Hey Holla Forums, trying to quit tobacco because it's expensive and I wanna live past 60 as my family has a tendency to die around that time from cancer. So I decided to buy a vape.
I have the vape pen plus but can't get the fucker to work. Pretty sure I assembled it right but every time I push the button it flashes 4 times without producing any vapor. Is it broken or am I just being a mouth-breathing retard? Also got some flavor recommendations?
Just start chewing gum like a normal person.
I already bought it fam.
Try starting with something easier like the evod e cig, you dont have to assemble anything Just press a button to start the pen.
Then return it
No I already have it in my hand. It didn't come with any fucking instructions part from 'press the button 5 times to turn it on, and 5 times to turn it off.'
When it's on and I press the button to vape the coil doesn't heat up.
has the coil been screwed tightly, in does it flash when u press the button?
If I screw it any tighter i fear i might break it, and yes, it does flash when I push the button.
I smoked a pack a day for eight years, I was able to quit and have stayed off for two years.
I no longer have cravings, or the desire to smoke. I'll tell you what worked for me, though you probably don't want to hear it because it's the scariest thing to an addict like ourselves
Cold turkey.
It's the only way and the best way. Why? Because if you try to slowly wean yourself off of nicotine, you will actually make the pain of quitting it last longer because your brain isn't getting the nicotine it requires to feel normal and at the same time can't kick the habit because your giving yourself smaller Amounts of the drug.
I suppose you could play with gums and vapes and tell yourself it's " safer ", and maybe it is. But your still putting a poison in your body and spending money on it. Plus cold turkey quitting has the highest chance of success, both short and long term. The withdrawals last about a week, but after that your good
One week of suck for health and money the rest of your life. Consider it
Everything I just told you can be verified here : whyquit.com
I joined this support group and it helped me.
Good luck to you in this journey. It's worth it
Oh i'm planning a cold turkey, Won't be using any nicotine, just flavored shit, I just need help getting this fucking thing working.
most likely the coil is shorting out or requires more power then the batter can deliver. try a new coil. make sure it's properly charged. clean the terminals. if it's still not working then it's ;il;ey a faulty device that requires replacing.
worth doing. i was a 25-30/day smoker for over a decade and had 'quit' various times using gum, patches, drops, cold turkey, hypnosis, ect. a few years back i ordered an e-cig pen just out of curiosity and have not smoked a single cigarette since my fist puff on an e-cig. a pack of 25 costs ~$30 here vs $80 for litres (years worth) of e-liquid.
You're a retard OP - have you charged it?
This one vape is about $35 USD
Check out this vape. It's a little more difficult to use because it's a dripper (means you have to add e-juice often) but you should be fine with a bit of research. This website has a ton of other vapes so look around.
Okay, I had that smok tank. Use it for my company's THC infused juice.
Four blinks I believe means you need to charge it. Otherwise, check to make sure everything is screwed in to connect, but not cranked down super tight. Try again after taking everything apart and putting it together.
Alternatively, push the power button five time rapidly, then do it again for a restart
vaping is for faggots
Yeah i've pretty much gone all over this thing from changing coils to cleaning it. Only thing past that would be soddering cobber or some shit to it.
I'll ship it back tomorrow for a new one.
Thanks for the tip but I prefer Norwegian websites because our laws makes it so I can return anything I buy for any reason within 14 days.
Norway sounds like a pretty cool place
I have
Haven't touched cancer sticks since.
Let it cool down, put it on the charger for an hour. Don't use the vaporizer when no liquid is in it.
I know everyone has different reasons for quitting.
For me it was just the idea that my girlfriend is kissing an ashtray every time we swap spit. That and I got a new car that I didn't want to smell like smoke, or just be pleasant to people who drive with me.
As for living long, I don't really want to live all that long. I never smoked more than 2 or 3 cigs every weekday and 6 - 9 on the weekends. Its kind of like with alcohol with me. I'm 22 and was a daily drinker for 9 or so months. But I decided that I wanted to stop feeling like shit most of the time and get pull myself together.
I started working out, noticed I smelled much better most of the time. It has been better because I have more energy in general. However I find myself struggling to be happy and relax most of the time. I do not know if that is because I am dependent on alcohol to relax. Or if its my state of mind of something.
One thing I will keep doing and might do exclusively on the weekends is smoke a pipe, like when I started smoking.
are you sure thats not a dab pen?
i have one that is similar a dual quart coil is what its called
Try sucking dick
i dont smoke e cigs friend i smoke dabs which is marijuana concentrate and i smoke the weed honey oil…. but flower will always be my favorite ….i just have a pen thats like an e cig vape but its meant only for weed
Marijuana smoke contains carcinogens, so does combustion from leftover oil inside concentrates.
Smoks a good brand but pens suck tbh.
Get AL85 kit. Its a great mod the coild that came with its going hard at 12,000 puffs.
yeah thats fine
we all gonna die someday
You're giving yourself cancer, remember that chemo will make you feel like shit and doesn't always work as intended…