What was the turning point for you when you decided to buckle down and really go after what you wanted in terms of...

What was the turning point for you when you decided to buckle down and really go after what you wanted in terms of dream career, starting a business and so on?

For me it's when I saw my dad's paycheck in March.

$3300 for one week of work.
He asked me to spot him on groceries more than a dozen times this year and he literally can't replace the tires on his car.

It made me rage like nothing else. I "get by" on $1200 a month, and him floating at the same level as me making 10 times what I do slapped me the fuck out of whatever sleep I was in.

I went to pol immediately after and I saw an amazing post along the lines of, "it's much easier to increase your pay by 10 times than by 10%. To increase your pay by 10%, you ask and get declined. You work harder at your job, make him more money, make the company more money, and stress yourself sick to justify another 10%. You ask again, but you are a literally who, so clearly, no. Repeat ad infinitum. In order to increase your pay 10 times, you need to change your lifestyle, your view on life, learn more and in your own time, generally and wholly make yourself better. This seems hard, but once you get out of the tub, you realize how cold the water really was."

Getting mad at my dad for cucking himself gave me the road to walk upon, seeing that post gave me las vegas strip-style lights pointing to my betterment.

Thank you random user, you did so much for me, and I wish I could thank you in person.

Other urls found in this thread:


that pic is a load of horseshit

world doesnt work like that anymore

fucking baby boomer type shit just doesnt apply now

I dont really understand what your point is. I'm usually quick to ascertain that all (((jobs))) are essentially wage slavery.

There's a fine line between enabling the jew and taking advantage of the system by not playing. In this day an age creating your own business is the only logical thing to do. It beats being bosses around and forced to brown nose kikes and liberals at work and/or academia.

The NEETS have a point.

If you have the ability to do so then definitely create your own job/ start a business. If you are a pleb then wagecucking is pretty much the only way to pay the bills.

So what does your dad do? And come he can't afford basic shit?

One day i have just said to myself, that's it! Enough of this unproductive lifestyle.

I will fucking do it, and i am determined to do it. I will inherit a fortune and business connections and then let the goyim work for me, just like all those other cool self-made people. Or steal someone's ideas and use my family connections to push them first.

Then i will use the money others have made for me to fund propaganda how i'm better than them.

If you Jew hard enough, everything is possible.

Yes goy, don't create jobs and don't have any ambition.
Be very wary of small loans aswell my fellow gentile.
Now go back to work.

Based Mike Rowe.

Why always numerology 3 or 33 or 47. Isn't 9 the more significant number.

That document is fucking retarded, Mike Rowe didn't get to a million dollars by following that shit, he just went where the money was and if they didn't treat him the same as everyone else he moved on. His family owned a farm so he had a great cushion to fall back on, hes never been poor, he was born into the nearly disappeared middle class that could afford to job hop until they made 60k a year.

Those kinds of posts are like diamonds in the shitpile this board has become, but assuming you are telling the truth its good that it caused a significant change in at least one person.

Keep telling yourself that, it might make it true

I am guessing alimony or debt

I am pretty sure the document is based on his experiences on Dirty Jobs.

Embed related, ignore the source its one of the few good videos on the channel.

As a young single childless man there is no reason you couldn't comfortably live off of $3k/week.

The difference between you and your father is that he is a debt slave. His debt/income ratio is out of wack and it's his own fault.

Let me guess… he pays an expensive mortgage, leases a car, credit cards and then he scrapes pennies for groceries. Essentially he doesn't own any of his own assets. The best part is that he probably doesn't even save for retirement because "he doesn't make enough" - ha!

Your father's predicament sounds like a personal finance issue not a wage slave issue. He is just a retard with how me allocates his money.

what is this shit?
fucking retarded nonsense
fuck you OP


You don't understand the extreme burden of regulation on small businesses.

I run a small business, and simply choose to fly under the radar. Can't grow too big or buy/rent any actual commercial real estate or I'd be found out. Last business I tried to start legitimately got drowned in paperwork and delayed for a fucking year waiting on the fucking government to approve a two paragraph recipe, ostensibly to ensure I wasn't going to be poisoning people.

I could grow, create jobs, and spur a lot of economic growth for my area. I don't really care what percentage I have to pay in taxes. That burden at least scales with your profit. The problem comes when the government makes all these demands of you before you can even get started, and hits you with huge burdens that only large companies can handle.

This is why you only very rarely see new large businesses. They can't bootstrap anymore. They have to take out huge loans to get started, and that means you have a major risk of bankruptcy. With my under the table shit, I self finance. The Jews don't like that, do they? No interest on conjured money for them.

Is this poor people money in the US? In Bongland, £114k pre-tax would be well enough for anyone. How can you feasibly rack up so much debt that this amount of money is not enough?

When I realized all my hard work was going to help the chosen ones build the third temple in Israel. I wish I had more than one job and retirement plan to give them.

Never g3t a job. Never buy anything. Never masturbate or look at porn. Get up at daylight everyday and keep the habit of not doing anything. Count and Exchange old p3nnies for something to do. Observe people who post for pennies and ask why they want to make digital root of 6 in their postings.

This is demoralizing. What is he even saying? That you can't find creative ways to successfully profit from your passion? That everyone needs to wage cuck in obscure fields of work like shit cleaning?

The part about college degrees and the messed up job market is true. But lifes to short to not do exactly what you want to do.

No this is comfortably middle class. Modest home and maybe a 2-3 kids with the wife working.

For a single man this is beyond comfortable.

It's easier than you think because $3k/week sounds like a lot when you say it. And it sounds good when you say it to a bank.

So you take out a mortgage that is $1,800/month and buy a nice new car on debt that is $600/month and then send your children to college and pay for their bullshit. Maybe you get divorced and have to pay alimony. Maybe you buy a second home. Maybe you go on vacation. And you do all of this before you put a penny away in savings.

It's called living beyond your means. And most Americans do exactly this.

By living a lifestyle approved By Shlomo Shekelburg

Another vid, by the way his family wasn't exactly well off when he was young, they couldn't afford to send him to university which is why he went to community college.

Yep, and its pushed by big business because they have the resources to deal with it.

Hes saying do what you are good at and where the jobs are, not what your passion is.

Basically, in the order of importance

forgot vid

You summed up why so many businesses outsource to 3rd world shitholes. It's not just about lower wages, it's the fucking regulations.

In this climate you have to "pay to play" to the government. It's bullshit.

Oldfag here. I worked extremely hard all my life. At one point I was framing houses during the week, painting houses on the weekend, bouncing on weekend nights and going to school 4 nights a week. After 2 years, I was a soulless walking zombie. I met the goals I set out to achieve, but they didn't really help me get much farther. Extra 30k a year once I finished school.

I only touch on that so that when I say ,I worked hard all my life, you'll know what I mean by "hard".

I dedicated my life to working, learning and traveling. I wanted to do everything myself because I wanted to be the best at everything. I can tell you now, that working hard is great, but you probably won't get rich that way.

Mike Row, as much as I love the guy, isn't rich because he works hard. He's rich because he's on TV.

I didn't start building my wealth until I turned 40. It's like someone threw a switch in my head and I thought "what the fuck am I doing?". I decided that I wasn't going to throw myself body and soul at every little problem. I was going to throw other people at them

I now dedicate myself to doing less. I don't want to work anymore. I want other people to do the work and I will pay them. I learned it from watching a couple of millionaires I worked for. Their greatest asset wasn't money, it was time. They didn't do anything for themselves. They didnt mow their lawn, buy their groceries or gas their vehicles. They had tons of spare time to find ways to make money while doing less.

I now have an office full of people who freak out if they see me doing anything menial like changing out the water cooler bottle. They think I'm some genius who keeps the company afloat with my hard work. They are the ones working hard. I'm shit posting on the internet.

I hope this helps.

Are you kids going to keep picking this low hanging fruit?

This same thread will be made in 30 days, depending on the post count, 3 weeks.

AI is going to beat us before we even know it's there.

You will never get rich working FOR someone. Period. The (((system))) is not designed that way. If it was, it would be a very bad system, wouldn't you agree?

Gentiles are fed the idea from DAY 1 that you go to school, get a job, and along the way you become a super famous rock star like in the movies and everything will be okay.

2/3 of those end up coming true (can you guess which ones) and eventually it is known that they are numbers in a system working in an office (or worse) making a few fat kikes very rich.

Point is, either fuck the system, or be a part of the system (start your own company and employ gentiles)

Don't settle for less. Human cattle is disrespectful.

This is true. I teach my kids every day to never work for someone else. Also, to avoid the plastic jew and the car payment jew.

For me it was my last job as an engineer. Busted my ass working 70+ hours a week through development to make sure the product had the best chance at success. Management was fucking up the high level. Breaking point came after I warned them for a year that they needed to get their shit together or the business would fail. That's exactly what happened. They threw me under the bus like it meant nothing after all the sacrifices I made.

I'm never going to work that hard again for anyone other than myself.

Blink 182
1+8=9 + 2 = 11

9+10 = 19. 1+9 = 10. 1+0 = 1
9+9 = 18. 1+8 = 9.
9+8 = 17. 1+7 = 8.
and so on.

9x1 = 9.
9x2 = 18. 1+8 = 9.

9x11 = 99. 9+9 = 18. 1+8 = 9.
9+2 = 11. 1+1 = 2.

By this principle of 9 + any base 10 number; that of yielding an identical digital root, we can establish that there is a relationship between 15 and 6, or 11 and 2. By observing this relationship in other instances we may discover interesting things, and numberlogical games to play when we lie to people.

It is rarely heard that 9/11 happened on a Tuesday (Twosday), and if we consider the relationship between 11 and 2, it adds one other coincidence to a strange day.


America was a mistake

No, it wasn't. Allowing the Jews (or anyone) to create a central bank was the mistake.

The next constitution should have a restriction on free speech that gives a death penalty for advocating a central bank. Conspiracy to create a central bank (anywhere in the world, not just in this country) also has a death penalty, but much much more brutal. Public vivisection, paralytic administered, but no painkillers, eyelids removed so they can't look away from the large monitor showing them what is happening to their body.

You sounds like a guy I know

Difference between him and the people who work for him is that he took a risk and they didn't.

Mfw I'm trying to do the same but only make pennies. Makes me feel better that you didn't start seeing progress until you were 40. I may still have time.

This sounds great and I want a part in it. How could some user possibly get on the level where he runs a small business, yet has a lot of free time like you do?

not politics
back to cuckchan

That's not severe enough. Penalty should be eternal torture with your mind uploaded into a virtual hell. A few billion years of dismemberment, dissolving in acid, burning, being eaten alive by great beasts, etc. might just be enough.

If you would, take note of this boards name.

It's "politically incorrect". It's not "politics" or "right wing discussion only". It's Holla Forums.

You are clearly the one who does not belong.

It really is just a mindset.

I never focused on money till I got older. When I was young, I just focused on acquiring skill sets. My thinking was that if I had several different vocations, anywhere in the world I went, I could always find a job doing something.

My two main careers were construction and telecom.

I took my knowledge of houses and computers into real estate. The people who sell houses know surprisingly little about marketing, marketing technology or the actual houses themselves. So carving out a piece of a crowded market wasn't hard at all.

I'm autistic and introverted as fuck, therefore I set my organization so I never have to talk to clients unless it's absolutely necessary. I have a broker who deals with the agents and the staff. I even have my own bathroom, so I don't have to line the seat with toilet paper every time.

Feels good

when did "baby boomer" become "anyone who is 50"?
I thought boomers were people born in the 40s to early 50s during the post war baby boom.

Also to millennials, boomers would be our grandparents.

Go fuck yourself with a cactus dipped in glass shards

I'll be honest. First 2 years fucking suck. Price you pay for admission. When they say that 90% of businesses fail within the first year, what they are actually saying is that 89% of people walk away when it gets too hard. You have to have a vision and the fortitude to stick it out.

Also, people think you need money to start a business. I call bullshit on that. If you have money, but no experience managing your money in your business, you will piss it all away on shit you think you need.

Start small, being broke and hungry will make you smart.

Don't get into debt. Worst thing you can do is go out and buy a bunch of shit on credit to start your business.

Pick something with low startup. You can become a janitor or painter for less than $1,500. Even if you have to strap a ladder to the top of your Honda civic.

3, 6, and 9 form a triad. 9 is the more special number because the root number of every multiple of 9 is 9, itself.

a lot of the USA has a negative net worth last I checked, it's not that surprising considering inflated home prices and that most people can't maintain their machines/home (cars, home appliances, lard equipment, water system, HVAC etc) to save their life. I've saved so much lawn equipment from the crusher it's nuts, hour or two of work and $60 in parts and it's back to new yet they just buy another for $400 or whatever.

insurance for both
student loans
credit cards

those are the killers, people can't onto basic home finance, it's sad. even my mom has issues with this and she's in a paid off home, it's fucking ridiculous.

(((They))) always shift around generational cut offs when it's ideologically suitable for balkanization. Some of the late Gen Xers are now called Millennials while getting rid of the Gen Y term. Some kind of kabbalah reason for it I bet. I guess they decided everyone where the process of demoralization is now complete is a millennial, and I guess Gen Z will be born in (((Zuckerburg's))) VR matrix if they have their way.

It hasn't. I'm just working this job I don't really care about, trying to think of a way out.

I'm afraid I'll be stuck at this desk forever.

Got my masters in finance, worked in big company for five years, it was absolutely horrible, I didn't belong at all. Made hell of money though, bought a few houses and apartments taht rent and have decent portfolio, now work in a warehouse parttime where its laid back and coworkers and bosses are awesome

thanks, I just gained another life goal.

Alright this seems like a related thread to post this. I need some advice:

I'm a college student currently entering my senior year of college. Meaning I've already taken out the loans and accepted the financial aid for my final year at college, so that money won't be coming back.

Basically I'm getting a bachelors in software engineering, but I think I made a mistake. I don't think I want to work as a software engineer. In fact, I think I knew it a few years into my degree, but I figured the best idea was to keep working towards the degree.

Honestly, I think I'd want to get into welding. I only wish I had known that when I graduated highschool, because then I could have been done with school in a year and be working right now.

so what should I do? When I graduate and get my degree in software engineering, should I just suck it up and try to get a software engineering job? Or should I try to go to classes for welding and see if I can get a job that way? Will me already having a college degree hurt that process at all?

Rather poor and on welfare than a slave by choice.

sage because slide thread

Get the degree, temporarily work in that field while also taking welding classes, etc., until you're proficient enough to work in said field. That's probably the best option given your predicament.

Who says you have to pay taxes? ;)

Come at me poorfags


Honorable mentions:

Let this be a lesson to you people:
1. NO COLLEGE (unless you can finagle some grants and scholarships and have someone pay for your living expenses, like a family member or something, because scholarships don't usually include RENT)
2. NO SECURITY WORK (you have less authority and security nets than a police officer; it's worthless [unless you live in a chimpout free zone and "Security Guard" is just "door greeter"]
3. YES, BLUE COLLAR WORK (bus work, janitor, plumber, electrician etc. you're not a woman so office jobs will be painfully hard to get, and a lot of lower entry medical work has ZERO health insurance)
4. LOOK FOR UNORTHODOX STABLE INCOME (ie anything most people take for granted/don't even know about)
5. ALWAYS APPLY FOR SOUL-CRUSHING GOVERNMENT WORK (because health insurance, stability, etc. Believe me, you'll be thankful to have your pension hooked up to the state rather than a corporation– they will mess with you but it will be easier)

7. DON'T TALK TO PEOPLE AT WORK (unless you have to and/or know you can trust them, because you are a "white" man and easily fired for anything )
8. Find JESUS: This life is temporary and greater things, either punishment or peace, await at the end of it. Jesus is more important than [anything]
9. Bagles are 300 calroies a pop and a single egg is 60-100 so don't think you can stay fit by eating just bagels and eggs all day

__No more than TWO (or three, if you have the income) CREDIT CARDS, keep them on rotation and use them for EVERYTHING (and PAY THEM OFF after waiting a while after your purchase, because that is literally the only way to build up your credit rating which you need so you don't get raped on insurances, loans and trying to sign off on a home, car etc.)

Are you that multi-million dollar user who offered to buy land for Holla Forums a while back?

Can buy anything I want (within reason) anytime.

No idea how much I spend on groceries. I buy what I like when I like.

Come at me budgetfag.


This. It's impossible to get an easy office job as a male where you can basically just jerk off the entire day.

It's females hiring females.

Take this first worlder.

Exactly, DoubleDubs. This is always why you are more prone to seeing women than men in most any position, especially entry-level.

And what's more? Black and non-white women (especially darker races, like black and arab) have it that much more easier because they

1. Have two ticks on the Affirmative Action box
2. Have two sociopolitical cards (sexism/racism) that can be utilized if """mistreated"""
3. Have two attributes (sex and race) which make your workplace instantly more "diverse"

It's not your fault for losing out in the market to these people, anons. It's your fault if you are a lazy leech on your family and/or the government (meaning MY tax dollars) but if you're not lazy but just jobless despite all your efforts then yeah, it's really not your fault most of the time.

At least not in this country.

I'm not a poorfag but the human body, or rather, the brain, is set up to decay happiness and satisfcation from drive fulfilling actions.

As well as a fairly similar range of happiness and satisfaction.

The result of this is that you will never stay happy and satisfied, no matter what you do.
If it were like that then humanity (and most higher animals, really) would not have made it as far as they did.

Imagine feeling forever happy and satisfied after one single meal.
You literally feel full and satisfied and even if you waste away your brain simply hammers the thought that you are full, happy and healthy.
Firstly, in that reality you would not know hunger as you know know, so you can't use "well I would look at myself and if I get too thin I'd just eat".
But even if you were to use an argument like that, your brain makes you puke, you have zero motivation to eat. Your brain tells you, even when you're utterly emaciated that you are full to the brim and fully satisfied.

You would die of starvation very quickly.

Hence you having to eat, to sleep, to entertain yourself.
Boredom is also a vital drive, it keeps you going.
If doing absolutely nothing was 100% satisfying forever then why do anything?

Where am I getting at with all this?
The range of happiness and, by virtue of the natural decay, things getting "old" (because if they didn't then you'd be satisfied forever, and that's just no good.)

The richer and more cushy you are, the more crazy and extravagant you must refresh your drives.
Even if it's all fake. Even if the shirt you bought is flimsy shit but cost 5k.
You wouldn't know, if you were at the point of buying 5k shirts with no problem then you'd most likely have so many that you wouldn't need to wear them every day and thus find out that they wear out.

Likewise, there is a limit of nutrition of food, even if you pay 10k a pop.

Thankfully you're not that rich, though.

You can most likely derive happiness and satisfaction from your purchases and co.

But to a beggar?
To a begger who has been starving for 4 days a plain but fresh and nicely stacked sandwich would provide almost as much thrill and satisfaction and happiness as a line of cocaine.
Well, maybe not THAT much, but you get the idea, right?

A regular sandwich for an always stuffed, pomp richfag who scarfs down caviar and co on a production line basis?
A "meh" meal, at the very very very very very best.

Rich people are usually quite nuts, too.
I rarely envy them, especially after a certain threshold.

tfw I make the same but my only real expense is my shitbox of a car.

thanks grandma

italian here.

this, wtf.

if i made that money i would own the place i live in in a couple of years.

I'm not even the million range yet, so no.

this user is right.

consider programming a welding robot?

Welding robots for african warlords? Become their Machine God.

thank you for your responses

You are probably right, I should at least try to use my degree now that I worked and paid for it already.

But welding robots? Are those a thing? If so, I'd probably need experience with welding already before I could get hired by a company that works on such a thing.

you'd also need to robotics/automation experience

is it mysterious or is there a reason why 9 has this effect?

If I remember correctly from my uncle, he made good credit, placing stupid cheap things on layaway a walmart.

If you know how to code with C you are some steps ahead.

Yeah for several decades now. That's basically how every car body is welded together.

From kikepedia:

Ah, that doesn't sound half bad. I'll keep that in mind, too.

But yes, this is the kind of thing NO ONE teaches you anywhere outside of your home, if your family knows it, and yet it is so intensely crucial for everyone to know.

It helps when you consider 9 is the highest number in the base 10 system; it is the only number which includes all the numbers as possible addition combinations resulting in itself as the sum.

I know the owner of a small business who once tried to take out a loan from the SBA.
Basically, they would have screwed him, because one of the stipulations they had was that he only open his business in certain areas (basically, Black neighborhoods).
They claimed this was their way of promoting the economy in those areas, when all they were really doing was setting him up to fail while simultaneously funneling more government money into those cesspools.

Unless she's in a professional career, what she's making won't cover day care for the kids.
The household would come out ahead if the lesser-earning of the parents becomes a homemaker; This shouldn't even need mentioning, but, sadly, it does.

Sage advice here; Pretty much verbatim what I've heard from self-made millionaires.
You other anons would do well to heed his words.

I suspect a big reason why they move it around is to match up to the cut-off of who will and won't get screwed when Social Security goes bankrupt.
If you consider all the boomer hate getting bandied about lately, you'd realize there's a lot of potential political capital to be had.
I tell true Boomers they're lucky they'll already be dead by the time it happens, and that, in their stead, it'll be Gen X'ers who will get thrown under the bus by politicians.

Be especially wary around women.
Never put it beneath a female coworker to wreck your shit just because she happens to be having a bad day.
I've seen it happen.

I visited estonia and became friends with a Russian stripper. I would say that was a clear turning point.

Oldfaggot user speaks the truth

after I fucked your mom

What did you do now that you learned this lesson?

Pic related

You cucks that work hard for jew that "make me control the money and I care not who males the laws".

You are horses with blinders, not seeing who is riding you.

Instead of working your ass off for (((someone else))) either make a company, or go and buy a farm/cattle/land and work there for enough food to feed you and your 6 children BIG family instead of working 1000 times harder and not being able to feed yourself.

You are a cuck of economic kind, not being able to get any children at all.

I suppose you're a successful farmer with 6 children and a wife? If not, practice before you preach.

Whoooo no.

$0-35k lower class

$35k-$65k lower-middle to upper-middle class

$65k-95k upper class

$95k+ "rich" class

But as the current economy stands:

$0-30k lower class

$30k-45k middle class

60% of the population is under this bracket

$45-70k upper middle (doesn't tend to exist that much anymore)

$70k+ upper - rich class

30% of the population is under this bracket

95%+ is under all above. Brackets

$250k+ elite class/kikes/dirty shits/tiny percent of honest people


Are you nuts, if you make 150K a year your wife doesn't need to work and you can easily support 4 kids.

The fucked up thing, I have a cousin who works his ass off at Walgreens and became a manager, and though I'm proud of him he is barely making more than I did and has trouble affording his small apartment often requiring help from our grandparents. Then you have my grandpa who is working constantly at two jobs just to afford the small house we live in. How the fuck is this living? You work yourself ragged at miserable jobs to barely make enough to get by. I'm still unemployed and scrape by doing odd jobs for people but at this point I'd rather live off the land than work for a business again. It's as if the current system punishes you for working and actually trying to contribute something.

This is why I'm motivated to crush this system.

what do you work with?

90% of the population have always and will always be serfs, but that doesn't change the fact that $150,000 is respectable middle-class.

Not wealthy middle-class. Not upper-middle class. Just respectable.

You are here on pol
We are here to change this shit.
Don't just whine and accept it like the average blue pilled fag

/fringe/ user?


Read 'The Compound Effect' by Darren Hardy. It's not all talk, it's very actionable. And it worked for me, my life is so much better now than it was one year ago. You can download it on libgen, so you don't call me a shill.

What a surprise.

saved your pic

fraid not.

So then what use are the people of they aren't contributing anything? Isn't that just a basic cog in a functioning society? How in the world does our government think shit will work when they are just giving everyone everything for doing nothing?

Still a kid in my mommas basement

O-okay, wise sensei

Fucking faggot, go be wage slave

So your psychology approach to this question is that we must suffer so that we may grow.


They work for the mercenary.

This is full truth

The government has no plan, they think it matters who they are.


I've worked for several start up companies, and it never is this cheery. It's actually a brutal grind and most spend years breaking out of the red.

This is why we will shoot them before throwing them out of a helicopter

I've never really had that moment… If anything the opposite. I realized I was forced into a debt of education I can't pay where I will work a job I hate in a field I didn't choose because some fuck in highschool told me I should study computers since I was good at math. It really killed my ambition.

If I could do it all again, I'd probably be a small town electrician or maybe run for office. I'm still thinking of doing so after working a living wage until I meet age requirements.

You're a big guy.

For our people

Denial of biology ( genetics and culture )

If I tear that patriotism from you will it hurt?

Confirmed for a lazy fat NEET

You seem to think we have no work ethic if we see something extremely wrong with how society currently is. A bullshit and dishonest statement.
We hate the current governments , the banks, the lies in education media and ads, and there are millions of us coming to break this old world from many origins.

Thanks for these posts. It's what I needed today.

I really don't like how this redpill is going down.

Am I to understand, to fucking acknowledge, that the great truth, the Great Secret of the Earth is most humans are not human? That most humans are fucking cattle, and those who realize this secret are not?

Is Jewishness the only thing that makes sense in this fucking shithole of a world, where everybody is so willing to be worked like a farm animal, and I am totally unwilling to be worked in such a manner?

Is this the face of true righteousness? Is this Justice? How is this sick joke reality?

I don't want to see other people as animals! I don't want to have to evaluate which are Goyim and which are Human! I hate this redpill, I hate that after all my searching, all my study and all my fucking prayer that THIS is the answer I get!


Fuck it all. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. Just like every other bitter pill I've taken on these fucking websites. It's got that ring of truth, and I can't deny the truth, I can't do that and live with myself.

This must be the fundamental structure of the universe then. This must be how it's all laid out, from bottom to top. Either a Lord or a Slaver, but below you are those you have made to work.

The Jew, then, is a terrible Slaver. He is wicked and abuses, is vile and lazy. He will never accomplish anything with this great power, because he is NOTHING BUT A SLAVE TO A SLAVER HIMSELF.

The Lord, then, is a righteous master. He is superior, he is powerful and has Vision. He controls those below him, and takes pride in their health and happiness. Should one of his cattle realize his situation, He raises him high and teaches him.

I can deal with this.

I think I can deal with this.

I'm not going to be a two legged bull any longer.

Middle class does not mean median nor average. People at that income level are not middle class, they are the working class.

Over 90% of the people are working class (or lower), the serf making $100k a year is nowhere near close to being middle class, much less rich.

Let's put it this way: Can you stop working any time you wish while still enjoying your preferred standard of living for the rest of your life without moving a finger?

Did you answer yes? Congrats, you're rich

Did you answer no? You're working class, if you have a job, a welfare nigger if you don't.

Did you answer maybe? You're middle class.

No most humans aren't cattle.

3 categories of wealth are hardly sufficient to explain society of 1/3 billion people let alone the planet.

Good pic related.

But 45k/yr is middle class?? You can't even support a family on that. Maybe back in 1982 but not today.

husband 45k + wifey 30k = barely making it in a suburb without taking on a load of debt.

Today's middle class are poorfags pretending they aren't poor. They take on massive debt just to keep up appearances.

You see all those normalfags on the highway driving their 2014 Honda Civics? Debt slaves. Every last one of them.

Most "middle class" families don't even have decent savings. If they lose their jobs they are FUCKED.

Poor anons, next time you drive by a nice neighborhood remember that most of those people are living paycheck to paycheck, above their means, and when it comes to their debt/income ratio they are just as poor and fucked as you are financially. If the happening does happen they will be the same people in the government lines begging for handouts. Owning nice shit credit does not equal wealth.

So what are some decent books about making money? I'm an artist by trade and a pretty decent one, but I find the only art jobs worth anything at the moment are all pretty degenerate. I figure I need to learn how to make money before going in for another job that isn't going to get me anywhere.

"The Art of Counterfeiting" is a good one, although more general volumes on offset printing and lithography are useful.

Although to make real good money you need to master the paper fabrication process.


it took me a second to get the joke.
it was a good one.

Why don't you do worthwhile work instead of wagecuck "jobs".

I'd tell you to start your own business but clearly you like the agency and resolve its much easier to whine about it on the internet.

At least look for a job that pays more than slavewages and don't fucking tell me there aren't any because there are places that will literally pay for your training since they are so thirsty for non retards with even a modicum of work ethic.

What about a three legged work horse?

There is a chapter of wealth of nation that explains why some jobs pay well and why others don't.

In a nutshell:
1) Do what other people don't want to or can't do.
2) Make sure to network as good jobs are not publicly advertised.
3) Dress like the money you want to make.

Mind giving me some advise Holla Forums?

Should I just do a trade, then see about school once I'm better? I just can't concentrate like I used to. I hate feeling like I have wasted the whole day. I swear to God, I am not the person I am supposed to be. But I cannot continue like this. Every time I break it feel like it's getting harder to pick up the pieces. I want so much more, and so do my parents. What do? Sorry about the blogpost.

Import and sell research chemicals, have someone as your fall guy.

Cock's not that big, user.

I'm in a similar boat user.
Until you fix your head you'll struggle to do anything. Welcome to hell.

It was an acid trip that prioritized my life and woke me up.

Pressed the reset button on my personality

This shit is why leftypol makes fun of us.

Fuck. Honestly the worst part is how no matter how much I want something, I can't seem to conjure any will or motivation to accomplish anything. I have the Feynman Lectures in from of me and yet I'm posting and reading Holla Forums. I'm dead inside.

It came for me when I was working at my real out-of-college job. I was getting paid pretty well, better than my peers, and the work was pretty high-end for a bachelor's degree. My title sounded prestigious, I was being steadily promoted, and I was way ahead.

It kinda dawned on me that the guys in legal were making WAY more than me. I left for law school. I realized 3 semesters in that law school is bullshit and the work the guys in legal were doing was bullshit.

I'm a scientist at heart! I can't be a lawyer, even for IP. So I switched to get a second bachelor's in an engineering field.

Two semesters from getting my 2nd degree, I get an idea. I talk with an acquaintance who could help me realize the parts of my idea I'm not equipped to handle.

We wound up testing our product and it not only works, it works BEAUTIFULLY! Only problem is that it's not fully-featured enough and it can't replace existing competitors- only augment them.

So it was back to the drawing board for us.
Then we have a brilliant idea for a game platform. Now…

We're ready to release and we're already lining up people to hire once things start rolling. Testing and feedback on our primary product shows businesses will EAT IT UP and they love the results from just the test. Once we have things rounded out and can do what near competitors do in addition to our extra capabilities, we'll capture the market.

I'm more comfortable and fulfilled doing this than I have been doing anything else in my life.

Really, entrepreneurship is my life's purpose. I'm constantly busy, penny-pinching, and multi-tasking nonstop. I couldn't be happier. I know the tax man is going to rape me and I do have to deal with the usual small business bullshit but that's small potatoes. I get to work for myself. My labor = my wealth, nobody controls it or leeches off of me. No Jew banks rape me, no VC firms own me.

I'm following what is possibly the proudest of American traditions. It wasn't the soldiers, politicians, lawyers, or activists that truly made America powerful and great- it was the entrepreneurs. We, more than any other class in US history, have created more prosperity and power than any other. We are, in large part, what has made the West in general so powerful and dominant. No force in history has had even 1/10th the effect that driven men with economic ambitions have had.

Armies march only because of our patronage, tax money, and technological innovations.

Laws change only because of our will that they change.

Empires rise only on the backs of our labor.

The people prosper and grow wealthy because of wages we pay.

There is a secret history of the world you weren't taught in school. It is the history of enterprise! The history of economic ventures that has underpinned and made possible every other endeavor in human history.

It's glorious when you think about it. Start a business, it's fantastic.


You must be NEET if you think working is bad. No one ever got rich sitting on their ass.

the rippetoe meme fixed my discipline
>tfw 4plate squat


see screen cap


Most of those faggots are unemployed. The reason they want to distribute wealth is because they're too goddamn lazy and arrogant to get a job. I started as a janitor making minumum wage at 19 now I'm 25 selling cars and have my own place.

I'm not rich but I worked my ass off and I'm doing better than most milennials with college degrees.

thanks, I missed that post.

You sound a lot like how I was most of my life.

The lies I was told that should make someone happy never worked. Binged on the distilled a few years to wash all the redpills down until one day shit just clicked in my mind.

I picked up some menial labor job just for insurance and the student debt. Hard labor helped settle my mind, made me realize you're a white fucking male, start acting like one.

Go out and use your hands to do something, anything.

Until you realize that hard labor sucks cock you wont break that academic depression.

found a vid of the man doing a presentation on his book. (see embed)

he sure has a nice suit and tan (for a ginger).

I'll check it out.

That's not actually their end goal though.

See, that's the problem.
You're fighting real hard for scraps.

Yeah, why not just be a pirate and take whatever you please! Wouldn't it be nice to do whatever the fuck you want with no repercussions! Just hide behind the cowardice of large numbers of people and you can do anything, mob rule!

Nobody cares what leftypol thinks

No one else has done it, so I will.

1. Total bullshit. America is shit, and the older I get, the more I see it die.

2. More bullshit. "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is a feel good phrase made by the founding fathers to tell the Brits to fuck off. No one is entitled to anything, ever. Not even Jesus. Did he get life? NOPE!!! He got the cross. (Then he allegedly cheated)

3. No such thing as a bad job? How about all jobs."Oh, but being a doctor is a good job." No. It's shit. Jobs are opportunities as far as how hard your boss can fuck you over, be it time, or pay. Jobs are for poor people.

4. This is the first one I completely agree with.

5. I'm 50/50 on this. On one hand, I hate debt. But on the other, knowing how to play the jews game against them, and leveraging debt correctly is pretty dope.


7. Good goy.

8. First half is pretty gud. Then, "lol, I'll just find another job." Completely delusional.

9. Needs to be toned down a bit. 8/10

10. Complete and utter bullshit. He is starting to coalesce ideals into single issues, instead of adding new numbers.

11. More coalescing. The two ideas have nothing to do with each other. First sentence is pretty gud.

12. Equality… from a fucking white male.

Over all, 4 or 5 of his points are good.

Where did you get all that from?
All I suggested is you're doing a lot of hard work for nothing but a place to squat.
You're getting jewed.

You're actually arguing from a left-wing position - if a person is capable of being a pirate and living off of thievery and crime, it is actually the most moral thing for them to do, as power is the only thing that matters. If you have greater power than law enforcement (via evasion, or whatever other methods) then you are letting the weak rule you by following the law.

Correct, and leftists fail to understand that their entire worldview is based off the notion that the dissipation of power into the masses, the squandering of power, the reckless diminution of something so precious as power, is good. Power is most effectively utilized within a hierarchy. A band of brigands playing robin hood would only serve to incentivize their own destruction, so communists try to hide behind meager pretensions of justice, when in reality, they're giving the mob undue grace. What kind of grace is not undue? Who is not as weak as a communist?

You're only getting jewed if you aren't getting what deserve. Not everybody deserves power, as not everybody can use it responsibly. Equality is a bold-faced lie.

No one deserves anything.
They take it or they don't.
I don't know why you hold so tightly to bootlicker ideology.
I didn't say shit about equality.

Yeah you could make it in a suburb or just do an apartment. Some loan payments I remember a relative of mine had for their house were at about $950 a month which is completely doable on $75k a year. Or they could just stay in an upscale apartment for about $1,300 a month.

I'm not sure where you're imagining some of these massive expenses unless you're thinking of living in California or New York City.

These two statements are conflicting, you're implying might makes right, which would suggest you deserve what you can hold onto, and most people can't hold onto jackshit, which is why economic inequality is a thing. Capitalism is meritocratic, and people are by and large lacking in any sort of merit. Both capitalism and socialism exist on false pretenses; nobody is perfectly equal in merit, nor does much merit exist for even capitalism to work well. People are in general dogshit.

I've always thought that word 'bootlicker' was pretty funny. It's almost as if 'working hard' is equated with kissing ass and licking boots. In your mind, any amount of subordination demeans self-respect. Funny how your short-sighted sense of pride blinds you to how civilization works, funny how you imply your inability to learn anything from someone who might know more than you. Your curiosity is blunted, your ability to accomplish anything is blunted, any success at all is blunted by your false sense of freedom. You are not god, friend, you need others. Your outlook is paradoxical in that you are more enslaved than myself by idealism and emotions, whereas I'm a realist and not even without a strong sense of self-respect, if you would believe it. Fucking small-minded plebian, talking to me from the plains, while I speak from a mountain.

*tips top hat*

This is amazing and inspiring.

Everyone says start a business. Which I think is a great thing, but a business doing what? Do you all have these business ideas just rattling around in your heads? I can't think of a single thing I could produce that people would pay me for.

I've been thinking about this for the past few years, and gotten nowhere. Maybe all I'm suited for is wage slavery.

Most people don't. It's designed to suppress competition.

This is the secret to getting stupid rich. But don't you feel even a little bit bad having domesticated human livestock?



The amount of suffering and struggle our people had to go through to survive up north while people in africa and australia could basically just hang around and grab food from one of many abundant sources year round w/o having to worry about winter is the reason we've been so successful.

You have to find a balance but it's pretty safe to say that how content you are on a regular basis in your life is directly related to how much MEANINGFUL struggle you put yourself through. (meaningful struggle is struggle that leads to personal growth not struggle caused by laziness or poor planning. meaningful struggle is proactive not reactive.)

The idea that comfort makes us happy is a lie perpetuated by certain parties. Why do you think so many people who are well off without real problems get divorced/have midlife crises? It's because their lives are too easy so they direct that need for conflict inward at the things already in their life instead of outward at the things that might improve their lives.

When it comes to what you need to keep others in your life happy, strive for good enough. If you go beyond, they'll take you for a sucker and take advantage of you. If you go under, they won't feel valued/important and they will leave you. Stay at good enough and they will value you and try to return good enough value.

When it comes to what you need to keep yourself happy, never stop at good enough. Go below and you'll constantly be reacting to things that go wrong in your life, feeling like everything is pointless and like you're powerless. Stay at good enough and you'll get comfortable, lazy and bored which will leave you open to making decisions based on wanting to create conflict and being usurped from your position by other more motivated people. When you go above good enough, you will be engaged, constantly learning, improving and will gain knowledge of yourself and success with time. Once you get momentum, never let it go.

No, that was me. If you want I can share stuff. Btw I am the PMC user, on a open connection so I will relay information through a human proxy.

I'm implying you live under slave morality, and I find your masochistic crawling around in the dust for shekels to be ignoble.

I'm saying you like being subordinate, as evident by your need to internalize the "deserve"- "undeserved" dichotomy given by your masters. People at the top have no reason to live by that notion. There are consequences for their actions, sure, but no one tells a king what they deserve.

No, it's because working hard for nothing is stupid if you can find an alternative. Unless you gain some great fulfillment from it or you're compensated to a degree that gives you power.

Any amount of subordination without the intention of leaving that position at some point is groveling. If I bend my knee only so I can stand up again, there is no loss.

This is merely projection at this point.


How do I get rich

spoonfeed me

On the contrary, I live as someone who has mastered himself and his short-sighted emotions, unlike yourself.

This would imply I've been unsuccessful in my acquiring of shekels. Masochists are those who wallow in their futile mire. You mistake me for someone who has failed in his endeavors, you make over-reaching assumptions that expose your own mentality.

As I've already pointed out, and as you've repeatedly failed to grasp, might makes right means those who can hold onto power deserve it, and those who can't don't. People at the top are obliged to live by that notion, if they intend on staying at the top. Chaos is a ladder, as it is said.

You clearly don't know much about how hard it is to have and maintain a position of power. No one on this earth lives too arbitrarily without painful repercussions. No king is a god.

This sounds like the NEET mentality. Working hard is it's own reward, but yes, you should seek to gain something from it, and yes only a fool would do something he's good at for free.

I haven't suggested otherwise, and you damn well know it. Capitalism only works when a given person has an opportunity for improvement and promotion, it is meritocratic, and yet so many people have no merit.

Says the avatar fag.

You're not gonna make it.

tfw I probably make a little over what you take home but work 15 hours a week in my pajamas.

You are confusing two things: working hard and making money.

Your goal isn't to work harder but to make more money. You were probably told your entire life that the only way to make money is to work a job. "A job is a job at least you got one!"

You probably think running your own business is some black magic that you could never do. It's a mindset block that plagues the poor and working class and that's why your grandpa was born poor and will die poor. His view on work and money never changed.

I have my hands in a lot of cookie jars at the moment. I'm taking risks, made mistakes and lost a good chunk of change. But I also learned a ton. I don't know if I'll make $600 this month or $5k. But it's better than working for some kike for minimum wage for the allusion that I'm doing what's best for me.

Seriously, as one working class user to another, get out of that horrible mindset. It's crippling and before you know it you will middle aged, have 30 years of working years behind you and nothing to show for it.

Number 7 in that picture is bullshit, the rest I like, If you do what number 7 says you turn into the bitch boy for the same pay, with no chance of a raise because the jewployer just exploits you.

I do.

I've been with you degenerate faggots for years, and this is the first time I have ever heard that having a job is larping.

Seriously, I constantly hear coworkers complaining about how they're broke as fuck, but then they brag about how drunk they got on the weekend (or in the middle of the week).

We're moving into a new house and the yard is all wood chips. There's more than enough space to start a planter garden.

Food is expensive as fuck in Canada, as the government fucking HATES farmers and their families. Thus, I'm going to see about getting some wine barrels and modifying them so they are hinged in the middle and can be opened up. Then I don't have to devote a lot of space for taters, and can grow things that aren't totally peeved by winter, like broccoli and chard. The great thing about planters, is that I can install wheels on the bastards and push them into the garage. I also have family with a shit ton of trees in their yards, so I have free leaf mulch. A nice cement area on the back porch means I can get a comfy little fire pit for making ash mulch and practicing bushcraft firestarting skills…

Oh lads, I'm gonna be comfy as fuck, even if my rent is going up sharply. Absorb the cost of higher rent with finding ways to be efficient and self sufficient!

After that, I might go back and get my grade 12 and look at a trades course. HVAC, automotive, carpentry, welding, oh the possibilities are endless.

Also, getting my firearms licenses before the month is out. They might take a few months to get to me, but that just means I'll have lots of time to save for funs and ammo.

Read books, work on changing your mind around life itself. A good turning point for me was adopting the Special Forces mind set, and some of their " rules ", start powerlifting or doing hard training, push yourself every fucking day.
Buy a notebook, write down short, mid and long term goals, write ideas, write whatever the hell you want. Check those goddman goals from time to time.
Build a inspiration wall if you need it, print some posters and words and put in front of your desk.
Cut shit that make you lose time.

It is a start.

Owning a business is not a magic thing. Nor it is making money.
Myself as an example. A created a long term ( at the time looked as long term for me, but it was all short term goals ), and started working on it. Outside caffeine intake, I achieved every goals within less than four months. And they were a little hardcore goals.

I am white I cant get gibs.

I'm in the middle of undergoing the change myself, have setup my own business and now driving for clients.

This was, and through self doubt is still one of the biggest hurdles I deal with on a daily basis.
Breaking this mindset is proving to be the most difficult thing about starting the business.

The most important thing to get rid of is the fear of failure, you should not intend to fail, but everything you attempt you should be willing to fail, and if you do, you try, try again. I know it is cliche but persistence is the number one factor in being successful, never give up, and use any failed endeavors as a learning experience and get back to it.

Burgers are fucking retarded with money, profligate AF, I know part of it has to do with our monetary policy that punishes savers but that is not an excuse for everything and shit is just ridiculous. If you make zero dollars and have zero dollars of debt or assets you are technically richer than almost half of Americans because of the constant proliferation of debt. Middle class Americans constantly fall into a trap where they take out car loans, expensive mortgage, credit cards, etc. and live far beyond their means with the expectation that they can pay it back later, which they can, but with substantial interest and at the cost of making themselves very unstable financially because they don't have more than $2k in the bank at any time for emergencies with all the debt. Most middle class Americans polled could not put together even $2k for emergencies, which is fucking retarded because I make only $23k a year and always have at least $5k in the bank for emergencies. As an American I will admit one of the biggest problems in this country besides (((them))) is economic retardation among the masses.

No. Human aren't cattle. It's more broad than you think. If you want to grind it down to that, then to some, human are cattle.
In reality, humans are organisms striving to eat, spread their genetic code, and live until their biological functions shut down. I'd say around 95% of humans are like this in nature.
The other 4% of humans are attempting to approve the lives of the 95% by advancements in farming, building, science, medicine, electronics, and other things of this nature.
Then you have the 1%. Or, the 1$. This is the part of the population that sees the other 99% as expendable. They want nothing more than to grow their own pools of money. This, is the Jew percent.
Human are not cattle. They're not chopped up for meat and served to others. They're horses. 99 horses tugging one cart controlled by a fat man who holds all of the grain. He doesn't care if a horse occasionally dies. Plenty more will fill the spots.
And the horses, they follow the command of the master. They think that, at the end of the day, the master will give them grain to eat. And it's true; a small feed sack for them all. But the rest? He keeps for himself. The horses work, and work, and work, for only the smallest scraps that the Master doesn't care about, not knowing that if they turned around and looked, we'd see him for what he is.
The hardest working horses are at the very front, and they get the least grain. They're thin, weak, emaciated. This is your hourly wage and minimum wage horses. They're always tired. They don't have anything to be proud about.
His best horses, the ones who give him the most, are at the back. Fit, healthy, happier than any of the others, these are his prized horses. He feeds them the most, even though they do little to no work.
This is how the world is. Do you want to fall in line with the other horses, or break your harness and try to be free in wild?

There's never been anything I've particularly wanted to do, nor has there ever been anything I've been good at. I only have a middle school education. So I'm a low wage manual laborer and will remain that way. I've looked at possible alternatives but there aren't any.

At least my living expenses are low and I don't have to deal with bullshit hours and having to take work home with me.

get a diesel fitters ticket, enjoy the coin

but you seem to have given up on improving yourself if you have succumbed to a life living on breadcrumbs

Lol, saved.

He knows that no waifu = no laifu

Like I said, I've looked at alternatives and there aren't any. Or if there are I don't know what they are.

It doesn't do me any good, professionally, to "improve myself." Employers don't give a shit about that, they want relevant skills and experience.

with your mindset you will get nowhere
you are ensuring that.

I like working. I don't take vacation time because if I'm not working, I get depressed. I can't imagine what I would do with my life if I weren't working. What would I do with all that time? I'm terrified of the idea of retirement.



Here's my dad's story.
Part 2, in a sec.

I don't know what diesel fitting is, but there would need to be an accessible training course for it and there would need to be jobs. Neither of which necessarily exist here. I also don't get along with blue collar people and don't want to be around them.

What does that mean? Care to elaborate?

How's this for "relevant skills and experience" then?

At any given time, there is a massive fucking stack of resumes that the hiring manager reads and discards. I'm talking about a literal milk crate full, I've seen the damned thing. Do you know how I got a job, over all the other twats that applied? A sense of humor.

"Do you have any diseases/illnesses we need to know about?"

"Well you see, my family physician has told me I have something called "Teenager Syndrome" but he assures me that given time and responsibility, it should clear up on it's own."

The hiring manager said that the head manager hadn't laughed like that in a long time and insisted I get an interview.

Your attitude is shit. No employer wants to hire a fucking downer that's going to grate on everyone. People work better when they're happy. Employers love finding humorous people to raise workplace morale.

I'm going to College right now. Working for him in my spare time. He doesn't want me to paint for the rest of my life, and neither do I. He really wanted to play football growing up, but that all went to shit once he decided to paint instead.
The sad part is, he had offers to go to the big leagues as a Football Player. He probably would have become a Dallas Cowboy, too.

and apparently you don't know what a search engine is either

then you should probably leave, there is no shortage of blue collar workers lurking Holla Forums

Are you sure you aren’t just a severe autist?

also everything this user said

What I'm taking from this is, "win big, lose big." Fitting that casinos seem to be at the heart of this. If your dad had just kept his business small it sounds like the entire family would have come out ahead. He sounds like a pretty awesome person though.

Thanks for the story user, you Dad sounds like a big cool guy. Makes you realize that if you want to stay big/grow, don't buy a lot of frivolous things.

They like to bully people who are not like them, but I don't like getting bullied so I will respond with force. This will result in bloodshed and at worst death. I don't want to go to prison and/or pay hundreds or thousands in compensation. Even in the best case scenario they're just too irritating and unpleasant to be around.

No (sane) employer wants to hire someone who lacks the necessary skills, qualifications and experience for the job. I would be very concerned about a place that hires people to be electricians, plumbers, programmers and lab technicians based on how funny they are.

Did you get lost on your way to Tumblr? This isn't one of your safe spaces.

Are you sure you know what that word means?

Interesting. Saved.

This. Even the most able and highly paid peon - is a peon.

NO! That mindset is a killer. You need to start now.

(Personal) economics IS politics.

Perfect, this is absolutely the right thing to do in one's youth.

This. Fear debt is the mind-killer.

I'm not going to break my body doing blue collar work.

Damn its like what the fuck do you want me to do when my job is already sort of vague and you dont give me anything to do but when I ask you for shit to do you act like Im asking you for a fucking kidney.

Rarely hear "good job" or anything like that from the dude even when I catch mistakes and save everyone some hassle.

I bring my own tools to work and let other people use them and hardly ever hear a "thanks".

Or then ill get fucking roasted when I take the day off if I have an emergency to attend to like when my pet got fucked up my a wild animal.

smh at least i get free coffee

im done with you, we tried to give you some good information but you are not interested in improving your situation, only bitching about it. I think you are the one who belongs on Tumblr bud, they love victim complexes over there.

I would have picked something better to 'martyr' myself for personally.

I took the time and effort to educate myself about money.
These are the more Holla Forums topics you may see floating around here.

But then I read a bunch of books written by millionaires and it helped me tremendously

You have to be willing to learn user.
For personal finance read Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Kiyosaki and the Total Money Makeover by Ramsey to get you started.

For business read books like the Lean Startup, Think and Grow Rich, and the 4-hour Work Week

For self help read The Obstacle is the Way, 48 Laws of Power and How to Win Friends and Influence People

Your mindset has to change before your money does.

It's not that hard. In 2013 I came up with a niche product. I was first to market with it.

I felt like a wizard. I turned an idea to an actual product. I turned an idea to a brand name. I was a company that people were actually taking seriously! And why wouldn't they? Normalfags don't realize that companies are just made up of assholes who don't know what they are doing half the time.

But I had no idea what I was doing. 3 years later every other company in my market has their own version. I practically got driven out of the market and am only making a fraction of what I was a year ago.

I learned a lot in the past few years. I took risks and lost a lot. But I'm not stopping. Back to the drawing board.

He's actually 6'5'', so he really IS a big guy. Built like a truck, too. You should have seen him when he was younger. He dropped something underneath his motorcycle once, and instead of getting down on his kness to grab it, he lifted the bitch up and kicked it out with his foot.
He also has lots of Indian blood in him, so he's red skinned. I used to call him "Jolly Red Giant", because he's so huge. Except he's not jolly. He's stone cold serious 90% of the time.
And when I say he's redpilled: I told him a lot of the shit I learned off of Holla Forums; about Clinton, the rigged elections, etc. He already knew the elections were rigged, that a Shadow Corporation was controlling our puppet government, and that 9/11 was self inflicted.
He's a cool dude, but hard as hell to get along with if you're not into older country music.

Well you seem to think this is some kind of safe space.

You're the one who brought it up.

What good information? Mentioning that an obscure job exists? I already know jobs exist.

For the third time: I have looked at alternatives and have found none. I don't know what you find so complicated about this idea.

What victim complex do you think I have?

How have I martyred myself?

wake up call for me was turning 23 and being a do-nothing stoner drunk loser and realizing that I was basically handed a future that most likely included a great depression/balkan style war(s) and racial strife as well as zero economic opportunities unless I was some cutting edge STEMcuck, I then stopped drinking and doing drugs and stopped hanging out with normies and started reading philosophy and lifting and only drinking on occasion after being sober for 2 years and then finding some stupid niche career path that will have opportunities for me to do things but not make STEMcuck tier wages historic carpentry/restoration

That's something I'd expect from a teenager. Not the older country music, but the idea that people have to listen to the same music you do before you can get along with them.

He wanted to grow the company as big as he could, to help keep the entire family tree afloat in case of an emergency, put me and my brother through college, and get everyone in the family he could a huge head start in life.
He was supposed to retire a Millionaire, with more than a couple million in the bank after that last Casino. But holy fuck, he got ruined instead.

Well, you're not too wrong. I'm turning 21 this year. We DO get along quite well, but I grew up without him most of my years, so it's awkward for me now. I didn't get much of his influence because I saw him 2 days every 2 weeks. And in the meantime, my mom thought it would be a great idea to have him be the punisher when he returned home. So when I saw him, I was typically afraid when I was young. All he wanted to do was relax and watch TV, drink a couple beers, and sit in the hot tub. Instead, he had to come home to beat some ass.
It's better now, though, but it left some scars for me. It'll heal with time, I hope.

Who knew the shopping channel could be so deep.

You are really bad at this, no wonder no one will employ you, I would love this tangential shit happening in my workplace.

yes, because you are displaying prominent signs, antisocial behaviour, inability to relate to other people, lack of drive and interest in improving yourself.
It's because your comments are those of a poster child for autism

fucking seriously you are a walking contradiction

yet you have done nothing but whinge and bitch that you cant into a job, have a shitty attitude and dismiss suggestions put forward without a lick of research into it.

you have thrown yourself on the sword of sub-mediocrity


I think that guy is just an actual medically diagnosed autistic.

This is all very helpful. I really don't know how money works, have a bit of a fear of failing, and don't know much about business in general. Still, the prospect of having money and being able to help others and support my family is pretty alluring. Also, living off art commissions and small jobs really isn't doing much for me.

Thanks for all the advice. I've screencapped it to reference it when I start getting doubtful.

You're the one who brought it up.

But you WERE the one who brought it up, that is completely beyond dispute.

i know u are what am i

I've never heard of it, I don't know what it's called in my native language, and I have no idea if it even exists here or if there's training and jobs for it. You are really full of yourself for thinking you've provided some profound solution by just namedropping a random obscure job.

I simply stated the facts.

Again, you are full of yourself.


As expected of a Tumblrina.

I think you are using a buzzword that does not mean anything.

All depends on where you live. In the middle of nowhere, yes. LA or NY? Whole 'nother ballgame.

This. Holla Forumsacks are red on the Jewish and race question, but sometimes quite blue on the one about women. They were and are a huge enabler of the predciament we are finding ourselves in.

Yes. It can be brutal, but there are few other options left.

This was the case in old Rome and the ancient world in general. Either a master, or a slave - no inbetween.

This. Despite the hate, Marx was right on many points. If you have to work, you're a proletarian, period, full stop. Doesn't matter essentially if you gain 50 bucks a week or 5000, although it makes a great difference in day-to-day living, of course.

Best of luck to you. I mean that.

I am being 100% serious dude. You are displaying actual medical symptoms of autism, im not even joking or trying to do the autist meme on you bro.

Does he also street fight?

No you're not. Why even bother trying to argue about this?

What are other Holla Forumsacks dynamics with their bosses? As I said mine is pretty much honestly I probably could be a harder, better worker but I work on a punch card and my boss is kind of a weirdo like that so I dont feel that internal motivation to necessarily even go farther than that. I dont ever hear "hey good job on that sale" or "good job fixing that" or "good job getting that order out last minute".

No, but he DID get into one street fight he told me about.
Punched a guy's teeth out of his face. I don't recall why. He said it was outside of some bar.

You can't have 4 kids in NY or LA unless you have millions upon millions because the schools and buses are unusable so it's a moot point.


I work with my dad. We do whatever we have to. It's extremely informal. I grew up on extremely rough terms with him, but that has mostly cooled as we no longer live together. So he's in charge and owns the company, but there's a casual familiarity there, intermixed with an arm's-length respect for us both being different people with different expectations and general autonomy..

For example, I just realized I opened with "I work with my dad" instead of the more correct "I work for".

It's actually pretty nice. We're prone to get off on a tangent and blow an hour of the workday on Holla Forums related conversation. We go get lunch together, if he's not out meeting with clients. We come back. We both complain about stuff we've already complained about and the other has no power to fix. Then we keep working. The business nearly tanked during his divorce, so I'm helping him put it back together scrap by creaking scrap after spending the first two and a half decades of my life avoiding it at all costs and hating it with personal bile for more or less destroying my childhood.

But it's a business that I'm in line to inherit. It's the only thing I'm connected to that's worth anything. And if the price of its existence included my childhood, then goddammit, I don't want that to have been in vain. I don't have the health to work like a dog like he does, even now in his 50s. I don't have the health to work at all, really. But I can't get gibsmedats, and my dad is at least understanding of my situation and is pretty fast-and-loose with protocol and expectation anyways. I can't imagine being yelled at for being late. It's practically pick-up work.

If I can get the business to a place where we get our employees back and eventually make the CEO's presence unnecessary, then I might be able to write my own retirement checks, when the time comes.

So I work for my dad.

Well, at least they'll pay you $15/hr soon.

Thanks. I have a basic idea of how money works. I live frugally enough to save up a little while also paying off my student loans. I've even read a few of the books you mentioned.

I just don't have real, concrete goals or inspiration. I feel like I should be doing *something*, but have no clue what.

Fuck off you frat house pussy. If you want to soldier for some shit-tier firm and adopt communal slave mentality, you will only make, and be forced to spend, all of the money to justify your existence.

There's a threshold where your attire only cost as much money as some faggot in NYC thinks it costs and that's fucking bullshit.

There was no turning point. Business is for subhumans and is a complete waste of time.

That fear is a whole lot more real when you have no friends or family to fall back on. Failure to a lot of people means having to live in some family member's basement. To me it would mean living on the street or a homeless shelter.

Nope, America is shit and always has been.

Does anyone remember that story from an user in one of these job threads months ago about how he was an artist, couldn't make any money, so he tried applying as a fucking electrician or something at a factory. Lied up and down about his experienced and said he was just going to "wing it".

I wonder if he's still employed and how many people he may have killed.

What awesome Western country should America aspire to be like?


America shiuldn't aspire to anything. it should be destroyed. America will become the next Brazil and be irrelevant within 30 years. That's why I'm voting for Hillary, so this Jewish country can finally die and stop destroying the rest of the world.. Good riddance.


How is capitalism not meritocratic?

dont make that mistake again

Making money =/= merit. A person doesn't need any virtues to make money. All the richest people in the world are literally subhuman criminals.

I wish I had the same amount of willpower as you OP. I think the sad part about this is that I'm aware of what I'm doing but I'm at a point where I just don't care about anyone apart from myself. Guess I took the redpill and never came back.

the thread

Trump will lose and we will have war. Don't get too comfy.

So start as a "helper" dummy, that's how you gain skills.

Pro tip: when the bank tells you that you can afford a 150k home – buy a house under 100k. You will be able to pay off the home. Over time you will fix the place up and increase its value for your children.

The only way to love others is to love Christ first.

Yet another thing that Jesus would flip his shit about if he heard.

Even more pro tip: build your own house. It doesn't take a whole lot of skill to do it (the skilled guys just get the job done faster), and it will save you a shit ton of money.

You and I have different understandings of what virtue is. To me virtue is excellence and being extremely efficient at certain tasks, being 'good' at something. Those subhuman criminals are still good at what they do, as fucked up as it is and as selfish as they are. Making money is not easy, making money is a species of merit but it doesn't designate all forms of merit. There's obviously more to life than money, and capitalism is obviously flawed. Materialistic points of view are short-minded, but your view presumes that getting rich and staying rich is easy, it's not.

That means owning land, which OY GEVAULT we need more land for freeways and strip malls. How dare a white man BUILD his own house? What a psychopath.

Offer a solution faggot. Anyone can say the existing setup is akin to wage slavery. I missed where you told everyone how to fix this system or get out of it. Fucking retard.

[citation needed]

"I'm not rich but I worked my ass off"

More slave morality

Again, that depends more on the situation and consequences produced by whether they allow people to topple them or not. What is "deserved" is determined by people more powerful than them at any given time and is entirely subjective because of that.

That's not the same thing as "deserving" things.

The glorification of toil is exactly what I'd expect from a slave.

Except you're really defensive about your position as a footstool.

Sorry posting the same character twice is triggering.
I made sure to change it just for you.

Best advice for artists is carve your own path without being a faggot.
Find something that you obsess over, some character, object, person, form, etc. and create it endlessly, repeat it and master it until you hate it with everything that you are and then use that hate to make those creations better.
never stop practicing, even if your goal is just to draw some shitty serialized comic strip or postmodern kike'd out garbage. you need to have your basics down before you do retarded shit, one of the only "modern" artists I appreciate is Dali, as much of an anti-white kike as he was he actually knew how to draw unlike most of his peers and then successors. whatever your craft is, master it.
Sell your art without fear as well, it is a commercial product no matter what jewish video game developers try and tell you. You can get a good ten grand for a copper plate etching if it's good enough.

Yeah, why can't the West be more like Africa?

Just graduated High school and landed my first real job as a cashier. my expenses are at a minimum and I don't want my money stagnating in a bank. What should I do with it and how should I do it? I've read some things online but of course they're biased towards themselves.

nice dubs, but this is just the rhetoric of a slave who will never become a master of anything and formats like a redditor.

The problem I have come to find is the only art that is making money at the moment is fetish art. I was actually pretty successful at this but sadly I realized just how hollow it left me. Add to that how later the confusion of the world was just to much for me and I turned to Christ to make sense of it all and that pretty much was the final nail in the coffin for me catering to degeneracy. Also, as bad as I make it sound I don't at all regret giving up the art I used to do. I may be poor as fuck but at least I'm happy now.

It is sort of difficult for me to draw much any more though. It seems I can't find the thing I'm passionate about or interested. I'll go so far in one area then just drop it because I don't really like it or I figure there are other people doing that thing better.

I wonder if art has become more of a hobby than a valid career.

Do religious art, and sell it at churches and Christian socials dumbfuck. Lots of great scenes in the Bible.Take commissions (maybe). You'll get your fellowship and cashflow all in one.

Maybe, but I'd have to find my niche. Much like making a living starting your own business, you have to look at what everyone else is doing and do what they aren't. Perhaps that's something for me to think about.

Look into Liturgical arts.

mind you postmodern cancer has infected this as well, tradtional always this is what you should be looking for.

I'll do that now
and I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the help.

I haven't had the chance to follow my dreams yet because my parents kicked me out a month before I turned 18, before I could go to college, and before I had anything more than a part time, minimum wage job. I've been doing nothing but struggling to keep myself afloat since then.

Their reasoning was that I was "lazy" for enjoying my last summer before college.

Meanwhile my delinquent sister has been to jail twice and was allowed to live with them till she was 21, and now they're giving her money to move up to New York with her boyfriend.

Its frustrating that this is "normal" in America.

I mean she dropped out of fucking high school and sucks down a case of Corona every week and smokes a bowl of weed every morning.

Yet I'm the lazy one.


How these fucking niggers make more than me but have almost nothing is beyond me.

Someone asked me how im so good at money management and I always respond with I dont know. I just know the value of a fucking dollar and spend within my means. I wasnt taught or put through a situation to force me to learn either. If I wanted the said 15 dollar honey but I only had 100 dollars for the next two weeks or so, I wouldnt buy that fucking honey.

Just get neet bux you faggot.


You are a symptom of a disease infecting society.
This is nothing to be proud about.

If the niggers and illegals can get free money why the fuck can't i?

Calm down m8. It's satire

yet you still don't see the problem

I do see the problem, why in the fuck should i work to only have my money taken away and given too said people? Dammed if you do and dammed if you don't.

Do you want to be valuable or worthless?

If you can't beat them join them. I don't give a fuck anymore honestly.

Too whom?

literal nigger tier trash

I think that has been made abundantly clear

Oh fucking well. deal with it wagecuck

That's an important point. Same with the one about 3, 6 and 9 forming a triad.

here's another thing though

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6… = 21. 2 + 1 = 3
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15… = 75. 7+5 = 12. 1+2 = 3

5 x 14 = 70. 7+0 = 7
5 x 5 = 25. 2+5 = 7

How can numbers with the same digital root give such similar results? At first glance, 14 and 5 have nothing in common, yet they do.

Don't they take your guns away if you go on the neetbux?

God bless Mike Rowe.

If you're going to live on my work bux then at least be credit to team and combat the jews and their Leftist drones.

You have nothing else to do so at least fight for me who can't because he's wasting away in an office. (sick at home at the moment)


only a case of corona and a bowl of weed in the morning? low-energy drug abuse right there.

I come from a long line of serfs and the idea of self employment is both alluring and completely foreign to me.

You are both right. Middle class businessmen are cucked by (((taxation))) and running expenses towards (((suppliers))) but boomerscum are also individually responsible for not making savings and risk evaluation and collectively responsible riding the (((free market))) rollercoaster that glorifies short-term profit without any sense of decency and social responsibility that ultimately leads to kikes dominating and overriding the entire economy with their swindlery and usury.


I would claim that welfare state is not as bad when it is in support of solely White people and I would bring Sweden as an example but then I realized that even among a purely White population welfare breeds weakness and weakness breeds cuckoldry and I do bring Sweden as an example.

Even an ideal welfare state is ultimately unsustainable for as long as untermensch exists.

See my previous comment:

I hate having to wageslave just to live as a minimalist pleb and I do respect NEETs of fine tastes more than slavecucks that think their condition as more respectable but in long terms even the profit you make for your (((boss))) is less socially detrimental to Whites than supporting welfare that allows shitskins to thrive and displace us.


don't get into that thought cross your mind user, you are what you think(pic). know that you want to do this and an idea will hit you in the face some day. look around in the world, find something that's needed badly enough to have a product used for it. even if it's a bullshit product that wont make money LOOK FOR IT, get into that habit of looking for problems to fix. it's not fucking easy to find that if you're not in the mindset to look for it. keep going, keep looking, I'm in that same boat as you

don't let that thought*

Can you can paint in any comparable way to John Martin? He's my favorite painter


Cool story

It would help more if you told us how you made that money.

Time = money?

No, money = power…. And you need money to make money, or every NEET would be rich

I hate these threads! No user on here is Jewish enough to show a way to actually make any money. It's all platitudes!

Funny how much artists are here. I was a commercial artist, but because of foolsbook I starting hating art at a point I just gave up. Artists today are the most conformists, puppets of the jew, retarded piece of garbage I have ever seem in my life.

I got back at art, doing the shit I love to do, accepting comission at an obscene rate because I don`t need art money to survive, and just cut all the artists from my life. Some artists are cool, and decent people, most of them are complete and absolute cunts. Females artists are worse, outside half a dozen in the entire world. Rant aside, here are the realities of art today:

Any questions just ask, I am not " god " but I can be helpful in the worst profession you ever choose to follow.

Honestly, it was the
memes on Holla Forums.

doing something hard =/= doing something good

pic very related

Trying to genocide the most successful race of philosophers, inventors, warriors and conquerors the known universe has ever known does not mean it is good even when the kikes prowess on the subject is pretty impressive.

dis murrica

Really? Learn something of value and you'll get something. Your system sucks.

not implying that we have all positions filled with trade learners, most mudskins are too dumb to bind their shoes

Of course you need money to make money. That's why you get a J.O.B., learn the skills from it, save money and open up your own business from the skills you learned.

Bartenders open up bars, tradesmen start their own contracting services, chefs open their own restaurants, teachers tutor, etc.

If you're a NEETfag and make excuses for your poverty, go start a business then.


Take $20 from those NEETbux you got and go to a garage sale. Look at the things on sale and with your Obama phone, check on Ebay or Amazon how much they go for. Lowball the seller as much as you can, grab your item, take pictures and post online.

There faggots a low cost way to start your own flipping business. I spoon fed you babbys step by step and if you faggots complain about this, kill yourself.

Just imagine what will happen to jews when whites get their shit together.

Kiyosaki is trash, just search Kiyosaki Scam and see all the seedy shit he's been up to. Ramsey is legit though.

No Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Demarco? His readers have been on Shark Tank and he runs thefastlaneforum.com



Don't be niggers. Start being Aryan.

Dont stop at garage sales either. Many good will stores are hiding treasures on a daily basis.

Fuck. Even the clothes there. Look for good condition sports team wear, good condition jackets, purses etc.

Anons. I truly believe we are the new elites. If you are like me, you've been gifted with autistic drive that allows you to stick with a goal no matter how hard. Set your sights high, dream big, and soon your autism will make you work towards it and you will achieve it

Don't listen to the faggots that say you cannot do it because the world is different now. They are the ashes and echoes shills of life.

Work hard, be smart, ruthless, and downright machiavellin. Be dedicated, and you will bring all your favorite memes to life.

Here's a business idea: go into marketing.

You faggots are the top of the top in propaganda so much so the fucking DHS is studying your methods, and what do you think marketing is?

You literally sold America their next President, I think you can handle selling people on a fucking energy drink.

I have a JOB you pretencious fucking moron.

So in other words, you got your daddy to co-sign for you.

Your advice is babyboomer 1970s reality

You can't save money and start a restaurant, haha. Chef's are 4yrs of training and schooling that will put you in the hole for 100k if you go to a real chef school by the end. Then you work 10yrs to pay part of it off, to get a loan, to start a restaurant, and hope to God everything works out perfectly or the bank takes everything.

So get a job that's one of the hardest jobs in the world to get, keep it despite all the crazy shit that can happen for 10yrs, then start a bar and hope you can serve enough swill because you are now looking at the bank taking everything from you

So daddy got you a great apprentice job ahdead of all the mexicans, or paid for your Devry tech school (10K upfront). And daddy funded your life, bought you a truck, whatever. Because I don't know any tradesmen that started a business without putting in 20yrs first and make more than 60K at the end, working themselves into an early grace so heir kids can grow up to be little shits like you. It's only when they are old and successful that they hire Mexicans to do the work for them

That's just retarded. Where do you live? Beverly Hills 90210?

Oh, you're a good ol' boy who lives in the middle of fucking nowhere and daddy bought you a truck and a life and everything you needed to be a little cunt


You people think like niggers on here.

That's like saying go into Show bussiness. You need a 4yr degree, connections, and a portfolio from years of intern work for free. Who is going to pay for all of this?
Are you hip and trendy and hipster enough? Are you a woman? Because that's who they hire now


Just read this thread. Jews are loyal and they help each other out. They know business and how to make REAL money.

People in this thread will never be anyone but some Joe the Plumber at best. Or they inherited money and have no knowledge of reality

Why are you acting like a commie nigger then?

The idiots who go to culinary school and rack up debt could learn more and get paid to learn by washing dishes and working their way up.

They could take out a loan to create a restaurant or get some private investors or even save from working more than 40 hours a week. Chefs higher up get salary but they can always negotiate it.

Nigger you are a fucking autist. What is barback? What is being a waiter at Applebees and getting promoted to bar? What is knowing a person who works in the industry and him giving you a hook up with management?

People still go out and drink. Even in the recession people found money to go out and get drunk to forget their problems. They paying for the social atmosphere not for the alcohol itself.

Bartenders make a lot of untaxed money from tips. My friend works as a bartender in a Vegas casino and he makes more than me. He's stupid with his money and spends it on drugs and partying.

The smart ones who save their money can open up a bar in a 3rd world country for expats like Thailand or South America. But to say a bartender doesn't make enough and make his own bar is dumb. Leave your basement one night and go out and talk to a bartender and ask how much they make. You'll see I'm right.

The fuck? Most Holla Forumslacks here got their jobs by themselves.

I heard mostly bad stories about Devry but it worked out for some. If you want to get into a trade, apply as a helper or apprentice. If it's something like electrician, do your research on which schools are accredited and the job placement afterwards.

Hurr durr what is learning a skill, saving up the money and making a business?

They chose that life to provide for their family.

And hopefully their sons can build the business higher instead of being little anxious, leftist NEET faggots like yourself who just whine all day on the internet instead of being a fucking man.

No people do it all the time. It's a numbers game like any other sales/business job.


I was a janitor who did a bunch of jobs and later became a car salesman. Meanwhile you're some NEET faggot who can't even look a person in the eyes during conversation.

Kill yourself. You are no better than Jamal.

This guy gets it

You're right. Working by itself won't. That's why everyone needs financial education and financial discipline.

And somehow you can't get this in college if you work hard? Internships are easy to get and if you're not an autist making connections is easy too.

If you weren't blessed to have rich parents and are middle to lower class like most of us, you take out a loan with the lowest interest rates you can and work your ass off instead of wasting time in college. Once you get a job, you can start saving up while paying the jew back as fast as you can.

Most people don't have the discipline to do what I wrote. It's really that simple.

I would imagine it's whoever has the better resume not who's gauges are bigger.

Affirmative action and all that.

I'm starting to believe you're still in high school with no real world experience.

as a former NEET this works, also use free section on craigslist and thrift stores if you have a car to use. I personally don't care for most garage sales cause I know the mentality of those people, most just sell trash, young kids shit, or womanly nick nak crap. if a man is managing it there's almost always something worth checking out. cheap tools too.
if you know how refurb old mowers and lawn gear, a lot of people throw that shit out because they can't onto basic maintenance (like shit that's in the owners manual, air filter, CLEANING, oil, spark plug, blade etc) and adjusting valve clearance. nearly everything is online and you can get all you need to refurb one within two or three pdfs. even if it's totally fucked it's a few bucks as scrap or spare parts for other mowers you pick up.

also check electronics, people toss out so much nice shit it's insane, I picked up a router once that was $190 new, on amazon at the time, and walked out with it for $7.




Filtered faggot. Even a former NEET backs up everything I say.

Because they're is NO FUTURE is pain labor asshole

Give me you daddy's phone number. Is he a cuck too?

What is an incredibally hard job to get unless you're a mexican or a woman? What is living in the modern world and not the 1980s?

Good luck with that… Where do you live again rich boy? I don't have a pair of double Ds and barback isn't an apprenticeship to bartender. I even have a bartending "degree" and couldn't find work in LA or Vegas because you need to be really good or a chick

And where is this money going to come from? Am I 18 again? Do I get a pell grant again? You assume people aren't educated and never fell into the college scam before Besides, tech schools want like 10K upfront and then money every month PLUS LOANS (great credit from daddy), plus you need all the extra shit like tools, books on top of your own Spartan lifestyle

Hurrr Durrr what is "learning" in the modern age when everyone needs certification from an ecredited institution before they can even get an apprenticeship? On top of the fact that you still work a decade to end up making truck driver wages. Only Boomers could start out as an apprentice and grow to a plumber, then hire mexicans and sit back as the business grows.
Welcome to the modern world


I've been working since I was 14. Your imaginary son making money off your success isnt success.

You need a fucking beating

So you're a thief. And a liar. And a douchebag. And you got a good job through stupid luck with no skills.


I feel bad for anyone who has to listen to you brag when you're just a dumb piece of shit
with dumb luck

It doesn't work. I have brand new shit to sell just to make ends meet. You sell it at a small return if you over charge. Real businesses are online right now out pricing you.

You get lucky once in awhile but you better live in a rich community that throws good shit away.

Nope not gonna waste my time. I won and you lost Marxist bitch.


What is Protestant work ethic?

What is Hitler backing his currency with labor?


Work makes a man strong, wise and rich.

No, you're wrong. There is no excellence in making money. You can only say that capitalism is meritocratic if you believe in subjective value, making "merit" a subjective quality as well. But that isn't so.

People used to know better. Aristocrats had disdain for money and hated bourgeois business fags (as they should).

What is not living in Germany circa 1930s?
What is living in a consumer society where half your shit is made by slaves in China?
What is reality and not larping?
What is a house for 10K in the 1950s that is now 200K and your baby boomer daddy sold it and supported you your whole life so you can talk shit about working hard because you had a job… You chose a job. You were never forced to survive.

to be fair I could have made more if I knew shit about clothes, but I don't. you don't make good scores all that often otherwise, just shit you could resell for a few bucks more. far from steady money but it can get you out of the house.

I use to throw random shit on ebay and get back at least x2 what I paid for it just on an auction (but it really depends on what it was could go a lot more) how is it over charging when I didn't even set a price, just a base of around 130-150% on what I paid?
sorta, oddly enough I normally find better shit to resell in poorer white areas. I don't doubt the richer areas are scouted more often due to that thought process.


WTF does "hard work" going to get you toward college? College costs 60K. How is your hard labor job going to get you 60K if you're doing it part time to go to school?

Says who? And in what industry? And for who? WTF are you even talking about. Nothing is easy in life. If you hadn't had everything handed to you, you would know this
And who is going to pay my bills while I work for free, your dad?

No you fucking cant! Not unless you daddy co-signs for you on his dollar. That's you being spoiled again

that's because you dont know what the hell you're talking about son

It's easy to tell that you're not only a low rent backwoods christcuck with no life experience outside your little world, but you have no idea how much more life experience I have than you. You actually think resume matter in the world of media, hahahaha

You actually think you can go to a bank and just be given a low interest loan to "follow your dreams" hahahahaha



Protestant work ethic is literally Jewish. Protestantism removed everything Aryan from Christianity, and all that remained was Semitism.

So you don't live in America? Because unless you live in some nowhere flyover state, Mexicans comb the fuck out of every goodwill or thrift store.
What do you do, shop all day and make a good living off selling used shit? Is that what you're saying? You just shop at yardsales all day and now you're buying a house from it and providing for your Aryan QT and 3kids?
Be clear


And? What about your yard sale shopping? You can afford a house and a hot wife and kids now I presume
Jewish city? So NYC or LA or Vegas?

Every make Aryan's rich again thread gets shill by faggots from the South who lived off their family until they were 25, got a job from their best friend in highschool and tell everyone else to "Work hard getter-done NEET!"

Money is why the Jew rules us

when did I ever say it was good money? it's enough for some suburb NEET to get out and make something and talk with some kind older folks, most people are friendly as shit in those places. even with the shitskins from the city combing through the expensive looking stuff they're to stupid to know that x camera is worth some cash, or that pipe, or some random router in a pile of wireless g garbage, or some oddball tools, and random weird electronics, etc.
I made enough monthly to keep my car insured, fueled, and the basic maintenance by doing a run a couple times each week, if that. add in you might find some neat shit you'd want to keep and use is a plus as well. I have some nice used computer gear, audio gear, couple desk chairs, and tools from running around that I use all the fucking time.

happen to be the same cunt that told me to suck it up and work a filthy job with terrible allergies awhile back? cause your bitching is the same as that guy.

nevermind, now I'm sure of it.
ha, it's like you want to give away your money

All cities are inherently Jewish.

So you're a loser. So STFU and know your place.

So you live in a rich community and scam old people out of their antiques. So Aryan

I've worked my ass off my entire life and lived on the streets for awhile. Fuck you

ad hominem

I don't buy antiques

didn't say that, stop projecting.

Like what?

You're still a broke loser talking shit to other losers. That makes you a double loser

That's some esoteric shit, that's what

If you live in LA I went to LA Trade Tech, an accredited community college in the LACCD. I spent about 5k total for all classes and tools for two years, worked my fucking ass off, and now have a stable union electrician job making 70k a year before overtime. I am not a chick with DDs either, I am the kind of guy who posts on 8ch and has been fapping on and off to >>>/ara/ for the past couple hours.

My parents are complete fucking losers and when they die it will probably cost me a shit load of money to pay their debts. I will inherit nothing.

This user is correct about everything

and this guy

is a whiny faggot.

I'm saying all this as guy who worked as a bartender in NYC for years and got his first bartending job through an acquaintance because I had the right attitude and I never have had to even barback in my life. I don't like doing the fast-paced bartending shit anymore, but I still bartend at a football stadium for extra cash during niggerball season. I usually walk with like $300 a shift, and that's lazy-ass corporate bartending, not even the high end shit that the first guy is talking about. I work with mostly burnt out single moms and negresses, even a humongous faggot like you could get this kind of job. As to the trades, I'm currently a "helper" at a larger remodeling/construction and make $14hr because I have no experience, but within a year or so if I bust my ass I could be a carpenter with these guys and I'm already gaining lots of experience as I work. If you can show up reliably and take direction all while not having a drug/alcohol problem you'll move up fast. I'm sure you'll accuse me of being the other guy samefagging, but I couldn't believe that you were talking so much shit about two careers that I actually have experience with. You seriously need to get out more user.

bruh, I'm a classical musician. Literally making money off of showing old people the works of dead geniuses. It's something I can be idealistic about at least, because I really do believe classical music and other great art is universally the salvation of mature thought. tbqh I'd die to keep the flame alight.
But if I want a living wage I have to battle 70+ people to get one spot. I'm honestly on the cusp of going elsewhere and keeping this as a hobby, I am fairly certain that I will never reproduce if I keep this direction.

Hello Ricky!

t. Julian

If by middle of nowhere you mean a nice, quiet suburban town only 45-60 mins away from a major city. In a place notorious for high taxes and ridiculous bureaucracy no less It's very viable to have 4 kids on 150K supported by only the father. If you live in Nowhere'sville in a rural no-stoplight town, 150k will net you way more children. Probably double that. The only issue then is how you're making 150K in the middle of nowhere. But it's still more than possible if you're a business owner or real estate or franchise owner that works from mostly home.

I don't understand how you can't find a job if you didn't pick a shit tier college degree and lined up some internships. All my engineering buddies got decent jobs right out of the gate.

Thank you

This is why white men on Holla Forums are worthless pieces of shit and the Jew rules

>I went to LA Trade Tech, an accredited community college in the LACCD. I spent about 5k total for all classes and tools for two years, worked my fucking ass off, and now have a stable union electrician job
LA rent is like $700 even for roommate situation. Where did you live?
Where did you get 5K, and where did you get the other money to pay for the schooling?
And where did you find part time work to fit around school since there is no work in LA anymore? Are you Mexican? Did you live with family?