Laci Green here.AMA
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Kys Jewess
you wish you were Lacy. That girl became a million times hotter, after the redpill. Good to see she is "woke".
she's not jewish, she's a sandnigger
Op, you´re a faggot
I'd like to see her butt, and I think she's cute, but that video she did about herpes makes me think that she herself is infected with herpes, and that just ruins it for me.
she's the 'atheist' half of that equation
i guess her fuckslave is a jew
Hi, laci.
What is this a picture of?
she's currently an atheist, she's half iranian and used to be a mormon
i don't think she's a kike
Okay "Laci." Why should we believe you? This isn't reddit you tumblrina.
fine! i'll gas her!
god, she's so fucking cute
So the long & short of it is that she's fucking Chris Raygun now according to several other Youtubers, and she suddenly stopped spewing all the SJW left wing shit - Resulting in her being tossed out & rejected by the SJW's.
Kinda figured all it'd take is getting a decent dicking for this bitch to toss all the feminist cult brainwashing she's been spewing.
Who in the fuck is that?
Another youtuber. An egalitarian guy who's been bashing SJW's, etc for awhile. Him & Laci hooked up recently, and that's about the time she had this sudden turn around
So it looks like she didn't actually take the red pill yet.
Laci Green is dating the guy who made this?
I've entered bizarro world
Not necessarily "dating"…she's acknowledged fucking him & she she sees him "couple times a week" on her askfm. Also posted pics of them kissing on her Twitter.
But he says they're "close friends"…dunno. But yeah, she got dicked by an anti-feminist & now she's suddenly talking about taking the red pill, fighting with SJW's on Twatter. Getting some dick seems to turn some of these feminist cunts around .
Laci, tits or gtfo.
I can't see her fucking Chris when she was a full femtard so suspect she became less of a femtard, hung around with anti-femtards and ended up hooking up with him.