Here's a depressing thought:
How would you do in a fuck/marry/kill lineup with two other dudes?
Here's a depressing thought:
How would you do in a fuck/marry/kill lineup with two other dudes?
i wouldn't, OP. I can literally just ignore it.
I think I actually understand OP's faggot question.
This is the dumbest thing I've ever read kek.
If you were unknowingly placed in one, like all the FB pics of girls we rate, I take it you'd be the loser of the bunch. Thanks for the reply!
What a beautiful may may. Never seen it before.
That would be appropriate for my tombstone
What does this have to do with anything ever user?
opinion discarded, go home
if girls took random pictures of you and your m8s and judged you by eff/marry/kill standards you would loose. you know this and can't cope.
*ding* I believe your tendies are warm user, come and get 'em sweetie!
I hope you get sucked into a jet engine after being sawed in two
also get out cuckchan reee
My friends atm are an overweight 40-something and a 22 year old brown manlet. I'm a skinny 6 foot white guy with low enough body fat that what little muscle I have shows through.
I think I'm fine.
If you tried making gains, you wouldn't be the sad one out. I bet with the slightest of effort you could end up married or fucked.
I've been working on this lately.
It really works, muscles develop and you start to look good.
I have to start up again, myself. Let my body go and now I'm a pudgy pupper. I get the occasional smiles and clingers but I got no self-confidence to chase anything. Use to be a rail. Chicks digged the rail.
Fellow trumptrain passenger, help me make this into a meem
They wouldn't know whether to fuck or marry me, it would be a tough decision for them.
For me it's like whatever I do I get some sort of shoulder pain, back pain, groin pain, knee pain, etc….making gains is a lot harder than it sounds. I have accepted that I'll never have confidence, no matter how buff I may be
That's a fine predicament to have lad. Good on you.
Yay!!!! I got a D'arcy on me thread. I was hoping she'd show me some love.
Cheer's m8s!
Probley not better then average.
However if I could speak to the girls I'd do 9/10.
I'm a fat fuck with mad game and a okay face.
As long as I'm not getting married.
I'll die before he try to fuck me.