UK here, looking to find some near Teyhnam, Kent, or around Canterbury.
Looking for someone who can maybe drive to us if possible.
Tell me your price fgt

Don't you have anything better to do, Agent? Go and kick some of those rapefugees out of your country, useless faggot

Buying drugs off of Holla Forums has got to be the naffest thing I ever heard
I bet you're that kid that payed £30 for a gram of blue cheese and asked if it was hash

Then where should i buy my drugs from m8 ?
Also how much is the gram in UK ?

Ask a friend to hook you up. Simple. You go to them, they don't come to you. It's only polite.

Here in Murica reggie/mids go anywhere from $5-10 (rarely $15) a gram and this is weed that doesn't have a fancy name, old leftovers, was probably grown in a backyard or under a sink, plenty of seeds and stems, and has a relatively low THC content.

Your good shit with the high THC, pretty leaves and hairs, hardly any seeds or stems, fancy name and grown right being sold off the street can cost $20+ a gram.

do they sell weed by the gram in murka?


Yeah it's by the gram on the streets, or you buy a quarter (7 g's) or half and so on. I think it's like that even in the states where it's legal. You buy by gram, not by the teaspoon or whatever lol.
But nah, even like when buying from a dispensery, the buying in bulk thing kind of comes into play somehow. Like someone grows marijuana, and at $20 a g that would be a plant worth $8960 if it only produced a pound and died for some reason. The grower (producer) would probably sell a distributor (manufacturer) a pound for probably $4000. Thus, everyone in between down to the dealer is earning the difference in marijuana's street value for that region depending on how nice it is and it's THC content and so forth.

There are are 4 main distributors each buying 4 ounces from the manufacturer for $315 an ounce for $1260. Then 4 different dealers buy an single ounce from one of the distributors for == $420 ==. That's buying a gram for $15 and selling it for $20 to the consumer (you), making that dealer $560 of profits from selling all the weed assuming he didn't smoke some of it or give any deals to close friends.
Still confused? That's okay bruhbruh, stick wit me.
That dealer made $560 for selling 28 grams of high quality green that he bought from a distributor for $15 a gram at == $420 == profiting a difference of $140. The distributor spent $1260 on 4 ounces of weed at $315 an ounce pocketing a difference of == $420 ==. The manufacturer spent $4000 on 16 ounces of weed at $250 an ounce and sold each ounce for $315 and pocketed a difference of $1040. You get the idea of cutting out the middleman? That's why you front an operation the spending expenditures to further an operation, like if you're earning $140 selling 28 grams of weed, how do you buy another ounce? You get a boss who runs shit right.

Prices vary across the states from states where it's legal to where it's illegal. So long as people are making more money from it being illegal than they would from it being illegal, states like mine will not see it for a long time until someone can understand agriculture, energy, and economics and shit. Idk. Sorry to write all this out, I started thinking about it and just had to figure it all out on my own, I needed a good example to understand this kind of thing and writing it all out helped a lot.



how good is this weed i just bought?

dat some dank shit nigga
send me some of dat shit

check my idubbz xD

I always wondered why you weedfags are not scared that someone might mixes rat poison into your shit.
Because that is what i would do if i was a dealer you lazy niggers.

Tits or GTFO, bitch

let's move where there are no id and flag

fuck off shill



Where in the fuck is the god damn timestamp

Canterbury has plenty of decent weed as it is so close to the docks. It's not even difficult to buy street weed, MD or pills there becaise of the uni. How retarded are you?
Your shit hole town of Teynham probably has at least two dealers but if not then become one yourself and do it for pursey instead of money.

I miss weed. Military won't let me, and I have no self control so it is probably for the best

weed is degenerate

No fool! Weedfags are vary particularler to the smell and sight, you need to mix K12 or anthrax.

I deal but I'm based in the north , give contact details if you want a meet or anything .

Have any of you had 3-5 hour long panic attacks your first time? my heart raced up and down, nearly exploded out of my chest, had a deathly sensation in center of chest and along both arms, like going down a 180 degree angle roller coaster, obviously they were morphing from one to the other and had the same feeling in the morning. I wasn't dizzy or breathless but a black hole was at the center of my vision.

am i the only one who thinks that weed is one of the most overrated drugs out there

It's not just overrated it's fucking gay.

I'm in Los Angeles and I'm smoking weed right now. Does that help you out?

why does Holla Forums h8 the herb so much, i just think its overrated

Holy shit, what a expensive weed, you can't be serious.

So, the murrikans pay top dollar for good weed? You guys are stupid, lol.

Its funny, market logics are all backwards in murrika, there are places in south america where the kg is less than 10 bux, and you americans are still paying more for something thats not worthy.

Damn, you guys are fucked.

Only when the counter terrorism start singin my entire browser history because they think chans are immoral.

shit weed, user. outside grow full of stalks and leaf, 6 months old and smelling of diesel.
you can't even make a kilo of good weed for 10 bucks, even if you steal the elecricity or produce under glass.

That's mostly central and eastern America, it differs from region to region. It's especially lower towards the western and northern states, close to 10 bux for the gud

I can get some pretty good stuff for $200 an oz in central texas. It just depends on the location man