Be me





I'm curious, what sorts of things do you say that they find so deep?

it's just having an above average vocabulary and being able to relate things (which probably have no relation in the first place) to stuff i've learned recently in courses. i really have no intellectual value and am just a mere medium of projection from useless information at point a regurgitated in different words and travelling to point b.
mainly philosophy/politics

Don't feel too bad about it, most people are like that. You just don't realise it because you are one of them.

I have walked the eight fold path and learned the four noble truths while simultaneously completing my journey to understand what the Tao is in its entirety.
I have ascended beyond desire or disposition, i can resist anything thrown at me internally by my nervous system or external forces

*it fockin' hurts
you can never trust a pawn to reliably complete the missing letters in a typo

Eh. Well, most people will never do anything noteworthy or worthwhile. We eat and shit and sleep over and over until we die. We'll be remembered by nobody except our grandchildren, perhaps great-grandchildren, then we'll be totally forgotten except as a name and a few bits of data in a census record somewhere. So just keep hanging out with people who are stoned enough to be impressed by you. You can keep being a fraud until dementia sets in. Cheers.

yeah but the thing is, i actually want to better myself. and when my peers/people i associate with are so much lower than the bar i hold for myself - it's hard to progress. as compared to if my group of friends were all smarter/more engaging, then i would actually progress at a faster rate.

i also find the thought comforting that on a long enough timeline…most people will fail, all will die, and nobody is going to be alive to tell the tale of humans

Are you me?

Verbose word salad only "impresses" normalfags (it doesn't really impress them, they are just being polite). Protip: any non brainlets will realize what you are after a few minutes of IRL conversation.

God you sound like a faggot. I bet you are insufferable in person.

I'm really not and I didn't mean to come off condescending or elitist in that post
I like all my friends and don't experience any sensation of above-ness as far as just about anything is concerned.
it's not really word salad either, it's just psuedo-intellectual BS really where I pretend I know a lot about some subject that I've only read the abstract of a study for, and then incorporate that somehow into things it has no business being related to.

but i assure you, i'm actually a really good person to hang out with. mainly cuz anxiety and shit i always gotta make sure people are having a good time/comfortable cuz otherwise my mirror neurons make me feel whatever they interpret one of my uncomfortable or irritable friends as feeling

i'm not a fgt i swear, well maybe only a lil cuz i jerked it to baily jay a few times
few times daily

i know you fuckin' brits
the Queen's english is absolute bollocks
Cockney is the only accent that has qualities one can appreciate. all others are inferior

Nobody speaks the queens English hoss

remember when Margaret Thatcher was PM of the UK?
how did you guys let that happen without more public outcry?
pls don't tell me you liked what she did

upon reflection, I have newly discovered another reason why people like being around me. it's cuz I also spend a considerable amount of time being manipulative and saying things that will stroke people's egos and make them feel good about themselves.
idk why i do this but i do this with just about everyone. it makes me feel kinda nice so i guess it's inherently a selfish thing to do as some sort of manifested behavior of my reward system or limbic system whatever is responsible for that sort of thing

Most people with an amicable sense of vocabulary are usually psychopathic if they use it as the main driver of their intelligence. You see they go out of their way to impress normies by using words which are not circulated in the cultural vernacular as an intention to impress their surrounding. Eventually it makes you very popular but everybody calls you a cunt behind your back because that's what you are. A two face cunt. Excuse the vernacular once again. You seem like an intelligent person. Don't abuse it, just be yourself instead of LARPing life. You're worth more than that OP.

I don't see any similarity to psychopathy in how I experience or have experienced my life in its entirety. I have a lot of empathy, to the point where when I watch death videos or something akin to that, I have to spend a lot of time trying to identify root causes of what contributed to this awful thing I just watched happen (and then try to make commitments to not contribute to whatever that may be).

But I am definitely ridden with anxiety/maybe a bit of narcissism which really fucking irritates me because intellectually I do not believe I have any more value or right to exist than anybody else.
But then sometimes when I'm able to employ my falsity to my friends or people I'm first meeting, I feel good in an odd way.

I don't really worry about people calling me a cunt because I'm one of the most approachable, agreeable, and non-confrontational people in the setting at any given time. Some of my friends use a lot of substances which in turn makes some of them sperg out on occasion, and I think they are the more unlikable ones behind closed doors

idk why i feel the need to seek validation from other people by way of being intellectually dishonest. i think it's more pathetic/needy than psychopathic if were to try and psychoanalyze the pathology behind it

Verbal IQ is trash and it is overrated. Anybody with half a brain can dazzle a normalfag with a barrage of words, it's not a sign of real intelligence. I believe that a good 90% of "psychopaths" are dumb shits, the people they target are just dumber than they are. The other 10% are actually intelligent though. A

Teddy was one of the 10% you describe
Robert Ressler (dude who created the behavioral science unit in the FBI) said out of all serial killer interviews he conducted, he only felt like he didn't have control or an edge when talking with Bundy.

They would be superior beings if they weren't completely amoral. They are actually are superior if you believe in individualism, they are just bad for society as a whole.

I'm not sure. i think it's something like 1% of the population (in the US I believe) are psychopaths. There was a study done that showed out of a pool of some of the most successful CEO's of the largest companies, 11% of them were psychopaths.
I think it's probably obvious this is because they lack a moral compass of some sort and are willing to make gains at other people's expense because of a lack of remorse or guilt.
Whether or not an argument could be made that successful people in the business world are good for society is something I could see going both ways (I generally think it's a net loss for society too)
But I think to better understand mental illnesses like psychopathy, helps us better understand what it is to be human

*the disproportionate representation of them in this area is probably because they

There is no doubt that they are bad for society as a whole, the only time they will perform a good deed is to manipulate others or if it is an indirect result of a selfish action on their part. There is no use for an amoral predator in a functional society.

What I actually meant when I typed that was that too many psychopaths in a society would completely collapse it. But even at only 1% (a ridiculously low figure considering that these people never report their illness) they will bring a society to ruin if they can get into key positions.

in the business world, isn't power-seeking behavior and making decisions that progress your career at the expense of others assumed and rewarded? doesn't this give the psychopath and advantage because of them being devoid of empathy?
couldn't they have moral values that they try to adhere to on an analytical/intellectual level, even though they may not feel strongly about the commitment to them?
I think I generally agree with you or at least your sentiment but I don't think the solution to psychopaths in positions of financial power and economic control lies within the prevailing mentality of "remove them all"

What's good for the business world isn't good for society as a whole. How can an amoral person who's only looking out for themself contribute to society in a positive way? I'm not denying that they are talented, my point is that their talent is used almost exclusively for their own selfish goals and at the expense of others.

Congratulations OP, you've successfully become a sociology professor.

wee wee poo poo snot vagoo = the Holla Forums vocab.