What's wrong with social justice? It sounds like a good idea to me…

What's wrong with social justice? It sounds like a good idea to me…

Well, the central questions are 1. what does social justice mean and 2. what are we going to do about things.

Social Justice is what left stands for.
Only people who are against social justice are bigots, who are afraid of equality.


Social justice without prior economic change is not justice, but merely a naive paint job on the ugly systematic reality that the economic required injustice to function.

Depends what "social justice" means.

Social justice itself, when accurately defined, is not a problem. In fact, it's the goal. The problem is the cooptation of the phrase/idea by liberals that think "social justice" under capitalism means creating a more diverse cast of capitalists, landlords and politicians that span the identitarian spectra (i.e. "we need more black capitalists, we need more female politicians, we need more transgendered landlords" and so on).

The social justice movement, if it wants to be taken seriously and thus be successful, needs to be separated from the perniciousness of identity politics and extreme identitarianism. Idpol is peak neoliberalism and the only thing it accomplishes is the coalesence around particular consumer cultures. That is by no means true social justice.

This, pretty much.

Liberals don't want to destroy the current system, they just want everyone to have an equal part in it. This does nothing to alleviate the actual problems of capitalism.

It doesn't address any of the root causes of inequality. It's purely reactionary. The way it attempts to address inequality as a societal issue is purely superficial, and yet they somehow manage to galvanize the right because "muh white male oppression"
Rather than being a unifying effort, it turns the working class against itself. It's literally just the liberal counterpart to racism/sexism/etc, a tool of the elite to distract us from our real problems.
I don't hate SJWs, they're just stupid.

What pisses me off a lot of them call themselves 'anarchists' and try to co-opt anarchist movements for their own ends.

See r/anarchism

Social justice was not coopted by liberals. It was coined by liberals. It started as a Jesuit ideal and was reinvigorated in the Nineteen Sixties by protestant authors. It is, and always has been, feelz>reelz counterrevolutionary theory.


Because it's bullshit.

Because it's a movement of Authoritarians that want "justice" for themselves and to take justice away from everyone else.

I'm for social justice up until the point where it creates a new muh privileged class of people and the defenders of it become totalitarian monsters.

I'm pansexual/genderqueer, but if I wasn't legally allowed to say fag because it was deemed offensive, I would lose a part of my identity, as I love being a faggot in almost every sense of the word.

Also, I would miss the fuck out of gay jokes.

Pansexual is a made up special snowflake "sexuality" invented to divide people amongst "I fuck trans" and "I don't fuck trans".

Bisexual is Bisexual even if you fuck trans people.

This. So much this. Then they act surprised and upset when you declare vendetta upon them. Fucking dishonest scumbags are worse than nazis; at least fash are generally honest with you regarding what they're about.



Time for another thread where Holla Forumsacks troll eachother with realising who the other side is.


Idealists plz go

I doubt they want an equal part in it. From my experience, liberals want to be self righteous hypocrites with their pet issues, like legalizing weed, or tranny bathrooms, or raising the minimum wage by $1, within 5 years, because if you raise it by 5 within a year, "We will lose competitiveness,blah blah". Liberals are useless, and they don't really reduce poverty. Sure, they will support welfare, unless they are centre right like Clinton and shame people for needing welfare.
Ultimately, liberals try to have it both ways, they want capitalism with it's competition and choice, and to be nicer, reduce poverty, raise wages, yet they don't want to understand that capitalism cannot be "fixed" by regulations or feel good speeches.

is it a good concept? without a doubt.
But the people who claim to be in it's favour are maniacs.

its fine

but its not focused around white people so naturally its going to be opposed by the first world

>Why is