Data mining Time.
Question: Do you like pedos?
Data mining Time.
Question: Do you like pedos?
What a retarded thread op
go to bed, kike
better than fags.
You've already excepted them.
THIS. OP should just leave.
Antipedokikes need to be lined up against a wall and shot.
These goons LARPing as prosletysing pedos are trying to ruin things for everyone. The genuine kiddy fiddlers stuck to /hebe/ but these other assholes just had to shit all over Holla Forums. Now there's no choice but to ban the lot of them.
It's sad but necessary.
The pedos here are whiny attention whores
And you antipedokikes are just as whiny tbqh.
all ill say is there was a time when we would laugh at this shit and now we get all fuckkin offended
Pedos aren't even allowed to post so much as 10% skin and yet they continue to be the frontline against newfags and normalfags alike, it wasn't surprising that after Jim banished /hebe/ and heavily moderated Holla Forums , an influx of faggots, sjws and all kinds of cancer started to came in.
And we wonder why things are turning to shit
Nothing Jim did decreased the rate at which cancer claimed 8ch. In fact, everything he did made it worse.
You have to go back. Back to your home. Trap threads are missing you.
I would be the owners would not restore /pedo and /hebe for us.
Back to 4 chan.
Pizza came with Jimbo
With that kind of logic it is no wonder you are such a sjw.
You post like a typical 4 chan user. You're not welcome here.
Please go back.
opposite day?
I love Mexicans and it's not for they're hats.
thanks bro
I've just one question: would you report it, if it was 100% legal?
want us to post CP again???
antipedokikes are cancer tbh
jesus christ there are two no maybe 4 threads about this stuff on Holla Forums right now! What the hell is going on? Have the anti-pedos gone nuts? where are the mods for this board?
We managed to get this user banned!
Congrats guys!
Some of them I like but not all. Pedos are different too.
no, i prefer the little girls
not me lel
My opinion deleted