describe Bella Bellz's weirdly fat butt
Describe this butt
Evan Lewis
Sebastian Johnson
I'd let her sit on my face and jiggle and make fun of me for hours tbh
Owen Lewis
well me too
Christopher Lewis
As a dindu I have to say it's near perfect. Maybe without the tattoos, but the heft and shape are really nice. Doesn't seem to have any of those pits that fat people have in fatty areas (cellulose?) and that's just great. I'd eat that ass, I'd make love to that ass. I would marry that ass, if given the chance. God bless this ass.
Jose Bennett
i once saw someone say "eww its like two basketballs"
Jason Garcia
closet faggots obviously
Thomas Collins
A bad done mtf job, tattoos are there for a reason.
Leo King
dont get me wrong, i love her butt
Brayden Bennett
How can you tell?
Jace Morales