What do we think about black people?
What do we think about black people?
Nothing less than extermination
Kepp plump nigresses as personal fleshlights
pick one
What's the plan for if they nigs get pregnant? White male sperm is very strong.
leave the baby nigs in the wild for three days, any survivors are deemed worthy and allowed to live in white society. Like in ancient Sparta
I like black people (like myself) but I hate niggas
In my honest opinion you're a nigger
Timestamp with chocolate skin
To prove you're a true negro
They had an entire continent just for them and the only good parts of it are ones white people colonized.
And now they do this.
I'd say slavery was a mistake but it was (((very intentional))).
I don't have to put up a picture to prove I'm black
of course you don't white boy
Hey believe what you want, I'm not posting a pic
ok whitey
I can prove otherwise with a story from my childhood and tell you what gang I was in when I lived in chiraq
pick one
I'm an honest guy.
I was(am) a jackboy 4
I'll see right through your lies, you ain't from that life white boy, go ahead though, tell your story
You misspelled niggers, OP
Ok but I'm going to need to pretype it. It's the story of the death of my homie on his birthday
I don't like this thread so I'm going to hide it.
Is that ok?
You racist piece of shit.
look out! there's one behind you!
Just because we're discussing niggers doesn't mean you have to hide it. Racists like you make me sick.
It's kinda short but here it is
What's so fucking funny?
Trapping is dealing dope
The dead nigger at the end of the story. What the fuck do you think?
I thought you would be a hard nigga bu you ain't shit,
you read that on urban dictionary white boy?
fuck off my board you racists
So a nigger drug dealer got killed? Is this supposedto be a sad story?
So sitting down taking a bullet to the face would've made me a "hard nigga"? This is why you mfs die in movies, because your thought process is retarded. Also trapping isn't even on urban dictionary
That's some foul ass shit cuh fr
He was my homie idgaf if you don't shed tears for him
Keep crying nigger.
Stop being racist Canada Cuck
Why would I be crying? I just think you're an inconsiderate bastard is all
Well you're a filthy shitskined nigger.
basically this. we are not from the same stock. I mean, it's not like I hate them.
I'm more caramel than shit but whatever
Lol, no.
Thought I wasn't black though. Did that change after one story? Y'all mfs are pathetic
Do you pass the paper bag test?
Maybe you are black after all…
Report this guy and his goverment will take care of him
I might be a half shade lighter but I guess I'm the same as a paper bag
I see. That must be nice for you. Even niggers prefer lighter skinned niggers.
Well I am half Korean but I've been in the sun so much I've gotten way darker than I should be
Holy niggers that was the wrong file. Sorry guys
Source that hieroglyph.
Half nigger half gook. You must be a rape baby.
Lmao no but I was definitely supposed to be a trap baby. They got married, had my little brother and divorced though
They wanted you to be a trap as a baby? those sick fucks.
A trap baby is when a women gets pregnant unbeknownst to the man she's fucking, tells him she can't raise the kid alone and ultimately forces a marriage…but I'm sure you knew that
Yeah. I guess my joke fell flat.
Yea maybe because I'm not gay nor do I indulge in crossdressing
Black people are dumber than other dumb people and find it even harder to be introverted. This is why they love to sing, dance, make noise, and do random stuff. I find it entertaining. Dogs are the next level but I'd prefer to have a nigger. I like them.
That's good. Niggers hate fags.
I'm introverted, I don't like dancing but I like rock
Niggas are dumb, black people are average
You know why niggers are such good dancers?
they will never change. no matter how much we teach them, try to mold them into our culture, or give them sympathy for their communities, the best they offer is still cheap entertainment.
It feels so good knowing i'm not a sub human loq IQ nigger. Whenever i'm down its always nice to think, at least i'm not some spear chucker literally incapable of higher thought processes.
Imagine being born into an alien civilization where even the most basic concepts aliens are able to grasp by 18 years are things you will never understand in 60. This is what life is like for niggers.
Do you dance around in the streets?
Niggers are black people. You can't just artificially change the definition of a word because you don't like its implications.
Only niggers are black. Average is dumb.
Nothing better than a bitch with her face full of random shit.
My IQ is 127 though (tested last year)
That rap nigger is the perfect example of what i'm talking about with aliens. That is what it would look like to advanced space traveling aliens if we tried adopting their ways. Its nothing but a imitation and it looks ridiculous. Even the most intelligent blacks are mere imitations of the real thing.
I would be angry too if I were black. Your entire existence you would know that you will never achieve an intergalactic empire spanning galaxies and there is nothing you can do about it because you're just too retarded.
The best you could possible do is talk about your dick when the most disgusting and sluttiest whores of their galactic empire want to try something new. Thats all you would have going for you.
it seems like every day i find yet another reason to be happy that im not a nigger
And yet you're so retarded you are incapable of proving you are black and involved yourself in petty drama with your faggot gang bangers.
I'm sure you're a really smart guy. So smart that every time you reply to a post I lose IQ points because I just can't keep up with your brilliance and cunning street smarts.
Wow. You are so far up your own ass it's absolutely ridiculous
This has nothing to do with being elite. In fact it has nothing to do with being elite. It has everything to do with the fact that we are born better than you.
An average white guy is better than top 15% percentile of blacks.
I'm a loser and yet I will never be as retarded as a low IQ nigger. It feels really really good.
Let me grab my daughter so he can fuck her omg omg how based!!!!
Nigger why did you repeat yourself
Race-baiting faggot, get fucked.
A truly "based" nigger wouldn't want to fuck your daughter. They may be a small minority but they do exist.
actually nig mixes are pretty good. Generally very good looking girls, and all of them have the advantage of the black man's physical intelligence and athleticism with the the white man's superior intellect, reason and civility. Brought up in a decent family, they have every chance of achieving success in a modern, competitive world.
Personally I would breed with a black woman if it meant my son would be blessed with a large penis, something I never would have in this life (6inch dicklet here). Bonus if I get a beautiful daughter out of it as well.
Mullatos are noticeably less intelligent than whites on average with the added bonus of having a constant identity crisis. Also the largest dick on record belongs to a white man (uncut so he is actually white too) and the small athletic boost is obviously not as pronounced when the nigger in question is a mongrel. Just kill yourself instead of spawning more mongrels, your ancestors would be less ashamed of that.
They actually threw defective children off a cliff, they were only ever allowed to survive if they belonged to one of the kingly lines (Sparta had two kings).
I'm like half racist half normal.
also forgot to add that it generally affects my view on black people to being scum
how come you try so hard, gay lord
how does wanting to colonize fertile nubian soil make me a cuck?
Your post had some major cuck vibes. The thought of a white man wanting negro offspring also reeks of cuckoldry.
You aren't helping your case here.
Holla Forums is not a collective, motherfucker
I think black peoples' greatest contribution is having the world's best penises.
sounds gud
user, I…
except the biggest penises are factually attributed to white men.
I forced myself to read this thread just to see what kind of thought processes are out. Law of attraction, vibrational states, how manifestation works. Y'all should research those. Pity puts you in a very low state. Disgusts puts you in an even lower one.
even if that were true, having a big dick just means your female ancestors were whores
and it must be hard to cherry-pick pictures where they're wearing extension sleeves like they do in (((porn))).
So I am an organ doner, is there a way for me to exclude my organs going to nigs?
Wogs are pretty fun to hang out with because they're so relaxed and forward, they're really lazy which makes them good to waste time with but not much else. They're also dumb as shit though and they smell funny. also crime and all that
Well, not shit. They're incompatible.
let's just ignore that you are cherry picking data in your studies and leaving out huge chunks of it, or rather the entire socio-economic context that shows very much the same patterns for white in general…
you know which nigger actually stopped taking "airdrops full of food 'n' shit"? a socialist nigger who managed to achieve independency of foreign aid and food delivery by developing the nations economy and argiculture to be self sustaining.
you know what happened to that nigger? french intelligence paid one of his comrades to kill him so they could sell their subventioned food there again.
it's the same story with the sandniggers from hussein to gadaffi. but that's just pure coincidence.
Kek found the nigger
Get em boys
It's always about race with these fucks. I've realized this being around blacks like this. Literally all they think about is race. That's why they think whites are so goddamn evil. If you're in a room with them, they bring up race at least once every thirty minutes. Race, race, race, race. If they're ever insulted, it HAS to be because they're black! Not because of all the dumb shit they do.
Didn't know NOT posting a picture of yourself on the internet was dumb. I am way more behind the times than I had ever anticipated
Die in Boston
Is this social satire, or reality?