Wachowski "Sisters" - What Are The Odds?

What are the statistical odds two brothers who create The Matrix and the very definition of "redpill," that life is manipulated by the Architect, etc…

…BOTH become trannies?

It's weird CIA, ZOG-tier shit. Did somebody fuck with them so they couldn't redpill people more with newer movies?

No way in hell this is "pure coincidence."

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I wonder what their father did to offend God so badly.


That movie coined the term. The one we should laugh at, is you.

The Matrix trilogy is anti-white multiculturalist propaganda and this thread is shit

I seem to recall they stole the first Matrix movie. Judging by how shitty the next two were, I can believe it.

Sure is 4chan in here.

Another false fag: Bruce Jenner

All celebrities are sick people.

Selling your soul to the devil and attaining tens of millions of shekels involves having to get sodomized by old fat kikes in weird Eyes Wide Shut-type parties. Their brains got scrambled and this is how they chose to cope with the trauma. Point is, they chose this.

The "red pill" is actually first used in Total Recall, retard.

All good points however the matrix itself was a multicult muh feels adaptation of Ghost In The Shell which serves as a warning against coeporate feudal tier transhumanism

Tl;dr op is afag

They just ripped off grant morrison and phillip k dick

Interviewer: If you cut out every panel of The Invisibles and arrange them in a new order you can practically storyboard The Matrix.

Grant Morrison: Yeah. It is that close. I don't think they could deny it. After the initial rage, when I really went through it plot point by plot point and image by image… The jumps from buildings, the magic mirror, the boy who's being inducted called the One, the black drones, the shades, the fetish. The Kung Fu as well. The dojo scene. The whole thing - the insect machines that in fact are from a higher dimension, which supposedly enslaved their own. The entire gnostic theme.

thats why all their post matrix movies sucked

About 1:1, if i'm not mistaken.

Not to mention how badly those faggots butchered V for Vendetta.

wtf I hate Matrix now

The Matrix story was plagiarized from a nigress.

Nah, first one was good…

The next two were pozzed because the first one got popular enough for the jews to notice it.

Nah, it was stolen from a nigress


Yes to all except they didn't choose it. The act of transitioning is a tell to their handlers that the MK is working and that their Project is ready for further instructions. Later, when the MK breaks or wears off is when they an hero. The reality of what they've done to their bodies is too much for them to handle. Add to that the realization that they've been nothing but a tool for globalists and their fractured minds see peace in the annihilation of the monster that is them.

Whatever. We've taken the concept of redpill from the left. We co-opt the jews own media against them.

Yes actually I've always found that "redpill" meme a bit cringy.

Two jews, now transgendered.
The city of the rebels called ZION, literally crawling with racially mixed…

Can't we change that term ?

Her name is Sophia Stewart.

Her name is Sophia Stewart.

What the fuck are you faggots sliding?

Newfag detected

Oddly enough, can't find a copy of her story to corroborate this claim.

The odds are very high if they were both sexually abused. Which I'm sure is the case.

I remember some SA goon tried to insist that transgenderism is genetic, and the proof is that he and his two brothers were all transgender. Turns out they were all sexually abused by their father. What a coincidence.

They only say that gay and transgender is genetic, in order to hide all of the female hormones they are putting in the water supply.

"It's YOUR FAULT Goy!"

A major theory is that the skinny one got with this dominatrix that fucked with his head after years of being with her and helped convince him to be a tranny, and the older one I think may also have gotten involved with that same tranny.

Also both of them supposedly fooled around with each other when they were younger.

Have you seen their shit netflix series, Sense 8. Most pozzed piece of fucking drek around. There's a scene where this big bulldyke is ramming her interracial, because of course she fucking is girlfriend with a strap on, then she takes it off and drops it on the side of the bed and the camera goes to an extreme close up, so close you can almost feel the cunny juice splashing on your face. Rest of the series is filled with LMNOPBBQ pandering horseshit.

The intro to the show is practically a san fran fag pride parade, two big bear degens kissing each other.

These two have always been pozzed. So many people sued them for the first movie it's becoming more and clear all the good things about it were stolen from other, more capable creators, including Grant Morrison and his Invisibles. Which is also why the other two were serviceable and then absolute drek.

learn to normalize audio, scrub.

well, they look better now than before.. so..


It's their punishment for revealing too much.


Same thing that happened to Bradley Manning.

Why turn trans, though? It severely limits your fuckability.

What if I told you, that mind control can turn you gay?

This will never stop being funny.

Preferred the original tbh fam.

Yeah OP, what a mystery

I don't get why people on here don't get this, or maybe it's just shills. They stole memes for their purpose, we can steal them for ours, especially since you always build memes from memes people already know and jewpoz has saturated all media.

And he recently married that dominatrix.

Uh huh. I could believe they stole the 2nd and 3rd Matrix movies from a nigger given how fucking terrible they are, but not the first one.

they took a lot of ideas from unreleased scripts

also, dark city is a superior to matrix

Yeah, you go ahead.

The red pill in the Matrix represents Communism. That's why it's red.

Maybe the "stolen from a negress" story is to distract from the very real theft from Morrison.

It is. Does anyone have the film with the Ebert commentary that was included in the special edition dvd? If so please upload thx.


No it was not faggot. The 'red pill' was first used by the serpent in Eden. Red pill is a mistranslation of apple new fag, enjoy your summer break.


Reminder that the city was fucking called

It wasn't an apple it was a fruit you retard, learn to read.
Ironic how you bash others for misunderstanding translations.

From some sort of comic irc.

Sides in orbit right now user, thank you for making my day with this post.


I like this version, saved

yes, there wasn't ever any apple anywhere except in your primitive imagination yet you bash others for the term "red pill", idiot

explain the image please, can't read the text and if there's some comic book reference I wouldn't get it anyway.

Thanks, but archive these things friend. I would never click on cracked. I'm too cool you see.


Polish, around Jews and faggots all the time while reading conspiracy stuff. They lost their fucking minds. Who gives a shit? They made one good movie, whoopie.

It's copied from a comic, is all you need to know.

This is the same thread you posted word for word with the same images. The only difference now is you lightly question now instead of patronize (huee look at your shitty redpill maymay).

Your shilling and sliding are shit tier.

Clearly the pill's colour is irrelevant as it's a suppository going in Keanu's asshole one way or the other xD.

It is only getting funnier user.

The Wachowskis are jews. What do you expect?


yeah, it's funny how anti-self-conscious you are
typical for a christcuck

You really think user, that someone, somewhere, believes some monk type translating old kike written on papyrus took the word for apple, and fucking wrote red pill. Oh lawdy, lawdy, lawdy. Also user, the Demiurge did not make fruit, he was paleo before it was cool, and the carbs would have been bad for trying to really smash his WotD.

Anyone would think they were identical twins or something.

I haven't thought about this stuff in a long time, but this Rolling Stone article from about a decade ago is a good jumping point for this story if you've got the time to kill.

I didn't know that the second brother got involved with the same dominatrix but that is both totally bizarre and (considering the story) totally believable.

There was none but you wouldn't know, being the illiterate that you are.

AY LMAO from that article:

She's a demon who breaks people for fun. I guess it's like a psychic maggot. She digests filth into finer filth.

Morrison seems to be pretty based for a comic book writer (entirely Jew run business). Never read a story of his I didn't like.

I laughed at that too.

Typical of the Kike bros…the only decent movie they made was in fact stolen.

shouldn't the guys in the cave be wearing Bernie shirts?

Wrong user, the word for apple in old kike is 'gimmeshekelfordisgoy'.

This is the dominatrix one of the "sisters" married. Ilsa Strix.

Pure degeneracy. Lost any respect I had for The Matrix and the 'sisters.'

Kike degeneracy.

Hah. They carefully explain how Secret of Monkey Island (1990) was ripped of by Pirates movie (2003) then show ALL images but one from the 2009 remake of MI.

Cracked is the Most Cucked Media, why would you quote them? They list only one fact which might be interesting (tellingly saved for last): Ted Elliot wrote a Monkey Island film script (Hollywood is legendary for not changing the stories amirite), then repurposed it for Curse of the Black Pearl when the former was canceled.

Am I the only one that gets nausea seeing these specific redpills? Robitussin

Plus the pills imply drugs
A hallucinogenic or opioid trip that supposedly leads to liberation

Also the first Matrix was the only good one. A few of the cartoons were kinda neat too I guess.

Pretty obvious they got MK Ultra'd, aka Bradley Manning'd.

It makes me feel better that the actual mastermind behind the Matrix is Grant Morrison and not the Kike bros.

From what I am seeing online the Invisibles is Spot on Copied for the movie.

I'm not sure opioids lead to "liberation" from much more than dopesick.

The Wachowskis were always degenerate kikes. Stop giving them attention. Anyone seen the Thirteenth Floor? Came out around the same time, similar premise to The Matrix, breddy good tbh fam.

Because they showed that the matrix was copied from a comic?
You want me to invest 1 hour researching a legal case or a legal investigation into plagiarism of "the invisibles comic"?

checked but unfortunately not the same meaning as being redpilled politically, quite the opposite. in total recall the red pill is equivalent to what today is referred to being blue-pilled. (arnold would leave his cool dream of being a spy in a fantasy world and go back to being a boring normie faggot.) the matrix red pill is an existence shattering eye opener that exposes the normieverse for what it really is.

but i dont expect you to understand that. you are arguing the semantics of some trivia, a retarded chicken or the egg argument.

The Matrix was never good and the Wachowskis were never anything but a poor and stupid man's Oshii.

one of them used to date a prominent SanFrancisco Dominatrix

probably an S&M curiosity drew him to the scene, and the Domme, with ties to alphabet agencies exploited his submissive side, indoctrinated and brainwashed him into faggotry

Jupiter Ascending was a terrible terrible movie.

What? You didn't like watching a Vulcan werewolf speedskating in mid-air?

For fuck's sake…why don't you just let David Wong suck your dick while you're at it?

I'm still trying to figure out the plot. Let me think there are competing royal families, one harvests human planets for longlife extract, the other killed his mommy and wants to own the jupiter factory even though he already owns it, the queen of the universe is actually a ukranian teenager, there are lizard people, naked skinnys who steal bodies, and magic rebuilds cities after they have been shot up by asian ninja women driving flying motorcycles.

I think I figured it out.

It reminded me of pic related and sent shivers down my spine.

Nah, she's just a lying negress.

It was the worst film I had seen in a while, the only thing that kept it interesting was the gnostic elements, lavish costumes and architecture. Even the gnostic elements were poorly designed. I never did figure out what the Jewish female messiah cum queen implied, other than the usual implications of great mother worship.The Wachowski Brother's fetishism for the feminine itself is creepy, whilst at the same time aesthetically fraudulent, and based on some sort of ersatz transhumanist transformation that is particularly non-feminine.

I'm not really a fan of Morrison either, but I have a soft spot for P.K.D., because he was at least being original.

The concept of fighting members of an intergalactic royal house is a cool concept to me but it felt so crammed together. Like there could have been more to it.

Definitely, there was no space to expand the ideas.

What if Holla Forums has it backwards?

What if the trans-people are the true red-pilled, free from the dictations of others, free to decide for themselves their personal identity?

What if racism is the ultimate blue-pill?

Never seen it, I think I get what its about as well just from your description

You've got to think of it like this:

The Jews are the only race or ethnic group (excluding a bunch of minor irrelevant matriarchal societies) that transmit their lineage strongly through any other 'normal' ethnicity. It comes down the mother's line, and can often be camouflaged within other ethnicities. Racial hygiene and exclusion is a counter to this ethnic form of subversion. They're attempting to place their lineages into anywhere possible, so they can create allegiances to the Jews from within any ethnicity. In order to erase differences that can stand up to them.

The trans sexual and racial people, are basically livestock for Jewry. A people that cannot exclude the Jew from them, is doomed.

However, a eugenic development of a people without being within the extended network of Jews is entirely possible.



Makes you sound like some sort of cuck tbh. Having no mind for those people around you and like you is the height of ignorance and folly. Dare I say it,lolbertarian?

There are endless subtle redpills within the matrix. Its like looking into an infinity mirror.

neo never made it out of the matrix. when he encountered the architect he was being analyzed to create a tailored simulation which he walked right into. that is why when went into the "real" world he could feel the sentinels and shut then down. the next movie was matrix "revolutions" which preceded the occupy movement and the arab spring; both of which were co-opted from the beginning.

They're both Jewish. Why so shocked?

The jews probably accidently leaked the fluoride reserve into their pipes.

brad manning got forced to become a tranny too

is it a fucking coincidence?

Capped for posterity.

tfw damage was already done
used to be straight, now bisexual, still dominant but with a serious dicksucking fetish
tfw alex jones was right

why no link hotwheels?

Like most trannies, its a fetishism of female sexual characteristics with seemingly no understanding or respect for the actual feminine, i.e female psychology.

Every female character in their movies is a man-with-tits character. Trinity was basically snake plissken with a gay crush on neo


Just embrace the bi-ness, brother. It's the only way to escape the roastie menace without being totally alone.

Most """trans""" people have large amounts of insecurity.
An attack at young age would install that.

Some break it and become great (usually those that didn't deal with it through escapism or coping mechanisms)
Some crack under the sadomaso coping mechanism to such a large amount of stress.

Some shitpost on Holla Forums all day because the want tendies and cannot stand outside and use it as an excuse for everything wrong in their lives

Bi-ness is an identity meme by leftists.

is this some brit/pol/ slang?

polite sage for near-blogposting

I'm not sure where it came from. It's coined for roast beef vagina and can be referred to certain or all women.

oh, well it's pretty nice anyways to be able to essentially just have a bro to do shit with(instead of relying on women who have always been fair-weather friends)

I forgot to add:
STIs are real and are not a meme though.

So you'd forget a FACT and believe a LIE.

If that's their only goal they've already failed.

inb4 should marry before fucking

Which are connected to computers alot of the time.

Like pornography.

You've already failed with that post.

The risk is high nowadays and you said "it's only 6"

And you'll now never be able to mentally handle a proper relationship because the impact of it is less.

You guys are getting sneaky.

This week is getting more and more weird on the chans.


Sure is virgin in here

Yes and I can relate to men on a far deeper level. So talking to someone, sharing hobbies, etc is even better when you can feel comfy being able to cuddle and fuck too.

And no, you can't do that with women.

Also the more whites become trans/gay the less muslims we'll have to deal with. Homosexuality is the only cure for pisslam.

I agree with the user who wrote that transgender people are the real redpilled ones.

Someone should make a thread on how to become trans/gay.


Wew Holla Forums, are you really trying this?

I don't think it gets it. Has anyone ever accused you of being a bit slow?

What the fuck.
I remember that chimera article. Not to mention the Splice movie.

All in the fucking open and in small steps.

Anyone seen the German movie Welt Am Draht (1973)?

This, read pic related. The cause was common knowledge in psychology before the ((((American Psychiatric Association)))) pulled it out of the DSM under pressure from the fabulous lobby.

Autistic newfag detected

I hate to suggest this because it's so common with movies but I felt that if they really needed to then they could have made a sequel, hell even a series of it. It really did feel like two or three separate movies crammed into one.

Motherfucker, why? What is the point in fucking with science to create - unknowingly or not - some new race of beast-men?

Probably would have made a better cable series than a movie.

That movie was even worse


I disagree. I'd rather watch Total Recall right now than any of the Matrix movies.

Jupiter Ascending is also a) fun and b) redpilled. That's why the critics hated it. I mean these blokes are who we GOT RP/GP terminology from. As for the gender shenanigans…. they're levying everything they've got against gnostic people. The genuinely enlightened are cracking left and right under the pressure, and I'm pretty sure none of us can claim to be unchanged by the stresses we're under.


What's the connection to the arab spring and occult pie?

Larry started dating a dominatrix, Ilsa Strix, who liked to feminize men. Apparently that dominatrix used to date Buck Angel (gross). I'd be willing to bet that it all started out light for him, but as he got a fuck load of money, he could afford the hookers that would do the heavier stuff and so his curiosity peaquied. Since he was wealthy, and famous, nobody around him was ever going to disagree with him.

Next thing you know, he's dating a dominatrix who decides that he's Lana.

And the other one, Charlie or whatever was always taking a backseat to Larry because he was bald and ogre-ly. He saw how Larry got more tall blondes as Lana than he ever did as Larry, and wanted some attention to and said "fuck it. I'm a woman too".

They're both fucking crazy. I garauntee some dark skeletons in those closets.

I could definitely see it as a space-opera-slice-of-life-scif-fi-action series if done right. But it's a mess.

the invisibles is the greatest comic ever created i love it so much

its literally about memes it is a lol and a half

post the webm next time, faggot

This is a webm, user.

Nigger, Plato's allegory of The Cave is the original concept of the redpill, Matrix did nothing but popularize the concept and add a sci-fi context to the idea. Even if the coined the term red pill they had no role in developing or introducing the concept itself.

The Red Pill goes back to Inanna (in the form of human prostitute Shamhat) fucking sentience into Enkidu

nobody cares faggot

Actually user…

The wakowski faggots

Didn't create

The ideas in the matrix.

See the comic book the invisibles.
Literally stole everything.
Down to the glasses morph wears.

dank and saved

His animal man is incredible



If you fuck with kundalini too hard you flip your energy polarity, and then if your too retarded to flip it back you end up like those two fucks.


That makes a disturbing amount of sense

to create a submissive subrace that knows its place.

sadly for those in power, we're about to take over, and we might just be the ones to make use of the technology

And about 30 minutes too long.


the theme is girl power "voyage and return" and transhumanism, since everybody in it is some form of transhuman

It's literally the opposite of that, you retard. Arnie is fighting an imaginary, fantasy war. While he's submerged in this masturbatory fantasy, his real life, and the chance to make decisions of consequence in the real world, are passing him by

Wow this is a good thread. Maybe mostly because talking about the weirdness of the W brothers is forbidden in most media.

Anyway, bottom line, I don't see a solution. If sexual abuse makes you gay or trans or just fucked, doesn't matter. You're still going to be gay or trans or fucked. Nothing anyone can do. Doesn't matter why. Only matters that it is.

Our water might be full of birth control hormones, but what do you do about it? I guess you could buy a reverse osmosis system, distill your own drinking water. You're still going to be bathing in it. I even doubt that save distillation, you can get the hormone out of the water. Anyone know about this? However, everything you eat is made with this water so the hormones go right into the food. You can avoid processed food, but that will only do so much.

As for people who take extra hormones to change their body, they're gone, man. Hopeless.

The future of the manosphere…

Either way you wake up raped.

They were a poor man's John Woo and Sam Peckinpah.

Muslims are less forgiving than Christians though. They will pump your cranium with 7.62s before you can sue them for discrimination.

The Coz with the top-tier bantz.

I just wanna know how close we are to this.

And travel the stars?

Natural pregnancies are already being phased out economically, culturally, and by shit like the Zika virus.

natural pregnancies are being phased out because they can't control it