Today is the day we give thanks to our brothers in arms.
Regardless if you think you're mere agents of imperialism, or even pawns of Zionism, they volunteered because they wanted to fight for what they believed in. Asserting Americas greatness. Meanwhile most of you are keyboard warriors slowly eroding American Nationalism with your careless hedonistic values, shameful.
Memorial Day
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RIP to all the soldiers
The last two pics are to practice humility and discipline. They do this shit a lot in the military m8
I remember when we would just beat the men
Nah that one with the red heels was some college where they have pre officer units but you are actually in the military. Just larking occasionally. They had some woman in charge of their unit at this college for some damn reason she ordered them to do this. Solidarity with some fuckin bullshit woman cause on Campus or some shit.
Ill always think about some of the guys I knew in Afghanistan that didn't make it on memorial day. Heh. Whatever man.
* actually NOT in the military I meant to say
solider is just another word for underpayed idiot who thinks he does something noble for this country when all he really does is make some rich guys a little richer.
Thanks for dying for Israel, chump.
Does the military practice those things with forced sodomy, too?
Not for Israel, no.
A fight without reason is a fight without honor.
You're one to speak, Switzerland.
if you think they don't prepare for war, you have never seen the shit they do to their mountains
phlip bringing the bantz
You have to always respect your superiors in the military. Regardless if they're a complete fucking cunt or not. This is called having discipline
join le discord
What? you some kind of pussy or something?
no, i think he just acutally uses his brain… to think with it… can you believe that?
i guess not
Not if that superior a is a cunt or a stupid Dick. What? Yeah you might have to follow orders but enlisted men judge their officers all the time. The only reason orders are almost always followed is because soldiers are indentured servants that aren't allowed to quit their job.
I bet you and him use your brains a lot. Thinking about cock all day must use a lot of brainpower.
Modern soldiers are fucking weak!
How many WW2 vets did you hear crying about ptsd.
man, you really showed me. i think i'm gonna go and cry a little.
Sarcasm is the faggots favorite shield
Kek you wouldn't last 5 minutes out on a battlefield, cuck
Nice try Neocon(liberal)
There was a WW2 vet in my family that died a long time before I was born. I think he was the brother of my Great Grandfather or something. He served for the American Government in Germany. Story was he was never quite right after the war, he had to live with his brother the rest of his life. He never got it together well enough to completely make it on his own. I think he might have died before he was very old. Probably middle aged. I don't remember why or how though.
How bout no.
who would? but i'm smart enough not to go on a battlefield.
Also. Said he was an infantrymen in the war. That's really all I know. Lived in an upstairs section of his brothers house.
And you're a pawn to your masters in Israel.
You don't actually fight, you get shot at by some goat herder a mile away and you order aerial support like you're Big Smoke at Burger Shot.
Nobody cares about you, you're an expendable human resource. If you die, your remains might get scratched together and send back home, with an automated "Thank you for dying for Israel" letter.
Nobody will remember your duty, and nobody will care when you return as a broken vet.
Meanwhile, your wife is riding the cock carrousel at home and even she has trouble remembering your face.
There are no more heroes.
if you say so, you're the expert.
Yes, Facebook, an American website used by everyone around the entire world.
Everyone uses American products
Uses American designed technology
Watches American media
Hell, you're posting on a website hosted in America founded by Americans
And you faggots from other countries think you can criticize us through pure conjecture.
I don't blame you guys though, I blame the self-hating liberals
Point out where i've used sarcasm.
Snowflakes get roasted, faggot.
Wives are for the weak.
are you really this dumb? you're the expert when it comes to faggots.
Come up with an actual rebuttal, queer.
best version coming through
you mean like you?
I did a short stint. It used to be a tradition in the marines not to get married unless you've been in a long time. Now there is a ton of perks for low level enlisted men to get hitched though. You get to live off base for one thing and you get extra money as well. So a few of them do it. Marines usually look pretty attractive anyways because they dont have to pay rent and they are always in good shape from working out all the time. Usually its some girl from their hometown though. Townies around military bases don't usually make good girlfriends unless you're a pretty high rank. You have to travel at least 30 or 45 minutes away from base before you'll find women that are impressed by military man status.
so you admit that you're a faggot?
Have fun dying for nothing
That. Would be a better option.
Tough choice
I wonder if those faggets from Isis or the Taliban get ptsd.
Try blaming politicians, lobbyists, and very powerfully rich lawmakers and policy makers - maybe even foreign intelligence agencies, but thank your own for letting you use something like Tor without them sending their FBI buddies busting down your doors for browsing foreign shit and traps.
Biased news and biased journalism, like (if you haven't noticed by now…) most foreign news sites and journals, aren't something the entire world has immediate access to interchangeably. When someone over seas sees and reads an article written 'about' America or 'about' an event concerning America or someone from it, it isn't written by an American… Kind of how no international news events 'we' read about are written by some some Muslim living in Afghanistan or Japanese-only speaking Jap.
There are stupid people all over the god damn world being taken advantage of through misleading or persuasive media patterns and content like memes and forced and limited biased news. Most of these assholes on here are posting from VPN's and onion routers and shit. It's their little playground for anonymity like a middle finger up their own asses in response to their own country's intelligence agencies trying to keep them safe. I find it hard to believe that there are these many people around the world all speaking English this fluently, even the Brits and Aussies speak like Americans. They write as if they were born into it. You never find that weird? You think they ever seriously respond to any of your posts?
Don't bullshit me, no one who posts an opinion like yours' here ever gets a serious response unless it's from yourself. Must be the Jews, Holla Forums, or whoever knows whoever in real life like gay besties.
They're only sponsored by jews rather than subverted by them
tfw active duty infantrymen can get paid less than paper pushers on reserve
tfw getting laughed at on /fit/ for working out for military
tfw my entire street forgot it's Memorial Day and trash cans were taken out yesterday instead of today