If you're not from America, I just don't care-ica

If you're not from America, I just don't care-ica.

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Join me in my boycott of the metric system brothers
I refuse to do any mathematic thingies that have those mileages
We measure things in stones here, fucking europoors don't know jack shit. Our milage system is too complicated for them. I told my Danish friend that I was 1 legs eight centimeters and he was all like "But you're supposed to measure things in feet", what a fucking retarded system to measure things in. What would say then? "I am 3 feets tall"? Fuck yuropoors

imperial is literally better than metric. not just in a nationalistic sense, but it is mathematically superior.
Brits do that, actually. Most Americans don't even know what stones are.

Internet was a copy of cybersyn and in the last case Stafford Beer was brit, not usanian.

Get fucked, retard.


Usa did the same it did with Germany, robbed technology, destroyed all proofs then did a cheap copy with a different name while asking for royalties to the robbed ones, you are worse than China.

lol, see and get fucked.

Learn to read, btw, we arent talking about some experiment, it worked in heavy conditions with beaners in a hurry:

El sistema tuvo la oportunidad de demostrar su utilidad en octubre de 1972, cuando 50.000 camioneros en paro bloquearon las calles de Santiago; empleando las máquinas de teletipos, el gobierno fue capaz de coordinar el transporte de alimentos a la ciudad con los cerca de 200 camiones leales a Allende y que no se encontraban en paro. Comentando este hecho, Beer señalaba modestamente: "Comunicación es control".

Read niggers.

Go away chilinigger, I literally eat Chili for fucking breakfast. And the snack after that usually.



You failed to prove your point. You claimed internet was based on cybersyn. It is actually based on ARPANET.
If you wanna go the conspiratorial route, you're still wrong because ARPANET came first, retard.

Butthurt spotted, at november of 1969 you were doing the first successful messagge, at 1972 we organized a bunch of beaners in trucks.

this thread is full of racemixed mongrels with no real identity.

now that's shit b8

at least we're still while


Not exactly, both arpanet and cybersyn are just projects, one with proofs of being useful in moving vehicles and the other says that was ok in his first message.

Racism isnt about skin color…

I've got dna tests with papers telling me what race I am and you live in a shit country.

funny you should bring up vietnam, considering how badly they fucked you up despite your superior technology, and real australians dont need guns to defend themselves

You mean kangaroos or emus? Because they both seem to do a number on the half-breed apes down there.

yes, but ARPANET was literally the bedrock of the internet. it was the proof of concept from which the internet was derived. Cybersyn was just a truckload of spics.

We actually kicked the viet cong and NVA's ass. What lost us the war was hippies.

you're not making yourself look any better

Americans knows exactly what happens with military secrets…

You mean cybersyn?

Thats called a proof of a concept and it was destroyed by cia, even your people acknowledge that, so in the worst case (for Chile) we proved the concept.

Hippies are a cancer within this country.

ARPANET came first, it was therefore the proof of concept. Very little of cybersyn is used in the modern internet. Almost all of ARPANET is used.

The russians were the first to invent communication through telephone and were the first to reach in space.

older than Usa, i am not saying that Usa didnt create a fuckton of great firearms, just than the first is older than Usa.


Created by one italian and one jew based on jew physics (last one is a joke).

The tube of "crts" not just the "tv".

V2 nazis.

The other fall on conspiracy theories, so i am not really sure.

Because it was destroyed by cia and we know about arpanet from media, not for the food in groceries.

Cybersyn destruction wasnt a conspiracy.

ARPANET came first though. the US ID invent the internet and basically you're retarded.

Get fucked.

Fair enough.
That was a German-Jewish scientist.
Multiple nationalities contributed here
Chink invention
Only possible because of German rocket technology
Fair enough
Each Western country had its own airplane thing going on, not exclusive.
First internal-combustion-engine car invented by French/Swiss dude
Fair enough
The Russians launched the first satellite, Sputnik
Often credited to Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian
For vocal-communication telephones, yes, this is true

You're right on 4 out of 12. Shut the fuck up.

I'll let you think I'm from wherever the fuck I want you to think I'm from, retard. Shut up with this bullshit, fat ass.

We have a fuckton of witnes saying that the trucks came and that the system was destroyed by a cia plant, even Usa acknowledge that, fun fact, all grannies here saw that.
You are like the leftists kids believing that the mass graves for poland officers were filed with jews. If a witness says something and media other then you have to think, but if a bunch of witness says one thing and media other… well, its time to stop chauvinism and think, it came from a british dude in Chile, then it was destryed by Usa.

Nukes are actually invented by Oppenheimer. he was born in New York.

Write brothers made the first working airplane.

that's just from what i know off the top of my head. eat a dick.

I literally don't care if the CIA destroyed cybersyn. ARPANET came first.

Oppenheimer was the head of a team, Fermi was italian (just saying) and they were working really fast before Germany created that. Who knows, maybe something like what happened with cybersyn happened and it was a German creation.

Remeber that color tv was stopped, like the flying wings (ho229, amerika bomber), that was an intel work.

Made me feel like a really old man.

Stones are what I put in your moms mouth last night

As usual, Muricunts choose to ignore Konrad Zuses accomplishments. The inventor of the first programmable computer.

no ids, no flags, no faggotry
no ids, no flags, no faggotry
no ids, no flags, no faggotry

Firearms were Chinese you fool:

[From: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firearm ]

And the first satellite [ en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sputnik_1 ],
the first space travel [en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vostok_1 ],
The first Automobile [en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_automobile ]
And the radio:

(In order: Italian, English, Scottish and German)

Pretty sure the Chinese invented firearms. Definitely gunpowder, hell it might have been Europeans who invented firearms.

Only an American could be dumb enough to believe that these fictional things are real.

Zuses really got shafted by history.

*Americans* may have invented those things, but OP did not.

I like playing the guessing game with flags

So instead of being defeated by VC defending their homeland from yankee invaders, you were defeated by a gaggle of smelly hippies. Yeah, that makes you look better.

Pic shows victorious yankees.

the tv was invented by Edwin Belin, an Englishman

what does this say?

see video

I bet at least half of those were invented by scientists you stole from Germany.
To this day the NSA heavily spies on Germany to steal shit.

You are literally the chinks of the west, tbh.

That's really fucking facetious. Obviously everyone means the first manned aeroplane, that's the equivalent of asking how many fingers you're holding up and then saying "nuh uh! It four fingers and one thumb XD"


That's kind of the point of the show though. They have trick questions like that all the time so its not the shows fault but more the guy who posted it thinking that it proved some sort of point.

I'm an american

yeah that's what I meant

nothing on that list was invented in america

europeans were using firearms before america was even discovered

AFAIK the Chinese invented fireworks and the europeans weaponized it.


Best American inventions:
Rock n Roll
Muscle Cars
Dungeons and Dragons
Assembly Line Manufacturing
Correct spelling Nite
Correct pronunciation of aluminum

LSD was invented in Switzerland.


How's the empire there? Oh that's right, you deliberately gave it up you retarded faggots, and then gave up Rhodesia to fend for itself from the niggers, you fucking piece of shit. I am laughing at you right now. You deserve your Pakis and niggers.


98% black


We'll rectify that problem soon enough, friendo.

The Bletchley Park team behind Colossus beg to differ, old bean

sure you will

Butthurt Jew.