Alt-right vs Lolbertarianism

Why does it seem like the Alt-right movement seem successful than libertarianism? Even the alt-right a young movement compared to libertarianism? Hell most libertarians are supporting Hillary Clinton.

Because we exude strength and vitality while addressing the core problems eating away at civilization.

It's not. The Alt-Right is just lolbergtardians LARPing as fascists. They're the same retards who voted for Gary Johnson in 2012, except now they hate niggers.

the alt-right are ex-libertarians, who went into white nationalism after ron paul failed.

The alt right is more open to faggots.

Holla Forums isn't alt right

Ron Paul was a nice old man and honest but his movement was hijacked by a bunch of tards.

Fuckoff shill

Pick one.

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

It happened after Paul failed, but it wasn't strictly because of Paul. It was largely libertarians looking around, discovering their group is 90% white and not understanding why.

Enter chimpouts, the rise of SJWs, race realism, IQ statistics, welfare usage by race statistics - realizing the racial importance of borders. An IQ hierarchy begins to unfold and they realize that socialism is the redistribution of wealth from smart people to stupid people.

Many of them, I'm sure, also lost their jobs as STEM evaporated. They're getting totally asshammered the same way blue collar workers were and they're on the cusp of getting it.

They're just lolbergs who want to be able to say nigger

both need to GTFO

What's wrong with that? Odds are most of them are those "national libertarian" types who would be just fine with securing the border and deporting the spics so long as White folks have muh freedoms. Why do you hate muh freedoms user?

politics is about power

there are many different ways to project power within politics (with some controlled heavily by jewish social networks)

these include regular politics, the judicial system, economics and finance, ideology, culture, military, among others

libertarianism is a sperg system of thought that discounts many of these and focuses on one or two power centers (usually economics and certain laws, while ignoring the power of culture and ideology). if they do focus on the other power centers, it's usually atrocious and still economically influenced, see the open borders movement within libertarianism that treats everyone as widgets that only have good or neutral qualities (no negative ones at all)

the contemporary far right – which isn't just Holla Forums, also includes nrx and others – tends to be more holistic (takes into account all these power centers and the ways they go wrong), and is aware of meta-political issues (like the aforementioned jewish question)

not all libs are like this, there some on Holla Forums who are down with all of the above, but mainstream libertarians are very much like the above

that's why i think they are more successful


bc there's no such thing as that, and lolbergtardianism is kike propaganda. go fuck yourself


Explain to me what's wrong with the principle of "deport the spics but let me have freedoms".

The alt-right predates the internet and has it's roots in the Neauveu Droite or New Right of cold war european political philosphy.

Everything Holla Forums rests on was built and mantainenanced by the alt-right, Just because newfags are retarded that doesn't mean you throw the baby out with the bath water.


Libertarianism is a self-defeating ideology, because you can't expect to open your ass up to the entire third world's immigration, and still expect to be a capitalist republic.

Beaners will always vote leftist. America would become like Brazil or Venezuela, a corrupt, socialist, beanocracy.


freedoms have nothing to do with libertarianism
you can have "freedoms" under nearly any system

FYI neither Friedman nor Rand was a libertarian.

And Tom Woods is based though he hides his power level. Out-of-context, undated soundbites is not an argument.

"Freedoms" are literally all "libertarians" care about; it has nothing to do with a couple early 20th century kikes who wanted to sell children. It's just advocating the minimum amount of government necessary to maintain a successful country. Hans Herman-Hoppe has advocated monarchy and fascism as ways of achieving libertarianism.

I don't know what that means but it sounds gay!!


Kek only confirmed that french sounds gay, you must look with your eyes open, not closed.

You're a fucking idiot, bud.

Didn't make the image, but

This, I'd consider myself something of a libertarian (albeit with strong nationalist tendencies), but the """""Libertarian""""" Party is a complete fucking joke

You mean to tell me you don't think this guy is a serious candidate?

Because it takes libertarian ideas without being autistic goldbugs, and it takes Nationalist ideas without being autistic 1488 LARPers. Its relatively palpable to more normal people who aren't fully brainwashed by the leftist propaganda machine.

He's our president, been wearing that a skinsuit since he took the real obama out in 2011

fuck off

I'm team #FeelTheJohnson now.

still better than Gary Johnson



The West is in dire straights. Nationalists shouldn't divide and conquer themselves. We can have a right wing showdown after we crush the left.

Probably cuz alt right is more more accessible to people, mostly those repubs who want more republican policies.

Libertarianism is in the shittter as of late because it pushed utility over morality. People don't care if cutting taxes will save them 10% on this or that, or that free market means cheaper stuff. They care about right and wrong and the left knows this more than anyone else.

Plus libertarians/voluntarists have to address the family, which makes them and absolutely everyone uncomfortable but that's the only way they'll get anywhere.

No doubt. Free ponies for everyone

(((1488 LARPers)))

I dunno man, Frank Collin seems pretty Alt-Right to me.

Give him a change of clothes and he'd fit right in at any AmRen or NPI conference.

You fail to grasp that alt-right is a big tent term. Some people that identify as alt-right are supreme faggots. There are plenty of White Nationalist GTKRWN types on the alt-right, though. You're buying into d&c bullshit, lad.

The (((echo))) meme definitely came out of TRS. I only commented on it because it's an implicit alt-right meme. I'm also not aware of them "stealing" memes, but I don't see how it's even relevant. Whoever made the meme is pretty irrelevant if it gets popular imo.

Alt right are often former libertarians who eventually asked themselves this:
No single political ideology has totally dominated the world and because of this borders are required.
Libertarian philosophy requires all people to be reasonable and have the same basic delayed gratification ability to have open borders.
but open borders are not realistic because of race differences in mindset and reasoning.

Borders are needed , just like doors and locks are.

and for a border who will patrol it? soldiers, paid by who? a government.

A private sector border guard could be bribed easily and the cheapest guard would be wanted if a group hired guards.
If the guard failed enough the whole libertarian society that was compromised could be completely destroyed.

Catastrophe design right there.

A government is needed, the struggle is to keep it small and an honest servant of the people.

It's "Nouvelle Droite"

t. French


I hate you OP

most left-libertarians*

Libertarians are a bunch of egotists, who want people to fuck out of their lives, so they can do what we want.

Not the kind of people who would put themselves in dangers way, so help other people or their society.

Libertarianism has no future, perhaps some of the economic aspects, but nothing else.

the alt-right has more blacks than black lives matter at this point.

When will this lolbergarian meme die?

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Cause most libertarians are cucks who don't get racial realism.



Great explanation. Thanks.

Claiming that guy represents libertarianism is like claiming this guy represents the alt right.

Sounds about right. Alt-right are a bunch of faggots.

He's got those dub dubs. What more does he need?

Well for one there's the modern sensationalism of the two-party system in the US, that's a giant reason. Also the fact that 90% of 'liberalism' has been co-opted by leftism.
Also because Fascists like to go for MAXIMUM IMPLICATION and >imply that 99.9% of libertarians wouldn't adjust their morals depending on the subject at hand.
Just look at this fucking thread. The amount of (1)s saying 'lolbertarianism opens their asshole for poz loads of immigrants' is fucking staggering, even though libertarians actually believe in defending themselves from genuine threats like modern immigration from the third world, immigration from a country with a different set of values as theirs included.
Overall, the only way I would ever unironically support Fascism is if the penalty for corruption was death by guillotine/firing squad/hanging, and the people got to do whatever they wanted as long as they weren't hurting people. But Fascists unironically believe that nothing should ever, ever be done about people in positions of Government power fucking over anyone that's not. Hence the term, 'bootlicker.'
Also 'left-libertarians' aren't libertarians, they're socialists.

pls post more blondes thread is shit with no actual discussion anywhere