The gradual process of destroying all traditions, languages, religions, individuality, government, family...

Is this what you want?

Other urls found in this thread: marxism

Now Lenin never said that, but a society free of coercion and limitations to the individual would be pretty cool.

Change and destruction are two very different things. The destruction of capitalism would strengthen and improve some of things listed.



I'm all in.

Nice spooks, nerd.

Sounds amazing tbh

You couldn't even be bothered to find an actual citation with sources?

low effort trolling.

No. We need a national proletarian state. Communism has co opted the left away from nationalism and towards bourgeois internationalism.

Trash-tier ideology tbh

based quote, comrade. marxism

This is what I masturbate to. Now I'd be happy too even if we kept gender and god (I'm an Atheist but I don't give a shit about personal spooks).

Communism is a tradition, it is in fact the oldest tradition possessed by the human race.

languages are breathing living organism, they change and they mutate, even when isolated./

You will find out that individuality is only meaningful when placed in a greater collective, or in correspondence with another human being. Read Hegel.

No one here is government or governance.

neither against laws


I am A ok with this, though traditions and gender do not depend on communism in order to change or stay the same. These will became different through the process towards communism,not changed by communism itself necessarily. For me sex and gender are closely intertwined so there is no controversy over this imo.

What political ideology do you believe in? I'm actually more in line with that then what everyone else says on this board.



Yeah that's why all the porkys are globalist these days and want open borders and so on and so on.

Lol no. That's not possible. You can't eliminate traditions and commonalities under capitalism to eliminate capitalism. These things will simply be reproduced in a different form, each of which created in the shape of modern capitalism and thus supporting it in a way that fits it better than the one it replaced. It's pointless bullshit. The only way to achieve the communist future (if it's possible at all) is to directly attack the modes of production itself.

Yes. This actually summarizes our goals pretty well. It would have been cool if he really said that.

You have no idea how hard I kek'd at your attempt to not come off as a meme'ing illiterate. A large part of his critique is that is liberalism celebrates particularism and difference, and that we need to return to internationalism and universality.

Literally read Zizek.

In a communist utopia that has disassembled the family unit, are children raised by the entire society? As far as I know even in primitive cultures where children are raised by the whole tribe, family relationships still exist.


Pretty much the end of spooks and achieving the society free of constraints.

Yes, we want a heaven on earth.

Not really, I don't want user to go to hell.

Most of these are already eroded thanks to capitalism and, despite Holla Forums's bitching, there is no real way to stop it under the current system.
Enjoy your ride.

That's what Capitalism and property ownership in general have been doing for centuries.

That's what's been going on for centuries over the last 100+ years.
Coke merchant usually gets goverment benefits, tax cuts and other political assistances.

I don't believe human relationships should be economically imposed, tradition and culture should develop organically. If what you're claiming is what I wanted I'd be an Ancap.
Also check out this little fascist friend of yours

We need feminism to secure a natural population control anyway.

Ok, let's say an international movement of communism takes hold and a government in placed all over the world, based on local, autonomous governments. Voluntarism is obviously one of the most ideal situations universally. A localized ethno commune forms, of volunteers, upholding pacifistic principles, as long as not attacked. Another reminder, this is a non violent, voluntary, and communist group, willing to trade and cooperate with their neighbors, just not mix with them. What do?


It's Schopy's best and ironically most Hegelian quote.

Porky is proud of your escapism

A) No, we won't take your kids from you.
B) The communist utopia will never be realized within our lifetime. It might never be. This doesn't mean we should stop trying to push forward. Know for who? FOR THE CHILDREN!
C) We talk about the future. Your current notion of how things work is irrelevant.

>Most of these are already eroded comodified thanks to capitalism

Fixed that for you.

I don't know… .. Be happy? Live like a human? .. you know… LIVE!

It would be interesting to see a kind of voluntary adoptive system where children can decide to move in with people they feel more comfortable with, or who they think they can learn more from, like an apprenticeship.

But they have a racist policy in their community, even if they consent, and are not aggressive. Doesn't the spirit of Marx compel you to vanquish them?

How can you be "racist" without being aggresive?
Sorry, but your world less realistic than what the anarkids want.

Also, education is something that changes all the time.

Except for now, that it has stoped in the industrialized model we had for centuries, and does not work.

The same way you can be willing to defend your own body without attacking or robbing others. You seem to have a warped view of "racism" where people go out curb stomping others they don't like.

Someone can have a preference in food or clothing, even race, without being aggressive about it.

Stealing other's property and work to use the way you see fit is the embodiment of aggression. If you can't see that, you're lost user.

Eeer.. Not wanting to fuck niggers or have chinese friends, is not "racism". It's prejudice.

Private or personal?