The Federal Budget Will Collapse Within 5 Years

The Federal Budget Will Collapse Within 5 Years

Even Trump isn't fully addressing this issue. If he wins, the left is going to blame it all on him.

Medicare and Medicaid have been expanding approximately 9% per year for several years now. It's not going to slow down. Federal tax receipts this year are up only 1.68%.

Therefore the growth rate of those two programs are 5.3x more than that of federal tax receipts.

Those two programs are 32.5% of the total expenditures of the government, and that doesn't even include social security, which increased 3.2% last year.

Within 10 years Medicare and Medicaid will require more than $3 trillion annually out of $3.8 trillion in projected federal revenue.

Adding in Social Security to that will exceed all federal revenue.

Are any of you aware of this? Are you ready? What can be done?

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Trump's plan will vastly grow the economy. It will also reduce expenses (paying for illegals) and in some ways increase tax (replacing illegal workers with legal ones)

He'll also have to reduce corporate welfare and other wastes of money, but he hasnt defined what he's going to do here.

Honestly his plan can get us to a point where we can start to recover.

That or we can just print money.

it's a goddamn miracle it hasn't nuked itself already. crazy days ahead. keep your powder dry.

We're already doing that and it's not working.

Under what rock have you been living, the world economy is collapsing this year.


There really needs to be a guide for how to survive this shit if you haven't prepared.

I'm poor as fuck, and have nothing but my fists. How do I survive?

Yeah people have been saying this every year since 2008. But healthcare benefits are going to mathematically nuke the budget.

election show is to keep you from realizing shit is getting very real soon

god I just want it to happen, I don't want to keep waiting and getting older for this shit to come to a head.

sell your vidya and buy a twelve gauge pump shotgun and buckshot and then start buying canned food, later on if you save pennies buy a used police vest and a leather shotgun shell belt and get lots of batteries and soap and lighters and store it all in used lockers you can put in your slider closet. this shouldn't cost more than 800 dollars

when all fails one of the most easily trade-able items is liquor. stock up on cheap hooch. it will buy you anything you need.

Who cares? Anything that's bad for America is good for Whites.

Nobody has fucking 800 dollars lying around. Especially not in video games

I really need to buy a solar charger for my 15 minute battery charger. That thing is a god send, even if it sounds like a mini jet taking off.

Isn't that about how much a decent shotgun costs?

Fucking gamestop

I'm a retard the post

The reason for this is the Boomer generation. I can't say much that hasn't already been said. All I can do is seethe and know that a generation of degenerate alcoholics and sugar addicts will be living off the taxes of Gen X and the millennials well into retirement while complaining that their benefactors are lazy and their poor living standards are the results of some drug epidemic or poor morals.

These people commercialized partisan politics and gave us consumerism while allowing a situation where the banks can fuck you, your wife, and your children nonstop to rapidly evolve.

Now, a BRICS/EU currency basket threatens to destroy the petrodollar and eternally lower the standard of living in the United States. This is the number one problem for the United States; our entire foreign policy is designed to handle it. There will be hundreds of thousands of Americans sent to die fighting for some money shifter on Wallstreet or some K Street millionaire or some poor dairy farmer in Texas, who otherwise would have to bear the brunt of the damage and forgo breakfast for a couple weeks. And it's Boomers who gave us MidEast democracy.

Yet all Boomers care about is their fucking social security and Fox news because we all know how irresponsible and morally reprehensible the lifestyle choices of millennials are, despite the fact that they've grown more in character and intellect than the average Boomer could even dream of while expending more calories over the course of their 18 hour days than their predecessors before returning home to watch Netflix and eat Ramen and look forward to their one day off on Sunday.

You should at all times have about 10k saved for emergency "I lost my job", "got in an accident" or some other fucky situations.

This is one of the basic things a responsible adult does with their finances. If you can't manage to save money, then you are spending poorly, or you need to pursue other work options.

A shotgun should run you between $300-400 new. $200-300 used.
Make sure you are familiar with firearm safety before you get one. Memorize the four rules.
Also, one of the first things you may want to do is look down the barrel. People seem to do this instinctively for some reason. Don't do it.
Ask /k/ for more info

I don't mean to say that all boomers are degenerate, but their antics have put this country over the edge. They demand SS and medical care as a human right yet never cared to lay the foundations that could have provided it; instead, they did everything they could to take advantage of the concept: smoking, drinking, driving everywhere, and so forth.

But that's how you check for pitting in the rifling.

I have a Beretta looking into a shotgun super easy to buy one where I live. What else should I invest in. Also hopefully it happens in the dead of winter the Niggers should all freeze to death leaving time to prepare for Summer.

Why do you have Medicare *and* Medicaid.

Can someone give me a brief sentence or two?

Medicare - Old People Insurance
Medicaid - Poor Niggers and Spics that should be culled anyway :^)

medicare is for old boomers
medicaid is for niggers and spics

That is the GOAL. Collapse the stable, white majority christian USA. Cause major chaos and then provide a "solution" in the form of COMMUNISM. Create a USSA Communist state and back it up with the military and by militias made up of negros and cuckservatives.

Said Ron Paul every year for the last 50 years.

800 is going to get you a really nice brand new ithaca shotgun or some high end remington and or a semi-auto turkey gun
if you go to a pawn shop you could get a moss berg 500 for like 200 dollars tops

As a child in the early ‘90s, I recall reading IN SCHOOL (no idea how that slipped through the censors) about the inevitable bankruptcy of Social Security in the early 21st century. Doing some quick math (that I recall my teacher wanting to handwave), I realized that, with it bankrupt, I would never be able to retire. Nor anyone in my generation. At least, not in the way that we were being lied to about in all our other classes: the “American Dream” of growing up, working, and retiring (never mind that that isn’t the dream).

Scared me the fuck to death. That’s traumatic to a child–learning that what your teachers are telling you is completely wrong and that they won’t stop saying it even when pressed.
Yep. Since that time, I have ALWAYS operated under the assumption that I would never be able to retire and have never relied upon or paid any more into government social policies than I was forced to by law.
Kill everyone who desires socialistic policies. Every last one of them. When the day comes that they start rioting, we shoot them all.

I wonder how quick they can do a gun grab then.

I'm also curious how China and Russia would react to such a change in geopolitics since obviously the USSA would be more subscribed to the Trotsky style of expansionist Communism under the guise of Social Marxism.

get a job or mow lawns or sell your shit and buy used shit

also save up money and buy a shotgun shell reloader

Thank you for Correcting The Record.

I have 50k in metal laying around

and youngfags who are kept at 37.3 hours so that the company doesn't have to insure them


So medicare is a personal health insurance paid during taxable-income years and medicaid is a health safety net?

The number one problem is that this country is at most 64% white and at least 50%. Every other issue is secondary to that.

If you are asking about what are good guns to have, any 45 or 9mm pistol is good to have. Pick one you are most comfortable shooting, it doesn't matter which. There used to be a difference in self defense ammo, but bullet design has closed any gap. The is a lot of "common knowledge" floating around firearms that is myth. Be skeptical accordingly.
A 22lr rifle is nice for cheap practice.
Ask /k/ about what sort of ammunition you should use for your intended purpose.
Make sure to get eye and ear protection. These should not be consider optional. Eye protection should be "ballistic rated", not "impact rated"

But if you are trying to prepare for a shtf scenario, then you should invest in friends and neighbors. I don't really have time for a detailed answer, but you should ask /k/ for some of the blogs documenting governmental and societal collapse that has happening in various places in south america. That'll give you a good reality check about what you really need. I know talking with neighbors is a tall order to ask of a normal person, nevertheless a chan user, but more than anything else you need a tribe that will have your back.

Some people have their heads filled with a fantasy about running off to a secret location and living off the land. In any situation where they would be inclined to try such a thing, so will everyone else. All animals would quickly be hunted to the point of local extinction, and you would be better served knowing what common weeds to eat, and how not to eat too much of any one thing to avoid overdosing on the various toxins that all plants contain. The mustard family are delicious, but as many vegans have found, you'll fuck your liver if you eat too much of them. Oh, if you did manage to get some small animals, you likely would not know how to properly kill all the parasites they can be infested with at certain times of the year.

In places where I have lived, it has been a reasonable assumption that getting completely cut off from civilization for up to 3 months is a possibility, due to flooding or snow.

Here are some questions you can consider:
What do I do when I no longer have a job, and there is no possibility of getting one in the standard sense?
How would you start a fire?
How would you obtain, purify and store water
How would you stay warm in the winter.
Do you have a knife and axe and know how to use them safely and properly?
Do you know how to sharpen them
What would you do when there is no electricity to run your refrigerator or look up howto pdf's on the internet? is also good (if slow) resource, as long as you are capable of taking it easy and not getting over excitable about everything. Holla Forums is fine right where it is.

It's one thing when you clear a firearm yourself first, but I've seen too many people new to firearms pick up a gun and straight away look down the barrel.


Repeal Obamacare. It's pretty simple. Obamacare only exists to destroy the system, they've openly admitted it. The hard part is electing the people to do it.

Also expelling illegal leeches, build the wall, stop mass immigration. All things Trump wants will go a long way to fixing this mess. Tearing down the bureaucracy that's strangling the economy is another.

Also, you should plan on having ~500 rounds of ammo per firearm at least. When you start practicing, you realize it's really not that much.

I wouldn't even care if every shitskin was removed and the country became 100% white. But of course that isn't part of the deal. The deal is 0% white.

Oh is the math wrong? Are the numbers from the Congressional Budget Office wrong?


Maybe we can just defund social security, medicare, and medicaid? I can survive without it, and I don't want the country to go further in debt paying for boomer scum.

And, I'm going to ignore it.

SSA says the Trust Fund will last until at least 2034. go fuck yourself and stop posting retarded articles from half-wit blogs

SSA has yet to post a deficit, you stupid fuck

Yes something along those lines would work. Ending the health insurance monopolies and price gouging would drop healthcare costs by 90% overnight, so that everyone would be able to afford whatever they need.

But jews.

That's nice. Too bad this thread has nothing to do with social security.


Yes, thank you. Payroll taxes are increasing 1.68% per year. Medicare and Medicaid are increasing 9% per year.

If you extrapolate that out 10 years from now, the federal budget is unsustainable. So tell me again how the numbers are wrong.

Why are you arguing with a CTR shill/cuckchan fag? I mean he isn't even trying to hide it.

get rid of the 40 million illegal aliens, stop funding israel in all forms, aka no foreign "aid" period, no foreign policy for jews, kill the fed/irs grifting. These would get rid of our untenable financial problems.

Medicare has a $100 a month premium and only covers 80% of bills, Medicaid picks up the premium and pays the remaining 20% of the bills. Medicare + Medicaid = completely free medical care.

check'd and thanks.


This if it is going to happen I want it to happen when I can still do shit about it not when I am old and worthless.

Nope. Social Security Trust fund dumbass

filtered and reported

Noooooo… just you smart guy.

Social security went broke in what? 2009. Unfunded liabilities are anyones guess. Some say over 200t hahaa. On and on it goes.

As long as the world will lend you cunts money for nothing, it will continue. No politician is touching your sacred cows of military, medical and restirement spending.

You either default or inflate your way out of it. Zimbawee up in that bitch. A billion dollars for a Coke haha.

Look, anywhere and everywhere in history has failed when public, corporate and government debt has reached 300% of GDP. You're at like 298%. A shit ton of other countries are right there with you. Which is why we've been talking about PM's and ammo and such for over a decade now. There's no happy ending here. It's a pozzed load from Charlie Sheen on your face while Leslie the ape rams a footlong strapon up your ass. That's your future. Now go to bed imagining that, day after day as your existence. Sleep tight.

Hello, this thread is about Medicare and Medicaid, not Social Security benefits.

Silly me, I thought you were asking why someone would have both, when you were asking what's the difference between the two programs.

Medicare is based on payroll taxes and is largely for retirement, although disabled people can receive it too, if they either worked enough before they became disabled, or if they became disabled before they turned 25 and had an eligible parent who is dead (then they get the dead parent's medicare). Medicare does not make any cash payments to the recipients, only to health providers.

Medicaid is need-based and anyone with a low enough income can receive Medicaid, including illegals nowadays (although they used to be ineligible THANKS OBAMA). Medicaid does not make any cash payments to recipients, only to health providers.

Social Security is a payroll tax based pension plan. Anyone who works long enough and pays enough taxes is eligible to receive cash payments once they retire. Some disabled people are eligible, and children who have a parent die before they're 18 can receive the dead parent's benefits. Social Security payments are based on what was paid into the program in the past and are generally small, less than $1500 dollars a month.

General assistance is traditional welfare. It makes cash payments to recipients based on low income. Usually able-bodied men are not qualified for General Assistance. General Assistance is now only available for a limited period of time, in most jurisdictions, 5 years or less. Recipients who have collected General Assistance until they're close to timing out are routed into the Welfare to Work program, a jobs training program that will assist the recipient in finding work and even provide job placement services for them. This is how people at the Goodwill get jobs as cashiers. Basically only single mothers with multiple children qualify for General Assistance.

EBT is a food assistance program based on low income. Recipients are given benefit money on a special debit card and the money can only be spent on cold food items. Fast food places like McDonalds or KFC cannot accept EBT money. General Assistance money can also be distributed to the same card if the recipient is eligible. Far more people are eligible for food assistance than general assistance so the majority of EBT cards are food cards.

HUD Section 8 is an income based housing program for low income families. Based on local fair housing prices, recipients are offered a grant that makes up the difference between what they can afford to pay and what housing really costs in their area. For instance, the if fair housing price for a 2 bedroom is $1200, HUD pays $900 and the recipient pays $300, so the landlord still gets $1200. There are a number of ways it can be spent. One way is the recipient can rent an apartment in a low-income housing development (project). Nowadays a lot of developers are forced to provide low-income units in order to get the permits to build large condo developments, so a condo complex will have 80 full-price units and a block of 20 low-price HUD units in order to meet the county's demands. Or, the recipient can find an available housing unit anywhere in a city in which the landlord will accept HUD. HUD pays the money directly to the landlord. There are certain requirements of HUD recipients in order to keep qualifying, one of which is they must keep the place clean and habitable, they aren't allowed to let others move into the unit, and if they get arrested for drugs they lose their HUD. A lot of landlords don't take HUD because of the red tape involved and the general flaunting of the rules.

If you have any more questions about gibs I will try to answer them in this thread.

Cool now I can continue to call you a shill and you won't defend yourself because I triggered you.

We already went over this dipshit. For all intents and purposes it is the same, though I think medicade and medicare technically have separate trust funds. perhaps you would like to do a little study on the issue before you try to speak about it?


It really is sad that you don't understand this. Day to day life must be very difficult for someone like you.

Social Security literally has no bearing at all on the point being made here. It could be completely solvent for eternity, and it wouldn't change the fact that Medicare and Medicaid are expanding at a rate that is 5.3x greater than federal tax receipts. Since those two programs are already 32.5% of total government expenditures, that means they will completely consume the entire federal budget in about 10 years.

You are either extremely stupid, or mentally retarded with some sort of physical brain defect. Which is it?

Day to day life must be very difficult for you. You are either extremely stupid, or mentally retarded with some sort of physical brain defect.

Which is it?

You could have read the link I suppose. But you are illiterate so I understand why you can't.

you could have actually gone to the SSA website and seen their analysts. But you are illiterate so I understand why you can't

anyway, I'm not going to give you any more excuses to bump your shit thread with a retard-tier link.

i'm out. have a nice day opining about false happenings dipshit

Oh look, I wasn't talking about SS.

Do the math and tell me where it's wrong.

The only thing that Medicare and Social Security have to do with each other is they are administered by the same government organization. The funds for each are entirely separate.

The reason that the Social Security Administration administers both is that the majority of people on both programs are retired, and also the majority of people who qualify for one, qualify for both.

Both programs are tax-based. If you do not pay Social Security and Medicare taxes in the withholding on your paychecks (or make quarterly payments to them if you're an independent taxpayer or self-employed), you will not be able to receive payments when you retire regardless of your circumstances regarding health or poverty. YOU MUST pay into the system in order to receive these benefits.

General Assistance, Medicaid, EBT, and HUD Section 8 are for poor people who don't work and are payed out of OTHER people's taxes. You don't have to do a fucking thing other than be poor and apply in order to receive these programs.

Some of you seem to be a bit confused about where the money comes from and who gets it.


You know that the reason behind the exploding walfare budgets all over the Western world is mainly baby boomers needing care in their retirement?

f.e. out of 80 mil Germans, there are 12 mil between the ages 15-30. It's the same in the US. And those have to take care of the old farts.
There is now way around it except by killing old people or short circuiting the social services so that they die because of no care.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky: Print more money to pay for it.

If I was in government I would mandatory confiscate 50% of all boomers 401k's and make state run nursing homes for people who wanted to start collecting SS similar to Stalin's farm collectivization.

American budget is a meme


The collapse of the social security fund is planned.

The collapse of the United States has been planned for forty years. Its supposed to collapse like the Soviet Union and Americans will become "the next boat people".

Look up general Petrov.

They are doing everything they can to collapse country. They have brought out the big guns. Its sickening.

People believe the government exists to help them. When in reality, it is just a bunch of self interested people, doing what benefits them.

Even worse, they are appointed and serve their masters agenda and have no loyalty to their country or any race or people.

You are fighting an up hill battle, against heavily financed people. Who own the banks and print the very currency you rely on for survival, food, heating, shelter.

They decide they want people people fucking animals and the next day, bestiality will be legalized and the four corporations (which they own) will be promoting the health benefits of animal sex.

Look at the owners of the banks, media and oil companies. Same people. They also own the government and the cults (the jews and free masons).

You are living in a sea of shills. A shill matrix. All of your institutions were created and are controlled by shills. They never belonged to you. The government was never controlled by the people. In any civilization, ever.


now you know why the jews are supporting trump, they've just found the perfect scapegoat

Trump is another faction, fighting for power, basicly against their disowned children. To stop them from destroying the world.

Fighting for control of the government.

You must support Trump and more importantly, must create creative sounding insults for the other side, which can be used to denounce degeneracy.

But you dont control Trump and he wont save you either. Only give you time.

Maybe there is not enough time and the people who are at the level, will move on to the next stage and the people who are not there, will never be and wont make it.

We are in the middle of a culling.

There is no utopia. There has always been a dominant minority and always will be. A dominant minority, who rules over the disorganized masses.

The question is, who will that minority be.

A power can only be removed, or replaced by another power. You are not a power and do not have that ability and have not assumed the required organization, ideology or objectives.

You are mostly cheerleaders, that will create a opening for another group to seize power. Perhaps for the better, given the current group and their intentions and plans.

3 trillion in medical services means someone is stealing big from you, you can have the whole US population fully covered for orders of magnitude less than that.


Ot's simple, we kill the niggers.

That comes later, kamaraden


Building my emergency supplies inventory.
Trying my best to stay out of debt.


There is too much debt (19 trillion). There are too many unfunded liabilities (250 trillion).
No politician will ever balance the budget and stop adding to the debt (not even Trump).
No politician will ever end the Federal Reserve.
No politician will ever end the corrupt banking practices.

Eventually (hopefully sooner rather than later), this whole, rotten system will come crashing down.

Good riddance I say.

every US financial market is posting record highs

the Feds are collecting record levels of tax income every month

enough with the doom and gloom and enough with saying people are becoming "redpilled", because they obviously are not

No get a Mossberg 500. Their good, and can be picked up for 330 new. Shotguns are cheap. For 800 you could get a ptr.

Sure, you can slow down the collapse, but the collapse is still eminent.

Do you have any idea how much money, 19 TRILLION is?

Enough to build a martian moon-base and sustain it for long enough to make the martian atmosphere livable for humans.

Market tops are only truly visible in hindsight, but that is one clue to watch closer with every new high. Calling tops is bad practice but the fundamentals aren't there to support these prices. So the question is, should we be cautious about the bull market continuing because the fundamentals don't support it and only manipulation and intervention by central planners does, or should we bet on the bull market continuing because it's being supported by the central planners and their intervention.

Alright alex jonse calm down everything you have learned about the political process or the last 2000 years of history has been from conspiracy theory sites

do you have sauce for those claims?


First off, anyone deluded enough to think Trump will in some way fix this shows that they lack understanding of our current FIAT currency system and its predicament.

Our fate was sealed under Nixon when we went off of the Gold standard completely, something the US had been gradually doing since WW1.

This collapse is inevitable. All FIAT currencies (pretty paper backed by nothing) eventually return to their true value (0). There have been thousands and thousands and thousands of FIAT currencies going back to antiquity, and not a single one has ended anywhere but in hyperinflation.

What is insane about our situation is that the US dollar is the reserve currency of all other world FIAT currencies (Euro, Yen, Swiss Franc…) All nations are using FIAT currencies and have vast reserves of Dollars to back their value.

If the US dollar explodes into hyperinflation due to run off printing, all world governments and their economies
run the risk of collapsing at the same time. This has never happened before.

I recommend a 6 part documentary on Jewtube by a man named Mike Maloney titled "Hidden Secrets of Money" for any who want a four year degree in understanding the banking system in under 3 hours.

We will be better off with Trump in charge when the world order collapses, but wherever you are you will feel it.

The best thing to do to prepare is to load up on firearms, gold and silver, physical health, farming skills, land outside the cities if possible, and a strong network of knowledgeable and resourceful friends.

You cannot grow your way out of this. The only way out is printing, and they have done that many times already. Hyperinflation will come after the debt collapse. It is not a question of if but when.

The real reason the US destroyed Saddam was because he wanted to sell oil for Euros, rather than dollars, bypassing the world US dollar reserve system. The reason the US destroyed Gaddafi is because he wanted to create a common middle-eastern currency backed by gold, which undermined the US petro-dollar.

Being this ignorant for this long. Well I guess you finally resolved your ignorance problem, some of us have known about this shit for decades.

Which is what will happen. It's called budget cuts.. And the boomers are too old to stand up and physically fight for their gibs, so they'll die in the streets with Shanequa and her 8 welfare chillun's.

They gov will happily slash the budget and allocate the funds to military spending, it's the American way mother fucker!

Why/on what basis?

The system was designed as a scam.

The US currency system is a scam.

It is mathematically impossible to pay off the "debt". The "Debt" does not exist.

The person who creates the currency is your god. You do not even know the people who rule over you.

Record tax income, while incomes drop.

It is about sapping the population and bringing them into a state of economic defeat and poverty. "Austerity".

It is a war being waged against the population, to keep them in slavery.

Buy gold. Buy silver. Buy Crypto. Have food for at least three months, and guns and ammunition to defend it and yourself.

They will print money to cover the shortfall, and then it will all come to a very rapid end.

Read Mosca. And "The next million years".

Look up who owns the banks and oil companies and then read the books that were written by people from their families and from their scholars and historians.

The public is just a disgusting, ignorant, debased mass of chronic masturbators, drug addicts and semi-literates. It is not worth the effort trying to educate them.

The elite laugh at the people who try to educate the unwashed masses, because they are so stupid and because it is so pointless and futile.

I do not want Trump. I do not want Holla Forums. I want to be around others who conspire for wealth and power and who have the strength and focus to impose their will upon the world. The organized minority, ruling over the disorganized masses.

I do not want to deal with shills or have to achieve consensus or have to deal with fighting with shills and PSYOP shills. I want to decide what needs to be done and to have it carried out.

Holla Forums does not have a hierarchy and is completely ineffective.

However, your memes have opened the door wide enough for other groups to come in and seize power from the current group. Which is an immense benefit to the world. If the current group is not removed, I do not think human civilization will last another twenty years.

All of the elite are preparing for the sovereign defaults.

It is when the chess board gets mixed up and the competition for power will begin. To see who can consolidate power and control over the remains of civilization.

I wish the default would just happen already and I am sick of it being drawn out so long.

When it happens, you have to seize power. You cannot just sit here meming. You need to get organized, handle your shill problem. Stop attacking the jews (only attack jews promoting bestiality and transsexuals and individually point them out and smear shit on them, instead of making broad attacks on all jews or racial scape goating).

You need to work on your strategy and get a playbook going. Work on your organization and increase your power as a group. Increase your coordination and improve your OPSEC.

They plan to use immigration to balkanize Europe and end republican government. The United States is scheduled for destruction, with only 30 million people remaining and the rest fleeing or dying.

They have a choice between a drawn out, decades long financial depression or a sudden rapid event.

The problem is China and Russia. As long as other nation states exist, they are unable to replace or destroy republican government.

The countries where the public has control or input to the government, have been targeted for decades and centuries long assaults, infiltration and corruption. To eliminate constitutional, republican government and bring back autocratic, authoritarian, hereditary elite rule.

more like 5 months

Is that the cult of V8 from Mad Max?


Me too. I was born in '81 and took it for granted that there would be no social security for me, and likely no retirement. I'm confused by your statement above because it implies there is an opportunity to pay more into government social programs than paying taxes. What were you referring to?

I think I lost hope of the American dream so early on in my life that it never really caused me to become depressed or cynical. I've known since age 12 or so that I'd work my entire life, wouldn't be able to afford a family or house, and that's just the way it was going to be. At least I'm not in debt. Somehow I managed to escape that vampire.

It crashed in 2007 too.

And I cant help but seeing you take advantage of the concept of those quints

Alright here we go.

Boomers were born in the 1950's

Thus they would be in their late teens/ early 20's in 1970.


Pussy is easily tradeable.

We need to get in touch with Rick Wilson's son.

Having daughters will finally be useful.

no, just kidnap and rob a bunch of bankers and force them to recant their debt to the american gov't and then go back to the gold standard.

They're planning on crashing world economies to pave way for the one world currency system.

This is all a (((globalist))) ploy.

at least you got dubs

that money is starting to be worth less every day. by 22 it will be completely gone and that will be the final date for the u.s. to implode. there is no escape from the end and they all know it, without that final war to feed their military/industrial complex the u.s. will be dead by 2022. and even with it, it won't last, because it will be reduced to a smoldering nuclear ruin. i'd get out of there now if i were you, except you like to getting slaughtered. most of the rats already fled, they just stay until the final crash before boarding their last flight.

anyone who can't see that is a leeming ready for the final jump. which is the majority of people. the wise, have left that ship long ago. if they even boarded.


Bump for interest

Won't they just increase the debt ceiling again and kick the can a little further down the road?

You don't.

No, but it can be destroyed.

This is why I'm right. And you know it.

That's the only solution. Ominicide.

Human civilization or anything else shouldn't last that long.

Nothing should.

You're so deluded in thinking that they'll ever let you win. Or that I would.

Again. Another reason why it should all burn.

You're bad at this. You can't just get us, or anyone else to just let it happen.

All worlds will burn.

Trump has also said in his first 100 days every government department will be required to provide a list of wasteful spending which will be cut from the budget then and there.


the Boomers stole 20T$+ in federal debt, while having world-historic prosperity. It will come out of their social security, and then their bodies will be sold as fertilizer.


Buy a gun and learn how to use it. Buy food, water, and ammo also silver don't forget Silver.


How long can bottled water last? Do you freeze water as well?

copper is also a rare metal and can be used in shtf scenarios in water tanks/pipes to keep them from growing disease.

Negative, there's nothing can be done except a complete financial reset. We need to eliminate central banks and fiat monetary policy, go back to a gold standard.

There is no fixing what's coming, but we can prevent it from happening again.

I keep bottle water in my closet and I constantly cycle it regular water lasts about 2 years. I keep some in my fridge to.

Have some of both

These are truly wonderful.


Seriously though we're going to purge leftists when the happening starts. My advise would be for you to commit suicide before we get to you.

The same as always.

Raise the credit line.

the fed fucked us years ago
this is fallout from shit planning

So they just all turn in an itemized sheet for filling out the sheet?

PTR's are fucking sweet, I'm glad that I have one and not a shotgun.

Copper is right now $2.17 per avoirdupois pound. We use it for electrical wiring EVERYWHERE, and it makes up 75% of the metal in nickels, dimes, quarters, and half dollars.

If you wanted to store $100 worth of copper, you would need to keep 46 pounds of it, or around 20.87 kg. By comparison, Silver is selling right now at $19.00 per troy ounce. You'd need only 5.26 troy ounces to make $100, or about 0.163 kg.

Pennies before 1982 are 95% copper, 1982 was mixed, but you can flip a 1982 penny and listen for the "TING" sound to indicate it's copper.

I am well aware. That the mint decided to switch to zinc for pennies does not change the fact that copper is a relatively common and cheap metal, not worth storing for any measure of value.

Depends, after a collapse it's worthless, during an era of high production / infrastructure / manufacturing it has value because of demand.

But yes, it's not a good storage of value because the value is entirely dependent on demand.

Funny I have been reading the same thing for 20 years now.

youre going to wish shitting in a ditch, drinking pond water and eating nigger jerky is over.

I have a farm to go to it is my cousins, I already go and help him out periodically through out the year.
It has been in his family over a hundred years.
And if push really comes to shove and we lose all electricity we can always milk the cows by hand if we can't get any diesel to run the generator.

oh boy. Is it time for this thread again? It usually comes in Summer time, a little late this time though.
for about a decade now, ive been hearing "the economy cant sustain itself!! Collapse by next year/next 2 years!/2014/2015!!!
now this.
Ive been waiting for it to happen since I was 20, that was 10 years ago. Ive been training, went through 4 years of military service(had extensive firearms and explosives training), prepping by buying tons of food, water, ammo, eating fucking hard boiled eggs and doing push ups every goddamn fucking morning, bedding wominz and redpilling them, etc, etc, etc

Welp, its officially been an absolute goddamn decade. There goes all my youth. Im 30. It didnt happen. The kikes were able to keep printing and kiking. Itll be decades, maybe even 80-100 years where the US dollar is worthless or the US economy cant keep eating itself. We will be a third world country before that happens. It doesnt just SUDDENLY HAPPEN.
im tired Holla Forums, I want to prepare for something and be ready, but the most likely thing I need to do is have a 401k, im gettin too old for this shit.

Seriously? They could start by not spending so much money on the military.

But then how would they steal tax money?

So you recognize that after a collapse, it is worthless, and I have already demonstrated that during the current period of time (which has high production/infrastructure/manufacturing), it is relatively worthless. How then is it a good store of value? Again, you need a fucking 46 POUND BLOCK OF COPPER just to have $100 worth.

Generally speaking, it is best when you are young to invest about 80% of the money you are saving away in stocks, and the rest in more stable assets (take your pick over what you consider stable. Some say bonds, some say precious metals, both have their disadvantages). As you age, you change this ratio in favor of more stable assets (i.e. about 20% stocks when you're close to retiring). Regardless, you may still contemplate having an emergency preparedness kit with food, ammunition, medical supplies, and perhaps something worthy of trading in a SHTF scenario.
