How will the revolution deal with religion-fags?

How will the revolution deal with religion-fags?

Best option is profess atheism or die.

That is how new paradigms become dominant.

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Gulag or Cheka

A single bullet for each one should do.

WTF is with the argument in the OP? Most pro lifers would consider Human life > animal life so bringing in lizards and trying to imply "hands and feet" refer to those creatures instead is retarded.

Nothing. People may worship whatever they want. Religion fades with education and wealth equality. I'm not interested in that fedora atheist shit.

Honestly I don't care. I'm an agnostic but responses like these:

are just as faggy as the fundamentalist Christians these people complain about.


When the theocratic hierarchies eventually react to the ever shrinking recesses of ignorance they survive in…Gulag/Bullets.

THe religious institutions will show their allegiance to the status quo.
So their hierarchies should be purged on that basis alone.

tfw all these based replies

Religion is already on the way out. Religion per se isn't the problem. The kind of irrational thinking that leads to it is. Look at what happens when you remove religion but leave that shit in place - you get idpol. People start screaming about the cishet patriarchy and how whiteness oppresses blackness by nature. You gotta teach kids critical thinking.

Why not converting them into revolutionaries with a religulious flavour?

You leave them alone and let them be religious faggots if they want. Tankies kill yourselves.


Fuck man stop with these shitty threads already, especially the ones about religion and pedophilia.

We have this thread everyday.
Tankies get out.

*kneels deeply*

Where the fuck did all you Christfags come from? I'm sick of all the religion bullshit in general on this board

America can't keep up with the west

That's not really what I said at all. Basically what I'm saying is that it's pointlessly edgy to be so concerned about it that you're willing to throw people into labor camps simply for having a spiritual belief system that you don't approve of.
With that said, I think Christianity is fucking stupid but it's just as stupid and dogmatic to destroy churches just because it offends your sensibilities.

Not to mention, the Pope has criticized capitalism on many occasions and the Dalai Lama is openly socialist. If anything we should be using this to our advantage instead of spitting on potential allies.


Religion is slowly dying, and Islam which is the fastest growing religion has alienated nearly everyone who is non-Muslim, even Arabs now after they start rebuilding their wrecked countries, I doubt if they will ever return to Muslim fundamentalism considering sectarian violence was one of the causes they are in teh state they are in right now.

The problem is with what you replace religion with, in countries were religion was replaced by authoritarian systems like Nazism or Stalinism, you also had new more even more bloodthirsty state religions. Religion should be studied and appreciated up to a point, but secular education should take precedence over it.

religion limits man's attachment to this life, that is why it is so dangerous.
so what? They destroyed the pagans so why not destroy them. We are improving the world by eliminating them. While they were just waving their skydaddy's dick in wars against believers of other skydaddies.

they will have the option to convert

american """"""revolutionaries"""""" everyone.

lol you actually believe individuals will logically and rationally act out their best choice. read a history book and put down the Mises propaganda..

shit b8 m8
if you were a woman would you want to be born in Saudia Arabia or Stalin's USSR? What if you were an aspiring physicist which place would offer you more opportunity?

So what? You shouldn't be able to tell people what they can or cannot believe. Hell, if someone wants to believe in the idea of capitalism, let them, as long as they aren't actually going out an exploiting workers, I couldn't give two shits.
I thought you disliked religion, why are you defending the pagans all of a sudden? That seems hypocritical to be quite honest.
Pic related pretty much sums up your mindset on the world.

I remember seeing a video of soviet soldiers blowing up old russian churches.
But even though they tried orthodox Catholicism still survived in russia.
So did islam in Chechnya.
The current pope is the one who set up the meeting between america and cuba to open up relations.
You should know, yes people are getting more secular but the Vatican is still super powerful and shady as shit.
No one asks what happened to Benedict.
And the public has fallen for the popes leftist charm offensive even though he has changed nothing about how the religion operates.
Catholic priests around the world are pretty much the vaticans form of secret service who will report back anything to them.
They have their own country (size of a city block though), their own language (latin)
And people in third world countries are still very devout.

As for islam, i would argue that ayatollah Khomeini was the most successful revolutionary of the 20th century, not che Guevara.

And, well we all know about the jews.

As much as i hate abrahamic religions they have a strong foothold on humanity

this limits revolutionary potential and makes people more passive. If you believe in a god or a life after this life you are more likely to accept it when the system shits on you.

I am not defending pagans. I am saying that religions destroyed each other so it is okay to destroy religion.

how so?

Stalin actually reversed policy and made friends with the orthodox church.

Abrahamic religions probably thought the same thing about all the pagan religions that existed in the Arabian peninsula, but look at it now. It is all Islam. The pagan heritage of Yemen has been erased.

change is possible comr8

Well, that won't really be a problem once the revolution has already occurred.
People really won't have to worry about that once socialism is the law of the land.
That's not really a good justification to be honest. Just because they are shit, it doesn't mean we should try to emulate them.
Because you're acting as though something said by a religious authority doesn't really matter overall. The fact is, these people have a lot of influence and the more of them who are criticizing capitalism, the better. To act like they don't exist seems childish to be honest and I say all of this as an agnostic.

which reads, with the unspooked glasses:

You know how islam and Christianity expanded their influence?
By force converting everyone and killing anyone who didnt convert.

In norse paganism there was this tree called Yggdrasil, the chrsitans chopped it down.

Watch this video, yes its varg vikerenes, but he explains how to a pagan there is no difference between isis and Christianity.

In order to do away with religion, you need to do away with the conditions that gave rise to religion.

the masses have to be vigilant against any abuse of power. They can never take a backseat to political/economic affairs.

But emulating them DOES WORK. In fact it is the only solution, no social structure has ever been created by any other means.

If the goal is to wield more influence than the left should become more influential. Not subordinate to religion and somehow change the power structure from the inside. That doesn't work.

The left should standalone. The way the left becomes more powerful is by focusing on itself and growing and educating the people, not by entering alliances with remnants of feudalism and capitalism.

Revolution is overthrowing things. remember that.

pretty much, except there is no messiah. The goal is to get people to realize like the internationale says there are "no condescending saviours"

If you believe you are subordinate to a being even after you die, it will be difficult to get you to believe that you are better than the bourgeoisie when you are alive.

This greatly limits revolutionary potential. Contrary to popular opinion, communism is not a system that relies on sheeple.

Friendly reminder that Marxism is secularized Christianity.

What conditions are you referring to? The stone age ended a long time ago.

Let's not be stupid and search for metaphysical reasons for religion. Religiousity is a result of violent-spamming. It is violent in that it gave people the decision convert or die and it is spamming because it is a message that gets drilled into the heads of people. The reason the middle east is so Islamic is because Islam i all that they are exposed to and they are constantly exposed to it and you can't question it. It is the only paradigm they know. This is the case with all dominant paradigms. What the majority believe is a product of the media that exists around them.

but you aren't though, if you were in their place you wouldn't be a classcuck either would you?
do you unironically defend opressors can't be redeemed?



I want all these fucking retards defending religion and its inherent hierarchy to fuck off

OK then

Nobody does that. We should be able to tell people what they should and shouldn't believe.

What are you going to do about it? Complain? Wait for someone to solve your problems for you like the sheep you are?


You're not talking of ideas.
You haven't discussed anything or dispelled religion.
You just bitched.

There's almost nothing but talk about ideas here

It doesn't concern me one way or the other, it's just annoying seeing shitposts about religion. Religion has had barely any relevance to the left unless it was to refute it - which is a historical fact.


No little girl should ever endure childhood in an salafi Islam household.

"Religion must be declared a private affair. In these words socialists usually express their attitude towards religion. But the meaning of these words should be accurately defined to prevent any misunderstanding. We demand that religion be held a private affair so far as the state is concerned. But by no means can we consider religion a private affair so far as our Party is concerned. Religion must be of no concern to the state, and religious societies must have no connection with governmental authority. Everyone must be absolutely free to profess any religion he pleases, or no religion whatever, i.e., to be an atheist, which every socialist is, as a rule. Discrimination among citizens on account of their religious convictions is wholly intolerable. Even the bare mention of a citizen’s religion in official documents should unquestionably be eliminated. No subsidies should be granted to the established church nor state allowances made to ecclesiastical and religious societies. These should become absolutely free associations of like-minded citizens, associations independent of the state.
"So far as the party of the socialist proletariat is concerned, religion is not a private affair. Our Party is an association of class-conscious, advanced fighters for the emancipation of the working class. Such an association cannot and must not be indifferent to lack of class-consciousness, ignorance or obscurantism in the shape of religious beliefs. We demand complete disestablishment of the Church so as to be able to combat the religious fog with purely ideo logical and solely ideological weapons, by means of our press and by word of mouth. But we founded our association, the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party, precisely for such a struggle against every religious bamboozling of the workers. And to us the ideological struggle is not a private affair, but the affair of the whole Party, of the whole proletariat.
"If that is so, why do we not declare in our Programme that we are atheists? Why do we not forbid Christians and other believers in God to join our Party?
"The answer to this question will serve to explain the very important difference in the way the question of religion is presented by the bourgeois democrats and the Social-Democrats.
"But under no circumstances ought we to fall into the error of posing the religious question in an abstract, idealistic fashion, as an “intellectual” question unconnected with the class struggle, as is not infrequently done by the radical-democrats from among the bourgeoisie. It would be stupid to think that, in a society based on the endless oppression and coarsening of the worker masses, religious prejudices could be dispelled by purely propaganda methods. It would be bourgeois narrow-mindedness to forget that the yoke of religion that weighs upon mankind is merely a product and reflection of the economic yoke within society. No number of pamphlets and no amount of preaching can enlighten the proletariat, if it is not enlightened by its own struggle against the dark forces of capitalism. Unity in this really revolutionary struggle of the oppressed class for the creation of a paradise on earth is more important to us than unity of proletarian opinion on paradise in heaven.
"That is the reason why we do not and should not set forth our atheism in our Programme; that is why we do not and should not prohibit proletarians who still retain vestiges of their old prejudices from associating themselves with our Party. We shall always preach the scientific world-outlook, and it is essential for us to combat the inconsistency of various “Christians”. But that does not mean in the least that the religious question ought to be advanced to first place, where it does not belong at all; nor does it mean that we should allow the forces of the really revolutionary economic and political struggle to be split up on account of third-rate opinions or senseless ideas, rapidly losing all political importance, rapidly being swept out as rubbish by the very course of economic development."

Lenin > Tankies

"We are now becoming a mass party all at once, changing abruptly to an open organisation, and it is inevitable that we shall be joined by many who are inconsistent (from the Marxist standpoint), perhaps we shall be joined even by some Christian elements, and even by some mystics. We have sound stomachs and we are rock-like Marxists. We shall digest those inconsistent elements. Freedom of thought and freedom of criticism within the Party will never make us forget about the freedom of organising people into those voluntary associations known as parties."

Kek. I can't believe you can be this much if a moralfag while being so intolerant towards religion. Where do you think you're posting fedora fag?

I'm trying to outmoral the moralfags.

A true communist won't change their opinion because of what Marx/Lenin/Mao/Stalin or anybody else says. We are revolutionaries who acknowledge that conditions are different throughout time and what """"worked""""" fir the USSR may not work in the 21st century.

I don't think you are getting the point.
The point was that what the tankies so-called "Leninists" who think that you can just gulag away the religion could learn a thing or two by reading some Lenin.

I don't, of course, agree with Lenin on everything. I don't even agree with most of what was said in the quote(s) I posted, my point was that they are far from the typical tankie response of "hit with stick 'till it works" for pretty much everything.

Fuck off please. Religious people here don't do shit really. It's always the fucktard edgy tankies who keep on bitching.