Limewire was cool.
Anyone have the shrek wedding gif?
Watch out for all p2p neworks.
They are all compromised. No exceptions. You might be compeled to get "illegal files" from Ares or still working versions of Limewire for example but you are very likely to get arrested for it.
shhh pls jus let them get chris hansen'd
I miss it. Is there any alternatives for it?
Fucking millenials
The days I played the games demo…
i had a shared account and shared computer
i had to rename all my cp files to music files so my parents wouldn't play them LOL
if they actually read the file names im sure they would wonder why i had hundreds of songs by Papa Roach or Limp Bizkit with weird titles
hint: it was cp
Yes. Your point?
ed2k network is still full of CP.
but you'd be an idiot to DL anything as it doesn't hide your IP.
i miss the old days of internet, when it was 100% and uncensored.
me too
I remember getting on everyday and I could get on any day of the week. Any time. And just go to a chatroom and ask a 12yo to show her vagina or send me a pic of her in the bathroom
Within 5minutes I'd have that shit sent to my e-mail.
Times have changed. For the worse. 2017 fucking sucks
So are you using a VPN? I don't think Algerian government monitors your Internet.
Join the uprising user. "Step 1:Memes" is almost over.
i haven't used ed2k for over 10 years, so no.
it probably does but mostly social medias, social activists.
i doubt they care if you watch CP or not
Within 5minutes I'd have that shit sent to my e-mail.
newfag detected
Etc etc.
Luckily never accidentally anything illegal on Limewire, but remember plenty of times trying to find music videos & it ended up being mislabeled scat & piss porn.
Looking back at it, was kinda funny starting what I assumed was a Korn music video, and seeing some fat dude shitting into a 50 y/o crack whore's mouth.
fuck i miss that
Exactly, I saw a ton of videos of a german shepherd fucking some lady in what appeared to be a motel roo. Even though the search was for coal chamber videos.
get a captcha software and editing program, go on youtube or something else then record it and separate the audio, save in your audio format
I downloaded a large file purporting to be the Paris Hilton sex tape (high quality). The download took about an hour and a half.
I ended up with a grainy video with a 30 second loop of a black tranny taking it up the ass.
It was the first time I was trolled online.
soulseek works wonderfully for music. there's lots of /mu/ dudes on there offering 320/flac complete albums of harder to find shit and best of all the metadata is actually fucking complete a lot of the time
Lossy 320 is a waste of space, use a lower VBR
I downloaded that same video. You weren't alone.
They catch over a million unique IP addresses a year sharing CP, but can only afford to arrest a few thousand a year. you might get lucky.
I wonder how many of us got that?
I used to be obsessed with piracy.
Later worked my way into the scene. Was a supplier for some of the top scene groups for years, and was a racer on topsites many years after that.
Then one day I just stopped. Grew tired of it for some reason. Now all I use is
I miss this so much
Those were the days, remember downloading music clips oh and porn, lots of it.
Still wondering how the police never came knocking at my door, to be frank it was the early 00s.
Fuck, still remember a video of a clumsy 12 year old(allegedly), skinny, tallish, no tits getting fucked by an old fat man where the video cuts halfway and she's riding on top(all clumsy) in reverse cowgirl.
what is this
tfw you download a 30mg single .mp3 file
format it like this ==text ==
to avoid that newfag space at the beginning
I wonder if watching CP when you're a minor gets the parents arrested or the minor? Now I have to search through my law books, fuck.
I still had this video until, I want to say two years ago. That was when I deleted every trace of CP and any suspicious files from each of my hard drives, the exception being pirated music and movies for nobody cares enough to prosecute for them under such circumstances. On some days I miss it but most days, I am glad that I got rid of it. The next day after I had deleted my CP and snuff videos, my house was raided and deported for terrorism.
Good question. They would at least question the parents (likely owners of the PC) but I don't think they can prosecute the child. I honestly don't know though.
I'm really surprised the cops never showed up.
VPNs don't have servers in third world countries because slow internets
I think I'm 250kb/s not sure tho
Upload speed is 1/10 download speed ik that
I have a few. They're hours long.
Technically they could. Especially in the USA where the age doesn't change the sentence regarding certain crimes.
In France, I'm sure of the opposite though.
I guess it's CP, but what happens to her?
t. non-CPfag
member britney_spears.exe
She gets fucked. Not very hard, it was more softcore than hardcore, sucking cock and the like, riding the man's semisoft boner to her own rhythm. No rape or drugging, pure consensual sex if we agree that children can consent. This particular frame though, looks unfamiliar to me. Her hair was open in the video I saw and she was naked throughout, so this may mean there are several videos or I only had an incomplete one.
I'm not a CPfag but I am curious about what happens
It's perhaps true that there may be no 'abuse' in a physical sense, but I don't believe these videos are ever 'purely consensual'. The older man always takes advantage of a girl's innocence/ignorance for his own pleasure.
That may be true but do you care? Be honest, I don't judge. I used to not care at all about others and I raped, tortured and killed women and children and made OC CP and snuff. Some I shared, most I didn't, now it's all lost but nothing was lost from me. It is only a loss to degenerates. The families of victims don't want to see it, they think they want closure only because they don't know what it is. Being harassed around the world and burning every bridge to get clean from it all changed me but I relapsed for weeks to old habits with frustration and only the final nail in the coffin of degeneracy was having a daughter of my own. When you have a child and get to be a parent, you are not shut out and your wife accepts you with your mistakes, you will care about others too. If your wife leaves you for another reason it is not your fault, you lose your love of your life and your child but you will have freedom to mature. The past can't be erased but you can forgive yourself and hope others to do the same, pray for God to forgive you if you believe. I don't believe God to ever forgive me but when I raped, tortured and killed, I hated God and didn't believe at all in long times. Everyone is the same, they need to find their own peace and forgive themselves to put the past behind. Don't go down the rabbit hole, if you do don't beat yourself up for it. Nobody cares what a degenerate you are if you can move on and get clean from it later and stop being an offender. Pedophilia and homosexuality, being a tranny, it's all the same to tradition. You experiment and grow up. Some take longer than most but it is all teh same in the end. Once you have a child, you can be safe with yourself and not care about your lack of caring about others before you had a child, then you have had a purpose and made up for your sins. If you're accused of a crime, say you did not do it and you are innocent. Brag or repent online if it helps but don't confess anything to police if you have a child, your child needs to be in the dark even if you never see each other for another reason. I can see my child once a month and it's enough, when she's older I want to see her more often but it will be her own decision and if she does not want to see me because of my past, I understand it and allow her to make her own mind. I don't want my wife to tell her about what I used to do but if she does, I can't blame her but there is no evidence that can be linked to me so I don't have to worry. Maybe there is a smoking gun that police sit on, if I was so sloppy at some point. They already know my CP and some rape but they don't care at all anymore, they only care I was accused of terrorism because a few my friends joined ISIS. If they arrest me for rape or muder and have proof, I can't stop them. You can't stop them if they want to arrest you for watching CP, you only may have one picture that is not explicit but from a CP video but that's enough it takes. Your words imply you know what CP is like and they can use it against you. My confession to rape and murder is not enough, when I was suspected once long ago I told the police where I buried some bodies but they didn't find any because they weren't really where I said they were so they let me go of the murder they caught me from. I'm a genius.
this is the best post on Holla Forums today
fuck off
I'm not a pedo but I like to read how pedophiles, hackers, carders, and internet criminals in general are caught. Good OPSEC lessons.
You might be intrested in looking up "Yardbird". He used to run a group based on Usenet, the biggest homemade hardcore CP production circle of the of the early 2000s with about 70 people.
They raised up to US$120,00 to pay for CP production. Their securty protocols were perfect. "Yardbird" was personaly never caught and the users in his group that got arrested didn't follow his protocols.
Funny thing is that it was not as close as big or profitable to nowaday's child sex traficking in Haiti and Libya, but the US government seems to care a lot more about CP.
I say it's the copyright lobby trying to control the internet through fearmongering.
I only used limewire to download anime and AMV. Posting a classic.
Based Grohl
Yeah, I already know about most large operations on pedophiles, hackers, etc. I have thousands of PDFs and court documents.
Fun Fact for pedophiles: Tara's images came from Yardbird's group, Valya too. They also crowd funded customs from Young Video Models (Daphne)
My dumbshit friend learned the hard way why I always told him to keep known filetype extensions visible.
Since there are some knowledgable people, I would like to get your opinion on the US government being behind terrorists, and I don't mean simply that their bad decisions aciddentally made them, but they they are creating terrorism on pourpose.
By taking out Saddam Hussein they created a vaccum of power that allowed ISIS to control Iraq and they are doing the same by triyng to take down Assad.
When they took down the dictator of Libyac slave trade became easier there and I also saw that refugees are using Libyan sea to get rescued by NGOs to go to Italy and enter EU.
Any info on this supposed "Illuminati" and their endgoal?
I've got about 200 gigs of music from it from way back in the day, but I stopped using it long ago. Right about the time the feds got interested in it.
Try asking this in Holla Forums & Holla Forums.
Short answer: there's evidence for a lot of stuff (like that Trump was going to win the election, as Holla Forums predicted) but you'll never see it in CNN.
eMule was nice
I remember trying audiogalaxy after napster was shutted down.
Then we tried kazaa. I remember trying to download a Starcraft vid and instead got some random vanilla porn.
Google "Kylie Freeman" for the whole story.
Short version:
- Divorced dad seduces his daughter and he films their sex scenes.
- No proper vaginal penetration, just some centimeters of anal. Most of the vids are blowjobs with facials.
- Eventually she got tired of this and asked him to stop.
- Some time later she was watching Forrest Gump (I guess it was the scene with Jenny throwing stones to her father's house) and only then she truly grasped what has happened. She told her mom, who called the police.
- He escaped to Thailand. He was brought back to America with wide coverage. He's still in jail.
- Police informed her that the internet was filled CP of her, some of it filmed without her knowledge.
- Instead of staying hidden, she decided to show her face and has given many speeches about stopping abuse.
Pedos are very angry at her because they say she was indoctrinated by her mom's prude family: supposedly she didn't care about having sex with her dad because she looked very willing and enthusiastic in the vids.
I guess her changing her mind is the reason why people say children can't consent.
So was Kazaa.
Yes. ISIS is a joint project of the US, Israel, and the Saudis. It's not simply a matter of ISIS rising up out of the power vacuum created by the American invasion of Iraq. They were trained and continue to be funded by the US.
I really hate it when people use that word because it's become such a meme at this point. There are people in the world with extraordinary amounts of wealth. Wealth buys power and influence. The most wealthy, and therefore the most influential, have a vision for the future of the world, and they are working steadily toward achieving that vision. The United States is their primary tool of influence right now.
It's pretty simple and obvious, really. They want to rule the world. They want one government and one financial system, both of which they will completely control. They have a lot of things in play right now, but the most visible at the moment is the "migrant crisis". It's happening entirely by design. They know very well that people from vastly different cultures and religions cannot coexist peacefully in a small area, especially when competing for resources. They want to create a civil war in Europe so that they can then parade themselves around as the hero that will save Europe from the very war they created. ISIS serves two major purposes for them: keeping the middle east destabilized so that Israel can eventually control the entire region, and giving them an excuse to send a Muslim army right into Europe.