if we are truly judging based on historical context as MANY have been doing on this forum.