They're all over my goddamn room, Holla Forums. They're killing all my spider bros, I see one and I can't sleep for the rest of the night, and when I wake up 'they're skurrying all over my face! I've slain HUNDREDS of them, and their numbers only seem to multiply! How do get rid of of these little niggers?!

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I recommend dousing everything in gasoline and setting your place on fire. Those things are horrific.

would you like these more

I saw one of those things yesterday! My cat was playing with it until it sludged away under my bed.

millipedes > centipedes > house centipedes

but ya i don't want any of them in my house

Millipedes are the best animal with 9 or more legs.

can't think millipedes are cute anymore
fucking jews


check the flag

they are like spider bros but don't make webs and are not venomous. learn to love them.

Call an exterminator, they were probably there before you.

It's the way they move that I think fucks with me the most, it's like a stop-motion animation on fast-forward.

cuz a guy from israel said millipedes are cool you go all out oppositionally defiant teenager and say 'wtf i hate millipedes now"?
the jew who works in the corner store is not le happy merchant jew

millipedes being cute are part of a jew plot
can't like them anymore

I need the spider bros, man. It's middle nowhere leafland, black flies and skeedos all day, every day.

out up a bat box for the flying ones.

I've got my eye on Ezekiel and I have serious suspicion.

That's a House Centipede they're extremely beneficial they literally eat every shit tier insect pest and they're harmless to humans.

Not if they crawl on you in bed they aren't. And what if it has children? Those things would be all over! Plus women dont like bugs.

because your face is filthy and it's eating all of the bacteria off of you. Take a shower, you sick fuck.

fuck you, fag

Bugs dont fix me sandwiches. And stuff. Therefore gaining my loyalty. Until this is fixed I am the enemy of the bug.

As long as there is a source of food in your room, there will be insects. If it's centipedes, then it means there's something to hunt, as in, other arthropods. This means you should clean your room, you dirty faggot.
Another thing to consider is getting a dehumidifier. Centipedes prefer warm, dark, and humid places since their exoskeletons need near-constant hydration. If you can't help the first two, then at least try to do something about the moisture.
tldr; dry out and clean your room, you pig.

Like spiders, all centipedes are venomous.

Fun fact: every pair of legs on a centipede is longer than the previous - this allows them to move them all without colliding with each other, which is how they move so fucking fast.

You're walking on their jizz, user. How does that make you feel?

brb turning ac on even though it's not that cold.

Jokes on them i jizzed there first.

That will just draw them out.


They are

1) Nocturnal
2) Hate light
3) Hate cold

Every summer I turn my lights on after dark and crank the AC, thats enough to keep them away long enough to get into bed

One time I tried to smash one and it fell into my brother's oversized novelty margarita glass so I put it in the shower and set it on fire and then pissed on it to put out its dead body

It will make them go into the warmer rooms which is why you often find them stuck in a bathtub

Also patch up any cracks in your walls with tabe or some kind of sealant and keep the room tidy so they don't have anywhere to hide. For security measures keep your bed about a foot away from any wall and make sure none of your covers are dragging on the floor

I start finding these motherfuckers everywhere whenever it rains. If I see a little spider I'll usually just leave it be but these fuckers get smashed. I'm sick of seeing them.

this is every jewtube, facebook comment ever, please be more original, faggot. Also, you are a pansy
