Best Shitlord OS

Best useable OS for a pro Trump shitlord?
inb4 TempleOS

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Trump likes the control of the NSA and FBI. If you support Trump then you should support his NSA and FBI. This means you should be using unpatched versions of Windows and leave the telemetry on.


Windows 10
- Spies on you
- Doesn't want you to know what's going on
- Run by people who hate free speech
- Is a danger to you and others around you.
- Does what it wants when you're not looking
- Constantly looking to push the envelope of control further

Except that goes to the Pajeets in charge of Microsoft, not (just) the NSA. Looking for a Pajeet free option.


Redirect all traffic to

Microsoft is an American company and is bound to American laws. Americans are in charge of Microsoft, it's not whatever buzzword fantasy that you might think it is.





Care to narrow it down?

Are you seriously implying that an American passport holder is not an American?



Nigger, how the fuck would that affect the OS you use? Find a distro with many ((())) in the maintainers if that's what you want.


Who are you quotinig?

The voices in his poor nazi head


Great news! Wouldn't want any unsuspecting immigrants getting themselves caught up in yet another civil war now would we?

Samsung Touchwiz

There's no other choice, m8.


There is only one choice, and it is Gentoo.


pretty much, yeah.

Wow, you really are retarded, there's literally a movement called 'Republicans Against Trump'.

Those republicans are leftists m8

WIndows 10.

Only democrats are left-leaning.


Windows 10

Trump's defunding nasa, physics, and is currently running the worlds largest surveillance state established by obama. Fuck them all.

While Obongo didn't end it (nor will Trump and whoever is next), he didn't start it. ECHELON moved to civilian spying before him.

Some old, insecure Android modification from Samsung.

Who is the Napoleon wannabe shithead?

Now clean your cum off of the picture.

Windows 10

Make one. If we can have Justin Bieber Linux and Hannah Montana Linux why can't we have Donald Trump Linux? I remember there being some white supremacist Linux distro, or maybe that was just a rumour. Meme Trump into GNU/LInux.

For someone who talks shit like your opinion matters you still want free handouts with no work on your part.
Gentoo or fuck off

==then he fell off because he's a fat reddipol CHUMP like yourself==
back to
my little drumpftard.

Windows 10, Mac

I think it was called apartheid Linux.


Politics in free software will only make free software crumble.

No, but Obama greatly expanded it

b-but i thoughted we were getting rid of it for realz this time

At this point I'm convinced the retards still spamming Holla Forumsshit are shills or useful idiots, but I'll post my handy-dandy Holla Forums's Guide for deConstructive Shitposting.

You're right.


Sure is Holla Forums in here

Even if you like Trump for all his other qualities, you'll have to accept that he's bad from the stereotypical Holla Forums perspective. He supports increased mass surveillance and backdoored encryption, he wants to have Snowden executed, and he uses an outdated insecure Samsung phone which could likely be converted into a secret listening device using nothing but known exploits.

People are expressing Holla Forums values here, not Holla Forums values.




Fucking retard.

I bet this image triggers you.

Freedom means having 6 hookers in your basement and 4 slaves picking your cotton. True freedom.

Also the freedom to pay debts through dualing system with jewsbankers.


There needs to be more scrutiny, but at the same time a threshold of freedom.

I think the best solution is the freedom to hack.

Then true freedom means I am able to conquer everything you own including your person simply because I have more guns that you do and I'm willing to kill you to take it all. There is no freedom in anarchy, only people with stronger firepower.

Aside from motivation, no.
It's more a rational interpretation of how fucking stupid black people are. :^)

Exactly. And that's why there is a large swing to the right all of a sudden. Freedom doesn't exist unless you are alone in a sparsely populated area.

You are in a prison. Once you realize that, it becomes a sanctuary.
See: The Matrix, only ours is infinite, inescapable for anything within it, any matter within it. God himself cannot escape the matrix without turning into pure primordial chaos itself.

This thread got weird.

This goes likewise for the left.
The left are hypocrites.

Where you do you think we are?

windows obviously.. it is american and gives jobs to americans, unlike that communist free shit.

Then a dirty Muslim could instruct one of their slave pajeets infect your machine and extort you to fund radical Jihad and mosques in the heartland. The NSA would prefer you use fully patched operating systems.

you do not belong here

Are you so fucking retarded that you can't distinguish between attacking a particular rightist and defending all leftists? They're completely different things. This is not hard to understand.

windows 10

it's designed to be used by retards who love being pnwd by fascist government agencies.

hillery sucks almost as much ass, too btw. greetings from europe, murrillards, get your shit together, your political system is a pigsty.


The only person who's ass is going to hurt after these 8 years is you, from being raped endlessly by your government but it's ok because you voted for it.

You write like a woman.

and this triggers you because you prefer men, amirite

Don't forget the jews that enable them.

No, you're just very gay.

Oh my gosh, it's almost as if the new right is just an evolved version of the left or something.

honestly, the trump-mainia was white people having a third-world independance movement he's white gandhi, white guevarra.

Just like libel-accusation happy Trump

Gandi was an adulter so yeah, pretty accurate.

Call it GoldenShowers OS.

I agree that Trump isn't going to be good for privacy. I also doubt that Hillary would be any better. None of these people have any idea about technology. It's like the UK Prime Minister thinking it would be possible to ban porn.

This is a shit thread and needs to be dealt with by having one post explaining to OP why free software should remain apolitical. All the spergs posting "reddipol" and saying Holla Forums is shitting up Holla Forums again are obvious Holla Forums retards trying to start an internet fight.

Guys, I want a real answer here. What OS isn't being developed by flaming faggots? Transgenders are faggots too. That whole spectrum is faggots. I just want to know what's being developed by people with some sort of sound character.

I still suggest you use a GNU/Linux distribution for your own good. Do not choose an OS to help some orange faggot. This is the mentality of a cuck. Choose freedom instead.
On the other hand if you want to serve your virgin butthole up to the president, then I guess you could keep using Windows.

Why does it matter? What matters is code quality. Pajeet hates faggots and trannies, and yet they never make good code.

It's like a canary. Communities that accept trannies have been subverted by SJWs, who want only to use it for political leverage and the project be damned.

Either the code does exactly what it needs to do or the code doesn't do it. If it doesn't, then it's your job to get that fixed. Can you show any distribution or any software title that "uses the title for political leverage and the project be damned"?

I don't want to run code written by homos. You can tell which code they wrote because it has a more flamboyant style.


You've got to be trolling.


Even that dumb bitch was able to win the popular vote against him. Face it: nobody likes you, Holla Forums.

gay spastic: the post

Windows 10, since you're a fucking retard.

UNIX, and I mean the real thing, not these derivative open-source leftists/SJW-infested things.
Or if you don't like UNIX, anything else from the 80's or earlier, excep t maybe MacOS.

Mozilla comes to mind. They're anything but technical today.

The last three US presidents won a second term. Chances are Trump will too.
We don't care. Unlike you we're not in it for brownie points. People vote for our candidates even if you call them racists, misogynists and nazis, not because they like us, but because the other option is letting you Sharia-loving fuckers continue ruining Western civilization.

So, basically just an edgy kid that goes against society, yearns for a past that never existed and gets easily fear-mongered into voting a retard into office, without taking into consideration how qualified or how legit his proposals are.

America's education system has failed.

America has an education system?

We have an edjewcation system

Yeah, fear is a great motivator. We couldn't have done it if you guys didn't present such a threat to the future the people preferred being called racists over siding with you.
Trump's proposals are more legit than those of Nobel prize winning Obongo, who promised to close Guantanamo and didn't even though he had 8 years to do it. Trump on the other hand is barely in office and is already working on doing what he promised to the people.

Boi, America is screwed.

On the other hand, that's a nice strawman you've got there. I'll use it next time I want to make a fool of myself.

lol who cares nigga

get with the times it's 2017

not surprising to be quite perfectly tbh with you my fam

It matters for exactly what said. Faggots center their entire identity around their faggotry, and so that's what they think of all the time, and they push it on others too. They're itching to push it on others. If you let them, they will do that every time. So, I want people of sound character coding stuff, so that I can rest assured that the stuff I'm using and promoting isn't going to come back to bite me.

America was a failed abortion from the start, once America destroys itself Britain needs to go back there, assuming they didn't take everyone else with them, which seems like it may well happen at this rate.

Britian is a failed abortion of a country ten times worse than the US ever will be. Obungos and all. Let us all not forget you need a license for dinner cutlery over there.

cool story bro

Nice argument cock-sucking nu-male. Face it, Britian is literally the cuck of nations.

Go home, shareblue.

Nice argument cock-sucking nu-male. Face it, Britian is literally the cuck of nations.

Did you mean to put "America"? :^)

Did you mean to put "America"? :^)

Watching the Republic Party drown in Amerika's post-industrial puke.

"An' Br'er Rabbit, he jes' Laugh . . . "