Don't forget to thank (((porky))) for funding the Bolshevik revolution.
Top kek. Are you baiting right now or is that actually made by leftists? I genuinely can't tell.
Does it matter either way?
No. It would just be funnier if it was actually made by a leftycuck.
pic is comfy as fuck.
I think it's genuine, the responses you're getting reek almost exclusively of butthurt, though maybe it's some doubleplus ironic shitposting that's borderline indistinguishable from genuine anguish.
they dont actually look half bad. Only two are overweight, no colored hair, no piercings, none of that degenerate stuff. Except the guy with the long curly hair, but even he has a girlfriend.
those boots are really nice
they should clean up a bit though
They are trash. They look high and their home is disgusting. It's irrelevant anyway, this people aren't National Socialists they are (((skinheads))).
That post wasnst responding to
it was responding to
You got it wrong
That's even worse tbh
Forgot the video skip to 8:33 for the best part but watch the whole thing if you haven't already.
This one is pretty long but it is definitely worth listening to if you haven't already heard it. You can even see if the things he warned about actually happened (they did).
I'd fuck the Nordic goddess on the left
Is it because there are none?
Why is Holla Forums so bad at memes?
Oh no, I get it, you try to string two things together and it winds up looking retarded and nonsensical to everyone else.
Like the pic you just posted.
Let me show you one that actually makes sense.
It's amazing how all it takes is a handful of benign posts that aren't even intended to rile anyone up to send leftycucks into a rampage.
This image just shows me that you don't even know what we actually believe, miscegenation rates aren't high enough to be a major problem right now. The issue is actually unchecked immigration resulting in the native population being displaced (in a couple of generations it will be a lot more visible.
I made this thread for educational purposes and rather than hide it or make a counter thread for their own beliefs they just sperg out.
oh look, they're wogs
Pick one and only one.
what a douch
He just wants to start a good family.
Why do leftycucks think this is some kind of valid tactic? Your opponents aren't going to change their view to fit the false image that you have created so I don't see what you hope to achieve with this. You should be trying (and failing) to make actual points.
I would hang out with those guys
masterr raceee
Hide the thread if you dont like it if you won't do that then at least make some sort of argument.
LARPing nazi's and LARPing lefty revolutionaries are equal parts pathetic
What does this even mean, do you think I wear a Nazi uniform and goostep around my house? I don't.
*goose step
welp, time to give up lads. we're all poseurs and fakes.
imagine my shock
bad guy brainlet hitler
There is no confirmed number because it's impossible to confirm on an imageboard. It doesn't matter anyway Holla Forums is trash now.
Also It doesn't matter if there were non whites there if they were pushing for white interests, if they stick to a totally racial angle and don't try pushing any cuckservative shit to suit their own ends who cares if they are sharing your board?
muh buzzword
Relevant broadcast here addressing the kind of thing you just posted.
Here's a relevant documentary your post too.
Here's some more.
And some more.
>Look at me I'm the martyr now
Hail Hitlor
Sieg Heil
hail hitlaaar
Sieg Heil
huge meaty cocks filling your mouth codemonkey