Jack Chick

Guys, i think we lost another one

Jack passed away today at the age of 92

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Proof? People been calming that on /christian/ all day


Praise Kek, the Trump curse strikes again!

but i guess the important part is to know that he lived the life he wanted, doing his shit and not giving a fuck about the haters

I guess that heaven has one more comic artist. I'm surprised that he lived that long too.

storytime that chick comic in the pic


no one has scanned it yet

Chick's views may be absolutely nuts, but you have to admit a man who started a small business on a loan, grew it to an internationally recognized cultural icon and continued working on it for 56 years is pretty dang impressive and a solid work ethic.

its called autism user, lots of people have it

Praise kek

Another subtle hard-hitter from the clever mind of Jack Chick. Brava, I say, brava.

Damn… I thought he'd carked it in the 70's and other people had been carrying on since then.


he knew too much.

I thought that the antichrist was supposed to make everyone love him?

Well, Hillary is doing a good job of that by not being Trump. Trump is like the ugly girlfriend that you bring along to make yourself look good by comparison.

The antichrist is also supposed to be the purveyor of numerous atrocities both personally and on an international scale. Not someone that hires mob-looking suits to ask you to sell your land for his golf course but then never does anything to those that refuse.

More like someone who funds ISIS in a retarded bid to bring democracy to the Middle East, abandons countrymen to die in order to carry out an untraceable assassination on an Ambassador you want removed and whose ordered-hit count is in the 60s.

The Anti-Christ will be someone whose election would be a true condemnation of humanity, showing once and for all we'll let Satan himself lead us so long as he gives us shit while dragging us to Hell. Someone whose numerous, monstrous and public scandals is elected solely due to our species' disinterest both in current events and future.

But I can't think of anyone like that.

no worse hell than feeling retarded for all eternity

I wonder if he's going to meet actual chucking angels.

Well, at least food is going to be good - I assume that Italians are there as well.

Jack chick was right about everything about Islam. Even liberal news groups like vice had to admit Muslims are controlling the streets of London.

Is that ironic?
Because if that implication is true then he's just as bad as Hillary.

Revelations is not a prophecy, is a political commentary that's so perfectly done it fits every time a civilization is close to its end.

Oh yeah, I totally read that one verse in revelations that was like: "BTW it's just satire you guys (^: Doesn't matter what we write down, theology will retcon it"

Is not satire, is a very serious exemplification.
If they have written that it was that no one would've taken it by faith.
But that explains why every single paranoid/believer reader throughout the past 1100 years believes their days are the last ones.

It might as well be satire.
It was written by some guy who had been god knows how long inside a cave pissed of at the Romans.
When the Romans were killing Christians some guy had to make the choice on for what they have been believing and dying for and he picked the manuscripts he considered Christianity.
When the catholic church was formed they took on the population lack on education and they said.
"Fuck that Do you not know that you are the Temple of God, and that The Spirit of God dwells within you? bullshit and lets force them to obey our interpretation.

During this period is highly possible that revelations "turned literal".

yeah remember when trump was shooting swords out of his mouth and killed hillary flying on a dragon that was awesome

Metaphorically, that kinda did happen.

Its not a real Chick tract

There's a chance it's real. But there's only one screencap of it floating around right now, and that's of the cover with a bunch of other tracts.

There's a strong possibility its just a hoax.


Don't really see much of a downside to be honest.

So a christian who made pamphlets a lot of people saw let his feelings get the better of him, and now he is dead. Is this basically what has happened?

Jesus, Politics can be out and out murder.

So…How many Chick Tracts are there in the world, and where can we go for digital copies to kick off our Jack Chick memorial storytime thread?

He brought joy to lots of people in the name of saving our souls.


I had someone hand me four Chick Tracts once while I was working. It was one of the most bizarre moments in my entire life. I ended up throwing them all away though, because none of them were one of the really good ones.


You can get digital copies of most straigth from the font at the Chick website.

Yeah… but it's not the same!

I had some given to me by a crazy old lady with a car covered in jesus bumper stickers. She babbled a shitload of stuff about saving my soul too. Was whack, yo.

I don't think she noticed the fact that my car has only one bumper sticker, which says "BEWARE OF DOGMA"

You can only order them by the crate.

I think she did user.

Holy shit did he create that one?

From a Hallmark reject to a webcomic artist, that's admirable, whatever happened to joecartoon?

Well so are the Irish so I don't know what their food is like.

Potatoes, duh. You can't go wrong with potatoes.

Czech also technically count as Catholics, though they aren't that religious. Then there's Spain. Damn, Catholics got the best food.

Don't forget Fillipinos they got some good lumpia.

I think he works for Mondo Media now.

Yeah, it's from a comic about a christian truck driver or something, I don't remember exactly. Really old shit.

Heavy and greasy and delicious. Some of the tastiest food I've ever had was at an Irish wake for my greatsomething uncle.