The last true Kino that ever came out of pedowood

The last true Kino that ever came out of pedowood

Mel Gibson is based and red pilled

I bet he would gas the fuck out of some kikes.

I haven't seen this yet. Does the "Definitive Edition" have anything that Mel Gibson wouldn't approve of, or is it (((better)))?

retarded movie made by an antisemite.

Noah was kino

inb4 reddipol capitalists "communists" show up to defend giving money to the evil anti-semite that made this trash

Most anti-semite movie ever made!

Also, the holohoax is a lie.


Just saw The Passion of the Christ for the first in my life and holy shit, it absolutely 100% pure kino. Mel "The Jews did everything wrong in the world" Gibson is a mastermind of kinologist.


what are you waiting for?

not surprising tbh

it's just gore porn.

Isn't Mel going to direct Suicide Fridge 2?

- Our Lord and Prophet King James

Racists blown the fuck out.

wtf i hate jesus now

Literally who

Author of the definitive version of the True Bible and last Prophet of God Above, who with the blessing of the Holy Spirit corrected the grievous errors in earlier Bibles and translated it to the version God has with Him in Heaven.

You are not fooling anyone, Hans
Give me a translated version of the oldest bible around, then we'll talk
But it seems first you have to take them from all the jewi- i mean israelite museums first

Pretty heretical.

Jesus was a Jew goyim!

It means no one is above Christ. We are all saved by him.

Yes, everyone is subordinate to the King Jew in the sky.

RDJ wants him to direct an Iron Man movie.

and literally the wife's son

Preachy garbage

Matthew Broderick hasn't had work in (((Hollywood))) in over a decade. Also, he's a Jewish convert because he married a horse.

t. Shlomo Shekelberg


For reddipol to admit they're not true communists and love capitalist jew dick like all good goys.

Stay mad, goy and serve the (((King of Jews))).

That's right. Anybody with half a brain knows the true jews were infiltrated by the hellspawn that is the ashkenazi jews. We should in fact join judaism as the one true religion, and purge that cancer.

This. Oh, so much this.


Spoken like the typical Jewslim/Muskike that you are. Look, I know Christcucks can be annoying with their sperging, but by the same token, they are nowhere as dangerous as you two are.

They are weak minded, disgusting people. They are just as bad as jews or Muslims in their current form, they've been cucked for over 50 years as well.

This! They are the most vile people I have ever had the displeasure of meeting, they are the textbook definition mental midgets. How much war and destruction has been wrought in the name of their "god"? Disgusting.

I'm almost certain that I could defeat even the smartest christard in a head to head debate.

That's cause christcucks are failures. Christianity is why the West is failing and the white race is dying out. Prove me wrong.

And for the faggots who don't know this movies history, you should fucking look up the amount of hit-pieces the media ran on Mel for releasing this movie. They were hell-bent on ruining his movie career after he made this movie.

And only because he made the story, as was written in the bible.

Proof? Western society seemed pretty stable before it became majority atheistic.