she's about to do porn again
She's about to do porn again
Literally who?
Is she the Russian chick?
Evalion, you fucking newfags
Literally who?
What's that? Another one of your trap porn stars?
she was spammed all over Holla Forums and Holla Forums a while back, if you don't know who she is, you are a newfag.
I've been here all summer and haven't ever seen him before. You're obviously the newfag here.
are we feeling special now?
fucking newfags
She's a Canadian who's LARPing as a Slav.
All me tbh
I wonder if she has droopy eyes like that naturally or because of all the heroin.
newfags, gtfo.
tryhard newfag
No wonder there's been a shitload of sissy faggotry around here, too many 4ch/reddit cuckold preteen faggots.
Anyway. How do you know shes going to be making porn OP?
the nature of her pictures on twitter
also she did it before
does anyone have any more porn videos of her? I see there's a fuck ton of newfags here but I'm on a new computer and need to get my old shit back. Plus, I really want to fuck the shit out of her and will do cum tributes.
Any vids of her doing porn pls?
Please don't steal credit for my posts.
I thought she had more?!?
not her
im jew
simply amazing
Really m8? If your into pornography im sure you can do better then Evalion. What is it. Just cuz she talked shit about Jews for awhile or something. Whatever.
she has great tits and I like French Jews
what do u mean "about"?
You had to arrive here at 2016 to know who she was, that was the year newfags started coming in.
They're okay at best.
ah yes, the famous shoop of Evalion's nose
Doesn't look like a shoop to me rabbi.
Proof or GTFO.
What did he mean by this?
She was always trash, her first few videos were only decent because they were ripped directly from/pol/ threads (before the board went to shit). I can't remember her Twitter but when somebody linked me to it it was definitely full communist not just "admiration" she was clearly distancing herself from race realism too.
I'm so sick of the epic oldfag meme
Wait, she has a kid?
If my understanding is correct, she's pregnant.
Given that she's shacked up with a literal sperg, that she has mental issues herself, and that she's never had a relationship that wasn't online in her life, I'm sure she's going to have a wonderful time in the near future.
oh, u didnt figure out shes mental, when she went full nazi?
Jesus fuck, what is wrong with people?
That'll be interesting.
Now that she's having a kid maybe she'll spend a lot of time at parks and playgrounds. Could be good for her. If she's smart and doesn't just put baby in the crib all day.
i could tell by her conspiracy theories
So is she sane now that she is a communist?
pics of the reproductive process?.
i'm genuinely scientifically curious, two nut cases having sex must be interesting to watch.
their kid is 100% gonna end up crazy too, if he's lucky he'll be an Eliot pussy dodger.
shes a communist now? Like what Stalin ran? Or, like, some diluted "worst jobs should pay some more and there should be a health care"?
Given that her previous experience in parks involved her shouting stuff at kids walking to school and getting ejected after someone called the cops, I highly doubt she'll be spending a lot of quality time with her kid at the park.
she's Nazbol, go ask Holla Forums what they are.
how bout "no"?
I don't following 3DPD pornstars
Literally who?
1. She's not a pornstar
2. you're a newfag
I want to see her do diaper porn
Attention whore pretended to be a nazi for attention is now doing porn in order to get more attention. WOW
She's an attention whore, which is basically the same thing.
OP said she was going to do porn again
Isn't she a neo-pagan like Varg?
Attention whore.
At least she has nice eyes.
Yeah… she has nice "eyes."
She's apparently a Stalinist now.
I know she's a Stalinist, but I was wondering if she was a pagan. I heard that her and Sinead were both LARPagans.
So what do you think Holla Forums? Do you meet Evalion's standards?
I haven't heard her talk in a long time. She has a funny voice.
well at least shes admitting shes insane now.
When the communism hits hard
Holy fuck, her new boyfriend is as much a sperglord as the old one. She has nude pics over on her ED profile. and yeah, that XVideo link is her. She also has shit on Pornhub & Motherless. Too blitzed on cheap vodka to be arsed to look it up in my bookmarks.
I preferred her when she was pretending to be a nazi.
Couldn't even tell that was her. Whore looks rekt.
Yeah she's aged like orange juice left in the sun
I can't really tell. How does she look like she's aged? I guess her eyes look a bit sunken, but what else makes you think she's fucked up?
Post nudes
Commie Jew whore that Holla Forums loves
Underrated post
how the fuck does this legitimately autistic leftypol cuck get a gf and i cant
you're a faggot
I wonder if she intentionally drew the swastika the wrong way or not
except her hair isn't dyed pink, it's just the thumbnail picture, you fucking retarded britfag
Looks like 9 miles of bad road.
How do you know, OP?
Let's ask the hard scientific questions here, OK?
How is semen relevant to the rise in teen pregnancies?
That isn't her you window licking retard, you're the newfag if you haven't heard that by now
like stalin but hates jews more
Holla Forums didn't love shit, we called her out from day one and had mods sensor that cancer. Then you all cried like a bunch of jew lovers and thirsty beta's how Holla Forums was compromised by mods. Holla Forums has never done e-celeb worship nor ever will. Those that do make those e-celeb whoring threads do not belong there. Whether it's TRS hosts,
She was a controlled plant from the beginning and when they realized it failed, they burned her hard. She had a smoking heroin addiction and she was provided for in her habit and living expenses by (((them))), in return she had to LARP.
All of this shit is either done to fracture our base by commies or other leftists, or to detract the movement so that people allow themselves to come back to the middle ground which is what the Jew excels in within a democratic system rule by common ground.
When the logical conclusion of those who look at history should be, kick out anyone who isn't white. Remove the jew FED, introduce the 28th amendment and end corporatism. Make the government and banks serve the people rather then subjugate and steal from them and have a white ethnostate. If none of this comes to a reality, then this world is doomed to suffer under Jewish hegemony from Israel. There is no other choice, the civic nationalism aspect the JEws larp at people is simply a control system to prevent them getting removed, it will never work, these element without US society have already destroyed what the Republic once stood for. Now it's simply a matter of time before the spics increase their movement for their Aztlan Empire, and the Black Panther 2.0 BLM tards call for southern US to be Nigger Country. Rich Jews are funding this shit all over.
Curious, if you dare…. How does your post make you feel? Are you so close to ejaculation knowing that you sure did show a broken man what it is like to be defeated? Did you cum all over your monitor in excitement knowing that you have added the a normal conversation by simply posting a simple picture without any addition copy or context? This must be your first job bruv. I feel sorry for you as you agree with the mainstream consent while you slowly die amongst the culturalism you, yourself have been apart. You will die among the the metaphor of basic cultural miscegenation of the global village and would never wake up until it is too late or until you are so fucked up that your children are whores and your wife is a piece of shit, or that of a shared existence. People such as yourself are so gone because you refuse to take a stand. You merely sit on the fences throwing banana peels in one or another direction. You do not have the balls to take a side and yet you mock from the sidelines as your people die. You may not see it today, but it will be evident in your children's generation. I shall call you…. Steve. For now.
Nice copypasta
Thanks. Does your shit stink, too?
She is a mentally retarded commie.
Looks like you're right.
This entire thread is filled with a bunch of text-only faggots replying to each other about being newfags not knowing who a cam whore is. Literally summer as fuck in this bitch. You niggas GOT to go back.
Back to Holla Forums
The thumbnail is all I had to go off.
I think she got butthurt when she realised that Holla Forums wasn't going to PA for her, she never actually believed what she said. She was like one of those average looking women that go to comic conventions so that they can feel like they are above average and be supported by thirsty faggots.
They are all retards
this is your mind on leftyfur
And there they go again. You there!
The lot of yah! Fuck off now, go on!
It's a cry for help.
post some porn she made then
All that shit was bait that anyone with a brain didnt take. Its easy to see day one, first sentence wether they are real or fake.
It's an air blast bomb so it won't directly hit her lol
A fucking American calling someone else retarded. Cute.
Ugly cunt.
What a rude and devisive thread this has turned out to be! What a shame… it had so much potential. 3/10 Shit on my desk after class.
gimme the porn where she actually shows her tits, fellas
the rest is shit, she'd better at least have this
why is she clapping on her face?
you betas still try to meet cunts standards?
Mentally unstable woman + breakup = fun
I don't even know why I watched this whole thing.
So all she wants
And she wants to be a stay at home mom. She made a 10 minute video to explain basic shit and all these betas are still trying to get her approval.
oh ok.
She made another one month ago.
holy fuck that's actually her getting fucked by a nigger.
so much for muh white race.
I kek'd
I can't say I wasn't interested in her content once upon a time, but I'm glad I never got deep into that crazy coal-burner.unlike the negro