Why are the chans so cancerous? Online imageboards are disgusting and you know it...

Why are the chans so cancerous? Online imageboards are disgusting and you know it. Is it the anonymity that allows chaos to thrive? Are we all just a bunch of hot-headed young male dudebros, or are we acting out human nature uncensored?

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You have to go back.

so? there are enough other sites in the internet. if anyone gets offended by what people are saying here why don't they just leave?

OP shut the fuck up, you're drunk. you're not even making any sense. jesus.

thank god there's always 9gag for when i feel image boards are cancerous, right OP?

Fuck off pedo.

'chans' are what we use to describe all the imageboards, it's just an easy term.

I'm asking why we're like this you FAGGOT.

I'm not drunk, you are drunk. Stop drinking.

9gag is popular for women and younger teenage guys who unironically feel very happy about life and are normies and also enjoy trolling people with their normalfag memes and annoying ways of typing. They always BTFO you guys honestly.

why didn't I notice before. well, that explains it. eat shit, canada. nobody likes you. maybe if you stopped putting your fucking milk in bags and perpetuating the demise of the west with your socjus propagandizing, you'd get some respect.

fuck off newfag, we already decided on reddit.
eat my dick cheese

rite m8, go worship your orange cheeto president and eat another 11 burgers in one sitting while you're at it.

